Microsoft word - 03 - peer & pedagogical review policy - _new december 2010_.docx

Brandon University Policy on
Independent Peer Review and Pedagogical Peer Review
of the Scientific Merit of Animal Based Research, Testing, and Teaching

Brandon University affirms that one of the most basic tenets of animal use for research and teaching
is that animal use be undertaken only after careful examination of its potential value. The Brandon
University Animal Care Committee (BUACC) follows the following process in determining the
merit of animal use protocols. This policy is in accordance with the Canadian Council of Animal
Care (CCAC) policy, which stresses the importance of independent peer review.
Process for Assessing the Scientific Merit of Research Protocols:

1. When an Animal Use Protocol is associated with funding applications to national granting
agencies with peer review processes (such as NSERC, CIHR), BUACC will accept the approval of the project by the funding agency as evidence of its scientific merit. When BUACC approval is required by such a funding agency prior to their review of the proposed project, BUACC approval will be provisional, pending notification that the project has been funded. 2. When a proposal is associated with projects with little or no peer review (egs. industry contacts, internally funded projects, self-funded projects, etc.) BUACC requires reviews of the proposal by two knowledgeable scientists. The procedure for this assessment is as follows: a. The Dean of Science will be contacted to identify two Brandon University scientists, with expertise in the type of research proposed and who are not collaborators in the proposed research. The BUACC Coordinator will contact the selected individuals to conduct a review on the proposal regarding the objectives, hypotheses, methods and contributions of the proposed project within a reasonable time (a period of approximately two weeks). b. The outcome of the peer review will be announced to the Committee members at the time the protocol is being considered. The form submitted by the peer reviewer will not be forwarded to the members of the Committee, or to the researcher. The peer review form will be attached to the associated protocol for file purposes only. c. In the event that two reviews differ in the merit of the proposed research, a third reviewer will be identified by the Dean of Science and will be contacted by the BUACC Coordinator.
Process for Assessing Pedagogical Merit of Teaching Protocols:
When a course and/or lab is proposed or offered that uses animal for teaching purposes, BUACC
requires reviews of the protocol by two knowledgeable faculty members. The procedure for this
assessment is as follows:
a) The Dean of Science will be contacted to identify two Brandon University faculty members, with expertise in this field who are not collaborators in the proposed protocol. The BUACC Coordinator will contact the selected individuals to conduct a review on the proposal based on the following: i. the proposed use of animals contributes to understanding of fundamental biological processes or the development of knowledge that can be reasonably expected to benefit humans or animals; ii. the outcomes cannot be acquired through other means; and iii. the CCAC Three Rs Microsite was utilized in the development and review of the protocol. 2. The outcome of the peer review will be announced to the Committee embers at the time the protocol is being considered. The form submitted by the reviewer, or its contents, will not be forwarded to members of the Committee, or to the researcher. The peer review form will be attached to the associated protocol for file purposes only. 3. In the event that two reviews differ in the merit of the proposed teaching protocol, a third reviewer will be identified by the Dean of Science and will be contacted by the BUACC Coordinator. Approved by Senate: December 14, 2010


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