Logistics r2durban_final

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance Delegation
Logistics for Durban FINAL
What to bring:
Passport—be sure you have 2 empty visa pages
Comfortable walking shoes preferably enclosed shoes Organizational t-shirt for you and for gifts (for contacts you make with another organizations)Sufficient supply of medication you take Materials – buttons, flyers, propaganda Organizational banner At least one nice outfit for going out, and slightly more formal
clothes for people who are accredited
What NOT to bring: GGJ is not responsible for lost/stolen items
Anything of great value or anything you risk losing No expensive jewelry or of sentimental value We will be using the buddy system and communication trees Do not expose yourself as a tourist; we are here for political motives.
16 inches), including the handle, pockets and wheels. Preparing for Your Trip: Before You
U.S. and Canada passport holders visiting

South African Air al ows 2 checked bags not the Republic of South Africa for ninety
exceeding 45 lbs, and one carry-on not exceeding (90) days or less for tourism / business
purposes do not need visas. 
Non-US or Canada passport holders and nationals of other countries must check the list o to see if they need to apply for Baggage fees for international flights are
visas. If the names of their countries are not listed, it very expensive for extra bags (up to $160
means they need to apply for visas. There are also each) so pack light! You will be
countries that are visa exempt if applicant is responsible for carrying your own bags,
traveling to South Africa for a period of 30 days or and for any baggage fees that apply, so
don’t over-pack!
For delegates who are accredited: please bring NOTE: you must have at least 2 empty
slightly more formal attire for the times when you visa pages in your passport. You will not
are inside the conference. You don’t need to go al - be allowed on your flight if you don’t
out—ties are not necessary—but nicer than casual. have 2 empty visa pages (the “endorsement”
Regardless of whether you are accredited or not, pages at the back of the passport don’t count). If you know GGJ likes to party! So please bring at you do not have 2 empty visa pages, you wil need to least one nice outfit for going out.
get additional pages for your passport.

About Social Movement Spaces in Durban
Folks organizing the People’s Space have compiled a South Africa requires Yellow Fever vaccinations for website of useful information and maps (which is al travelers who transit through the fol owing stil growing) to guide you through navigating the countries: Sao Tomé and Principe, Somalia, Tanzania, and Zambia. If you are not traveling
through these countries, there are no
required vaccinations.
site. Check them both out before you go to start There is a low level of risk for Malaria in the getting familiar with the area and the events being northeastern KwaZulu-Natal Province. Durban is farther south than the risk area, so the risk in
Durban is very low. Nonetheless, please bring
mosquito repellant since Malaria is
From the airport
*note - if you arrive when stores are still open, be sure to change money and buy an adaptor and SIM card if you Packing and Baggage Fees
need these before you leave the airport TOWELS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED at
the dorms: be sure to pack your own

GGJ delegates arriving between Nov 28-
GGJ delegates wil most likely be traveling on British Dec 3 will get picked up at the airport.
Airways or South African Airways. Be sure to give Go to the baggage claim area and look for someone yourself enough time—arrive at the airport 2 hours before your flight on the way to South Africa, and 3 hours ahead on the way back.
IEN delegates and GGJ staff arriving early
(before Nov 28) should get a cab or share

British Airways al ows 2 free checked bags weighing a shuttle to the residence. GGJ staff wil give
up to 23kg and 90cm x 75cm x 43cm (35.5 x 29.5 x you the address for where you are staying. From Nov 28th to December 10th GGJ and IEN Here is one recommended shuttle
delegates wil be staying in single dorm rooms at the service:
Howard Col ege Campus of University of KwaZulu King Shaka Airport Shuttle Services
Natal in the Berea area. The Howard Col ege (Private Shuttle)
Campus is located on Mazizi Kunene Road (formerly Cost: R280 ($35) to Berea neighborhood. (1-4 South Ridge Road). Bedding linens wil be provided, including sheet, pil ow, pil owcase and a blanket, and You need to book ahead for these
wil be cleaned once a week. TOWELS WILL
shuttles. You can book online here:
NOT BE PROVIDED, you must bring your
own towel.
bathrooms, separated by men and women. Some of the residences wil  also be segregated by gender, with male and female dorm rooms on different floor Local ground transportation
GGJ wil be arranging transportation while in There is organized security for the dorms.
Durban. We wil provide transport to relevant sites—once in the am and once in the pm. If you miss We wil be hosted by the University’s Centre for the designated times for group pick up, you are responsible for your own transportation.
Phone: from the US—27-31-260-3195… From within South Africa—031-260-3195 The university wil be hosting most of the social Email contact for accommodations: Philisa Zibi— movement activities, therefore you wil be within walking distance from the residence. The municipality wil provide accessible transportation Meals in Durban
GGJ wil not provide any meals. You should account for $25 per day for breakfast, lunch, snack and Metered taxis are common, safe and relatively dinner. If you like to drink and/or smoke, please add inexpensive. Registered metered taxis are clearly marked with an official eThekwini Transport There wil be vendors on UKZN campus providing some South African foods—curry, beans, burgers, hot dogs, prepared meals, vegetarian meals etc.
The People Mover bus system links the inner city with the beachfront. It is a special needs friendly, high frequency service, with air-conditioned buses Free wi-fi wil be available in the dorms.
You can also pay for wi-fi—the most widespread wi- fi access is through a pre-paid service cal ed accommodation nodes (especial y to the south) with AlwaysOn. Visit their website for hotspots in the City. Durban station is a short walk from the ICC. The People Mover bus links rail stations with For mobile wi-fi you can buy a prepaid cell phone starter pack (less than R10) and access the Internet TOWELS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED, you
with GPRS or 3G. General y R2 per MB for out of must bring your own towel.
bundle data from most providers (50c for Virgin IEN delegates and GGJ staff arriving before Nov 28th Mobile), but it becomes a lot cheaper if you buy a wil be staying at a residency, and then wil move to data bundle. Vodacom prices range from 38c per MB the dorms at the University of KwaZulu Natal (see on a 500MB bundle to 19c per MB on a 1GB bundle. MTN prices range between R1 per MB on a 10MB to 39c per MB on a 1GB bundle. Mobile data connections are always charged per MB as opposed to per second (as is popular on many European Xitsonga. English is spoken widely. Road signs and Cell Phones
For those who would want to get phone access and The official currency of South Africa is the South have mobile phones in which you can put SIM cards, African Rand (ZAR), which is divided into 100 the best approach is to go to one of the operators cents. The conversion rate fluctuates and is assessed inside the airport (turn left as you come out of daily. But you can expect the buying and selling rate either the international or domestic arrivals: it to be around $7.87 ZAR for every $1 USD.
doesn't real y matter which - MTN, Cell-C, Vodacom). You can buy a SIM card (they are around We recommend you exchange or
$1) and buy pay-as-you-go airtime - you just have to withdraw the money you will need for
give the address where you're staying and provide your trip at the airport—they give you
the cheapest rate possible, there’s no
black market, and we may not be able to
change money during the rest of the trip.
If you want to take money out of ATM’s,

About South Africa
there are ATM’s everywhere. Be sure to
Climate and Geography
alert your bank that you will be traveling
Durban is the third largest city in South Africa, and to South Africa so that you are able to
is in the eThekwini district or municipality of the make international withdrawals without
KwaZulu-Natal province on the eastern shore. It is a any problems.
mild subtropical climate, and is general y hot and humid with occasional thunderstorms in the Rand bil s (or notes) are issued in R10, R20, R50, R100 and R200, though many places don’t accept temperature is 70 degrees. Weather wil be warm R200 bil s. Rand coins are issued in one, two, five, and may be rainy. You should expect that the 10, 20 and 50 cents, and R1, R2 and R5. It is weather would be around 75-80 degrees in the day recommended to carry smal bil s because many and around 65-70 degrees at night during the time vendors to not carry change. Do not accept a torn of our stay. We recommend bringing a light jacket or or damaged bil . Currency that is damaged in any sweater. Bring mosquito repellant, sunscreen and way wil not be accepted by any merchant, money rain gear; even with the rain there has been sunny exchange or bank. If somebody offers you a days in between so there is a high probability of getting sunburned. And the beaches are lovely! For more information on the weather visit the Tipping at around 10% of the bil is the norm.
Bank hours are from 9am to 3:30pm on weekdays Tap water is drinkable in South Africa’s urban areas. and from 8:30am to 11am on Saturdays. Most banks You can also purchase bottled water but we have cash dispensing machines accepting Visa, encourage you to bring your own water bottle or Electricity
The power supply in South Africa is 220vAC, 50Hz. South Africa has 11 official languages including Electrical sockets are rounded and three pronged. English, Afrikaans, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, You wil need an adaptor plug and if you don’t have Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati, Tshivenda and one yet you should buy one at the airport - there are very few places outside the airport that sell Please note: the GGJ staff will have cell
phones, those numbers will be provided
when you arrive in Durban.

Time Zone
South Africa is on South Africa Standard
Time (SAST) or UTC/GMT + 2 hours. During
In case of any emergencies there are public safety our trip, SAST wil be 7 hours ahead of Eastern services like police officers, the fire department as Standard Time, 8 hours ahead of Central Standard well as various public and private hospitals. If an Time, 9 hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time and emergency does happen to occur please get in 10 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.
touch with Cindy or Jen immediately.
General Safety
Important Numbers for the City of
Most places in the world have incidents crimes of survival, and tourists or people easily identified as General Enquiries: 031 311 1111
not being from the area become easy targets. Here Fire Department & Metro Police: 031 361
are some common sense tips from our S. African comrades: Be safe and alert. South Africa is a high Water and Traffic Hotline: 080 131 3013
crime country, and has high levels of violent crime.  All Emergencies: 122
Avoid walking alone, particularly at night. Keep your wal et/purse hidden, not in back pockets, etc.  Use For more information please visit the fol owing metre-taxi's at night unless in areas where city is providing COP17-related transport.  DO NOT EVER get into cars with people you don't know, even if people seem very friendly or there are US Consulate, Durban
Old Mutual Building, 303 Dr. Pixley KaSeme Street (also known as West St), Durban 4001 Once we arrive, we wil create a buddy system Tel: (27 31) 305-7600; Fax: (27 31) 305-7691; among delegates. We wil stay together in groups as much as possible, and GGJ delegates should know All Services: Mon-Fri: 08:30-12:30; 14:00-16:30 where you are at al times. We wil go over security After Hours Emergency Assistance: (031) 305-7600 at the dorms once we arrive, but as a rule do not bring anyone new that you meet back to the dorms.
Dialing Phone Numbers
To make international cal s from Durban or from
anywhere in South Africa to the US, you need to
001+ area code + seven digit phone number.
To cal South Africa from the US you need to dial 011-27 + area code (code for Durban is 31) + seven digit number For international operator assistance dial 0900/0903. For the national directory dial 1023.
Check the fol owing website for more information on cal ing codes:

Source: http://ggjalliance.org/system/files/Logistics%20R2Durban_FINAL.pdf

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