H:\clients\zeman\web site stuff\forms\zss half-lytely prep instructions.wpd
ZEMAN SURGICAL SERVICES INSTRUCTIONS FOR HALF-LYTELY BOWEL PREP KIT Stop taking all blood thinning medication such as Coumadin, Heparin, Ibuprofen, Plavix, or Aspirin- containing products five to seven day prior to procedure.
We will call Half-Lytely bowel prep kit to the pharmacy of your choice that you have provided us withand you will need to pick that up at least two days prior to your scheduled procedure.
The day before your procedure, ______________________, the manufacturers instructions are to remain clear liquids only, no solid food and no milk, milk products or creamer ALL DAY LONG. This includes chicken and beef broth, fruit juices that you can see through that do not contain pulp, gelatin and soda. You may have weak coffee or tea also, but remember to refrain from adding creamer. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING RED OR PURPLE!
You will take the two (2) Bisacodyl tablets at 12:00 noon with water. Do NOT chew or crush. Do nottake the Bisacodyl tablets within 1 hour of taking an antacid. Refrain from taking your regularmedications within an hour prior to starting the prep. Mix the solution up at 1:00 p.m. with lukewarmwater you may refrigerate it if so desired.
After you have your first bowel movement, which could take as many as six (6) hours but DO NOT count on that, begin drinking the solution. If no bowel movement occurs in six (6) hours, go ahead and begin drinking the prep.
The manufacturers instructions say to drink an 8 ounce glass every 10 minutes. This is typically toofast for most people so if this makes you feel sick to your stomach then you will need to drink it a littleslower.
It is very common to get a bloated and uncomfortable feeling before the prep begins to work. Youshould not plan on being active or working while drinking the prep. You will need to remain close to abathroom at all times. You will actually have diarrhea until your stool runs clear.
If you are unable to drink the entire half gallon of prep, please call our office at 660-665-3267, or theEmergency Room at Northeast Regional Medical Center if you are drinking it on a Sunday. It is veryimportant that you drink all of the prep if at all possible, and in a fairly timely manner so that you arenot up "running" to the bathroom all night. Try to have it all down by 6:00 p.m. at the latest.
You may continue to have clear liquids throughout the evening, but it is very important that you
DO NOT eat or drink anything after 12:00 midnight.
9. In the event that you do not have the indicated results from drinking the prep, make the nurse aware
upon arrival for your procedure. If your colon is insufficiently "clean", Dr. Zeman will not be able toperform the procedure. NOTE: If you have severe discomfort or distention (bloating), stop drinking the solution for a while or wait longer between drinking each glass until the discomfort goes away. Nausea, cramping and abdominal fullness are the most common adverse reactions.
Perioperative Management of Severe Pulmonary Hypertension with Inhaled Nitric Oxide and Oral Sildenafil (ViagraTM) During Orthotopic Liver Transplantation. Case Presentation. Authors : Angel Jose deLeon Vaca, M.D.†, Earl M. Strum, M.D.†, Janos Szenohradszki, M.D. Ph.D.†, Linda Sher, M.D.‡, Robert Selby, M.D.‡ Affiliation : Departments of Anesthesiology † and Surgery ‡,
Silverwood Description du produit Lazure d’imprégnation pour boiseries extérieures à l’aspect ancien. Exempt de solvants aromatiques. Lors d’une exposition aux intempéries, sa pigmentation spéciale produira un effet de patine argentée. Aspect naturel, à pores ouverts. Lors d’une exposition aux intempéries, elle ne risque pas de s’écailler. Traitement préventif ef