Chinquapin secure members section at www

As a new member of Chinquapin Homeowner Association, you will be able to access the Secure Members Section of the web site in the following way: NEW MEMBER LOGIN
1. You will need to login the first time with the Chinquapin Welcome “User ID: ___ and Password: ___”
which changes frequently and will be available to you as a new owner for a limited time. a. Once you login you must signup as a new user by selecting the “New On-line Member?
Register Now!” button half way down the “Members Home” page and enter your contact
information and your new “User ID/password”.
b. Once logged in, you can browse all pages in the secure “Members” section, including the
Homeowner Contacts” page.
c. Once listed on the “Homeowner Contacts” page, you will be able to edit your contact
information, as well as change your user name and password. Please note that your password UNITS WITH MULTIPLE HOMEOWNERS
¾ Multiple homeowners can login to the Members Section following the same login instructions listed above.
¾ Each unique homeowner contact within the same unit must establish their own “User ID/Password” and
contact information. Once established, your listing will appear on the “Homeowner Contacts” list
separate from other homeowner contacts of the same unit and may be edited by the logged in member at PLEASE NOTE:
1. If you ever forget your password it can be retrieved at any time by clicking on the “Forgot Password
link. Passwords can only be sent to a valid e-mail listed in the Member on-line database - your e-mail address given to retrieve your password must match a valid e-mail listed in your contact information. If your e-mail has not been added in the “Contact” detail, it will not exist in the member database. 2. Any technical difficulties with the secure “Members” section should be directed to
This e-mail will be monitored by a designated CHOA Board Member. 3. The contact information you choose to display on the secure “Members” section is meant ONLY for
internal communications between Chinquapin Homeowners. Any changes, additions or deletions of contact information listed on the secure “Members” section is separate contact information than that which is
listed with McClintock Accountancy and WMC, Inc. To modify your records with McClintock Accountancy (ie. billing address) and WMC, Inc. (ie. emergency contact), you will need to contact them directly. SECURITY:
¾ Whenever you enter the secure “Members” section you will be required to LOGIN with a login that can be
¾ Added security, under the control of each individual USER, is the CHECKBOX (found during Registration
or within the “User Contact Detail” page) that allows the current user to specify that their information
not be revealed to other homeowners in the “Contact List”. This CHECKBOX option can be turned on or
9 When this CHECKBOX is checked the member is still able to view and edit their information and settings. However, all other members will be blocked from viewing said homeowner’s contact 9 “User Name” and “No Information. False” will be displayed on the list if the member has
checked the CHECKBOX to not disclose contact information.


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