pains, sore throats, headaches or sinus pain, plus will If you’ve got full-blown flu (and this doesn’t cover also help reduce a fever. Hot drinks and gargling can man flu!) and are feeling very unwell, then Mandy both ease sore throats and steam inhalers are good for advises that your intake should be no lower than 1200kcal. If you’re really ill with flu, then you may Plenty of rest is beneficial and with full-blown flu it’s need to consider going off Plan for the duration of the better to rest up rather than attempting to go back to illness. When you’ve recovered, you can resume where work too soon, especially if you’re still infectious.
When you’re unwell and don’t feel like eating much, Your diet when ill
it is important to ensure you have plenty of fluids — at If you’re suffering from a cold or flu, it’s normal to be a least six to eight glasses a day. Extra fluids are required bit fed up and feel your determination to keep dieting if you have flu and have got a fever, plus a good intake wane. But if your body is battling an infection, should of fluids when you have an infection will help stop you Do be aware that if you’re taking cough medicine, cold or flu mixtures or sucking throat sweets or lozenges, some products can contain high levels of sugar and this can affect your diet efforts. If you’re concerned, look out for sugar-free versions instead. How to avoid colds and flu
Colds and flu are caught as a result of contact with people already suffering from them and sometimes it can be hard to avoid them when everyone around you at work or social events is coughing and sneezing, or when your children pick up infections at nursery or It’s no fun suffering from a cold or flu. Having a sore school. But there are some practical steps you can take throat, tickly cough, runny nose and constant sneezing, not to mention the added aches and pains caused by flu, The cold virus is spread through droplets formed can make you feel really miserable and diminish your when someone coughs or sneezes, from direct contact with someone who has a cold (such as shaking hands) or Sadly, in the winter months, catching a cold is a as a result of touching a surface they’ve touched. common occurrence and it’s more likely you’ll get one That’s why the standard message of stopping the at this time of the year. There have been many theories spread of germs, “catch it, bin it, kill it,” applies to as to why we’re more prone to colds in the winter, with anyone with a cold or flu. The idea being to catch an old one being due to being indoors more. However, coughs or sneezes in a tissue, bin tissues quickly and other theories suggest that our noses are colder in winter wash your hands regularly to kill germs and stop them than in summer and that this lowers our resistance At home or work, regularly washing your hands According to the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff or using alcohol hand gel can help reduce the risk of University, adults get an average of two to five colds per picking up cold germs from other people. year, and children seven to ten colds a year. But as you There are also steps you can take to boost your get older, the number of colds you get tends to decrease. immune system, which may play a part in helping This is because a healthy immune system learns how you reduce your risk of catching colds. Some of the to deal with viruses and generates antibodies each time most popular immune-boosting remedies include taking vitamin C, zinc, garlic capsules and echinacea. Colds are caused by viruses. There are hundreds of Sometimes complementary medicines can interact with different types of viruses in existence but about 50% of Flu can be more debilitating and make you feel very When you’ve got a cold, there’s no reason to stop other prescribed medications, so it’s advisable to speak ill. Some of the symptoms are the same as a cold, but can your diet, but you may need a higher intake while to your doctor or pharmacist before taking them to also include aching muscles, chills, headaches, a fever The effects of colds and flu
and tiredness. Flu symptoms can last from a few days to Cambridge Weight Plan Medical Advisor, Mandy Annual flu vaccinations are available to help provide Suffering from a cold can make you feel run-down and a few weeks and the viruses that cause it tend to differ Orton, says: “If you’re on Step 1 (Sole Source or Sole protection against flu. They’re free to people deemed unwell. Although there’s no cure (as antibiotics don’t from year-to-year, making immunity to it trickier.
Source Plus), we’d suggest stepping up because a higher particularly at risk, such as older people or those work on cold viruses), most colds should get better Like colds, there’s no one main cure for flu, but there energy intake would then arm your body to fight the with some existing medical conditions, but many within a week. Medicines for colds and sore throats can are self-help methods you can use to ease the symptoms infection. For an average cold, you shouldn’t be on a pharmacies also have flu jabs available, so it’s well worth be used to ease discomfort and steam inhalers (such as while your body is fighting the infection. Painkillers investigating if you’re regularly in an environment such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can help ease muscle


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