The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
SIX REMEDIES FOR FLU The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire
198 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
For managing flu and flu-like illnesses, the core issue in the
matter of nutrient and herbal therapies is not the paucity of therapiesthat have stood the test of time. Such infections have been known tohumans for eon. Nor is the issue that most of those therapies have notbeen investigated and validated with modern scientific methods. Rather, the core issue here is that the New Empire needs to suppressthose therapies so that its higher goal of fabulous wealth through itsdrug industry is not threatened. For that purpose, it has employed theuseful idiots of its Imperial Medicine, very skillfully, to suppressthose natural therapies. In that climate, it is hard for physicians tofind a philosophical perspective with which they can approach thecontrol of flu and flu-like illnesses with the use of integrativetherapies that have been found effective by long empiricalexperience.
In chapter 3 entitled "Three Flu Furies," I marshall a large
body of clinical, microscopic, and biochemical evidence for my viewthat flu viruses cause illness and take lives using three weapons:
Dysoxygenosis (the dysox state, dysfunctional oxygenmetabolism) .
In this chapter, I have chosen six natural remedies that my
colleagues at the Institute and I have found to be superior in clinicaleffectiveness to many others for managing flu and flu-like illnesses. All of those therapies, directly and/or indirectly, reduce oxidative andacidotic stress as well as restore oxygen homeostasis. For presentingclinically useful information about those therapies in the context ofthe three flu furies, I begin by defining some terms.
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
I use the term oxystatic phytofactors to collectively refer to all
plant-derived substances—concoctions, extracts, or teas of roots,bark, leaves, and flowers of plants — that have empirically-established biologic characteristics that support oxygen homeostasis. OXYSTATIC THERAPIES
I use the term oxystatic nutrients to refer to all such therapies
that are directly or indirectly involved in oxygen homeostasis. Asdiscussed in the earlier chapters, the focus on oxygen homeostasisforces us to think and reach beyond the prevailing notions ofprescribing mononutrient or monophytofactor therapies to treat viraldisease. On December 5, 2005, I devoted a one-hour radio programentitled "Science, Health, and Healing" (heard on-line[] on Mondays and Tuesday at noon) to the subjectof flu and flu-like illnesses. In that program I focused on the sixtherapies I chose for this chapter. That day I received an e-mail froma listener who protested that all those therapies were immune-enhancing, rather than antiviral. Reading that e-note, I realized howwidespread the confusion is about what is 'antiviral' and what is'immune-enhancing.' Actually, all therapies that are immuneenhancing can be considered antiviral. That further underscored forthe importance of 'molecular-energetic' (the molecular pathways bywhich cells gain energy) thinking in clinical medicine, and especiallyin the management of infectious disorders. This — in my view — isa crucially important issue in integrative medicine since it provides
200 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
us with a sound scientific and logical model of holistic care of thesick and the healthy.
The oxygen homeostasis model of health/dis-ease/disease
model led me to the simple the "sun-soil concept of healing." In thatsimple model, the sun represents the healing energy of the Presence(the spirit) that surrounds us at all times and the soil represents thetrio of the bowel, blood, and liver ecosystem. Healing in acute andchronic illnesses, then, can be seen as occurring through the mediumof oxygen sustained by luminous sunlight and nurturing soil. Thatsimplicity holds whether I manage a case of breast cancer or of heartdisease, of disabling chronic herpes infection or flu and flu-likeillnesses. The clinical applications of that model need to beindividualized for each patient but the essential sun-soil holismremains constant.
The crucial importance of the sun-and-soil model in managing
flu and flu-like illnesses, is this: The model underscores theimportance of holistic thinking and mandates that all relevant issuesbe addressed for a given patient. In the first chapter of this book, Iaddressed the problems with the terms 'flu death' and 'flu mortality'rates in the populations affected by flu viruses. Very few persons canbe expected to die from flu viral infections when oxygenhomeostasis is preserved and the immune system is strong. Peoplewho succumb to flu infections perish because of the three furies ofoxidosis, acidosis, and dysoxygenosis which create and fan the dysoxstate (dysfunctional oxygen metabolism). It is crucially important to
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
recognize that the intensity of the dysox state in persons with flu andflu-like illnesses represents the sum total of all toxic elementsaffecting that person at that time. Thus, in a patient with flu or flu-like illness:
Every co-existing viral load — herpes, Epstein-Barr virus,and others — matters;
Every co-existing bacterial infection matters;
Every co-existing yeast overload matters;
Every co-existing parasitic infestation matters;
Every co-existing functional nutritional deficiency matters;
Every co-existing toxic metal burden matters;
Every moment of anger, hostility, and the sense of being avictim matters;
Without the sun-soil model of understanding how the
influenza viruses cause illness and death, we revert back to one-disease/one-diagnosis/one-drug thinking. The ownership of diseasepersists, both for the patient and the practitioner. Again, I write foremphasis that my suggestions/guidelines for managing flu and flu-like illness in this and the next chapter should be viewed within thelarger context of the sun-soil model of managing viral infections. BIOLOGIC UNIQUENESS
Each person is a unique person. Each person responds to
different therapies in a different way. The suggestions made in thisand the next chapter have been safe in my clinical experience. Still,I urge the readers to test these suggestions, beginning with one-fourthor less of the dose and gradually increasing the amount until the full
202 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
suggested dose is achieved. Needless to point out, suchindividualized testing should be done prior to developing flu or flu-like illnesses so that one can have a sense of one's own tolerance withregards to the individual items to be included in one's program at thetime of the viral infections.
Clinical medicine is an artful application of a large number of
biological facts to the care of a sick individual. The art of medicinecannot simply be learned from books. It requires years of toil,learning the basic facts of anatomy, physiology, pathology, andtherapeutics. It requires attentive listening to the patient andacquiring the ability to separate the core issues in each case from theclutter surrounding that case. Finally, it requires the courage to befaithful to one's clinical observations. If considering to be one's ownphysician in e managing common viral infections, it would be wellserved to take note these statements. However, safety first, none ofmy suggestions should be considered as a substitute for a full clinicalevaluation by a practitioner.
The following are the six natural remedies that I offer as
suggestions to be considered in the case of flu and flu-like illnesses. In the next chapter I present oxystatic therapies of my choice. Mychoices are based on extensive personal experience with thesetherapies, as well as on the feedback I have received about theireffectiveness from my colleagues at the Institute, Capital Universityof Integrative Medicine, and the American Academy ofEnvironmental Medicine.
Echinacea, astragalus, burdock root/goldenseal protocol
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
In this chapter, I also furnish information about other
therapies— cayenne-ginger vapor treatment, lemon-maple fluid fasts,alkalinizing protocols, oregano oil, and others — which mycolleagues and I prescribe for acute and chronic viral infections. These suggestions may also be considered by the reader within thelarger context of the sun-soil model of managing viral infections.
The echinacea combination, shown in Table, 1 has proven to
be of the most clinical benefit in controlling acute and chronic viralinfections. The individual ingredients of the protocol given in thetable can be purchased separately and then taken together in therecommended doses.
Table 1. The Components of the Echinacea Protocol
The botanist, James A. Duke, is one person in the field of
phytofactor remedies that I admire most. I include below a quotefrom his book The Green Pharmacy (page 134. Rodale Press, Emmaus,Pa):
204 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
"I have followed the advice you gave me about Echinaceawhen we met at the New York Botanical Garden at AuntieYuan's restaurant in Manhattan." My advice was to takeEchinacea at the first sign of sniffles, and Barash says shehasn't had a single cold since she started following thatadvice."
Turmeric is probably the single most commonly used remedy
for flu and flu-like illnesses in the Punjab province of Pakistan whereI grew up. The mothers there used to — and hopefully fathers nowhave begun to — mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a cup ofmilk and ask the children to drink it twice or three times a day. I nowrecommend organic vegetable or grape fruit juice instead of milk formixing with turmeric powder.
Garlic can be taken raw or cooked. The dose is a matter of
personal choice. I have not yet seen a patient who developed garlictoxicity due to overdosage.
Ginger can also be taken raw or cooked. Ginger water
prepared by boiling a gallon of water with one inch long piece ofginger (chopped) is the best and the cheapest drinking water. Whenpouring this water into glass containers for refrigeration, the bottomone inch layer of boiled water should be discarded, since this is thewater in which ginger compounds (alkaloids) precipitateenvironmental pollutants in water.
Old-fashioned chicken soup prepared with ginger and garlic
is an excellent alternative way to combine these remedies. The salt inthe soup usually increases the desire for fluids and that improves thestate of hydration.
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
In the Pakistan of my boyhood, mothers often gave their
children cod live oil during winter, both for the prevention ofcommon colds as well for fighting viral infections. I commonly elicitknowing smiles when I prescribe cod liver oil for patients. Theyremember receiving the same from their mothers, both in the UnitedStates and Europe. For centuries, people in most countries have usedit for its empirical benefits.
Cod liver oil has a high content of Vitamins D and A, as well
as omega-3 oils. All those elements play crucial roles at many levelsin the working of the immune system. However, high concentrationsof those elements due to prolonged use of a high dosage of cod liveroil can cause a unhealthy build-up in the liver in turn, stressing theorgan.
Dosage Schedule
I recommend a daily dose of one teaspoon of cod liver oil on
alternate weeks during the winter months to reduce the possibility ofcontracting flu and flu-like illnesses. On a short-term basis (up to amonth) , the oil may safely be taken in larger doses of four teaspoonsdaily.
The zinc lozenges have been prescribed by nutritionist-
physicians for sore throats and early stages of flu-like illnesses for
206 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
decades. Such lozenges can be safely taken every three hours forepisodes of sore throat for periods of up to five days.
In general, I prescribe zinc in daily doses of 25 to 50 mg
along with other mineral supplements, including copper in doses of2 to 5 mg.
The term probiotics refers to microbial species that normally
reside in the human gut. They help control overgrowth of harmfulmicrobes, such as yeast, mycoplasma, and others. The best knownexample of a probiotic, which has been used universally since thedawn of agriculture, is yogurt. I liberally prescribe goat yogurt as apart of an integrative program for managing flu and flu-like illnesses. Most cow milk-intolerant individuals can tolerate plain cow milkyogurt.
There are a large number of brand name probiotic
formulations composed of Lactobacillus acidophillus,Bifidobacterium bulgaricus, and Streptococcus feceum. I am not ableto recommend any brand name and suggest an appropriate dose. Ihave often heard claims of this or that number of billions of viablemicrobes contained in various brand names. Those claims are notsubstantiated by any true-real-testing. I suggest the readers seekadvice about it from their practitioners. The other alternative is to askthe local health food store about the brand she/he has mostexperience with.
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
Vitamin C is an excellent water soluble antioxidant with
literally no toxicity with the usual recommended doses. The clinicalbenefits in flu and flu-like illnesses have been recognized by allpractitioners who use it. I recommend Vitamin C in oral doses of oneto two grams every two hours during the day at the onset of a viralinfection. It is extremely uncommon for my patients to report anyadverse effects except loose bowel movements, which is a very smallprice to pay for markedly reducing the total bowel load of commoncold and influenza viruses. Vitamin C has also been recommended'to tolerance,' meaning as much as necessary to induce waterydiarrhea. I have not seen any real advantage of doing that.
My colleagues at the Institute regularly administer Vitamin C
intravenously in doses of 15 to 25 grams and observe good clinicalresults. To date, we have not encountered any long-term negativeeffects of such therapy. I refer readers interested in an in-depthdiscussion of the clinical uses of vitamin C to my book IntegrativeNutritional Medicine, the fifth volume of The Principles and Practiceof Integrative Medicine. ALKALIZING PROTOCOLS
Flu viruses thrive in acidic environments. The human immune
system does not work well in an acidic environment. For thosereasons, it is critical that the issue of acidity be effectively addressed. I consider optimal hydration as the single most importantmeasurement for reducing the total body burden of acids. Thefollowing are some protocols prescribed at the clinic for that purpose.
208 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
Table 2. The 3-C Alkalizer Protocol In Use At the Institute Substance Table 3. The Alkali Protocol In Use At the Institute Substance
Citrate has been widely recommended to neutralize excess
acidity. It may also be taken as Alka- Seltzer Gold in doses of threeto four tablets daily. Chlorella, chlorophyll and cilantro are otheracid-fighting remedies and may be used for flu and flu-like illness indoses of up to one to two grams daily.
The following is the instruction sheet that my colleagues at
the Institute and I use for a general purpose of a liver/kidney, boweldetox procedure. The abbreviation LEMP stands for lemon and maple
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
syrup. Epsom salt and cayenne pepper are added to assure a bowelflush. This is a modification for a liver/bowel flush that has been usedfor centuries throughout different cultures.
Please read this direction sheet twice. The procedure is simple
and when done correctly (in a prayerful / meditative state) should notcause any discomfort. The procedure can be discontinued without anyconcerns if weakness or other symptoms develop. All prescriptionmedications should be continued but we ask that you consult withyour physician first. Medications that need to be taken with food canbe taken with a glass of water at the usual times. It is recommendedthat the nutrient and herbal supplements be reduced by 50% duringthe first day the fast is done.
The LEMP detox is initially prescribed for just one day at a
time. Longer fasts can be done but only if the one-day fast is toleratedwell. The amount of Epsom salt taken as a saline laxative should alsodepend upon tolerance, beginning with one tablespoon. Thefollowing is the two-part recommended protocol. Two to three quartsof additional water should be taken during the day. If hungerdevelops and becomes uncomfortable, a grapefruit may be eaten. Alight vegetarian meal is suggested for the evening if hypoglycemicsymptoms occur. Supplement program should be continued to thetolerance (begin with 50% of the dose and build up to the fullrecommended doses. Part A: Begin in the morning and continue through the day k
One-half teaspoon of cayenne powder (except in cases ofgastritis and stomach ulcers)
Add 24 ounces of water, or more to the taste
210 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
Drink in small portions throughout the day, at your comfortlevel. May begin with a second 24-ounces of the above.
Part B: Morning or mid-morning saline laxative
Begin with one teaspoon of Epsom salt with three ounces ofwater. Slowly build to one tablespoons if found necessary forcomplete bowel evacuation.
Repeat after one hour (One tablespoon Epsom salt with threeounces of water), if no bowel movement occurs. Hypoglycemia Control:
Persons with history of hypoglycemia should use the
Add protein drink+lecithin+flaxseed. Four ouncestwice daily. If hypoglycemic symptoms are notcontrolled
Eat a vegetarian meal in the evening, if symptomspersist.
Two natural therapies that have stood the test of time for liver
detoxification are liver castor oil pack and liver flush protocols. Asfor other specific therapies I include in this volume, I recommend thatboth liver pack and flush should be undertaken under professional
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
supervision first. I myself prescribe castor oil liver packs to facilitateliver detox and reduce liver congestion as a part of our basic bowel-blood-liver detox program in most patients with chronic ailments.
Steps for the Castor Oil Liver Pack 1.
Gently massage the entire liver area (upper abdomen andlower chest on the right side) along with the front of the lowerabdomen with your left hand for two to four minutes.
Prepare a piece of flannel or cotton cloth large enough tocover the liver and abdomen areas when folded twice.
Fold flannel or cotton piece and soak it with castor oil(available from most pharmacies).
Cover the liver and abdominal areas with the soaked flannelor cotton piece and cover the cloth with a plastic sheet (anopened plastic bag is adequate). Use tape to anchor the plasticsheet.
Put a heating pad over as much of the area as possiblecovered by the pack, favoring the area of the liver. Theheating pad must not be hot.
Leave the castor oil soak for two hours, unless otherwisespecified by your physician.
Gently wash off the castor oil with a mild soap after finishingthe protocol. Steps for One-Day Liver Flush 1.
Drink 5 to 8 (or more if tolerated) glasses of organic applecider or juice throughout the day. Persons with hypoglycemiaor glucose intolerance may substitute organic vegetable juicefor apple juice.
Drink additional water to maintain a state of overhydrationfrom morning till 6 PM.
Continue with your prescribed nutrient and herbal
212 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
Three hours after lunch, take two teaspoons of disodiumphosphate (or Epsom salt, if disodium phosphate is notavailable) dissolved in two ounces of hot water. Drink onecup of hot water with a few drops of lemon juice and a pinchof salt to eliminate bad taste from mouth.
Two hours later, repeat the above step (# 5).
Take an evening meal of grapefruit. (Grapefruit juice may besubstituted if the whole fruit is not available. Fresh juice ispreferred to canned juice.)
At bedtime, drink one cup of an equal-parts mixture of extra-virgin olive oil and lemon juice (1/2 cup of each). Again,fresh juice is preferred.
Lie in bed on your right side with knees pulled up for about30 minutes.
Additional vegetarian meals may be taken if needed.
Be prepared to experience nausea, some abdominal cramps,and diarrhea during or after taking lemon juice and olive oil. You may need a Tigan suppository if nausea persists(prescription required from your physician). Steps for Two-Day Liver Flush 1.
Drink 5 to 8 (or more if tolerated) glasses of organic applecider/juice or vegetable juice daily for two days.
Three hours after a vegetarian lunch on the second day, take2 teaspoons of disodium phosphate dissolved in two ouncesof hot water. Drink one cup of hot water with a few drops oflemon juice and a pinch of salt to eliminate bad taste from themouth.
Continue with additional steps as for the one-day protocol(steps # 6 to 9).
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
In the Chapter 3 entitled "Three Flu Furies," I explained the
three primary mechanisms by which flu viruses cause illness anddeath: too much acidity (acidosis), too much oxidative stress(oxidosis), and dysfunctional oxygen metabolism (dysoxygenosis). The most efficient way to diminish the increased body burden ofacids is ootimal hydration. The most efficient way to reduce theincreased oxidative burden of acids is ootimal hydration. The mostuseful approach to prevent flu or severe illness caused by flu isrestore oxygen homeostasis through optimal hydration. I recommendthree to five quarts of fluids for persons weighing from 110 to 180pounds respectively. Water, herbal teas, and soups are acceptablefluids to improve hydration. Coffee and alcoholic beverages are not. CONTROL OF CONSTIPATION
A healthy bowel empties itself two to three times effortlessly.
By this definition, a majority of my patients at the time of initial visitare constiopated. Restoring the strength of the bowel is always oneof my top clinical priorities. In all infections disorders, this becomeseven an urgent problem. On a short-term basis, I would use anythingor everything that works. The following are my preferences: (1)optimal hydration; (2) Organic vegetable juice, 10 to 12 ouncesmagnesium sulfate, 1,000 to 2,000 mg; (3) psyllium, up to 3teaspoons; (4) yogurt, goat or cow milk;
214 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
# Bowel protocol 11 may be used in rotation with bowel 7* Psyllium taken from Pakistani/Indian stores generally work betterthan that from drug stores**Spring or other suitable water***Hot liquid may be warm water with a few drops of lemon juice,green tea, black tea, or coffee****Rebounding exercise is necessary so that the fluid simply doesnot sit in the stomach and make you uncomfortable. PROCEDURE FOR DRY SAUNA
Sauna is desirable for managing viral infections, unless associated
with fever. It can be used daily until flu symptoms clear up. The followingare some guidelines we give to our patients. Creating a Sauna in the Bathroom
Use an ordinary heater to heat the bathroom with closed door
Start with 100 degrees centigradeBuild to 108 degrees
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
Use a pool thermometer for measuring room temperatureCall in an electrician if you need an extra line for a secondheater
Start with 10 minutesBuild to 30 minutes, with increments of 5 minutes
Folding all wood chairFold a towel to make a seatLiver packStrongly encouraged during sauna therapy, begin with 15minutes, build to 30 minutes in increments of five minutes
Two quarts, organic vegetable juice permissible
Protocols for Viral Infection Throat Protocol Vitamin C HP7 (Sinus Remedy) by Metagenics Cayenne Ginger Vapor
216 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
Hydrogen Peroxide Soaks Liver Pack
4 quarts daily with 1 tsp. sea salt (omitsalt if hypertensive)
IV Therapy
Hydrogen peroxide II with additional5gm Vitamin C (2x)/week
The symptoms of nasal and head congestion, with or without
fever, are very common in flu and flu-like illnesses. The followingvapor treatment is usually quite helpful, and may be included in thetreatment. 1.
Boil two quarts of water with one half teaspoon of cayenne(red chili powder) and a one inch long piece of ginger root(chopped).
Transfer boiling water to a plastic heat safe basin. Place thebasin close to the bath tub (or any other suitable and safearea).
Sit on a stool/chair about a half foot away from the basin andlean face over to gently inhale the a small amount of vapor,be careful not to breathe too deeply.
The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire Majid Ali, MD. _________________________________________________________________
After a few moments, move closer to the basin and inhale alittle more vapor.
Once you have become comfortable with the vapor, coveryour head and pot, face downward, with a large towel tokeep the vapor in and inhale, first gently then deeply.
Remove the towel if the vapor is too strong. Otherwisecontinue to inhale for 5-7 minutes. ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS FOR VIRAL INFECTION
The following are some additional therapies that my
colleagues and I have found useful for common cold and upperrespiratory viral infections, with or without antibiotics to controlsecondary bacterial infections which inevitably develop when thebody is not able to control infections within five to seven days.
Protocol 1: To be used in weekly rotation throughout 1-2 months
Turmeric (week 1): one capsule or 1/3 tsp -- three times
Protocol 2--To be used in weekly rotation throughout the month
Colloidal Silver (week 1) -- one teaspoon twice dailyOlive leaf extract (week 2) -- one capsule three times daily
218 The Rooster, The Flu, and the Imperial Medicine of the New Empire________________________________________________________________
Consider the following quote from James A. Duke's CRCHandbook of Medicinal Herbs (CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida):
Each plant species is biochemically different
from each, and embraces a wide array of intraspecificbiochemical variation. All of these species containtoxic compounds, and all contain vitamins. I darespeculate that all contain compounds that will causetumors in vitro and in vivo and all contain compoundsthat will arrest tumors in vitro and in vivo (shikimicacid and beta-sitosterol, e.g., may be ubiquitous ornearly so in higher plants. I further dare speculate thatall contain compounds which will raise or lowerblood pressure, the body temperature, etc. (if weanalyze large quantities of all chemicals that arepresent in minute quantities in plant species.x
I might add here that I whole-heartedly recommend Duke's
book to all those interested in natural healing methods, as well aspotential toxicities of commonly prescribed herbs.