“Pass the Aspirin”: Does SOX mandate education? p. 24
Community Banking
“What’s in a Name?”: Town changed name, one bank
he traditionalist banker Dan Blan-ton admires good wood. GEORGIA BANK AND TRUST OF AUGUSTA
Georgia Bank and Trust of Augusta hasbeen known to drive miles to obtain
A tale of two banks
boards from an old barn to incorporateinto his own home. Today he’s examin-
The “Oldest name in Augusta banking” wants to
ing photos of beautiful, vintage tellercounters made of meticulously fitted
have one foot moving into the future while theother stays firmly planted in traditional service
corporate these antique fixtures into thebank’s new branch, which is being builtinto a rehabilitation of the old CottonExchange building in downtown Augus-ta. The turreted brick building harksback to a banking era when many of thebank’s younger customers hadn’t beenborn yet. This represents the 15-year-oldbank’s first foray into downtown, andBlanton, a self-confessed history nut,clearly enjoys being able to work a littlenostalgia into a new location.
fashioned buildings. He likes good old-fashioned banking values, too. He and hisveteran staff approach their jobs as an ef-fort in customer service.
“We’re taking care of the needs of our
friends,” he says. Indeed, the importanceof the local network is critical to a banklike Blanton’s. When the bank buys of-fice supplies, it’s from a local companythat is a bank customer. You won’t findBlanton buying at Office Depot or someother big box store.
town to do business with a company thatbought from him,” says Blanton, and he’salways found this a good policy as abanker.
What about the younger crowd? But the “New Age” banker Dan Blanton frets over how to appeal to the younger generation. He looks out on the public floor of his $680 million-assets bank’s headquarters branch in suburban Augus- ta, and, while everything appears fresh and well kept, he worries that its tradi- tional look won’t appeal to the younger prospect that wants a high-tech, conve- nience-oriented approach to banking. He Georgia Bank and Trust of Augusta’s new branch in the city’s historical Cotton Exchange building has By Steve Cocheo, executive editor given the growing community bank its first foothold in the downtown business district.
Community Banking
moved into the area, and they are used to
opening in the Atlanta area, which is only
seeing favorite bankers from other insti-
tutions migrate over GB&T. (Five senior
members of the bank’s staff are actually
and the offices of Futurus, a sort of “bank
in the round” that opened in 2001 in Al-
pharetta, Ga. These high-tech, highly de-
mulling what he needs to stay current.
One thing is certain: “I’m not going to
tion. But Blanton is smart enough to real-
build an office with stainless-steel seats
ize that nothing is static, and that com-
the Pacific Northwest had us stumped, ini-
over the next few years. Being an institu-
already fired one design firm that didn’t
tion that stresses service is great, but it
seem to “get it,” and hired another one to
tains a suggested curriculum that I can use
headquarter’s day-to-day banking will be
It’s a continual balancing act. Stick too
much to the traditional and you’ll gradu-
Sarbanes-Oxley’s director education re-
ally lose the new faces and the future.
cause we had more than a passing familiar-
ity with the act and knew of no such edu-
cation requirement for boards in general.
be careful not to throw out the baby with
ation as a necessity. He worries that this
the bathwater,” says Blanton. “I don’t
mentary sources, we put the question to a
off. My older crowd wants to sit and chat
doesn’t have. In part to find the ideal way
and also consulted with the three banking
ed a young officer to head up retail bank-
learned, which will be of use not only to
lynched if he ever decided to trash them.
The bank runs them all day, every day, in
adopted a consultant’s program for “to-
all of its branches. They help pull in cus-
tally free checking,” with overdraft ser-
Continual balancing act David Hardesty quirement in Sarbanes-Oxley
“The Oldest Name in Augusta Banking.”
for training and education for the board in
This claim, boast, brag—call it what you
bank’s 2003 summary annual report.
“I would really feel that we had failed
quirement for directors of companies listed
How—and why—does a bank that’s only
Hardesty, in a reference to Section 407.
“SOX requires that such a company disclose
Customer service and technology
Some services can be offered in such a way
committee is an ‘audit committee financial
expert.’ If there is no such person serving
veteran, by seniority, in the market.
“Customers look to us as the stable
examples that the bank has already gotten
Implicit in this requirement is a range of
involved with are electronic bill payment
They’ve grown used to seeing turnover at
ASPIRIN continued on page 24
Community Banking A different approach to CRM ASPIRIN continued from page 22
Part of the bank’s effort to marry the best
Stuckey Hardesty & Bott, Larkspur, Calif.,
and author of Corporate Governance and Ac-
petitors with their people skills. In his re-
counting Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of2002 and Practical Guide to Corporate Gov-ernance and Accounting: Implementing the
found that its branch staff had those abil-
Requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
ities down pat. So it’s clear that commu-
tion from Jack Henry & Associates.
nity banks will have to bring more to the
tively, by the RIA Research Products divi-
able to look at their customers on a rela-
tionship basis, rather than account by ac-
went on to say that “the listing rules of
side, too. Indeed, Blanton says it wasn’t
group vice-president, bank operations.
that long ago that responsive service for
The system has been installed for about a
year and the bank is still getting its oper-
rules of SOX, related SEC regulations, and
ting a note on the spot for an unexpected
credit need. It wasn’t unusual for pads of
the New York Stock Exchange listing rulesrequire each member of the audit commit-tee to be ‘financially literate’.”
More generally, Hardesty observed, “the
“I don’t ever want to be a beta site
board of directors is responsible for exer-cising oversight over financial reporting. If
again. While you work out the bugs for
independent auditors determine that direc-
some banking vendor, your poor
tors are not exercising effective oversight,the auditors can conclude that there is a
customers are frustrated”
‘material weakness’ in the company’s inter-
— Dan Blanton, president & CEO,
nal control. A material weakness in inter-
nal control will be made known to regula-tors and shareholders when the companyissues its internal control report. To prop-
erly perform its oversight role, a corporate
pen, executive vice-president and COO.
board must have at least several financially
“Now,” says Blanton, “the loan officer
is tied to a computer cable,” and regula-
to help the fast-growing bank’s staff (250
Going somewhat beyond the banker’s origi-
nal question, we asked the experts as well
phone/personal digital assistant that is so
believes, is developing the ability to as-
as the federal banking agencies about di-
sess customers’ needs. And an important
rector education in general—did their reg-
part of that, he says, is avoiding de-hu-
ulations or guidelines deal at all with what
lieves some of its larger competitors have.
noted that they had no specific, explicit
Bank & Trust keeps up. However, he’s
expansions of its relationship with a giv-
doesn’t care for the role. Ten years ago,
en customer as a sale—believing it is bet-
typical regulatory “gotcha!”—not giving
ter to see such transactions as expanding
The human factor
People still make up a great percentage of
that there is no education or training re-
“I don’t ever want to be a beta site
the bank’s market advantage muscle.
quirement in national bank rules, did point
again,” swears Blanton. “While you work
bank directors to take an oath of office. ASPIRIN continued on page 27
Community Banking
Town names in eastern Pennsylvania re- memorialized there, in exchange for re-
GEORGIA BANK continued from page 24
flect a diverse mix of origins. One of the
able to grow this bank has been by hiring
most unusual is Jim Thorpe. Behind it is a
at regional banks and missed having their
group vice-president and senior loan offi-
economic revitalization met an opportunis-
both in present form go back to 1902, each
has had a series of predecessors going back
into the 1800s. One bank opted to go along
ments Jay B. Forrester, senior vice-presi-
drug testing, the sad story of early 20th
dent for retail banking, has been working
century athlete Jim Thorpe has to be seen
while the other decided to stick with the
tomer’s request and delivery of the ser-
and CEO at The Jim Thorpe Bank (most pre-
operating as teams. An extensive training
the exact reasoning for the $105 million-
assets bank’s decision to go along with the
rethinking the bank’s approach to retail
ment toward the “universal banker” con-
cept, which dovetails well with the “bank
of the future” that Blanton has been con-
sidering. At one of the bank’s branches,
The two banks of
customer service representatives run a till
Jim Thorpe, Pa.
tomers don’t have to waste time sitting
medals. From then on, nothing really went
died in Philadelphia in a charity ward, his
Where to from here?
Blanton hopes to top $1 billion in assets
assets, where Patrick H. Reilly, president
within the next five years, and expects to
towns on opposite sides of the Lehigh Riv-
and CEO, says the board of the 1950s likely
broaden the bank’s reach beyond its two-
wish to remember the town’s roots.
well. He likes to joke that every time the
Chunk. (The name is an English approxima-
“It’s worked out well for us because the
bank grows, he’s finding himself working
town is still referred to as ‘Old Mauch
for the largest bank he’s ever worked for.
tschunk,” variously translated “Bear Moun-
Chunk’,” says Reilly. A large section of the
tain,” or “Sleeping Bear Mountain.”) The
original town that was still relatively intact
area had enjoyed tremendous prosperity in
was designated the “Old Mauch Chunk His-
the latter 1800s and early 1900s stemming
toric District” in the mid-1970s. Since
to be America’s richest community.
says Blanton. “You have to keep growing.
If you stop, bad things start to happen.”
much of the area’s prosperity, and by the
sary events planned. While the changeover
never generated a tidal wave of activity, it
had tried many things to help get the re-
tourist center for its mining history, prox-
strike a balance he feels comfortable with
imity to famous rail and canal lines, and
ASPIRIN continued from page 24
state regulators. The Fed offers similar pro-
That oath includes the following section:
• An understanding of internal controls
banks. OCC offers several director publica-
and procedures for financial reporting; and
willingly permit to be violated, any applic-
able statute or regulation. I shall ensure
ABA has offered a director’s track at its
that I learn of changes in statutes, regula-
tions, and policies of the Office of Comp-
Bankers for nearly a decade, and has an on-
troller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit
line course for directors dealing with bank
financial statements. Director-oriented au-
• Education and experience as (or active
dioconferences are under development.
supervision of) a principal financial officer,
“NA,” or “National Association”] is subject,
There is also the monthly ABA Bank Direc-
principal accounting officer, controller,
which affect my duties, responsibilities, or
tors Briefing, a newsletter published in con-
public accountant or auditor, or experience
obligations as a director and affiliated per-
junction with ABA Banking Journal. For fur-
in one or more positions that involve the
ther information about director education
• Experience overseeing or assessing the
newsletter specifically, call 212-620-7219.
“To fulfill this oath, directors need to
countants with respect to the preparation,
have a familiarity with the bank’s systems
courses and curriculums concerning directors
auditing or evaluation of financial state-
and controls, the nature and scope of its
is the American Association of Bank Direc-
operations, and its risk profile. To main-
tors. The Bethesda, Md., organization main-
tain this familiarity and operate the bank
tains listings on its website of various levels
and sources of director education and pro-
tion of the OCC is that all national bank di-
vides an online description of the director
certification program offered by an affiliate
director education, and that is the federal
organization. Go to www.aabd.org for more.
sentencing guidelines. Specifically, there
of these programs will vary and examiners
are the “organizational guidelines,” those
will conclude on the adequacy of the pro-
have a personal recommendation for direc-
that apply to companies and other organi-
grams based on the appropriateness to the
tor education, he felt it would be instruc-
zations, rather than directly to individuals.
operations and risk profile of the bank.”
tive for bankers considering a formalized
As one of the experts concurred, the lat-
approach to director education to look at
ment, these are designed to exercise some
ter point stands in the way of development
the SEC’s “audit committee financial ex-
deterrent effect by making it attractive for
and publication of a widely accepted cur-
pert” requirements. He listed them as fol-
riculum for directors that will stand the
front to detect and prevent criminal con-
bank in good stead if there is regulatory
trouble. There is obviously a great deal left
committee financial expert is a person who
to the examiner’s interpretation. CEOs hop-
penalties imposed. Fines can be reduced by
ing for a “bright line” to follow in this re-
maintain such efforts. In 2004, the commis-
All three regulators noted that, in differ-
• The ability to assess the application of
GAAP to the accounting for estimates, ac-
lines established revised standards for quali-
tion available to bank directors. FDIC, for
fying compliance and ethics programs in the
example, maintains the “Director’s Corner”
wake of Sarbanes-Oxley (Section 8B2.1).
on its website, at www.fdic.gov/regula-tions/resources/directorscorner/index.html,
vising these activities) financial state-
federal court decisions having nothing to
and has sponsored “director college” work-
do with corporate affairs have questioned
shops with state bankers associations and
plexity of accounting issues that are com-
the constitutionality of federal guidelines. GEORGIA BANK continued from page 26
referred business to the bank, or vice ver-
a solution. But that’s disappearing. Clouds of the future
“I’m a little bit saddened by this,” he
says. “In the past we would work togeth-
dark spots. One player that worries Blan-
er to help customers. Now we all com-pete to help them.” BJ
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