Emergency contraceptive pills

Plan B One Step Emergency Contraception (pill)

What is Emergency Contraception?

You can prevent pregnancy after intercourse by taking Plan B cannot prevent an ectopic pregnancy, which is Emergency Contraceptive pil s (also known as the when a fertilized egg attaches and grows outside the Morning After Pil or EC). The most common is uterus. This can be very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. Signs of ectopic pregnancy are: pain especial y in the lower abdomen How to Use
The sooner after sex you take it, the better. For example, if taken one hour after sex it is more Side Effects
effective than if taken twelve hours after sex. If you Side effects are rare with Plan B but they can happen. start it more than 5 days (120 hours) after sex, the They include nausea, vomiting, headaches, breast tenderness, dizziness, fluid retention, abdominal pain and irregular bleeding. If they don’t go away after 1 to If you vomit within a half hour, it might not work and you should take another dose. You might want to take it with food and some anti-nausea medication. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Studies have not been done on the effect of Plan B on How Well Does It Work?
pregnancy and breastfeeding. Birth control pil s with Emergency contraception is much less effective than the same chemical have been used for many years and methods of birth control you use before sex such as have not caused problems. However, the amount of condoms or birth control pil s. But if a woman has the hormone in Plan B is more than the amount in a had sex without protection, emergency contraception birth control pil . No problems have shown up in significantly lowers her chances of getting pregnant. women who have gotten pregnant or breastfed while taking Plan B. Plan B wil not end an existing What to Expect
After using Emergency Contraception, your next menstrual period should begin within 2 to 4 weeks. If Availability
you don’t have a full, normal period within 4 weeks Plan B is available behind the counter at most you might be pregnant and should have a pregnancy pharmacies. Women and men 17 years old and older do not need a prescription, but you do need to buy it at the pharmacy counter and wil be expected to show Starting birth control after Plan B identification to prove your age. Men can purchase You can start using birth control the same day you Plan B for their partners. take EC. If you are using the pil , patch or vaginal ring, their hormones can give you bleeding much like a normal period, even if you are pregnant. It’s a good prescription. You can cal your doctor or other local idea to get a pregnancy test 2 to 4 weeks after using health care provider to see if they wil cal in a In Alaska, California, Hawai , Maine, Massachusetts, Prescription Birth Control Pills work for
Emergency Contraception.
Washington State if you are under 17, you can get If you can’t get Plan B, use prescription birth control Plan B from many pharmacies without a clinic visit. pil s instead. They are less effective and cause more You can cal ahead to make sure the pharmacist on nausea and vomiting. It is important to take the exact number of pil s recommended. Take the first dose as soon as you get the pil s. Take the second dose 12 hours later. If possible, take with food. See dosages Go ahead - ask your doctor, pharmacist or clinic to give you the pil s or the prescription ahead of time. Then you'l have Plan B before you need it. Take 1st Dose
Take 2nd Dose
within 120 hours of
12 hours after
Pharmacy Denial?
Type of Pill
It may be il egal for a pharmacy to refuse to give you Plan B. If this happens to you, please report it immediately to Legal Voice at 206-682-9552 or to Advantages
♦ Can be used after intercourse. ♦ Easily available if you are 17 or older. Disadvantages
♦ Less effective than other birth control methods ♦ Does not protect against sexual y transmitted ♦ Need prescription if you are under17 years old. More Info
Just like Plan B, they have not been fully tested for their effect on pregnancy and breastfeeding, but they are believed to be safe. Just like Plan B, they do not

Source: http://www.fwhc.org/birth-control/bc_pdf/ec-pills.pdf

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