Skincare History Questionnaire and Wavier
Please answer the fol owing questions so that your Skincare Specialist may have a better understanding of your general
health and lifestyle, thereby enabling your Skincare Specialist to accurately analyze and assess your skin care needs.
Name: ___________________________________________________________Date: _________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________________State: ________________ Zip: _________________
Home Phone: __________________________________ Business Phone: _________________________________
Cell Phone: ________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________
E-mail address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
What type of work do you do? ___________________________________________________________________
Have you seen a Dermatologist in the past year? Yes________No________
If yes, list Dermatologist’s name, contact info and reason for visit____________________________________
Are you presently under a Physician’s care? Yes________No________
If yes, list Physician’s name and reason for visit _____________________________________________________
Are you currently taking any medications? Yes________No________ If yes, please list __________________
What is your genetic background? ________________________________________________________________
How is your general health? ______ Excellent ______ Good ______ Fair
Please rate your stress level from 1-5 (5 being the highest): __________
Please circle the following conditions you have or had experienced:
Do you take nutritional supplements? Yes________ No________
Do you have a tendency to scar? Yes________ No________
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to any of the following:
Aspirin or Salicylates Yes________ No________
Ingredients in skincare products Yes________ No________
Fish, marine or iodine allergies Yes________ No________
If checked yes to any of the above, please explain____________________________________________________________
Have you ever had Herpes Simplex? Yes________ No_______
If yes, have you ever been treated with Denavir® (Penciclovir), Zovirax® (Acyclivor) or Abreva?
Are you being treated for Hepatitis? Yes________ No________
Are you on hormone replacement therapy? Yes________ No________
Are you presently taking birth control pills? Yes________ No________
Are you pregnant or nursing? Yes________ No________
Are you currently having skin treatments? Yes________ No________
If yes, what type of treatment(s)___________________________________________________________________
Please check if you are presently using or have used in the past any of the following:
Do you have or have you had any of the following in the last 14 days?
________ Hair Treatments (perm, color, etc.)
Other ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Care:
What skincare products are you currently using at home?
Cleanser _________________________________
Vitamin C ______________________________________
Toner ____________________________________ Exfoliants/Scrubs ________________________________
Moisturizer ________________________________ Specialty Products ______________________________
SPF _______________________________________ Mask ___________________________________________
Please check if you are presently experiencing or have experienced any of the following: Prescription products:
________ Tretinoin (Retin A, Retin-A Micro®, Renova, Avita)
________ Azelaic Acid (Azelex®, Finacea™)
Any other topical antibiotics_______________________________________________________________________
Sun Protection:
Do you use a sunscreen? Yes________ No________
Do you sunbathe or participate in outdoor activities? Yes________ No________
Do you tan in a tanning booth? Yes________ No________
Have you tanned in a tanning booth in the last 14 days? Yes________ No_________
Have you had any direct sun exposure in the last 10 days? Yes________ No_______
When exposed to the sun do you:
Do you feel your skin is sensitive? Yes________ No________
What skin conditions do you want to improve?
________ Hyperpigmentation (freckles, age spots)
Other ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Is there any other necessary information your skincare specialists should know before beginning your treatment?
If yes, please explain _____________________________________________________________________________
I have acknowledged that all the information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
I understand that some skin conditions may require more than one treatment and home care products to achieve
the result desired. Results cannot be guaranteed due to individual skin type(s) and condition(s).
I understand I need to sign this waiver prior to every treatment provided, with ANY changes pertaining to the
Client Signature: __________________________________________Date:_______________________________
Client Signature: __________________________________________Date: _______________________________
Client Signature: __________________________________________Date: _______________________________
Client Signature: __________________________________________Date: _______________________________
Client Signature: __________________________________________Date: _______________________________
Client Signature: __________________________________________Date: _______________________________
Client Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________
Client Signature: __________________________________________Date: _______________________________
Please chek if permission is granted to use pictures for marketing and training purposes; your name wil remain anonymous.
nature publishing group Grapefruit Juice Greatly Reduces the plasma Concentrations of the OAtp2B1 and CYp3A4 substrate Aliskiren T Tapaninen1, PJ Neuvonen1 and M Niemi1 In a randomized crossover study, 11 healthy volunteers administered fexofenadine, a substrate of OATP1A2 and pos- ingested 200 ml of grapefruit juice or water three times a day sibly of OATP2B1.7,21,23,24 Because alisk - Italian Journal of Occupational and Environmental HygieneProfessional exposure to antineoplastic drugs in oncology wards:environmental pollution levels found in several oncology wards andrisks reduction strategiesEsposizione professionale a chemioterapici antiblastici in ambito sanitario: con-siderazioni sui livelli di contaminazione degli ambienti di lavoro e strategie diminimizz