Biocatalysis - a new pathway to polymeric materials
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hence, contributes to the development of
Interview Dr. A. Heise, DSM Reseach BV Eddy Brinkman, Edvertice Presentaties Chemo-enzymatic polymerisation at DPI Biocatalysis - a new pathway to
"At DPI, in a cooperation between DSM
polymeric materials?
processes, preferably in a one-pot reaction. [project 381] Enzymes are catalysts, created
We want to make use of the "best of both
by nature itself. Biological processes that
worlds": integrate the enzymatic technology
take place in living organisms are chemical
into existing polymer chemistry. Parts of the
reactions, and many of them are regulated
traditional polymer chemistry will be replaced by
by enzymes. Enzymes do a successful
enzymatic technology. The aim is to obtain new
job - millions of years of evolution is proof
material designs using this "chemo-enzymatic
enough. Many enzymes can be used to
polymerisation" approach. In the recent past,
catalyse not only their natural substrates
we succeeded in combining 'enzymatic' ring
but a broad range of other, unnatural
opening polymerisation and 'chemical' nitroxide
compounds. Combined with their ability
mediated living free radical polymerisation.
to synthesise macromolecules, this makes enzymes potentially ideal catalysts also in
This true one-pot reaction is a method to
polymer chemistry. During the Annual DPI
synthesise block copolymers in a metal-free
Meeting 2003 of November 27, Dr. Andreas
fashion. After this 'proof of principle', we are
Heise (DSM Research and part time TU/e)
extending our chemo-enzymatic polymerisation
gave a presentation on the use of enzymes
approach to obtain new functional polymers
in polymer synthesis. His view on biocatalysis, enzymes and polymer
develop the technology towards a kinetic
chemistry is given here. Candida Antarctica Lipase B (CALB) enzyme, immobilised inspherical particles
Cephalexin. The traditional (bio)chemical
synthesis comprises multiple steps, whereas
The use of biocatalytic processes in a non-
the new fully biocatalytic process is a combi-
natural environment has a long tradition in
nation of only two steps. In the biocatalytic
food industry. Prominent examples are the
process no protection and deprotection steps
fermentation of wine or brewing of beer where
of reactive side groups are needed. Heise:
the enzymes inside micro organisms are the
"This example of the biocatalytic antibiotic
active components. Biocatalysis is also applied
synthesis can teach us what is possible in the
on industrial scale in chemistry, again using
future with polymers, since the application of
entire living cells, which requires separating
biocatalysis in fine chemicals is ahead of the
Does the future for producing polymers in a
the product from reaction batches. This brings
polymer field. Consequently, industrial bio-
biocatalytical way look bright? "Indeed", says
up the question: why not use only the active
catalysis found its way into the polymer world
Heise. "McKinsey estimates that biotechnology
component of the cell: the enzyme, as stand-
can be applied in the production of 10 to 20%
alone catalyst? According to Heise, enzymes
(11 to 22 billion euros) of all chemicals sold by
have a lot of advantages, and these can be
2010. For the fine chemical segment this may
utilised to synthesise materials that are not
Precision polymer synthesis
be up to 60%. The application in the large
easily available by conventional techniques.
"The use of enzymes as catalyst provides a
totally new way of polymer synthesis; most of
started and first products are commercialised. Enzymes as catalyst
these polymers are otherwise very difficult to
For the future development of biotechnology in
The potential of enzymes and their commercial
synthesise by conventional chemical catalysts.
availability has lead to an exponential increase in
Enzyme-catalysed polymer synthesis is there-
importance: biocatalysis in the cost reduction of
interest in the area of in-vitro enzyme-catalysed
fore recognized as a new field of precision
existing production processes, and biocatalysis
organic reactions. The biocatalytic concept
for the synthesis of new functional polymers.
was successfully adopted in recent years in
enzymatic polymerisations the products can
And this defines exactly the two areas of
synthetic organic chemistry for the synthesis of
be obtained under mild process conditions
DPI's research associated with biocatalysis:
chiral compounds for pharmaceutical products.
without using toxic reagents, this technology is
Illustrative is the synthesis of the antibiotic
regarded as environmentally friendly and,
Concerns about injectable naltrexone for opioid dependence In The Lancet , Evgeny Krupitsky and colleagues1 report on Adverse Event Reporting System includes 51 reports the use of injectable naltrexone for treatment of opioid of deaths associated with depot naltrexone between dependence. Their report comes some months after the 2006 and 2010.5 Serious unlabelled adverse events US Food and
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 53 (2002) 873 – 876Central pathways to morbidity and mortalityJanice K. Kiecolt-Glasera,*, Ronald GlaserbaDepartment of Psychiatry, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, 1670 Upham Drive, Columbus, OH 43210, USAbDepartment of Molecular Virology, Immunology, and Medical Genetics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH 43210,