2006 july antibiotics

Bernadette Saulenier
12 Sheppard Drive
Scoresby VIC 3179
Phone: 9763 8240

For some infections, doctors know that only certain types of bacteria may be responsible. If there is one antibiotic that is predictably effective against all of these bacteria, further testing is not needed. For infections that may be caused by many different types of bacteria or by bacteria whose susceptibility to antibiotics is not predictable, a laboratory will be asked to identify the infecting bacterium from samples of blood, urine, or tissue taken from the person Antibiotics that are effective in the laboratory do not necessarily work in an infected person. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on how well the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream, how much of the drug reaches the sites of infection in the body, and how quickly the body eliminates the drug. COMMON USES
Amino glycosides
urinary infections, and (except for ertapenem) Pseudomonas infections Cephalosporins, 1st generation
Cephalosporins, 2nd generation
Cephalosporins, 3rd generation
Cephalosporins, 4th generation


mafenide); mafenide is used topical y for Tetracyclines
Miscellaneous antibiotics
staphyloccocal infections, respiratory infections, lung abscess caused by gram-positive bacteria that are resistant to other antibiotics
The table above is an excerpt from: www.merck.com/mmhe/sec17/ch192/ch192a.html
Taking antibiotics only when necessary (not for viral infections such as a cold or the flu) and for the
full prescribed course helps limit the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Side Effects and Allergies

Common side effects of antibiotics include upset stomach, diarrhea, and, in women, vaginal yeast
infections. Some side effects are more severe and, depending on the antibiotic, may disrupt the
function of the kidneys, liver, bone marrow, or other organs. Blood tests are used to monitor such
adverse reactions.
Some people who receive antibiotics develop colitis, an inflammation of the large intestine. The colitis results from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium difficile, which grows unchecked when other antibacteria are killed by the antibiotics. Antibiotics can also cause allergic reactions. Mild allergic reactions consist of an itchy rash or slight wheezing. Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can be life threatening and usually include swelling of the throat, inability to breathe, and low blood pressure. NATUROPATHIC APPROACH
For any viral infections, antibiotics are useless, but olive leaf extract, triplex, infection tablets and Col oidal silver will fight the viruses and strengthen your immune system. The homeopathic flu antidote drops and infection tablets can be taken as a prevention as wel as cure and have proven their value over the years. A lot of herbs such as Echinacea, garlic, olive leaf, are wonderful natural antibiotics and taken in combination with kinetic energen patches wil often save the day without any side effects. Vitamins B5 and B6 are critical for children to make antibodies in response to their vaccinations. Vitamin A, folic acid, zinc and iron deficiency are al associated with increased infections. Vitamin C increases the ability of white blood cel s to fight infections, especially when combined with the anti infection herbs Echinacea, Garlic, Siberian Ginseng and Hypericum. If you absolutely need an antibiotic, then make sure you also take a good probiotic powder full of good lactobacil us or bifidus bacteria to replenish your store of intestinal bacteria at the same time as you take the antibiotics. I would also suggest you go on an anti candida diet to minimize the damage to your intestinal flora. Candida infestation is a common condition, likely to cause severe problems later with intestinal lining corrosion and blood sugar disorders as well as mood disorders. A lot of so cal ed ADHD children suffer from candidiasis and their moods can easily be leveled when put on a strict candida diet and supplemented with fish oils and minerals. Al parasitic infestations play havoc with the immune system. These infestations will affect a person to a greater or lesser degree, depending on their level of physical and emotional stress. Some people wil bloat a little while others wil show a wide range of symptoms. Below is a list of the most common symptoms attributed to Candida infestations. ANTI-CANDIDA DIET

• Antibiotics
• Alcoholic beverages: Beer, champagne, cider, wine, spirits…
• Bread and other yeast-raised baked goods, except for yeast-free breads
• Brewer’s yeast / baker’s yeast
• Yellow, matured cheese, camembert, blue stilton…
• Condiments such as chutney, tomato sauce, soya sauce, vegemite, miso…
• Dried and candied fruits (sultanas, apricots, prunes, figs…)
• Commercially prepared fruit and vegetable juices with added sugar.
• Bruised or mouldy fruit and vegetables.
• Malt drinks such as Milo…
• Melons, grapes, mushrooms
• Peanuts and pistachio nuts
• Pickled, smoked and processed meats, sausages and fish…
• Tea and coffee ( except green tea and herbal teas)
• Vinegar, mayonnaise, pickles, relishes…
• Yeast-derived vitamin B-complex


• Simple sugars such as honey, molasses, sugar, chocolate, lollies, soft drinks

Simple starches such as pastries, rolls, white pasta, pizzas, jams, jellies, ice creams, cakes, biscuits III - ALLOWED FOODS

• Any cereals with no added sugar
• Soya products, milk, yogurt, Tofutti cream cheese
• All vegetables and fruits except mushrooms, melons and grapes.
• Vegetable oils and butter in small quantities.
• Protein foods such as free range chicken, turkey, veal, lamb, fish, prawns,
eggs, lentils, dried beans, chick peas, fresh sprouts.
• Dairy products such as yogurt, cottage, ricotta and fetta cheese.
We need to remember that Candida feeds on refined products such as white flour and sugar and any processed foods derived from them as well as yeast derived foods and drinks. If you crave a particular food or seem to have it all the time, it might mean that an internal parasite is in charge of what you eat, rather than you being in command. It is useful to keep a food diary for a couple of weeks and have a food “audit”….you might be surprised at how unhealthy or nutritionally poor your diet is. Remember that the patches used in this clinic start working within 15 seconds and energetically weaken the candida spores, making it much easier and quicker to get rid of them so you don’t need to stay on a very strict diet more than 6 weeks, although we recommend you stay on a diet free of refined sugars and yeasts most of the time to keep your immune system and your digestive system healthy.

Source: http://www.crystalheartsanctuary.com/documents/Crystal%20Heart%20Sanctuary%202006%20July.pdf

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