Microsoft word - the ems quality council newsletter april 2007
The EMS Quality Council of South Denver held its
cost. (In 5 usages, two (2) had ROSC; one was a
regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 24, at
systolic arrest transported with an auscultatable
pressure.) Littleton Fire Rescue is using the Utstein
template to record usage and this should give
Present were participants and representatives from
accountability as to how the protocol for usage should
Action Care Ambulance, Elk Creek Fire, Kiowa Fire,
Littleton Fire, Parker Fire, South Metro Fire, and
PAH/LAH/PKR EMS, including Drs. Riccio, Guerra
Chemical restraints were discussed by Dr. Eby, Dr.
Guerra and Dr. Riccio. Dr. Eby suggested that the use
of IV Haldol after the IM Haldol injection should help
The Patient Refusal Check Sheet was the first order of
to calm the out of control patient. Dr. Guerra noted that
discussion and there was a great deal of follow up and
5 – 10 mg Haldol is the correct dosage. Dr. Eby urged
fine-tuning including word changes and others
some resolution on this issue to get the crews back up
regarding the subjectivity of the paramedic in the
interpretation of the patient’s competency to refuse.
Dave Sanko has kept up with the recommended changes
and would like to see the agencies trial the draft form
Rural/Metro Ambulance noted they were having an
After a brief lunch break, the “Acutely Intoxicated
Kiowa/Elbert 2007 EMS Mini Conference was held at
Patient” protocol was again discussed. Changes to the
the Kiowa Creek Community Church on Saturday,
working copy included some deletions and word
April 28, 2007 with great teamwork from Kiowa Chief
changes recommended by the physicians. There was
Dian Bowers and Kiowa EMS Coordinator Wendy
considerable discussion on the term “nystagmus” and
Courdin. There were 65 attendees including Dr. Riccio,
how our concern and overall training is often different
Anne, Dave and Joane. Parker trauma surgeons Drs.
Winter and Bertocchi presented with support from
It was generally agreed that a primary concern was to
protect the patient’s rights when determining their
Parker Practicals, which offers a “hands on” drill for
ability to be safe after ruling out illness or injury in the
upcoming EMTS, were held on Thursday, April 26,
presence of suspected alcohol ingestion.
2007 at the Parker Fire Dept. Joint Facility.
Drs. Eby and Riccio discussed different airway options,
EMS Week will be held May 20 – 26, 2007. A
including the CombiTube and the King airways. Dr.
Eby presented literature study. It was noted that the
prices for the King airways are not comparable to the
Mike Bilo noted that the EMS System worked last week
CombiTube. Most of the PAH/LAH/PKR agencies are
at Ponderosa High School where an incident took place.
using Combitubes at this time. The King airways do
The discussion regarding the EMS System suggested
not use latex and are manufactured with either a single
that better communications between all involved may
be helpful. Dr. Eby noted that all Health One Institutes
are working at making improvements to this system.
Guy Bull with Littleton Fire Rescue reported on the
Autopulse device and the great response they have had
in using it. It was also noted that the Autopulse can be
left on the patient during transport, even if the patient is
The remaining meeting dates for 2007 are June 26,
transported in a sitting position. The cost for the
August 28 and October 23. The meeting time will be
Autopulse is around $15,000.00, the band alone is
1100 – 1300 hours in the LAH conference rooms 3 and
$150.00 and the battery has to be on continuous charge
4. Lunch will be provided to the invitees so please be
in the station when not in use. However, the responses
in its success with the patients could well be worth the
Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas – CCT Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica Professor : Ubirajara Gonçalves Irigoyen Trabalho Acadêmico de Manutenção Elétrica Industrial COMPRESSORES INTRODUÇÃO São utilizados para proporcionar a elevação da pressão de um gás ou escoamento gasoso. O funcionamento de um compr
Este relatório tem como objetivo apresentar as patologias, o diagnóstico, a forma de execução e as especificações técnicas dos materiais utilizados na recuperação do revestimento pétreo do embasamento da estátua do Cristo Redentor, no Cor-covado, Rio de Janeiro. 1 – O projeto O projeto consistiu, numa primeira instância, na execução do levantamento ca-dastral do embasamento bem c