Follow-up Questionnaire (In Hospital Version) PATIENT DETAILS
Hospital Number:
or Hospital Name: ______________________________________
Patient Details:
Family Name: ______<<family name>>__________________________ Given Name/s: ______<<given name>>__________________________ Date of Birth: _________/________/_______ (dd/mm/yyyy) Sex: Male ABOUT THE STROKE:
Was stroke diagnosis confirmed in this patient?
If not a stroke, please specify the diagnosis:_________________________________
Was the stroke due to: cerebral infarction?
DRUGS DURING HOSPITAL STAY Has this patient taken any of the following drugs since randomisation (Tick all appropriate)? If patient given Heparin or Warfarin during admission give reason(s): Atrial Fibrillation STOCKING USE Since randomisation, has this patient: Did this patient wear stockings prior to randomisation? Yes Worn full length stockings at any time?
If yes on which leg(s)? Right Worn below knee stockings at any time? Yes
If yes on which leg(s)? Right
If the allocated stocking use has not been followed, please give reasons below ____________________________________________________________________________
If wore stockings at any time since randomisation Date stockings first worn
Number of days (between these dates) stockings not worn ______
If compression stockings were not worn each day till now, please tick the main reason below:
Please specify other difficulties ___________________________________________________
MAJOR EVENTS DURING HOSPITAL STAY Since randomisation has this patient had a: Symptomatic or clinically apparent DVT?
(not clinically silent DVT diagnosed on screening Doppler)
If yes give date 1st diagnosed _ / _ /___
Pulmonary Embolism?
If yes give date 1st diagnosed _ / _ /___
Skin break on either leg?
If yes give date 1st diagnosed _ / _ /___ Evidence of post-DVT leg syndrome?
If yes give date 1st diagnosed _ / _ /___
None of these
If Symptomatic DVT diagnosed how was it confirmed? Doppler ultrasound Please specify the location(s) of any symptomatic DVT(s) Right leg DETAILS OF ANY PULMONARY EMBOLISM If Pulmonary embolism diagnosed how was this confirmed? DETAILS OF ANY POST DVT SYNDROME
If Post DVT syndrome diagnosed Was there ankle swelling? Right leg Was there ulceration?
Is your patient currently taking?
Has the stroke left your patient with any problems?
Do they need help from anybody with everyday activities?
(i.e. walking, dressing, washing, feeding or toileting)
In the next section we would like your patient to read the following descriptions and choose the one which best describes their present state. If your patient cannot read or complete the questionnaire, please complete it on their behalf.
I have a few symptoms but these do not interfere with my everyday life
I have symptoms which have caused some changes in my life but I am still
I have symptoms which have significantly changed my life and I need some
I have quite severe symptoms which mean I need to have help from other
people but I am not so bad as to need attention day and night
I have major symptoms which severely handicap me and I need constant
By placing a tick () in one box in each group below, please indicate which statements best describe your patients health state today. Mobility I have no problems in walking about
Self-Care I have no problems with self care
I have some problems with washing or dressing myself
Usual Activities I have no problems with performing my usual activities
I have some problems with performing my usual activities
I am unable to perform my usual activities
Pain/discomfort I have no pain or discomfort
Anxiety/depression I am not anxious or depressed
Name of person completing form: _______________________Date of form completion ___/___/___(dd/mm/yyyy)
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this form Please FAX it to us or return it using the pre-paid envelope provided.
Best Medicines Coalition National Pharmaceuticals Strategy Issue Paper March 2006 Best Medicines Coalition Tel: 1-888-807-7904 Email: Web: Healthcare at a Crossroads: BMC Recommendations 16 Appendix I: About Best Medicines Coalition Introduction The positions taken in this Paper and recommendations made are based on the
IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI SUBJECT : ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES ACT, 1955 Mr. Dhruv Mehta, Sr. Adv. with Mr. K. Datta, Mr. Ashish Mr. Sachin Datta, CGSC with Ms. Niti Arora, Adv. for R-1 CORAM: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE V.K.JAIN JUDGMENT V.K.JAIN, J. 1. Vide notification dated 3.9.1996, issued in exercise of the powers conferred by the Drugs (Prices Control Order, 1995), the Central Go