From HEALTH TOPICS on the UHS Web site Yeast Infections
microscope. If you have recurring infections, some of the discharge may be cultured to see if yeast or another type of
Candida albicans, and other forms of yeast, grow in the vagina,
rectum, and mouth. In a healthy vagina, the presence of some
yeast may not be a problem. When a woman's system is out of
balance, yeast-like organisms can grow profusely and cause a
Once a yeast infection is confirmed, you will be prescribed an
thick, white discharge. A yeast infection is not necessarily an
an antifungal pill such as Diflucan, or an over-the-counter
sexually transmitted infection (STI); however, treating a
cream or suppository such as GyneLotrimin or Monistat. These
woman and her sexual partner may help prevent recurrent yeast
medications vary from a single-dose treatment to a weeklong
If you think you have a yeast infection because of past
Yeast infections are the second most common type of vaginal
experiences with yeast infections and there has been no change
infection women experience (bacterial vaginosis is the most
in your sexual history (no new partner, no unprotected genital
common). Over 70% of women develop at least one yeast
contact), you may want to try one of the over-the-counter yeast
infection during their life and over 40% of women have had
treatments first. If your symptoms do not go away, you should
then see your medical provider for an exam. Recent studies
found that many women misdiagnose their own yeast infections
and use one of the over-the-counter treatments when no yeast
Factors that may disturb the vagina's balance include:
infection is present. Over time, a woman's body may become
drug-resistant to yeast infection medication, with the real
Hot weather or non-ventilating clothing, which
increase moisture and warmth, fostering fungal growth
Sexual partners who have no symptoms of a yeast infection
Repeated intercourse over a short period of time
usually do not need treatment. A partner (male or female) with
symptoms should see a provider for evaluation and concurrent
Suppressed immune system (including HIV)
treatment. While the treatment is underway, a latex barrier
High carbohydrate intake, especially refined sugars
during sex may prevent passing the infection to a partner;
however, if you are using yeast creams or suppositories, the
Irritants such as soaps, powders, new detergents
ingredients may damage the latex of condoms, diaphragms, and
dental dams. Using a latex barrier is not recommended with
these treatments because the latex may break. To minimize the
risk of passing the infection to a partner and to speed healing, it
is generally recommended that you abstain from sexual activity
Thick, white, possibly curd-like vaginal discharge
until all of your symptoms have resolved.
Redness, swelling, and/or cracking of the vulvar skin
If you go swimming, get out of your swimsuit as soon as
Yeast infections can cause severe discomfort but rarely cause
serious health problems. Left untreated, vaginal yeast infections
Do not wear pads or panty-liners beyond the length of
often clear up on their own, usually when menstruation begins.
Recurring yeast infections may be difficult to prevent or cure.
Do not use deodorant tampons and avoid feminine
There are significant differences between occasional, easily
deodorant sprays and douches. They irritate the vulva
treatable yeast infections and recurring infections that seriously
affect a woman's life. Women who have recurring yeast
Wipe from front to back after urination and bowel
infections should be tested for underlying causes.
Men can contract a yeast infection if they have unprotected
If you need to take antibiotics, ask for an anti-yeast
sexual activity with a partner who has a yeast infection. If both
prescription or buy over-the-counter creams or
partners are not treated, they can keep re-infecting each other.
suppositories. Antibiotics can also cause a yeast
Male sexual partners can develop genital irritation and genital
infection, since they kill or decrease normal flora.
itching, especially if they are uncircumcised.
Avoid tight-fitting clothing and wear cotton, rather than
Yeast infections should be diagnosed and treated by a medical
professional. There are over-the-counter medications available
To schedule an appointment at UHS, call 275-2662. All visits
for women who have had professional guidance about how to
Your health care provider can determine if you have a yeast
infection or a more serious infection or condition such as
chlamydia or gonorrhea. To diagnose a yeast infection, your
health care provider will perform a vaginal exam. Samples of
vaginal discharge are obtained for examination under a
University Health Service, University of Rochester – Call 275-2662 to schedule an appointment.
MSDS: LITHIUM METATUNGSTATE (LMT) HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION: CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Theoretical VOC Content (Percent of Weight): 0Appearance and Odor: High specific gravity supersaturated solution with no odor and a pale yellow color. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA: Flammable limits in air (%): Upper = n/a Lower = n/aNFPA codes: Health = 1; Flammability = 0; Reac
Opinion Commentary 4 A newspaper with issues LETTERS TO THE EDITOR PUBLISHER Send comments to David Pisarra Send comments to No endorsement here EDITOR IN CHIEF Recently representatives from the Santa Monica He’s favoring the MANAGING EDITOR Red Cross chapter had the opportunity to meet withthe proponents of Proposition T, known a