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Dana M. Coberly, M.D.
After Care Instructions
• It is important to get out of bed early and often after your surgery (with assistance) to prevent postoperative problems. Take deep breaths or use the plastic incentive spirometer often provided for you at the hospital. • It is important to walk bent over at the hips for 5-7 days after surgery to reduce tension on the suture lines. Sleep with your hips in a flexed position and your head elevated on 2 pillows. Following these instructions will help with the quality of your scar. • If you have discomfort/anxiety, take the medication prescribed every 4-6 hours. It is best to take the medication with crackers, jello, etc. Do not take the pain medication if you do not have pain. Do not drink alcohol while taking the pain and/or anxiety medication. • A light diet is best for the day of surgery. Begin by taking liquids slowly and progress to soups and jello. You can start with a soft regular diet the next day. • Keep your drainage bulbs collapsed and record time and amounts of drainage over a 24- hour period. Each patient heals differently, and Dr. Coberly will make the final decisions regarding drain removal. • Wear a your garment continuously for 7-10 days. You may remove it to shower starting on day 3 if instructed to do so by Dr. Coberly. • Apply antibiotic ointment to incisions twice daily for 2 days only. • You can expect swelling of the surgery site. If the swelling on one side is definitely more pronounced on one side than the other side, or if you are having pain which is NOT relieved by the pain medication, call Dr. Coberly at 813-259-1550. • Excessive and strenuous activities should be avoided for 3 weeks. Keep your heart rate below 100 beats per minute during that time and do not lift more than 10 lbs. (approximately the weight of a gallon of milk). • You may resume sexual activity in 4 weeks. Stress on the abdominal muscles will stretch/break the stitches if you exercise more than just walking before 4 weeks. • It is good to walk for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day. • You may begin swimming 4 weeks after surgery. • Please do not drive for 7-10 days and do not drive while taking narcotic pain medication. Do not take aspirin or products containing aspirin for 3 weeks after surgery. • Moderate swelling of the abdomen is to be expected. You may find that your clothes do not fit as easily as before. Be patient. The swelling will gradually subside and you will be back to normal in 3-6 months. • If you notice some vaginal burning and itching (vaginitis) as a result of the antibiotic given after surgery, Dr. Coberly or your family physician can prescribe Diflucan, or yeast medications can be purchased over the counter. Ask your pharmacist for assistance. • Infrequently after the drains have been removed, additional fluid will build up in the legs. If this happens, please contact Dr. Coberly, as the fluid may need to be removed. • All incisions will be extremely sensitive during the healing phase. Direct sun is to be avoided. When going out, even on cloudy days, use a sunscreen with SPF 15 or greater for at least 1 year that has both UVA and UVB protection. • If you have nausea, vomiting, rash, shortness of breath, or diarrhea after taking your medications, please contact your doctor. • If you develop a fever (oral temperature greater than 101 degrees), redness, or increased pain or swelling at the surgical incisions, please call your doctor. • Suggestions to relieve abdominal discomfort or indigestion after surgery: o Drink plenty of water – 8 glasses a day! o Drink warm liquids (tea or coffee). o Prune juice mixed with 7-up (half and half) for constipation. o If severely constipated, use Milk of Magnesia, white Karo syrup (2 tablespoons twice a day taken with one glass of warm water), stool softeners (Colace), and Fleet enemas (regular or oil retention) as a last resort. o Walking helps the circulation in the whole body.

Source: http://www.drcoberly.com/pdfs/DrCoberly-PrepFor-ThighLift.pdf

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ANNEXE 1 : Règlement intérieur des Comités Techniques FEADER 2007-2013 I- FONCTIONNEMENT DES COMITES TECHNIQUES I.1. Objet Toutes les demandes de subventions relevant des dispositifs précisés dans la liste de la partie II sont soumises à l’avis du Comité Technique (CT) ad hoc dont le rôle est de donner un avis technique, économique et éventuellement d’opport


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