Dataline no. 23.pmd

A bi-monthly digest of global and domestic industry trends and developments. Published bythe Trade and Industry Information Center, Department of Trade and Industry  Manila, PhilippinesTel. (632) 895.3611  Fax (632) 895.6487  To subscribe, email:Online: In this issue
Business Alert
Inside DTI
S/Domingo designates heads of DTIFunctional Groups Consumer News
1. 15 ‘Bagwis’ awardees named
Good News, Philippines!
1. PHL, Asia-Pacific countries urged
DTI Direct
4. IMPAKABSAT 2011 slated5. OKB-Gayon Bicol 2011 What’s New?
US$120-B 2016 exports
target kept
shared service facilities likepackaging plant, retorts, and fiber Bureau of Export and Trade
Promotion (BETP) Director Senen
M. Perlada,
who also sits as Export
Development Council (EDC)
Executive Director, said they are not
already includes budget for theextension of the One Town, One performance is an isolated case andwould not affect next years’ growth.
In addition, Perlada said thegovernment will push for the “We don’t think 2011 will affect our overall double-up target of US$120B The government is hopingto convince these firms Industry Development and Trade
Inside DTI
Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) Secretary
Policy Group (IDTPG),
S/Domingo designates
Gregory L. Domingo signed
heads of DTI
as Vice Chairman and Managing
Functional Groups
Head of the Board of Investments
Undersecretary Cristino L.
Panlilio, who previously headed the
IIG, shall now supervise the Trade
and Investment Promotions
Group (TIPG), formerly International
more streamlined organization that isdeemed responsive to the Aquino Undersecretary Zenaida C.
administration’s current priorities.
Maglaya still heads the former
Consumer Welfare and Trade
Undersecretary Adrian S.
Cristobal, Jr. now heads the
been renamed Consumer Welfare
and Business Regulation Group
Undersecretary Merly M. Cruz
(CWBRG). Maglaya shall also head the
Management Services Group (MSG),
Regional Operations and
Development Group (RODG),
diversifying exports, strengthening Good News,
domestic competition, and improving productivity of the services sector,” Philippines!
said World Bank (WB) Economist
Soonwha Yi.
1. PHL economy strong
amid global slowdown economy, World Bank’s Philippine
growth and weaker economicoutlook in advanced economies, to higher remittances andnet services receipts.
Private consumption is expected togrow steadily, buoyed by lower increased in the first half and foreign reserves have surged to record highs, thanks to strong capital inflows as wellas sustained growth of remittances and WB noted that government’s zero-income from investments abroad,” generated enough fiscal space toscale up spending on priority social prospects and yield differentials, netforeign portfolio inflows soared through 21.8% of gross domestic product(GDP) for 2011 from 20.5% in 2010, “To better insulate the Philippine economy from external shocks, it is improve its competitiveness through Business Processing
2. BPO revenues seen
Association of the Philippines
reaching US$25B
(BPA/P) Chairman Alfredo Ayala
direct jobs would be 1.2M and indirectand direct jobs, 4.5M.
The real key is our partnershipbetween government and private sector. If we can pull that off, then we challenge now is the supply of talent.
the goals in the 2011 BPA/P masterplanof generating demand for the Philippine two growth scenarios: the best caseand accelerated case.
Demand generation has become lessof an issue now because the world has come to us so our focus now is on the supply side of talent. The challenge is how can we make use of this strong direct and indirect employment of 3M. demand,” he said. (MAB 10/12) 3. IT investments up 50% Investment commitments in the
continued to grow in the first ninemonths of the year as expected, locators. The remaining 40% of thelocators are found in the provinces.
President Benigno S. Aquino
III has given his nod to
DTI Undersecretary for Regional
Operations and Development
Group (RODG) Merly M. Cruz said
1. P/Aquino approves
2nd OTOP Program
tradition of the different provinces,cities, and municipalities.
Cruz told local executives,entrepreneurs, and expo participants dataline
exports of US$677.2M (over by 30%);and assisted in the development of “OTOP is one of the programs of the progress to the countryside. We arenot only able to help the countryside Bataan Representative and House
entrepreneurs, but most especially we Committee on Trade and Industry
are able to converge, to work
Chair Albert Raymond S. Garcia,
harmoniously and effectively with the government units, our congressmen, and the private sector,” Cruz said.
in terms of budget support,enactment of enabling laws, and the 2. DTI eyes countryside
support facilities
for MSMEs
Department of Trade Industry(DTI) will install centralized drying packaging equipment was donated,which is now being used to package DTI Secretary Gregory L.
Domingo said this is one of the
initiatives lined up by the government
We will try to allocate a big part of DTI budget to this effort to enable our MSMEs to step up to the next level,”[Coconut water] Now, this is the hottest athletic drink in the United States. This is all natural and the demand for coco water is increasing by 40% every year,” Domingo said.
over the past few years as proven indifferent trade fairs in the country.
3. 1st Region 12 Coffee
Congress set
1st Region 12 Coffee Congress on17-19 November 2011 at the conduct of the Congress, theorganizers said, citing the need to coffee varieties recorded by theBureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS) improve agricultural and culturalpractices, coffee quality profile, trailed way behind by Davao del Surwith 7%, Iloilo and Sulu with 5% each like Agri, Trade, and Techno Fair oncoffee; Barista Exhibition; Market about 18% of the the Philippines’ total Matching; Coffee Value Chain Tour;attributed to the province.
Compostela Valley follows closelywith 15%, Cavite with 10%, Bukidnon Trade and Industry (DTI) has setP2-M sales target for the market While such is the situation, the yield is matching; P5M for new investments;not as high as that of Cavite. Average 4. IMPAKABSAT 2011
products and services in IMPAKABSAT demonstrations.
2011 on 12-22 November at theCarousel Court, Festival Mall in is from the combined efforts ofCordillera provinces, namely Ifugao, 5. OKB-Gayon Bicol 2011 The “Green! Naturally,
earns P17M
(LGUs), and non-governmentorganizations (NGOs).
The event was organized by Region5’s Departments of Trade and dataline
6. Likha ng Central
Luzon 2011
earns P30.6M
with Philippine ExportersConfederation, Inc. (PhilExport-3), 7. School tables, chairs
made from bamboo
(CALABARZON), Bicol, Western andCentral Visayas, Davao, and “We are developing the entire chain. We are hoping that the four years willprovide us enough time to developThe farmers can engage in small the industry starting from the supply scale nursery, while those with large side of the bamboo to the buyers,” tracts of land and the local government Department of Trade and
units (LGUs) will be asked to start the Industry - Regional Operations
and Development Group (DTI-
RODG) Undersecretary Merly M.

Cruz said.
bamboo products is to supply publicschools with chairs and tables since Business Alert
1. BOSS brings Pag-IBIG
services to Bohol
services in the province to cater to the each involved agency.
needs of Boholanos particularly forthe issuance of clearances for local renewal procedures for governmentagencies like DTI, Social Security dataline
2. No CCTV, no business The local government of Quezon
permit in QC
prioritized in all high-risk establishments particularly in minimizing crimelike car dealership stores, both Consumer News
1. 15 ‘Bagwis’
Industry (DTI) named 15 GoldBagwis Seal of Excellence awardees named
The Bagwis Program is a check andbalance system for establishments to Bagwis awardees
be guided on how they shouldoperate while consistently conformingCanon, with eight branches in
National Capital Region, Regions 1,3, 5, 7, and 9 local and international standards,”
DTI Undersecretary for Consumer
Siapno-Tada Optical, Inc. with 11
Welfare and Business
Regulations Group (CWBRG)

Nerumo Enterprises in Region 1
Zenaida C. Maglaya said.
Bolong Agri-Management Corp.
Honda Cars Ilocos, Inc.
Northeast Car Care Center
EZ Supermarket San Sebastian,
EZ Supermarket Ligtasan, Tarlac
In its entirety, the DTI BagwisMart One Department Store
program will foster balance betweenBig A Department Store,
Emilio S. Lim Appliances
K-Servico Trade, Inc. in Region 3
welfare of consumers is constantlyDBL Aircon Refrigeration Center
safeguarded,” Maglaya said.
Honda Cars Bulacan in Region 3
Honda Cars Nueva Ecija
2. How DTI handles
consumer complaints
Department of Trade and
Industry’s Bureau of Trade
Regulation and Consumer

Protection (DTI-BTRCP) Director
Victorio Mario A. Dimagiba

Joshuariza Saguran.
days, the mediation aims to resolvethe issue and to save the Repair, replace, refund. Under Article 100 of the Consumer Act of thePhilippines, should the consumers Arbitration. However, if the parties fail to for arbitration. In this stage, both parties papers. After which, a decision isrendered by the arbiter. The whole process should ideally last only 20 days.
with DTI if the establishment fails toact on the matter. Under the not only for consumer complaints,but also for Business Name 3. IPOPHL warns
consumer on fake
Jasponica rice, among otherproducts.
There is no accurate figure really as tothe volume of counterfeit medicines, but what is important is that consumers medicines in the market because this is about health,” Intellectual
Property Office of the Philippines
(IPOPHL) Director-General Ricardo the lack of cooperation from the
R. Blancaflor said.
include Pfizer’s Viagra, Astra-Zeneca’s Lilly products, National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI) Atty. Joel M.
Tovera said.
1. PHL, Asia-Pacific
Network (IGPN) has urged thePhilippines and Asia-Pacific countries urged
achieve greener growth crucial tosustaining and providing new to achieve green
growth strategies
“A return to ‘business as usual’ wouldbe unwise and ultimately unsustainable, involving risks that constraints on economic growth and development. It could result inincreased water scarcity, resource bottlenecks, air and water pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss, the need for strategies to achieve greener growth,” IGPN Manager
Akira Kataoka said.
Social Commission for Asia and thePacific (UNESCAP) is focusing on a sustainable consumption andproduction (SCP), greening business companies and consumers, orbuying specific items with due consideration of the environment,quality, and price.
2. ASEAN tospeed up
In a move prompted by the global P12M Sales generated in PHL BPO sector’s directemployment target Council (AEC), trade ministers frommember states said their priority is set dataline
an integrated single market by 2015.
and to produce frameworks thatwould expand the engagement DTI Direct*
Call Center Report

Jan-Oct 2011
% vs. Total
Sept 2011
% Increase/
October 2011
January to October 2011
Referred - 44, 1.18%
Referred - 974, 2.49%
*The DTI Direct Call Center was established in November 2006 as part of the Department’s thrustto improve and simplify the delivery of its frontline services. dataline
Title: How to Make
Title: Inventing
What’s New?
the Future: An
Introduction to

Patents for
Small and

Department of Trade and
Department of Trade and
Industry. Rural Micro
Industry. Intellectual
Enterprise Promotion
Property Philippines
Call Number : 45 608/06.08.03/IPO/2010
Call Number : SITC 8/01.01.01/DTI/2010
The book focuses on patents, a key tool to enhance a company’s ability to draw maximum benefit from innovative ideas and technical Filipinos’ traditional market basket and capabilities.This guide explains in a simple and practical way the business benefits of the patent system for all types of enterprises.
While readers are advised to consult a patent hobbyists, and other enthusiasts - and turn expert when seeking to protect, exploit, or enforce a patent, the guide provides practical provides step-by-step instructions on how information to help readers understand the basics and be able to ask the right questions the readers to the raw materials and simple when consulting a patent expert. This guide has been adapted to the Philippine context by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) from the international versiondeveloped by the World Intellectual PropertyOrganization (WIPO).
Philippine Postal Permit No. PM-04-08
Editor-in-Chief: Anne L. Sevilla Associate Editor: Vic S. Soriano Writers: Resty P. Par, Jam A. Hourani, Aye B. Salcedo,
Elaine M. Lazaro, Emman R. Caleon Design/Layout: Ren C. NeneriaCirculation: Myrna V. delos Reyes
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