acquisition and processing automatically and
provides the gynecologist with a recommended
Gdalevsky1, Boris Tilman1and Avi Lorber1
diagnosis. Q-Scent has developed a rapid,
accurate and inexpensive method for diagnosing
Center, Rotem Industrial Park, Arava 86800.
common vaginal infections from the mobility
spectrum. To date the method has been applied
to diagnose several hundred samples in Israel
Amino-acids are the building blocks of all living
Key words: IMS, biogenic amines, diagnostics,
matter and are thus present in any material of
biological origin. In organisms and plants
biogenic amines are formed by degradation of
amino-acids through microbial and enzymatic
The inherent selectivity of atmospheric pressure
processes. Among those compounds are amines,
ionization processes plays an important role in
determining the applications of ion mobility
trimethylamine (TMA), putrescine, cadaverine,
spectrometry (IMS), as the final ionic products
histamine, spermidine, etc. The volatile and
do not usually reflect the true composition of the
semi-volatile biogenic amines that emanate from
samples of vaginal discharge were measured by
gainfully deployed mainly in applications where
ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). The samples
particularly in the detection of illicit drugs,
gynecologist during a standard examination or
explosives or toxic chemicals, mainly monitoring
after the patient had specific complaints of
vaginal pruritus. A correlation was found
relatively simple applications require an ability
between vaginal infections, like bacterial
to control the ionization processes so that the
vaginosis (BV), candidiasis (yeast infection) and
target analytes will be preferably ionized and
trichomoniasis, and the types and quantities of
reduce interference that may be caused by other
biogenic amines in these samples. A dedicated
compounds in the sample. In many cases a
reagent is added in order to modify the gas-phase
The formation of their degradation products
ion chemistry. The use of this reagent may be to
continuously takes place during the life of the
enhance the formation of ions from the target
organism and after its death. Biogenic amines
compounds, alter the product ions that are
often have highly descriptive names, indicative
formed from the analyte, keep the background
of their origin: putrescine – found in putrid
spectrum simple and serve as a marker for the
matter, cadaverine - from cadaver, spermidine
mobility scale and correct performance of the
Vaginitis is the term used to describe different
types of vaginal infections [6]. The three most
affinity and are therefore amenable to detection
common types are bacterial vaginosis (BV),
by IMS, but despite that they have not found a
candidiasis (yeast infection) and trichomoniasis.
broad application window [1]. This is somewhat
These should not to be confused with more
surprising, considering the toxicity of most
infamous sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
amines and their widespread importance in
such as chlamydiasis, syphilis and gonorrhea. A
industry, commerce and health related issues.
vaginal infection may occur when the balance
Several IMS publications focused on aspects of
between lactobacilli (“friendly” or “good”
pure research [2], but only a few, with the
microorganisms) and pathogens is disturbed due
exception of drug detection, were concerned with
to medication (antibiotics are notorious
practical potential applications [3-5]. Working
promoters of yeast infections), personal hygiene
with amines has its own problems: due to their
(lack of cleanliness or too frequent douching),
polarity they tend to get absorbed on surfaces
personal stress or several other reasons.
creating difficulties with sample introduction
Treatments for these infections are quite
systems and "memory effects" as well as having
effective, if administered correctly, and the
a large variety in their volatility. Biogenic
natural balance may be restored within a few
amines are produced when DNA, peptides and
days. The main problem is that the symptoms
(pain, itching, irritation, unpleasant discharge)
chemical, microbial and enzymatic processes.
are quite similar for these three infections, as
Amino-acids are present in all types of biological
well as for several problems arising from
materials: living organisms and microorganisms
allergies or physical factors, so that diagnosing
as well as tissues of dead organisms and plants.
the correct cause is a requisite for assigning the
A cotton swab with a sample of vaginal fluid was
collected by the gynecologist during a routine
In the present work we wish to report on a novel,
examination and stored in a sealed test tube until
rapid and inexpensive method for diagnosing
the analysis time. It was then placed in a
vaginal infections through the measurement of
disposable vial and connected to the IMS
biogenic amines by IMS. This may be regarded
introduction system. The vapors of the biogenic
as the harbinger for a whole new area of
amines were introduced into the drift tube from
applications for IMS technology in the medical
the sample container with a stream of clean air.
and diagnostic fields, as well as other areas that
The amines that were formed in the biological
involve determination of amines and biogenic
matrix could emanate spontaneously from the
sample, but the process was considerably
enhanced with the addition of a few drops of an
alkaline solution. Heating the sample may be
also used to enhance the release of vapors,
prototype ion mobility spectrometer with a
particularly of semi-volatile compounds.
63Ni ionization source was used in the present
A dedicated software package was developed in
work. The instrument was described in detail
order to assist the physician in arriving at the
previously [7]. In order to control the ion
correct diagnosis (even without any knowledge
of IMS technology). The mobility spectrum was
nonylamine was selected as a reagent gas,
computer. After the analysis was completed,
reactant ion. This reagent is particularly
typically within a 1.5 minutes, there were about
suitable as its proton affinity is high enough
90 such spectra that could be displayed. For
to limit the formation of ions from interfering
each of the major ions (trimethylamine TMA,
compounds present in the complex biological
putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine/spermine and
matrix while it is below that of the main
nonylamine) a single ion monitoring curve,
target analytes and the reduced mobility of
depicting the change in intensity with time, was
protonated nonylamine is significantly lower
also displayed. Based on “expert rules” the data
than that of the analyte ions, so that spectral
was used to derive the correct diagnosis, which
was then displayed for the benefit of the
and infected cases: no false negatives (out of 23
BV, 3 Trich, 3 mixed) and only two false
Typical spectra for a healthy patient with
“normal” vaginal discharge and for a patient with
The “traditional” applications of ion mobility
bacterial vaginosis (BV) are displayed in Figure
spectrometry (IMS) technology include, as noted
1. Note the large decrease in the intensity of
in the brochure for the ISIMS 2002 meeting,
nonylamine and large TMA in the patient with
detection of controlled substances (explosives
BV, compared to the healthy patient. Also note
and drugs, mainly), toxic chemicals in general
that while heating has only a small effect on the
and particularly chemical warfare agents as well
sample of the healthy patient, it leads to a
as a few applications that can still be regarded as
decrease in the TMA intensity and appearance of
“exotic” like on board the space shuttle or
the semi-volatile amines (putrescine and
electrospray and laser desorption. In the present
cadaverine) in the sample with BV infection.
work, a new area for IMS applications is
Figure 2 shows the principal component analysis
proposed: investigation of biological and
(PCA) plot of the results from 97 samples
physiological systems for medial and diagnostic
collected and analyzed in a US field test. The
purposes. One of the first such applications - the
circles represent the patients diagnosed as BV-
use of IMS for diagnosing common vaginal
negative (healthy) according to the standard
infections - has been successfully demonstrated
method (Amsel Test [6]), the diamonds are
in several hundred samples of vaginal fluid in
samples diagnosed as BV-positive, squares
diagnosed as trichomoniasis positive and
triangles as mixed (BV and trich) infections.
The IMS clearly differentiates between healthy
INTENSITY (Volts) DRIFT TIME (ms) Principle Component Analysis of Detroit Field Test Second Principle Component -0.3 First Principle Component
1. a) G. A. Eiceman, and Z. Karpas, “Ion
mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry
2. a) Z. Karpas, Ion mobility spectrometry
6. J. D. Sobel, Vaginitis – Review article,
7. Z. Karpas, A. Lorber, B. Tilman and R.
204; c) Z. Karpas, S. E. Bell, Y-F. Wang,
3. A. P. Snyder, C. S. Harden, D. M. Davis,
portable GC-IMS for the determination of
4. L. M. Matz and H. H. Hill, Jr., Evaluating
Some Resources for Case Studies in Research Ethics (initially compiled by Karen Muskavitch in 2005; checked, updated and added to by Julie Hollowell in 2009; checked and updated 2010 by Hannah Harp in 2010 and in 2011 and 2012 by Julie Hollowell) There has been an explosion in case studies accessible on the Internet for use in teaching ethics across many professions and disciplines. Some ar
SHOPPING POÇOS DE CALDAS RENOVA COM A ATRIZ PAOLA OLIVEIRA PARA ESTRELAR SUAS CAMPANHAS EM 2012. Em maio de 2011 o Shopping Poços de Caldas lançou na mídia a sua campanha do Dia das Mães tendo como estrela principal a atriz da Rede Globo, Paola Oliveira. O impacto junto aos consumidores do centro de compras foi surpreendente. Todos se identificaram com o perfil da atriz f