The official Candida Screen Test is found in the Consultation
Section of this manual as well as at the end of this section.
However, the following questions may be helpful in phone
or casual conversations with potential clients to determine if
a formal screening would be warranted. Self-Test For A Candida or Yeast Problem: *This self screening is provided for general information only and is not intended to be used for self-diagnosis without the advice and
Do you feel tired most of the time? Does the fatigue
examination of a health professional.
Do you suffer from intestinal gas, abdominal bloating or
Candida Albicans is an over-infestation of yeast in the body.
Do you crave vinegar, sugar, breads, beer or other
It invades the brain and every tissue of the body. Candida
grows and lives on what you eat, and makes your body
Are you bothered by bowel disorders, constipation,
crave what it needs. For this reason, Candida is difficult to
diarrhea or alternating constipation / diarrhea?
get rid of, but it can be eradicated if proper steps are taken.
Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, panic attacks or
Candida may occur alone or in combination with
fibromyalgia. About 80% of those suffering from
Are you often irritable, easily angered, anxious or
fibromyalgia also have candida. In a later discussion about
fibromyalgia, it is important to address the condition of
candida, as the symptoms of both conditions are exactly
Do you have trouble thinking clearly, or suffer memory
the same, with the exception of the touch points (hot
loss (particularly short-term memory loss)?
spots). The lifestyle change programs that these conditions
Are you ever faint, dizzy or light-headed?
require, however, differ greatly. Both of these syndromes
Do you have muscle aches or take more than 24 hours
are autoimmune disorders. Take the touch point test to
determine if your pain and fatigue may be caused by
fibromyalgia. If you suspect fibromyalgia, you must also
Without a change in diet, have you had weight gain and
screen for candida. We always screen for both syndromes
not been able to lose the weight no matter what you
before determining a program. For those with both
fibromyalgia and candida, the candida must be addressed
Does itching or burning of the vagina, rectum or
prostate bother you, or have you experienced a loss of
Candida (albicans) is one of many different types of yeast.
Yeast cells are able to grow on the surface of all living things
Do you have a white or yellow fuzzy coating on your
and occur virtually everywhere. The fact is, we breathe, eat,
and drink them daily. Because they are part of our daily
Have you had athletes foot, ringworm, jock itch or other
lives, we all have yeast growing in our skin, on other body
chronic fungus infection of the skin or nails?
surfaces and in our intestines. Normally our bodies’ defense
Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, new carpeting,
systems keep the total number of yeast cells under control,
and so candida colonies in our intestinal tract are nothing
to worry about. However, poor nutrition or a sluggish or
Have you at any time in your life taken “broad
impaired immune system weakens the body’s ability to fight
spectrum” antibiotics, tetracyclines (sumycin, panmycin,
off yeast. Stress and environmental pollutants can also play
vibromygin, minocin), penicillin, ampacillin, etc.?
a role in reducing the body’s control over candida. When
Are you using birth control pills or shots, or have you
this happens, yeast colonies grow rapidly and candida may
Causes Of Candida
Have you ever taken steroid drugs? These are often
used for allergies, asthma, respiratory problems, and
There are over 900 strains of yeast, and candida albicans
injuries (cortisone, prednisone, decadron, etc.).
is a major one found in the human body. In some ways it
T H E M ’ L I S C O M P A N Y
is very much like the yeast used in breads. Scientists are
Too much yeast can cripple the immune system,
not sure why yeasts are in our bodies or what their exact
causing chronic viral and bacterial infection or allergies.
function is. The only thing we know for sure is that they
Yeast can damage the intestinal wall, allowing food
help decompose and recycle our bodies when we die. If
particles and toxins to enter the blood stream. The
they multiply too rapidly in our bodies, they begin their job
body then produces antibodies to fight these foreign
substances and typical “allergic” reactions may occur,
A number of conditions can lead to Candida. Steroid
such as eczema and hay fever, along with headache,
drugs (such as cortisone), hormonal birth control pills
dizziness, heart palpitations, anxiety, fatigue, and
and the long-term use of antibiotics (such as those
used to control acne or various bacterial infections)
There may be changes in the cells that contribute to the
can invite the problem. Such antibiotics can reduce
Candida condition. Yeast by-products or exhaust are
the number of beneficial bacteria that normally help to
two very toxic substances: ethanol and acetaldehyde.
keep the yeast under control. Antibiotics kill not only
These two toxins in turn alter the ability of our cells in
the bad, but also the good bacteria in the body. Good
(or friendly) bacteria work like a police force or army,
a. Red blood cells have difficulty passing into small
keeping the invading yeast from spreading through
capillaries. This can cause fatigue, dizziness, muscle
the body. As long as the body maintains a sufficient
number of helpful bacteria to counterbalance the
effects of harmful bacteria (or yeast), the body remains
b. White blood cells have trouble enveloping bacteria
healthy. Antibiotics kill the weakest link and then
and foreign material, thus, the body has trouble
the next weakest. The strongest bacteria survive and
re-multiply. When an antibiotic or a specific candida
c. Sugar has difficulty passing through cells. Insulin
drug (such as Monistat) are used to solve a problem,
cannot do its job properly, causing low blood sugar
the yeast and bacteria left become a stronger strain.
We have created new strains and a new generation of
mutant and very difficult to eradicate virus, bacteria and
d. Thyroid hormones have trouble passing through
yeast. The drug companies are then creating stronger
cells, which causes the metabolism to slow down,
antibiotics and anti-fungals to kill the stronger mutant
often causing low body temperature (cold hands
yeast and bacteria. The more chemical stuffers for
and feet), fatigue and intolerance to cold.
symptoms that a person uses, the harder it is and longer
e. Minerals have trouble passing through cell walls,
it takes for the body to naturally eradicate the candida.
causing fluid retention and electrolyte imbalance.
microbial resistance to antibiotics has become a major
f. Cells have difficulty passing messages one
health crisis. Antibiotic drugs also suppress immune cell
to another. This can cause muscle and nerve
production and diminish the strength of the immune
g. Enzymes are destroyed. Enzymes are the chemical
Poor nutrition or a sluggish or impaired immune system
helpers in the body that help to build, break down,
weakens the body’s ability to fight off yeast. Stress
and produce energy and heat. Yeast toxins can
and environmental pollutants can also play a role in
inactivate or destroy some of the enzymes, and
reducing the body’s control over Candida. When this
can result in slowing all the functions of the body.
happens, the yeast colonies grow rapidly and Candida
Example: enzymes help break down sugar stores
to help keep the blood sugar at ideal levels; when
Alcohol, caffeine, stress and aging all destroy friendly
yeast overgrowth destroys enzymes, abnormally
high or low blood sugar levels may develop.
Sugar, gluten and meat encourage harmful bacterial
Symptoms Of Candida •
Allergic reaction; congested nose, hives, headache,
Effects Of Candida
dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, cramps, arthritis,
When yeast is in an overabundance, there may be local
irritability or depression, increased sensitivities to foods
yeast infections in the mouth (thrush), gastrointestinal
tract (gas), vagina (yeast infection), urinary tract
Gastrointestinal problems; gas, bloating, abdominal
(bladder/kidney infection), prostate gland (prostate
pain, gastritis, gastric ulcer, heartburn, diarrhea,
troubles), skin (hives, rashes), fingernail, or toenail
Respiratory problems; frequent sore throat, mouth
or canker sores, sinus infection, bronchial infections,
with more strength and more symptoms develop almost
immediately upon the end of the drug intervention.
Cardiovascular problems; palpitations, rapid pulse rate.
(Candida does not directly effect the heart but rather
M’lis approach To Treating Candida
Genitourinary problems; yeast infections, itching or
Since candida and other yeasts are all around us, we can
burning in the vagina or prostate, urinary burning,
never totally get rid of them, but we can bring them back
frequent urination, lack of bladder control, bed wetting,
under control without the use of prescription drugs. To
achieve the greatest degree of success, an effective balance
Musculoskeletal problems; muscle weakness, night leg
of dietary changes, nutritional support, and the increase
pains, muscle stiffness (especially neck and shoulder),
of friendly bacteria are necessary. The M’lis Detoxification
slow reaction time, poor coordination, poor motor skills,
and Candida Program will help provide this balance, while
falling, tendency to drop things. (Yeast impairs cells
teaching you how to keep yeast under control for good.
from receiving nutrients and eliminating waste and also
See Candida Screening Test on page F-9 of this manual.
Skin infection; usually rash type in nature, typically
under the breasts, groin area, diaper rash, hives, etc. Detoxification
Central nervous system problems; headache, sinus
Just as is the case with any lifestyle change, a total
headache, tension headache, migraines, low blood
cleanse of the system is the first step to improved health.
sugar headaches, rapid blood sugar changes.
Detoxification, along with a 30-day Candida Program, help
provide nutritional support to strengthen the immune
High levels of stress hormones can cause anxiety,
system. A fully functional immune system and a diet that
irritability, moodiness, restlessness, panic attacks,
controls the intake of yeast will help reduce the candida
sudden anger, sleep disturbances, poor short term
to a non-threatening (harmless) level. For those with both
memory, inability to concentrate, fuzzy thinking and
candida and fibromyalgia, treatment for candida must occur
first before fibromyalgia can be addressed successfully.
Fatigue, which may be caused by impaired metabolism
In order to start to get well, the first step is to cleanse the
body through detoxification. This is a total body-cleansing
Weight gain may result from an overgrowth of yeast
program, which cleans the liver, bowels, kidneys, and the
that may cause cravings for sugar, interference with
blood supply. It helps restore the peristaltic action of the
normal hunger, high insulin levels, low metabolism, low
colon, and helps to rid the body of mucus, toxins and waste
materials that are trapped in the colon (and may have been
there for years). Detoxification will help to rid your body of
A common scenario is to have finished a course of
Healing Crisis
antibiotics or steroid drug and shortly end up with a yeast
infection. Drugs that specifically address the fungus or
Below are symptoms that may be experienced while on the
candida destroy some of the yeast. The yeasts that are not
affected by the drugs begin to colonize in vast numbers
Live yeast response — an aggravation of all symptoms.
and become more and more drug-resistant. As the yeast
Things seem to get worse before they get better.
multiplies in its stronger state, they produce toxins that
attack the body’s defense (immune system). These same
drugs also destroy the friendly bacteria or flora in the body
A low grade fever during the days of detoxification
so there is no defense against the new, stronger fungus.
An orange discharge from the eliminative organs
When a candida sufferer is prescribed a symptom-stuffing
A rapid weight loss after day 9 on the program
drug such as antibiotics, steroids of any kind or anti-fungals,
the weakest yeast is eradicated. However, yeast mutates and
Candida will try to defeat you — perseverance is key
the strongest survives. For the next outbreak, conventional
medicine will prescribe higher and higher doses of anti-
100% Nutrition
fungal. This makes the yeast stronger and further weakens
Nutrition is essential to health and wellness. 100% nutrition
the immune system. Solving candida with drugs “stuffs” the
ensures that the organs of the body and the immune system
immediate discomfort, but causes the yeast to come back
T H E M ’ L I S C O M P A N Y
are being strengthened, while getting what they need to
All cheese and dairy (except butter, plain unsweetened
yogurt, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese and cream
cheese. (All hard cheeses are made from mold.)
Follow A Yeast Control Diet Foods you can eat on the yeast control program. (it may be helpful to carry this list with you when you go
All fruit juices, fruits (fresh, canned, or dried) until yeast
is abated. Fresh lemon or lime may be used in water,
or as a substitute for vinegar in salad dressings and
All fish, poultry, turkey, rabbit, water packed tuna and
All coffee and tea (including herbal).
All vegetables: and their juice: including scrubbed
potatoes, yams, tomatoes and avocados.
Old leftovers. If a food has been in the fridge for more
than 3 days, do not eat it. Leftovers may be frozen and
All legumes such as lentils, peas, soybeans, dried beans
i.e.: pinto, navy, northern, kidney, etc.
Obvious fungus foods: mushrooms, blue cheese, etc.
All whole grains including barley, soy flour, millet flour,
rice flour, potato flour, oats, brown rice, whole grain
Peanuts and peanut products, pistachios.
pasta, vegetable pasta (Be sure to read the labels. No
All processed meats: such as bacon, sausage, ham, hot
dogs, luncheon meats, corned beef and pastrami.
Whole grain muffins, biscuits (if made with soda or
All vinegar-soaked products or vinegar dressings:
baking powder), tortillas, rice cakes.
pickles, pickle relish, etc. Lemon juice may be
Hot or cold cereals: Wheatena, Oat Bran, Shredded
Wheat, Puffed Rice, Zoom, oatmeal, Wheat Hearts,
Artificially sweetened drinks and food products.
Puffed Wheat, Roman Meal or Cracked Wheat.
Dairy products — milk, buttermilk, whipped cream, sour
Unprocessed nuts and seeds — except peanuts and
Butter and cold pressed oils such as walnut, linseed,
olive, sunflower, and safflower. Be sure to use all oils
Implementing FRIENDLY BACTERIA (healthy bacteria, good flora, healthy microbes) (M’lis
Soy, rice or almond milks (nut milks), butter (sparingly),
PROBIOTIC formula)
plain unsweetened yogurt, ricotta cheese or cottage
The human gastrointestinal tract is home to many types
cheese, cream cheese, unsweetened tofu.
and high numbers of microbes, or bacteria. Microbes live
Use miso or soy sauce sparingly. Flavorings should be
in our skin, in our mouths, in women’s vaginal tracts, and
throughout our gastrointestinal tract. It is estimated that
there are more microbes (bacterial cells) than there are
M’lis Simply Sweet or Stevia for sweetening.
human cells in and on the human body. There is also a
Lemon / lime (the ONLY fruit permissible).
very large diversity of the types of bacteria, with over 400
different species being present in humans. Because of the
Items to eliminate on the yeast control program:
diversity and number, it has become evident that bacteria
Candida grows on all of these foods. If you eat any during the
plays an important role in human health. Most of these
die-off period, you will need to start the program over.
bacteria are not harmful, and in fact contribute positively to
normal growth and development. Some of these bacteria,
however, can have negative influences. A healthy balance
All sugars and sugar-containing food including: table
of the bacteria, favoring beneficial bacteria over potentially
sugar, fructose, corn syrup, honey, molasses, maple
harmful bacteria, is essential to the proper functioning
of all systems of the body. Friendly bacteria strains can
suppress harmful bacteria. They have been shown to
All white flour and white flour products. All yeast-
improve intestinal tract health by aiding digestion and
containing pastries, breads, crackers, pastas, etc.
elimination, alleviating the symptoms of lactose intolerance,
Brewers yeast, B vitamins made from yeast, yeast
improving absorption of minerals and reducing toxins in the
breads, pastries, crackers and pretzels that contain
bloodstream, and improving immune function. Friendly bacteria is needed to:
Gluten — any foods that contain gluten; breads, pastries,
Manufacture and assimilate B vitamins (niacin, biotin,
Meat — feeds the bacillus coli (harmful bacteria) which
Any foods that use fermentation or molds in the
What are the effects of an unhealthy balance of bacteria?
Some of the most common effects are diarrhea, digestive
Balance pH levels in the intestines (acid / alkaline
problems, lactose intolerance, hypertension, cancer,
vaginitis, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, kidney stones,
elevated blood cholesterol and allergies.
Assist in protection from colon irritation, constipation,
The M’lis PROBIOTIC formula provides friendly bacteria,
and using this formula as part of the M’lis Candida Program
Help with digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats
will help maintain a healthy level of friendly bacteria in the
system to allow the body to keep yeasts under control.
Water is critical to the treatment of any health condition,
including candida. Every organ of the body requires water.
The heart, lungs, skin and circulatory system all depend on
Help eliminate bad breath, bloating and gas
water. To calculate your individual need, divide your weight
in half. Half of your body weight gives you a good rule of
thumb for how many ounces of water your body needs to
What destroys natural friendly bacteria in the system?
function on a daily basis. For example, if you weigh 150
Antibiotics — kill not only the bad, but also the good
pounds, you must be drinking 75 ounces of water each day.
bacteria in the body (this includes the antibiotics in
Nothing substitutes for water. If you drink enough water
meat and dairy products that we consume each day).
each day, you will absolutely feel different. This is not to
Even one dose can kill all of the friendly bacteria.
say that you cannot drink other liquids, but remember the
Steroid Drugs — cortisone, hormonal birth control,
importance of the quantity of water that you drink each day. Fitness and Exercise
Alcohol — destroys enzymes and lacto bacteria.
Though fatigue and muscle soreness are a symptoms
Coffee — destroys friendly bacteria.
of candida, exercise is vital. Do cardiovascular exercises:
walking briskly, swimming, treadmill, stairs, biking. Exercise
at least three times per week, working up to 30 minutes
each time. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine — they have
Anything that weakens the immune system also affects
an excellent anti-depressant effect. Mental exercise is also
the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria.
important. Set aside times daily to relax, unwind, de-stress
and allow positive emotional and psychological repair to
What encourages harmful bacteria in the intestines?
Sugar — any foods containing white sugars and sugar
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How Does Health Care Differ in the Adult World? When an individual with special needs transitions from pediatric to adult health care, the family may discover that servi ces are not always provided in the same way. Below are some questions to think about when preparing for a transition of health care facilities. If you’re not sure of the answers, consider asking: Pediatric or Adult Social