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Si desea publicar su noticia en este bloque, pulse aquí Fuente: Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) STATEMENT BY MAX MOSLEY,

/ Speaking at the European Union High Level Meetingof the ‘eSafety’ Forum in Brussels on Thursday 3 February 2005. If consumers can have tax breaks for cleaner cars, why not safercars too? “In recent years across the European Union governments have offered a variety of tax breaks to promote cleaner cars and fuels.
Reduced VAT rates for catalyst systems, lower fuel duties forsulphur free fuels, and discounted registration taxes for Euro IVmodels, are all examples of fiscal incentives for green technologies.
They have been a good deal for the consumer, offeringenvironmental improvement at a lower price. “Today there are safety technologies that offer similarimprovements to public welfare and yet there have been no fiscal incentives for safety related products. This is a serious omission thatis unnecessarily delaying the introduction of systems that can savelives on our roads today. If consumers can have tax breaks forcleaner cars, why not safer cars too? After all, safety should reallybe considered as another aspect of a healthy and sustainableenvironment. “The greatest road safety effort made in the EU over the last decadehas been to improve occupant protection during car crashes.
Industry has made much progress encouraged by initiatives like theEuroNCAP crash test programme. As a result cars are much safer ina crash than ever before. But it is so much better to avoid the crashin the first place. That is why it is very important now to encourage‘eSafety’ technologies that can help to reduce the number of crasheson Europe’s roads. “An impressive ‘eSafety’ technology available today is ElectronicStability Control, also known as ESP. These systems cancompensate driver error by automatically moderating a vehicle’s noticias - STATEMENT BY MAX MOSLEY, PRESIDENT OF THE FIA lateral stability through use of ABS and traction controltechnologies. In this way ESP helps to prevent lateral slides and, inparticular, tends to reduce the likelihood of side impact crashes intooncoming vehicles. Today we know that these systems are effective. “Research carried out by the Swedish National Road Administrationbased on real accident data in 2000 to 2002 showed that on dryroads the best estimate of ESP effectiveness was 22.1% and 31.8%for wet. Last September the US National Highway SafetyAdministration published a study which shows that ESP reducedsingle vehicle crashes in passenger cars by 35% compared to thesame models sold in prior years without the technology. For SUVs,with their inherent stability problems, the effectiveness was evengreater at 67%. “At present ESP is being introduced at the upper end of the carmarket and its penetration into the vehicle fleet is quite slow. In2003, for example, in the US just 7.4% of their passenger vehicleswere ESP equipped. In the same year 15,621 people died in singlevehicle crashes in the US. Just imagine if all the cars involved hadbeen ESP equipped, that horrific death toll could have been cut by atleast 30%. Similar life saving potential exists here in the EU. Andthat is why we need urgent action to promote the use of ESP in allnew cars in Europe. “As a result of the Swedish research, their National Roads Authoritynow recommends that all consumers should buy cars with ESPinstalled. Market penetration in Sweden is now rising, but we shouldtake immediate action across the EU. Last month the Commissionpublished a proposal for a fiscal incentive scheme for cars that willmeet the Euro V emission control standards. Using exactly the samelegal and reporting requirements I would propose that theCommission develop a similar scheme for eSafety technologies suchas ESP. Clearly such incentives should only be offered totechnologies with proven effectiveness, that meet minimumperformance requirements, and at a level that is equal to the realproduct cost. Estimates for this vary but I believe could be as littleas 200 to 300€ per unit. “By offering a fiscal incentive EU Member States would dramaticallyincrease public awareness of ESP and the safety benefits it offers.
Inevitably this would accelerate demand for the system’s use, andencourage industry to make it a standard feature across all modelranges (including light transporters, trucks and buses) as soon aspossible. “It would surely be both illogical and morally indefensible to restrictfiscal incentives to environmental technologies alone? What is rightfor the environment should be right for safety too. So I urge theEuropean Commission to take up the idea for a fiscal stimulus forproven eSafety technologies.” 47206
Internationale de
l'Automobile (FIA) noticias - STATEMENT BY MAX MOSLEY, PRESIDENT OF THE FIA Fecha publicación: 04/02/2005Tiempo de lectura EUROPEAN COMMISSION INVITES FIA PRESIDENT TO JOIN NEW HIGH LEVEL The World Motor Sport Council met in Monaco on December 10, 2004. The following WORLD TOURING CAR CHAMPIONSHIP 11/12/2004 DECISION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF APPEAL 06/11/2004 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 25/10/2004 << volver | portada | noticias de hoy Legal | Publicidad | Nosotros | Hágase Partner | Contáctenos |
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