Experimental topical tetracycline-induced neuritis in the rat*1
John C. Leist DMD, MS, Major, formerly, Chief Resident, currently, Chief*, 1, 3, John R. Zuniga DMD,
PhD, Associate Professor, †, , Ning Chen MD, Formerly, Visiting Research Fellow, currently,
Associate Professor‡, 3 and Steve Gollehon, Senior Dental Student§
1 Department of Oral and Maxil ofacial Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil , Chapel Hil ,
NC, USA3 Department of Oral and Maxil ofacial Surgery, Misawa AFB, Japan.
† Department of Oral and Maxil ofacial Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil , Chapel Hil , NC., USA‡ Department of Oral and Maxil ofacial Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil , Chapel Hil , NC, USA3 Department of Oral Maxil ofacial Surgery, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, People's Republic of China.
§ School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil , Chapel Hil , NC., USA Abstract
Recent studies have reported that tetracycline may induce chronic inflammatory responses in the adjacent soft tissues. The purpose of the present study was to determine if dry, powdered tetracycline evoked an inflammatory response in nerve tissue.
Twenty male Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized and bilateral mental nerves were exposed. Half of the 40 nerves were intentionally injured by removing the epineurium, and the remaining nerves were uninjured. In a prospective, randomized, double-blind manner, equal volumes of color-matched, precoded tetracycline powder or Gelfoam (Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI) powder control was placed in intimate contact with the nerves and sealed in polyethylene tubes. Forty-five days later the animals were kil ed and 5-µm sections of the nerves were prepared for histologic examination. The presence of epineurium, fascicular number, and fascicular area were measured. An inflammatory response in nerve tissue and the intrafascicular and epifascicular inflammatory index was measured by counting darkly stained nuclei with a Jandel Video Analysis System (Jandel Scientific, Corte Madera, Experimental injury (ie, epineurectomy) of nerves resulted in a statistically significant increase in fascicular number (P = .034), but not in fascicular area. For the intrafascicular inflammatory index, there was a significant main effect for drug (P = .002) and injury (P = .002). Experimental injury in both Gelfoam control and tetracycline grouped nerves resulted in an increase in intrafascicular inflammation. There was no significant increase in intrafascicular inflammation in either Gelfoam control or tetracycline grouped nerves when the epineurium was intact. The combination of both tetracycline and epineurectomy resulted in the largest increase in intrafascicular inflammation found among the groups studied. For epifascicular inflammatory index, there was a significant main effect for drug (P = .003) and injury (P = .001) that mirrored the intrafascicular inflammatory pattern.
The results of the present study suggest that dry, powdered tetracycline accentuates the inflammatory response in intrafascicular and epifascicular nerve tissue fol owing epineurectomy. The maintenance of epineurium inhibited the inflammatory response in intrafascicular and epifascicular nerve tissues. Gelfoam was an inert material when placed against exposed nerve tissue. These findings suggest that tetracycline should not be placed in extraction sockets when injury of the inferior alveolar Article Outline

• References
Corresponding author. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Zuniga: Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, CB#7450, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7450.
*1 This study was supported in part by United States Air Force and National Institute of Dental


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This chapter is not intended to be a ªGuide for Authorsº such as those thatyou can find in any journal. Our main advice is: do not write the paperfirst in your own language and then translate it into English; instead, do itin English directly. When you have a subject that you want to report, first of all you needto look up references. You can refer to the Index Medicus (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.

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