UK National Guidelines on the Management of Syphilis 2008
M Kingston BMBS MRCP*, P French MBChB FRCP†, B Goh FRCP‡, P Goold MBBS MRCP§, S Higgins FRCP**,
A Sukthankar FRCP*, C Stott RGN BSc*, A Turner MBChB FRCPath††, C Tyler RGN MSc‡ and
*Manchester Centre for Sexual Health, The Hathersage Centre, 280, Upper Brook Street, Manchester M13 OFH; †Department of GenitourinaryMedicine, Mortimer Market Centre, Off Capper Street, London WC1E 6JB; ‡Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Ambrose King Centre, TheRoyal London Hospital, Turner Street, London E1 1BB; §Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Whittall Street Clinic, Whittall Street, B4 6DH;**Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Outpatients Department, North Manchester General Hospital, Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust,Crumpsall, Manchester M13 9WL; ††Department of Clinical Virology, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL; ‡‡RoyalInfirmary of Edinburgh, 51 Little France Cr, Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh EH16 4SA, UK (the Syphilis Guidelines Revision Group 2008)
The main objective is to reduce the number of sexually trans-
† New guideline format: A single guideline covering screen-
mitted infections (STIs) and the complications that can arise
ing and investigations for syphilis, clinical features, man-
in people either presenting with signs and symptoms of an
agement and follow-up for all stages of infections: early,
STI, or undergoing investigation for possible infection.
late, congenital, in pregnancy and in HIV-positive
Specifically this guideline offers recommendations on the
diagnostic tests, treatment regimens and health promotion
† When evaluating possible neurological involvement a
principles needed for the effective management of syphilis;
lumbar puncture is indicated in those with neurological
covering the management of the initial presentation, as well
symptoms/signs or those who have failed therapy and
as how to prevent transmission and future infection.
consideration should be given to neurological imaging
It is aimed primarily at people aged 16 years or older,
first. A section on interpretation of the cerebrospinal fluid
although there is a section referring to the management of
congenital syphilis, presenting to health-care professionals,
† When managing syphilis infection in pregnancy, referral to
working in departments offering level 3 care in STI manage-
fetal medicine consultant for evaluation of fetal involvement
ment (see national strategy)1 within the United Kingdom.
and monitoring for fetal distress during treatment is rec-
However, the principles of the recommendations should be
adopted across all levels (levels 1 and 2 may need to develop,
where appropriate, local care pathways).
The recommendation of this guideline may not be appro-
W Benzathine penicillin G single dose first-line therapy
priate for use in all clinical situations. Decisions to follow
W Azithromycin single dose as a second-line alternative
these recommendations must be based on the professional
judgement of the clinician and consideration of individual
patient circumstances and available resources.
W Benzathine penicillin G three weekly doses first-line
therapy (except for neurosyphilis: procaine penicillin
G with concomitant oral probenecid remains first-linetherapy for this)
The document was reviewed by the Clinical Effectiveness
Group of British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
W First and second trimesters: give benzathine penicillin
(BASHH), and their comments incorporated. The draft guide-
G, single dose. However, when maternal treatment is
line was placed on the BASHH website and any comments
initiated in the third trimester, a second dose of
received after three months were reviewed by the authors and
benzathine penicillin G to be given one week after the
W Ceftriaxone 500 mg i.m. Â 10 days added to alternatives
Correspondence to: Dr Margaret Kingston, Manchester
W Late: As in non-pregnant patients (avoid tetracyclines)
Centre for Sexual Health, The Hathersage Centre, 280 Upper
W Guidance for screening and treatment for babies born to
DOI: 10.1258/ijsa.2008.008279. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2008; 19: 729 – 740
– HIV-positive patients: Treat as appropriate for stage of
macular–papular often affecting the palms and soles), condy-
infection, that is, HIV-positive patients are treated with
lomata lata, mucocutaneous lesions, generalized lymphadeno-
the same regimens as HIV-negative patients
pathy and less commonly: patchy alopecia, anterior uveitis,
† Management of sexual partners: Recognition that partner
meningitis, cranial nerve palsies, hepatitis, splenomegaly,
notification may be difficult in context of current syphilis
periosteitis and glomerulonephritis.10–15 The rash is classically
outbreaks and achieving 60% partner notification rates is
non-itchy but may be itchy, particularly in dark-skinned
not always possible and screening in high-risk venues may
† Latent syphilis is T. pallidum infection diagnosed on serologi-
† Auditable outcomes: Measuring rapid plasma reagin test
cal testing with no symptoms or signs. Within the first two
(RPR)/Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory (VDRL) at
years of infection this is early latent syphilis and beyond
commencement of therapy introduced as an auditable
† Symptomatic late syphilis can be categorized into neurosy-
philis, cardiovascular syphilis and gummatous syphilis,
– Reference to sources of procaine penicillin G
and these may coexist. Tertiary syphilis is a term often
– Use of lidocaine as diluent for Benzathine penicillin G
used synonymously with late symptomatic syphilis butgenerally excludes meningovascular syphilis. A large pros-pective cohort study of untreated patients with T. pallidum
infection in the pre-antibiotic era demonstrated that sympto-matic late syphilis may develop in approximately one third
The objective of this guideline is to facilitate the appropriate
of individuals.17 The clinical features of symptomatic late
investigation and management of individuals with all stages
syphilis are summarized in table one.
of syphilis. This guideline has been developed by a group
(see membership of the guideline revision group for details)
W Early; includes a rash, condylomata lata, vesiculobullous
who have reviewed the previous published guidelines for the
lesions, snuffles, haemorrhagic rhinitis, osteochondritis,
management of early and late syphilis2,3 together with more
periostitis, pseudoparalysis, mucous patches, perioral
recent clinical data in order to produce this updated, unified
fissures, hepatosplenomegaly, generalized lymphade-
guideline. Recommendations made are graded as stated in the
BASHH guideline specifications4 as level of evidence (Ia-V)
neurological or ocular involvement, haemolysis and
and grade of recommendations (A –C).
W Late; including stigmata: Interstitial keratitis, Clutton’s
joints, Hutchinson’s incisors, mulberry molars, high
palatal arch, rhagades, deafness, frontal bossing, short
Syphilis is caused by infection with the spirochete bacterium
Treponema pallidum subsp pallidum. This is transmitted from
one person to another either by direct contact with an infectious
lesion (usually occurring during sexual contact), during preg-
nancy from mother to child or via infected blood products.
Syphilis is classified as acquired or congenital. Acquired syphi-
lis is divided into early ( primary, secondary and early latent
† Details of previous treatment (place of treatment, diagnosis
,2 years of infection) and late (late latent .2 years of infection,
made, treatment given, RPR/VDRL titre at discharge)
tertiary including gummatous, cardiovascular and neurologi-
† Obstetric history, potential complications of syphilis e.g.
cal) syphilis. Congenital syphilis is divided into early (diag-
nosed in the first two years of life) and late ( presenting after
† Blood donation and antenatal screening history
† Other treponemal infections; yaws, pinta and a history of
living in countries where these conditions are endemic
† In early infection examination of the genitals, skin, mucosal
surfaces and lymph nodes for signs of primary and second-
Primary syphilis is characterized by an ulcer (the chancre)
† In late and congenital syphilis a thorough clinical examin-
and regional lymphadenopathy. The chancre is classically
ation should be undertaken for the clinical manifestations
in the anogenital region, is single, painless and indurated
of syphilis. This should include a full systems review includ-
with a clean base discharging clear serum. However,
ing skin and mucosal surfaces, lymph nodes, cardiovascular
chancres may be multiple, painful, purulent, destructive,
extragenital (most frequently oral) and may cause the syphi-litic balanitis of Follman.8 There may also be mixed aetiol-ogy.9 Any anogenital ulcer should be considered to be due
to syphilis unless proven otherwise.
involvement within the first two years of infection. There is
often a rash (typically generalized macular, papular or
W Should be performed by experienced observers.
W If the initial test is negative repeat daily for three days.
confirmatory test does not confirm the positive treponemal
W Less reliable in examining rectal and non-penile genital
screening test result (European Syphilis Guideline IUSTI/
lesions and not suitable for examining oral lesions due
WHO, 2007, in final preparation). The FTA-abs is not rec-
ommended as a standard confirmatory test (European
† Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)21–23 (IIb, B)
Syphilis Guideline IUSTI/WHO, 2007, in final preparation).
W May be used on oral or other lesions where contamination
Always repeat positive tests on a second specimen to
with commensal treponemes is likely.
W Available at the Sexually Transmitted Bacteria Reference
A quantitative VDRL/RPR should be performed on a speci-
men taken on the day that treatment is started (IV, C) as this
provides an accurate baseline for monitoring response to
Manchester Royal Infirmary and for Scotland at the
W Three months after exposure in the case of a single ‘high
W Due to limited availability and the time taken to obtain a
risk’ exposure (unprotected oral, anal or vaginal intercourse
result this is not a replacement for dark field microscopy
with homosexual male multiple partners, anonymous
partner in saunas and other venues, commercial sex
W In certain circumstances PCR may be helpful in diagnosis
worker, partner linked with a country where the preva-
by demonstrating T. pallidum in tissue samples, vitreous
lence of syphilis is known to be high).
W Six weeks and at three months (including a specific IgM
test) after presentation in those with dark field negativeulcerative lesions that could be due to syphilis or contactsof suspected or proven syphilis. (IV, C)
† The VDRL/RPR and EIA-IgM27 are often negative in late
† These should be routinely performed in genitourinary medi-
syphilis but this does not exclude the need for treatment.
† Other treponemal infections such as Yaws or Pinta may give
† Specific (treponemal) tests: treponemal enzyme immunoassay
identical results although the RPR/VDRL is usually of low
(EIA) to detect immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgG and immunoglo-
titre (,1:8). Because it is not possible to exclude latent syphi-
bulin M (IgM) or IgM, T. pallidum chemiluminescent assay,28–30
lis in this situation, many clinicians manage patients who
T. pallidum haemagglutination assay (TPHA), T. pallidum par-
may have these infections as though they have syphilis.
ticle agglutination assay (TPPA), fluorescent treponemal
The rationale of this approach should be discussed with
antibody absorbed test (FTA-abs), T. pallidum recombinant
† Rapid tests for syphilis are available41 but their main role is
W Request EIA for antitreponemal IgM if primary syphilis is
likely to be in field conditions in developing countries and
suspected (European Syphilis Guideline IUSTI/WHO,
towards the end of the second week of infection whileIgG is detectable usually in the fourth or fifth week.
Evaluation of neurological, cardiovascular or
W All the specific tests are almost invariably positive in sec-
ondary and early latent syphilis (a delayed serologicalresponse may occur in secondary infection but this is
† Chest X-ray (CXR) in late latent syphilis or if there are any
rare, even in the presence of HIV).34– 36
signs of aortic disease. In pregnant women with late latent
† Cardiolipin (non-treponemal) tests: VDRL carbon antigen
syphilis, a CXR is not routinely recommended unless cardio-
vascular signs or symptoms deem it is necessary.
W A quantitative VDRL/RPR should be performed when
† Neurological imaging should be considered in those with
treponemal tests indicate syphilis (European Syphilis
neurological symptoms or signs. Patients should have a
Guideline IUSTI/WHO, 2007, in final preparation) as
thorough neurological examination to rule out focal neurol-
this helps stage the disease and indicates the need for
ogy or papilloedema that may indicate raised intracranial
pressure and a computed tomography of the head requested
W A false-negative cardiolipin (reagin) test may occur in
if these signs are present prior to lumbar puncture.
secondary or early latent syphilis due to the prozone
† There is continued debate around the necessity of CSF exam-
phenomenon when testing undiluted serum.37 This may
ination in asymptomatic patients. A study of risks and
be more likely to occur in HIV-infected individuals.38
benefits of lumbar puncture in this group has suggested
W A VDRL/RPR titre of .16 and/or a positive IgM test indi-
that it is not indicated42 and a wide range of penicillin
cate active disease and the need for treatment,39 although
doses appear efficacious in preventing clinical progression
serology must be interpreted in the light of the treatment
of asymptomatic neurosyphilis.43 In a retrospective study of
patients with latent syphilis, a negative VDRL in the peri-
† Recommended for screening: Treponemal EIA (preferably a
pheral blood was found to have 100% sensitivity in excluding
test that detects both IgG and IgM) or TPPA or VDRL/RPR
CSF abnormalities compatible with the diagnosis of neurosy-
and TPHA and confirm a positive screening test with a
philis44 whereas a serum RPR ! 1:32 has been demonstrated
different treponemal test (European Syphilis Guideline
to predict CSF abnormalities.45 Indications for CSF examin-
IUSTI/WHO, 2007, in final preparation).32,33 An immuno-
ation in late syphilis infection include:
W Neurological or ophthalmic signs or symptoms
immunoassay)40 is recommended when the standard
Clinical features of symptomatic late syphilis
W In order for these tests to be interpreted accurately, it is
vital that the CSF should not be macroscopically contami-
W Positive syphilis tests on CSF should be interpreted in con-
junction with biochemical examination of the CSF as well
W The majority of individuals who have symptomatic neuro-
found in up to 30% of primary andsecondary syphilis142 yet this does not
syphilis have a raised white cell count (.5 cells/mm3).
W Positive CSF VDRL and CSF TPPA tests should be
W The overall sensitivity of the CSF VDRL/RPR is around
50% with a range of 10% for asymptomatic cases to 90%
dependent on site of vascular insult. Occasional prodrome; headache,
for symptomatic cases;47 a negative CSF VDRL/RPR
does not exclude neurosyphilis and a positive CSF
VDRL/RPR (in the absence of substantial contamination
Cortical neuronal loss; gradual decline in
of CSF with blood) is diagnostic of neurosyphilis.48
memory and cognitive functions,emotional lability, personality change,
W A negative treponemal test on CSF excludes neurosyphilis
and a positive test is highly sensitive for neurosyphilis but
lacks specificity49 because reactivity may be caused by
transudation of immunoglobulins from the serum into
the CSF or by leakage through a damaged blood brain
nerve roots; lightening pains, areflexia,paraesthesia, sensory ataxia,
barrier resulting from conditions other than syphilis.
Neurosyphilis is unlikely when the CSF TPHA titre is
,320 or the TPPA titre ,640. The TPHA index (CSF
albumin]) allows for impaired barrier function and is
more sensitive than the CSF VDRL while maintaining
high specificity.50,51 A TPHA index .70 and a CSF
TPHA titre .320 are the most reliable in supporting a
diagnosis of neurosyphilis50 but unfortunately determi-
nation of the TPHA index is not widely available.
all tests become negative (usually by six months). Also
This diagnosis is made by the presence of the typical clinical
repeat the IgM at three months in case the infant’s
features of cardiovascular syphilis (Table 1) combined with
positive syphilis serology. Patients with suspected cardiovascu-
W If the infant’s serum is negative on screening, and there
lar syphilis need assessment by a cardiologist.
are no signs of congenital infection, no further testing isnecessary.
† A positive IgM EIA test52,53 and/or a sustained four-fold or
Diagnosis of syphilitic gummata is usually made on clinical
greater difference of VDRL/RPR titre or TPPA titre above
grounds; typical nodules/plaques or destructive lesions in
that of the mother (confirmed on testing a second specimen
individuals with positive syphilis serology. Histological exam-
from the infant) indicates a diagnosis of congenital infection.
ination of a lesion may suggest this diagnosis and T.pallidum
may be identified within the nodules by PCR.
W Blood: full blood count, liver function, electrolytesW CSF: cells, protein, serological tests
Direct demonstration of T. pallidum by dark groundmicroscopy and/or PCR of exudates from suspiciouslesions, or body fluids, e.g. nasal discharge.52,53
Serological tests should be performed on infant’s blood, notcord blood and if the infant’s serum is positive on screening,
† HIV-infected patients with early syphilis are more likely to
perform treponemal IgM EIA, quantitative VDRL/RPR and
have multiple, large and deep genital ulcers54 and the
quantitative TPPA tests on the infant and mother in parallel.
risk of neurological complications may be higher in
† Serological tests detecting IgG may be positive due to
HIV-positive patients with early syphilis.44,55,56 However,
passive transfer of maternal antibodies whether or not the
the clinical features in HIV-positive and negative individuals
with early syphilis are often similar.54,57
W If the IgM test is negative, the other tests are reactive with
† In a minority of cases, serology may be unreliable: there is a
titres less than four-fold higher than those of the mother
tendency for the RPR/VDRL titre to be lower in primary
and there are no signs of congenital syphilis, then repeat
reactive tests at three, six and 12 months of age or until
syphilis,57 although lower or false-negative titres have been
reported.35,36,58 When clinical findings are suggestive of
common in early syphilis, CSF abnormalities are uncom-
syphilis but serological tests are non-reactive, alternative
mon after recommended treatment of early syphilis. The
tests (e.g. biopsy of a lesion, dark ground microscopy) may
remains low indicating that treatment is effective andsuggests that host immune responses in early syphilisplay an essential part. A single dose of 2.4 MU benzathinepenicillin G in asymptomatic neurosyphilis showed a 21%
CSF relapse rate which was twice that of other penicillin
† All patients should be offered screening for other STIs
† Cardiovascular lesions may progress despite adequate
treatment for syphilis. Steroid therapy is recommended in
† Patients should be given a detailed explanation of syphilis,
cardiovascular syphilis to prevent potential consequences
including the long term implications for the health of them-
of Jarisch –Herxheimer reaction. All patients with suspec-
selves and their partners/families. This should be reinforced
ted cardiovascular syphilis should be reviewed by a
by giving them clear and accurate written information.
† There is very little evidence to inform advice about the time
† Gummata affecting vital organs should be managed in
sexual abstinence is required for following treatment,
collaboration with the appropriate specialist.
however patients should be advised to refrain from sexual
† For neurosyphilis 2.4 g (2.4 MU) i.m. o.d. for 10–14 days of
contact of any kind until the lesions of early syphilis (if
procaine penicillin ( plus probenecid 500 mg PO q.d.s. for
they were present) are fully healed or until after the results
the same duration) is the favoured dose in the Centers for
of the first follow-up serology are known.
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2006 guidelines48 as
† A treponemicidal level of antimicrobial should be achieved
it has been shown to produce treponemicidal levels in the
in serum, and in the case of neurosyphilis, in the CSF. A
CSF,89 although this may be an inconsistent finding.92 It is
penicillin level of .0.018 mg/L is considered treponemici-
likely that lower doses of procaine penicillin are as effica-
dal,59 but a higher concentration might be preferable for
cious,91 so a range of possible doses is given to reflect this
more rapid elimination of treponemes. The maximal elimin-
and the available formulations of this drug. No treatment
ation effect is attained at a level of 0.36 mg/L.60 Duration of
regimens for syphilis have been demonstrated to be more
treponemicidal levels of antimicrobial should be at least
effective in preventing neurosyphilis in HIV-infected
seven days to cover a number of division times (30 –33
patients than the syphilis regimens recommended for
hours) of treponemes in early syphilis with a subtreponemi-
HIV-negative patients (although some treatment failures
cidal interval of not more than 24–30 hours.59 Longer dur-
ation of treatment is given in late syphilis on the basis of
† Both benzathine and procaine penicillins G are unlicensed in
Treponemes may persist despite apparently successful treat-
W The prescriber should be aware that the product is unli-
ment indicating that some treponemes may be ‘resting’ or
censed and ensures that they are aware of the uses and
dividing very slowly.61–66 Clinical data are lacking on the
actions of the product and is assured of its quality and
optimal dose and duration of treatment and the long term
efficacy of antimicrobials other than penicillin. The rec-
W The use of the unlicensed medicine is justified by the clini-
ommendations are based mainly on laboratory consider-
ations, biological plausibility, expert opinion, case studies
W Legal responsibility for prescribing falls to the doctor who
† Parenteral rather than oral treatment has been the treatment
W The unlicensed status of the medicine should be explained
of choice because therapy is supervised and bioavailability is
to the patient and Trust policy relating to informed patient
† Non-penicillin antibiotics that have been evaluated
W Records are made in the patient’s medical notes of the
unlicensed medicine and the indication for use.
Erythromycin is least effective and does not penetrate the
W Incidents of untoward patient reactions are recorded and
CSF or placental barrier well.67,68 Doxycycline has super-
reported to the Committee on the Safety of Medicines
ceded the older tetracyclines; although 100 mg once or
(CSM) via the yellow card scheme and to the Trust’s criti-
twice daily for 14 days is effective,48,69 failure of once daily
doxycyline has been reported.70 One study of a single doseof 2 g of azithromycin has shown efficacy in early syphilis
Management in pregnancy: general considerations
equivalent to that of benzathine penicillin71 however thereare concerns regarding azithromycin treatment failure72
† All pregnant women should be screened for syphilis at the
which appears to be linked to intrinsic macrolide resistance
in some strains of T. pallidum.73 In small studies, a
† Syphilis may be transmitted transplacentally at any stage of
number of ceftriaxone regimens have been shown to be
pregnancy94– 97 and may result in polyhydramnios, miscar-
riage, pre-term labour, stillbirth, hydrops and congenital
† The host immune response is important as 60% of untreated
individuals go through life without developing late compli-
† Maternal early stage syphilis98–101 and high titre RPR/
cations.17 Although both benzathine penicillin G and stan-
VDRL102,103 are risk factors for congenital syphilis, although
dard regimens of procaine penicillin G do not achieve
transmission rates of 10% in late latent disease have been
treponemicidal levels in CSF82 – 87 and CSF involvement is
reported.104 Treatment in the last trimester is also associated
with poorer outcomes.59,98,99,105–107 Maternal co-infection with
† For infants born to mothers treated with a penicillin-based
HIV may increase the transmission risk of syphilis.108–111
regimen more than four weeks prior to delivery with no evi-
† A single dose of Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 MU is effective in
dence of re-infection or relapse, monitoring as detailed above
most cases,102,112,113 although failures have been reported in
is indicated. The CDC guidelines recommend a stat dose of
case reports and small series; mainly in those at increased risk
Benzathine penicillin G 50,000 units/kg in this situation,48
of transmission (higher RPR/VDRL titre, early stage maternal
and treatment may be indicated particularly if follow-up is
disease and last trimester treatment).99,103 Physiological
uncertain or if treatment was in the last trimester of preg-
changes in pregnancy alter drug pharmacokinetics and may
nancy following the regimens detailed below.
result in reduced penicillin concentrations.114 For this reason,
† For infants born to mothers treated for syphilis prior to preg-
when maternal treatment is initiated in the third trimester a
nancy with serofast titres, monitoring of the infants as detailed
second dose of benzathine penicillin is recommended to be
in the section ‘Diagnosis of congenital syphilis’ is indicated.
given one week after the first, with careful assessment of the
† Babies born to mothers treated antenatally for syphilis
neonate and consideration of treatment at birth.
should be managed jointly with paediatricians.
† Re-treatment in those with a previous diagnosis of syphilis
† Older siblings should be screened for congenital syphilis.
should be considered when there is uncertainty of efficacious
† Congenital syphilis diagnosed in an older child or in adult-
past treatment, a four-fold drop in RPR/VDRL titre has not
hood should be managed as for late syphilis but the
been achieved, or if the RPR/VDRL titre is serofast at greater
parents, all siblings and any sexual partner(s) should be
† Non-penicillin alternatives include ceftriaxone, for which there
is limited data,115 and erythromycin or azithromycin. There areno studies evaluating azithromycin in pregnancy and treatment
failure has been reported with erythromycin116,117 and azithro-
Incubating syphilis/epidemiological treatment
mycin118 with placental penetration uncertain;119,120 for thesereasons treatment of the baby at birth with penicillin is rec-
(1) Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 MU i.m. single dose (III, B)
ommended following maternal treatment with macrolides.
(2) Doxycycline 100 mg PO b.d. Â 14 days (III, B)
† Desensitization to penicillin in those reporting allergies
† Management should be in close liaison with obstetric, mid-
Early syphilis ( primary, secondary and early latent)
wifery and paediatric colleagues. Referral to fetal medicinefor ultrasound to evaluate fetal involvement including
(1) Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 MU i.m. single dose55,71 (1b, A)
non-immune hydrops or hepatospenomegaly and fetal
(2) Procaine penicillin G 600 000 units i.m. daily  10
monitoring for fetal distress in the early stages of therapy
is recommended after 26 weeks gestation. Although thereis a paucity of evidence in this area some physicians
These may be required for those with penicillin allergy or refus-
Herxheimer reaction in order to avoid precipitating early
labour. A large epidemiological study123 reported anincrease in the risk of orofacial cleft defects in children
(1) Doxycycline 100 mg PO b.d. Â 14 days (III, B)
born to women who had received oral steroid treatment in
(2) Azithromycin 2 g PO stat71 (1b, B) or Azithromycin 500 mg
the first trimester of pregnancy. Clinicians should discuss
the balance of possible risk to perceived benefits with
(3) Erythromycin 500 mg PO q.d.s. Â 14 days127 (III, B)
women before making a decision on use of adjunctive
(4) Ceftriaxone 500 mg i.m. daily  10 days (if no anaphylaxis
steroid treatment. Appropriate follow-up of babies is
(5) Amoxycillin 500 mg PO q.d.s. plus Probenecid 500 mg
Late latent, cardiovascular and gummatous syphilis
(1) Benzathine penicillin 2.4 MU i.m. weekly for two weeks
† All infants to have serial serological tests for syphilis as
(2) Procaine penicillin 600,000 units i.m. o.d. for 17 days130 (III, B)
detailed in the section ‘Diagnosis of congenital syphilis’and have a thorough physical examination for signs of con-
genital syphilis; where these signs are suspected furtherinvestigations are indicated as detailed in the section above.
(1) Doxycycline 100 mg PO b.d. for 28 days131 (IV, C)
† For infants with suspected congenital syphilis and those
(2) Amoxycillin 2 g PO t.d.s. plus probenecid 500 mg q.d.s. for
born to mothers treated less than four weeks prior to deliv-
ery or those treated with non-penicillin regimens, or thosewho were not treated, who were inadequately treated or
Neurosyphilis including neurological/ophthalmic
who have no documentation of being treated, treat for
congenital syphilis using the regimen detailed below. Further investigations are indicated as detailed in the
(1) Procaine penicillin 1.8 –2.4 MU i.m. o.d. plus probenecid
500 mg PO q.d.s. for 17 days48,89 (III, C)
(2) Benzylpenicillin 18–24 MU daily, given as 3 –4 MU i.m.
immediate adverse reactions. In addition patients should be
advised to seek urgent medical attention if they experienceshortness of breath, itchy wheals on their skin, facial swelling
or tightness in their chest or throat.
(1) Doxycycline 200 mg PO b.d. for 28 days131 (IV, C)
† Jarisch–Herxheimer Reaction: An acute febrile illness with
(2) Amoxycillin 2 g PO t.d.s. plus probenecid 500 mg PO q.d.s.
headache, myalgia, chills and rigours and resolving within
24 hours. This is common in early syphilis but is usually
(3) Ceftriaxone 2 g i.m. (with lidocaine as diluent) or i.v. (with
not important unless there is neurological or ophthalmic
water for injections as diluent, NOT Lidocaine) for 10 –
involvement or in pregnancy when it may cause fetal dis-
14 days49,75 –77,81,134– 136 (IV, C) (if no anaphylaxis to
tress and premature labour. It is uncommon in late syphilis
but can potentially be life threatening if there is involvementof strategic sites (e.g. coronary ostia, larynx and nervoussystem). Prednisolone can reduce the febrile episode136 but
(1) Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 MU i.m. single dose in the first
Nevertheless, severe clinical deterioration in early syphilis
and second trimesters (II, B). When maternal treatment is
with optic neuritis and uveitis has been reported following
initiated in the third trimester, a second dose of benzathine
treatment and, as a steroid is also used in the management
penicillin G 2.4 MU i.m. should be given after one week
of these conditions unrelated to syphilis, biological plausi-
bility would suggest that it may help. If cardiovascular or
(2) Procaine penicillin G 600,000 unit i.m. daily  10 days (III, B)
neurological involvement including optic neuritis, inpatientmanagement is advisable. Management should include anti-pyretics and reassurance. Steroids are recommended when
there is neurological or cardiovascular involvement and
(1) Amoxycillin 500 mg PO q.d.s. plus probenecid 500 mg PO
some physicians recommend this treatment in pregnancy
when additional fetal monitoring is required.
(2) Ceftriaxone 500 mg i.m. daily  10 days (III, B)
W Prednisolone 40 – 60 mg daily for three days, starting anti-
(3) Erythromycin 500 mg PO q.d.s. Â 14 days or Azithromycin
treponemal treatment 24 hours after commencing predni-
500 mg PO daily  10 days plus evaluation and treatment of
neonates at birth with penicillin (III, B)
† Procaine reaction, (procaine psychosis, procaine mania,
Hoignes syndrome): This is due to inadvertent intravenous
injection of procaine penicillin. It is characterized by fear ofimpending death and may cause hallucinations or fits
Manage as in non-pregnant patients but without the use of
20 minutes. Calm and verbal reassurance is required andrestraint may be necessary. If fits occur give diazepam
† Anaphylactic shock: Facilities for treatment of anaphylaxis
Treatment as appropriate for the stage of infection; that is,
should be available as penicillin is amongst the commonest
HIV-positive individuals to be given the same treatment regi-
mens as HIV-negative individuals. Some experts believe that
W Epinephrine (adrenaline) 0.5 mg i.m. (as 0.5 mL of 1:1000
HIV patients with syphilis should be treated as for neurosyphi-
solution) followed, if necessary, by i.m./i.v. antihistamine
lis to prevent the development of neurological involvement, but
e.g. chlorpheniramine 10 mg and i.m./i.v. hydrocortisone
hard evidence for this policy is lacking.
† Allergy: Penicillin desensitization may be considered for
patients reporting penicillin allergy.121,122 Many people
reporting penicillin allergy will not display hypersensitivity
(1) Benzyl penicillin sodium 100,000 –150,000 units/kg daily
on re-exposure to penicillin either because the hypersensi-
i.v. (in divided doses given as 50,000 units/kg 12 hourly
tivity has faded or they were never allergic to penicillin.
in the first 7 days of life and 8 hourly thereafter ) Â 10
A careful history may help to identify the latter group.
Skin testing to confirm allergy should precede desensitiza-
(2) Procaine penicillin 50,000 units/kg daily i.m. Â 10 days (III, B)
tion. Skin testing and desensitization do carry risks of ana-phylaxis and should be carried out with immediate access
In children, intravenous therapy (option one here) may be pre-
to resuscitation equipment and expertise.
ferable due to the pain associated with intramuscular injections(Table 2).
† All patients with a diagnosis of syphilis should have partner
Patients should be warned of possible reactions to treatment.
notification discussed at the time of treatment by a trained
Facilities for resuscitation should be available in the treatment
area. All patients should be kept on clinic premises for 15
† For patients with primary syphilis, sexual partners within
minutes after receiving their first injection to observe for
the past three months should be notified as the incubation
period is up to 90 days. Partner notification may have to
† All patients should be offered patient and provider referral
extend to two years for patients in secondary syphilis, with
as a method of contacting any sexual partners. The method
clinical relapse or in early latent syphilis. Of contactable
agreed upon with the patient should be clearly documented.
sexual partners of patients and pregnant women withearly syphilis 46 –60% also have the infection.137,138 Manysexual contacts are met in anonymous sex venues e.g.
saunas, internet or cruising grounds,139 – 141 which makes
The follow-up is in case of re-infection and relapse.
partner notification difficult. Links within high-risk venuesto provide screening and advice may prove useful.140
† For early syphilis, minimum clinical and serological (VDRL or
† Epidemiological treatment for asymptomatic contacts of
RPR) follow-up should be at months 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12, then six
early syphilis should be considered unless partners are
monthly until VDRL/RPR negative or serofast.
able to attend regularly for exclusion of syphilis.
† For late syphilis minimum serological follow-up is three
† In latent syphilis strenuous attempts should be made to locate
any previous serology or documented treatment which would
† A sustained two bottle dilution (i.e. four-fold) or greater
aid disease staging. This should then inform partner notifica-
increase in the VDRL or RPR titre suggests re-infection or
tion activities. Individuals with late latent syphilis are usually
treatment failure. Treatment failure is characterized by
unable to transmit the infection to sexual partners. Although
W Four-fold or greater increase in non-treponemal test titre
vertical transmission may occur at any time within 10 years
of initial infection, this becomes unusual more than two
years after the onset of early syphilis. It is reasonable for
† CSF examination and re-treatment is indicated and should
sexual partners and children born to women diagnosed with
also be considered for persons whose non-treponemal test
late latent syphilis of unknown duration to undergo screening
titres do not decrease four-fold within 6–12 months of
therapy. The majority of specialists would re-treat patients
(1) Benzathine penicillin 2.4 MU i.m. single dose
(2) Doxycycline 100 mg PO b.d. Â 14 days(3) Azithromycin 1 g PO stat
(1) Benzathine penicillin 2.4 MU i.m. single dose (1) Doxycycline 100 mg PO b.d. Â 14 days
2.Procaine penicillin G 600 000 units i.m.
(2) Azithromycin 2 g PO stat or Azithromycin
(3) Erythromycin 500 mg PO q.d.s.  14 days(4) Ceftriaxone 500 mg i.m. daily  10 days(5) Amoxycillin 500 mg PO q.d.s. plus
(1) Benzathine penicillin 2.4 MU i.m. weekly for (1) Doxycycline 100 mg PO b.d. for 28 days
(2) Amoxycillin 2 g PO t.d.s. plus probenecid
(2) Procaine penicillin 600,000 units i.m. OD for
(1) Procaine penicillin 1.8 – 2.4 MU i.m. OD plus (1) Doxycycline 200 mg PO b.d. for 28 days
(2) Amoxycillin 2 g PO t.d.s. plus probenecid
(2) Benzylpenicillin 18 – 24 MU daily, given as
3 – 4 MU i.v. every 4 hours for 17 days
(3) Ceftriaxone 2 g i.m. OD for 10 – 14 days
Treatment of early syphilis in (1) Benzathine penicillin 2.4 MU i.m. single dose (1) Amoxycillin 500 mg PO q.d.s. plus
maternal treatment is initiated in the third
(2) Ceftriaxone 500 mg i.m. daily  10 days
(3) Erythromycin 500 mg PO q.d.s. Â 14 days
penicillin 2.4 MU i.m. should be given after
(2) Procaine penicillin G 600,000 unit i.m.
Manage as in non-pregnant patient but without
Treatment as appropriate for the stage of
150,000 units/kg daily i.v. (in divided doses
given as 50,000 units/kg 12 hourly in the first
7 days of life and 8 hourly thereafter ) Â 10
(2) Procaine penicillin 50,000 units/kg daily
with benzathine penicillin G administered as three doses of
2 UK National Guidelines on the Management of Early Syphilis. Clinical
2.4 million units i.m. each at weekly intervals, if CSF exam-
Effectiveness Group, BASHH. See accessed 20 August 2008)
3 UK National Guidelines for the Management of Late Syphilis. Clinical
Specific treponemal tests may remain positive for life follow-
Effectiveness Group, BASHH. See
ing effective treatment; clear documentation is necessary to
4 Specifications for the Development of UK Guidelines on the Management of
† Reinfection or relapse should be retreated preferably with
Sexually Transmitted Infections and Closely Related Conditions 2005. ClinicalEffectiveness Group, BASHH. See
supervised treatment schedules to ensure compliance, and
sexual partners should be screened and treated.
5 Stokes JH, Beerman H, Ingraham NR. Modern Clinical Syphilology. 3rd edn.
† If the patient remains asymptomatic and the VDRL/RPR
is negative or serofast at one year, the patient may be discharged.
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23 Leslie DE, Azzato F, Karapanagiotidis T, Leydon J, Fyfe J. Development of a
reviewed. The previous 2001 guidelines were used as a basis.
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† Acquiring Procaine Penicillin G and Benzathine Penicillin G:
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Refer to the BASHH website for guidance (2006) on obtain-
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Penicillin G:
† Administering Benzathine penicillin intramuscularly can be
The solution should be administered by deep intramuscular
very painful for patients, this may be substantially improved
by using lidocaine as the diluent: (Protocol from Manchester
Solutions in Lidocaine MUST NOT be administered
Centre for Sexual Health courtesy of Matron Helen
Inadvertant intravenous administration of Lidocaine can cause the
patient to suffer bradycardia (which may lead to cardiac arrest), fitting
This protocol is to be used for the reconstitution of Benzathine
and/or sedation. Use the ‘aspiration technique’ of injection to mini-
penicillin for the treatment of syphilis.
Dose: 2.4 Mega units i.m. weekly for up to 3 weeksPresentation: Powder for solution for injectionContraindications:Allergy to penicillin or lignocaine
Lidocaine as a diluent for administration of benzathine penicil-
lin G. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1998;17:890–3
Precautions: Cross allergy to other beta-lactams such as
cephalosporins should be taken into account.
Administration: To reduce the pain experienced by patients
receiving this injection, 1% lidocaine (lignocaine) can be used
as an alternative diluent to water for injections (unlicensedindication).
Clinical Effectiveness Group, British Association for Sexual
Health and HIV: Keith Radcliffe (Chair), Imtyaz Ahmed-
Hydrochloride BP solution. Split the resultant solution into
Jushuf, David Daniels, Mark FitzGerald, Neil Lazaro, Gill
Lavori di restauro del campanile della chiesa SS. Annunziata via Porta Catena Impresa Izzo Mario Costruzioni s.r.l. via P. di Piemonte Casoria (Napoli) Importo lavor: € 210.000,00 Progettista e dir. Lavori: arch. Antonio Carluccio Responsabile per la sicurezza : arch. Ciro di Lascio Collaboratori : geom. L. Ianniello; geom. M. de Rosa STATO DI CONSISTENZA PRIMA DEGLI INTERVENTI I parament
WarumBuch_Kap 09_FR_191-206_Druck_2009_11_02:Einleitung 03.11.2009 12:51 Seite 191 Risques car dio-vasculaires dus à l'environnement, au mode de vie et à des facteurs héréditaires Les nutriments cellulaires essentiels contribuent à diminuer les risques cardio-vasculaires dus à l'environnement, au mode de vie et aux facteurs héréditaires tels que : • Une alimentation d