Developing a special needs policy and procedure

Developing an Administration of Medication Policy and
The provider must promote the good health of children attending the setting.
Providers must have and implement a policy and procedure for administering
medicines – Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage –
The policy and procedures must include:
Procedures for managing prescribed medicines which need to be taken during the setting day The systems that the setting have in place for gaining information about a child’s medication needs (i.e. the settings registration/administration form). Procedures for managing medicines on trips and outings, including the need to have at least one member of staff attending the outing who holds a relevant, up to date first aid certificate A clear statement on the roles and responsibility of staff in managing the administration of medicines, and administrating or supervising the administration of medicines. A clear statement on parental responsibilities in respect of their child’s medical needs. The need for prior written agreement from parents for ANY
medicines to be given to a child, and the importance of receiving
a signature again when their child is collected
The circumstances in which children may take any non-prescribed medicines (e.g. calpol, teething gel). That medication containing aspirin will only be administered if it has been prescribed by a doctor The settings policy on assisting children with long term or complex medical needs. The policy on children carrying and taking their medicines themselves. S:/Childcare/Debbie C/ Policies & Procedures – 16/01/13 The process for staff training in relation to medication. This is essential if children attend the setting where specific administration is required, for example epi-pens. How are children admitted into the setting where a medical condition requires specific administration and what happens if children are already in attendance and a medication condition is diagnosed that requires specific administration. The types of records kept for the administration of medication, where these are stored, how these are monitored, who hold the responsibility for ensuring these checks take place. The procedures to follow with regards to setting transitions, especially around the ‘hand over’ of medication. Where medication is being passed from one setting to another, comprehensive measures must be in place for collecting parental consent, effective storage and safe administration. Risk assessment and management procedures.
The policy should be reviewed:
Following any occasion when any part of the procedure has been implemented. Whenever changes to legislation are produced. The policy and procedure needs to be signed by the registered person, include reviewed date and next review due date. If any changes are made to the policy when reviewed the staff and parents need to be informed.
Links to other policies & procedures:
Data Protection and Freedom of Information This information is provided for guidance only. It is your responsibility
to ensure that all statutory legal guidance is adhered to. Consideration

needs to be given to any changes in legislation subsequent to the
production of this information.
S:/Childcare/Debbie C/ Policies & Procedures – 16/01/13


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