Issue 1 of 2011: August
Role of Securities and FuturesAppeal Tribunal redefined by
Role of Securities and Futures Appeal Tribunal redefined by Court of Appeal . 1 by Karen Dicks (
In 2009, the Market Misconduct Tribunal (“MMT”)
Court of Final Appeal Ruling on
found that Daniel Tsien Pak Cheong (“Mr Tsien”), had
State Immunity in Hong Kong . 2
been guilty of insider trading whilst employed as anequity salesman of JP Morgan, contrary to Section 270
Court Rules on Slip and Fall
(1)(c) of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Cap 571
Accident in MTR Station . 3
(“SFO”). The MMT suspended Mr Tsien’s trading
England’s Supreme Court
licence for nine months and ordered him to pay over
abolishes expert immunity . 3 Costs Consequences of refusing to
On the basis of the MMT’s decision, the Securities and
mediate . 4
Futures Commission (“SFC”) took disciplinary actionagainst Mr Tsien and banned him for life from carryingout any regulated activities, under Section 194 (1)(iv) ofthe SFO. Mr Tsien applied to the Securities and FuturesAppeal Tribunal (“SFAT”), under Section 217 of theSFO, for a review of that decision. The appeal wassuccessful and the SFAT replaced the life long ban witha 10 year one.
The SFC then appealed to the Court of Appeal, whereone of the points raised by the SFC for decision, was theproper role and function of the SFAT on a review underSection 217 of the SFO.
Until then, the SFAT’s approach had been not tointerfere with a SFC ruling, unless it was plainly wrong. However, the Court of Appeal held that the SFAT’spowers of review are not limited and that it couldconduct a full merits review and come to its owndecision. For example, where a finding of misconduct is
litigation & dispute resolution newsletter
disputed, the SFAT may hear evidence and make up itsown mind. The SFAT is entitled, the Court of Appealsaid, to exercise its own independent judgment on areview.
The Court of Appeal rejected the SFC’s argument that
immunity in the PRC has always been absolute i.e. the
the SFAT should give SFC decisions “special respect”
PRC courts have no jurisdiction over foreign states,
i.e. the same level of respect which a court would give
even in respect of commercial transactions, unless the
a decision of say a disciplinary tribunal of a profession, foreign state has submitted to the PRC’s jurisdictionsuch as The Law Society. The Court of Appeal said
that a review by the SFAT is a “full merits review” and
Post-1997, it has been unclear whether state immunity
the SFAT may conduct a review as if it were the
in Hong Kong is still restrictive or is now absolute.
original decision maker. Mr Justice Tang said: “The
On 8 June 2011, the Court of Final Appeal (“CFA”)
contention that a person’s reputation or livelihood could be
clarified the position and ruled that state immunity in
so seriously affected by a regulator, acting as prosecution
Hong Kong is absolute, rather than restrictive, as
and judge, without a genuine full merits review by an
Hong Kong could not have a doctrine of state
independent tribunal is so abhorrent to our system, that I
immunity inconsistent with that of the PRC.
Consequently, the CFA held that two arbitration
The Court cannot interfere with an SFAT decision
awards against the Democratic Republic of Congo
unless it has erred in law. In this case the Court of
Appeal held that it had not made any error in law. The
The judgment is at present “provisional” because it
10 year ban imposed by it was eminently reasonable
has to be referred to the Standing Committee of the
and a life ban manifestly excessive. Accordingly, the
National People’s Congress. The CFA is required by
Court of Appeal dismissed the SFC’s appeal and
the Basic Law to refer questions of interpretation
ordered it to pay Mr Tsien’s costs.
relating to foreign affairs and the relationship between
This decision is important because prior to it, the
the Central Authorities and Hong Kong to the
SFAT’s approach was not to interfere with SFC
Standing Committee. This is the first time since 1997
decisions, unless they were plainly wrong. The Court
that the CFA has submitted such questions to the
of Appeal has now made it clear that a SFAT’s review
should be a “full merits” review and may be conductedas if the SFAT was the original decision maker. What are the implications of the judgment?
If the Standing Committee allows the decision to
The decision will probably lead to an increased
stand, it could have a significant impact on Hong
number of appeals by licensed persons against
Kong’s standing as a dispute resolution venue, in
decisions made by the SFC which they consider
respect of commercial agreements involving foreign
states. If a party contracting with a foreign statewishes Hong Kong to be the arbitral seat in the event
of any dispute, they would have to ensure that thearbitration agreement contained a very clear and
unequivocal waiver of state immunity. The CFA held
in this case that states can, as a matter of internationaland common law, waive their immunity and submit
by Karen Dicks (
voluntarily to the jurisdiction of the forum state, but
Prior to the handover of Hong Kong to the Peoples
that in this case, the Democratic Republic of Congo
Republic of China (“the PRC”) in 1997, restrictive state had not done so. The court said that an agreement toimmunity applied in Hong Kong, meaning that Hong
refer disputes to arbitration does not amount to
Kong Courts had no jurisdiction over foreign states in
submitting to another state’s jurisdiction and does not
relation to legal or enforcement proceedings, unless
constitute a waiver. The court said that to be effective,
such arose out of commercial transactions or unless
any waiver of immunity had to be explicit.
the foreign state had submitted to Hong Kong’sjurisdiction and waived immunity. Conversely, state
The court said that a station concourse is different
from other smaller venues such as restaurants, where
the risk of spillage of water or oily substance on the
by Karen Dicks (
floor is much greater. It said that to require the MTRto implement a system which could avoid all
Hong Kong’s High Court, has recently ruled in
accidental spillage of water on the ground was simply
relation to a slip and fall accident in an MTR station.
unrealistic. The court decided that the measures taken
The judgment is interesting because it provides
by the MTR were adequate and reasonable.
insight into what measures the MTR Corporationwould have to have in place in order to successfully
The court said that an MTR station, being a public
rely on the statutory defence under Section 3(4)(b) of
place accessible by many members of the public, the
the Occupiers Liability Ordinance, Cap 314 (“the
MTR could not be expected to place a worker in every
place in the station to guard against passengersspilling water on the ground. What was required, was
A passenger fell when walking through the concourse
a reasonably effective system for getting rid of the
of an MTR station, injuring her lower back and right
danger that might from time to time exist. If, as in
knee. The passenger claimed that water on the
the present case, the MTR sub-contracted cleaning to
ground had caused her to slip and fall. The defendant,
an independent contractor, then the MTR had to take
the MTR Corporation Ltd (“the MTR”), denied that the
reasonable steps to supervise the cleaning work and
ground had been wet or slippery. In the alternative,
the MTR relied on the statutory defence under Section3(4)(b) of the Ordinance, arguing that even if there hadbeen water on the ground, it had discharged its
common duty of care, by having reasonably entrustedthe cleaning of the station to an independent cleaning
contractor and having taken reasonable steps to ensure
by Karen Dicks (
that the cleaning had been properly done.
In a recent English Supreme Court decision, the
The court found that there had not been water on the
immunity from being sued in negligence, enjoyed by
ground at the time of the accident. The court said that
experts in England and Wales for more than 400 years,
even if there had been water on the ground, the MTR
was abolished. The court held that there is no
was entitled to rely on the defence under the
justification for continuing to hold expert witnesses
Ordinance, because it had properly discharged its
immune from legal proceedings in relation to
common duty of care, by having in place a reasonable
evidence given by them in court or for their views
and proper system to ensure that the station was safe
given, in anticipation of court proceedings.
for passengers and having taken reasonable steps to
The appellant, Jones (J), appealed against a decision
ensure that the cleaning work was properly done.
striking out his claim for negligence against the
In this case, the MTR had sub-contracted the cleaning
respondent psychologist, Kaney (K). J had been
works to a company who had three, eleven person
injured in a car accident and K had been instructed as
teams, working three shifts a day, supervised by a
an expert to prepare a report in relation to J’s claim.
foreman. Apart from those shifts, if the floor was
In his initial report, K suggested a diagnosis of post-
found to be wet or slippery by a cleaning worker, it
traumatic stress disorder. The expert for the defence
would be mopped dry immediately. The work of the
concluded that J was exaggerating his symptoms and
cleaning contractor was also supervised by Station
so the court ordered that a joint expert report be
Controllers and their staff, who would conduct regular
prepared. The joint report was very damaging to J’s
inspections to ensure that the station floor was clean
case and it transpired that K had signed the report
without any comment or amendment. As a result, J’s
claim settled for a much smaller sum. J issued
proceedings against K for negligence and K’s defencewas a plea of witness immunity, in accordance with
by Karen Dicks (
the case of Stanton v. Callaghan [2000] QB 75. J’s case
One of the “underlying objectives” of the High Court
was struck out on the basis that the Stanton decision
and District Court rules, brought in by the Civil Justice
was binding upon the court. J appealed and the issue
Reforms, on 2 April 2009, is to facilitate the settlement
for determination on appeal was whether public policy
of disputes. These rules place a duty on the court to
continued to justify conferring immunity from liability
further the underlying objectives, by actively managing
for negligence on an expert witness in relation to the
cases, including, where appropriate, encouraging
performance of his duties in that capacity.
parties to use Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”)procedures (i.e. alternative to litigation) and facilitating
Allowing the appeal, the Supreme Court held that the
the use of such. The parties and their legal
immunity from suit for breach of duty that expert
representatives are also under a duty to assist the
witnesses had enjoyed in relation to their participation
in legal proceedings should be abolished and theStanton case overruled. The court said that there was
A common form of ADR is mediation, a voluntary
no justification for the assumption that if expert
procedure, in which a trained and impartial third party
witnesses were liable to be sued for breach of duty,
(called a mediator) helps the parties settle their
they would be discouraged from providing services at
dispute. The mediator helps the parties discuss the
all. All who provided professional services which
issues in dispute, identify their real needs and
involved a duty of care were, the court said, at risk of
interests, explore possible settlement options and
being sued for breach of their duty and they
reach a settlement agreement. If the mediation
customarily insured against such risk. The court said
results in settlement, an agreement will be drawn up
that a lesson could be learned from the position of
containing the agreed terms and, once signed by the
advocates in that removal of immunity had not
parties, will be legally binding. If the mediation does
resulted in any diminution of their readiness to
not result in a settlement, the parties can still litigate
Implications for Hong Kong?
A court Practice Direction on Mediation (“the
It remains to be seen whether the decision will be
Mediation Practice Direction”), which came into effect
followed by the Hong Kong Courts. The decision is
on 1 January 2010, requires parties to legal
likely to be persuasive if the issue arises in Hong
proceedings to consider using mediation to resolve
Kong, given that much of Hong Kong’s common law
their dispute. It requires each party’s solicitor to file a
is rooted in that of England. Experts may therefore
Mediation Certificate with the court stating whether
wish to review their professional indemnity insurance
the party is willing to attempt mediation and, if not,
or obtain such if they do not already have it.
why not. If the court considers that a party hasunreasonably refused to engage in mediation, it maymake an adverse costs order against that party. If, forexample, a party refuses to engage in mediation andinsists on litigating a matter to trial, even if that partywins at trial, the court may decline to award him hislegal costs, if it considers that his refusal to mediatewas unreasonable.
This article looks at some court decisions involving aparty refusing to mediate and the consequence of suchrefusal. What is the minimum level of participation required? any) and participation by the parties in the mediation up
The Mediation Practice Direction provides that in
to and including at least one substantive mediation session
exercising its discretion in relation to legal costs, the
(of a duration determined by the mediator) with the
court takes into account all relevant circumstances,
including any unreasonable failure by a party to
In Hak Tung Alfred Tang v Bloomberg L.P. (a firm) and
engage in mediation. It says that the court will not
Others (HCA 198/2010), 16 July 2010, the Plaintiff was
make any adverse costs order against a party on the
concerned with the time involved in a mediation
ground of unreasonable failure to engage in mediation
because he had to travel between Hong Kong and the
Mainland for business. He considered it unacceptable
(1) The party has engaged in mediation to the
to allow the mediator unlimited power to call meetings
minimum level of participation agreed to by the
for mediation from time to time, but said that he did
parties or as directed by the court prior to the
not mind having three hours for mediation. The court
said that the “minimum level of participation” shouldnot be construed as a number of hours for mediation
(2) A party has a reasonable explanation for not
and that the quality rather than quantity of mediation
should count. The court said that if the parties were
(i) where active without prejudice settlement
sincere in resolving their dispute by mediation, the
mediation may take a very short period of time and, on
parties. However, where such negotiations
the contrary, if not sincere, the length of the mediation
would not assist them. The Plaintiff, the court said,
explanation will have gone and the parties
should have confidence in the mediator to determine
should then consider the appropriateness of
the length of the mediation. As mediation was
voluntary, a party who considered the mediationunhelpful or unable to assist the parties to settle, could
(ii) where the parties are actively engaged in some
terminate the mediation at any time and whether such
other form of ADR to settle the dispute.
decision to terminate was reasonable would be for the
In Resource Development Limited v Swanbridge Limited
trial judge to decide. The court again directed that the
(HCA1873/2009), 31 May 2010, the court held that the
minimum level of participation should be as set out in
whole purpose of having a “minimum level of
the Mediation Practice Direction, as referred to above.
participation” requirement is to ensure that the parties
In Golden Eagle International (Group) Ltd v GR
participate in mediation in a sincere manner. The
Investment Holdings Ltd (HCA 2032/2007), 24 May
court said that it should not impose anything more
2010, the parties had agreed on the judgment sum,
than necessary for the parties to participate because
but the Plaintiff sought an award of costs on an
mediation is voluntary and any party can decide to
indemnity basis (i.e. on a higher basis than usual) for
terminate it at any stage. To make an inflexible
several reasons, one of them being the Defendant’s
direction in relation to the minimum level of
unreasonable refusal to mediate. The Defendant
participation, the court said, may generate other
unnecessary disputes between the parties. The courtheld that the minimum level of participation should be
as the dispute concerned the construction of an
as stated in the Mediation Practice Direction i.e. “Agreement between the parties as to the identity of the
knowledge of the parties and factual matrix of the
mediator and the terms of his or her appointment,
case, it was not a dispute that could be easily
agreement as to the rules applicable to the mediation (if
they reasonably believed they had a strong case;
(5) There was no factual basis for the submission that
the cost of mediation would be disproportionately
a settlement offer had previously been made to the
In Ansar Mohammad v. Global Legend Transportation
the cost of mediation would be disproportionately
Ltd (HCPI 1037/2007), 23 November 2010, which was
an action commenced before implementation of the
The court held that the burden was on the party
Civil Justice Reforms, the Plaintiff’s solicitors had
refusing to mediate to provide a reasonable
written to the Defendant’s solicitors (again, before
explanation for such refusal. The burden was not on
implementation of the Civil Justice Reforms and the
the willing party to show that mediation had a
Mediation Practice Direction) proposing mediation.
reasonable prospect of success. In the present case,
The Defendant’s solicitors did not respond to this
the court said that the Defendant had not provided any
proposal. The court held that this amounted to a
reasonable explanation for refusing to mediate and he
refusal to mediate and that the Defendant’s
should therefore pay the Plaintiff’s costs on a common
explanation for refusal (that the Civil Justice Reforms
fund basis (i.e. on a higher basis of taxation than
and Mediation Practice Direction had not yet been
implemented) did not amount to a reasonableexplanation. The court therefore reduced the costs
awarded to the Defendant by 20%. The court said that
(1) This was a case involving a simple, one-off contract
had the mediation regime been in effect at the time it
dispute which did not raise any point of law, the
had refused to mediate, the Defendant would very
determination of which would provide guidance for
likely have been at risk of being deprived of its entire
the future, whether for the parties or others in the
The above decisions show that the courts take a party’s
(2) Nor was it a case where injunctive or other
refusal to mediate very seriously and will have no
hesitation in penalizing a party in costs where suchrefusal is deemed unreasonable. Further, there will be
(3) At its highest, the Defendant’s defence could only
very few circumstances where the court will find that a
be regarded as a “borderline” one.
party’s refusal to mediate is reasonable. Accordingly,in most cases, it will be wise for the parties to engage
(4) The Defendant’s settlement offer had been “way off
in at least the minimum level of mediation required or
the mark”, but the wide difference between the
else face the risk of being penalized in costs.
parties did not indicate that mediation would be awaste of time and effort.
For further information, please contact one of the contactslisted hereJoseph Kwan
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is for general guidance only and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice.
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