Meeting Minutes for Aug, 4, 2011 Public Meeting

1) Call to order: Chairman Calanni called meeting to order at 7:05PM

2) Introduction of Guests: None
3) Attendees: Board members Sam Calanni, Amy Mason and Harry Gintzer. Board members Anita
Long and Flip Boettcher had excused absences. Also present were Board Secretary Roberta Smith, Fire Chief Gene Stanley, Deputy Fire Chief Don Felton, Auxiliary President Dave Tilton, Donavon Johnson, Larry LePage and Gordon Scott.
4) Approval of Agenda: Amy Mason motioned to approve agenda and Harry Gintzer seconded the

5) Approval of July meeting minutes: Pen and ink changes to be made in Chief’s Report under CO and
AZ incident strike out South Carolina. Strike out “Testing was only able to draw the well down 15 inches” under Water well Tested. Also, under Auxiliary Report change names to Don Schellinger and Kathy Mikesell. Harry Gintzer motioned and Amy Mason seconded to approve the July Meeting Minutes as amended. Vote is unanimous.
6) Directors and Chief Reports:
Treasurers Report: (report attached)Items of note from check register are: Received $2500 for
6/24/11 emergency response from A. Brown. This property was not included within the SPCFPD at the
time of response. $701.45 was paid to Pikes Peak Community College for a First Responder Course for
D. Rocksted. A check for $330 to Signs of the Times for 3 recruiting banners (1 per station). A check
for $2,836.65 was paid to VISA. This payment included $2,729.70 travel expense for our volunteers
who responded to the wildfires in New Mexico in June and $106.95 for Internet Service. NET Income
at the end of July is $1,467 more than budgeted. YTD Capital Outlays are $19,678 less than budgeted
($1,678 less, discounting Station 2 $18,000). We published 10 more inclusions in the Flume for Round
4 which will be voted on at this meeting. We are adding any “Stragglers” (currently 4) to a 2012
Inclusion file. We have added to date 185 properties with over 1.8 million assessed value and
approximately $14,000 additional annual tax revenue.
Public Relations: Newsletter Publication tentatively scheduled for October.
Regulatory matters: Preliminary 2012 Budget prepared and distributed by Treasurer. There will be
Budget Planning Meetings in early September which will be attended by Sam Calanni, Gene Stanley,
Don Felton and Anita Long.
Chiefs Report: (report attached)
Medical Runs in July were 2. Fire Runs in July were 14.
TAC 9 East Repeater Update given by Gordon Scott: Sam Calanni expressed that the primary
concern for the SPCFPD Board is that the TAC 9 will meet requirements for the grant from Park
County. Gordon Scott stated he was confident in the Repeater’s Operational Status. Gordon stated
there are dark areas on the East and the TAC 9 East will enable the Fire Dept to respond to page outs
and thereby eliminating 3 County page outs which is more efficient. The “eliminate heterodyne”
response is no longer an issue. The required software package should be received on Monday,
however, Gordon cannot get to it until Wednesday. There will be Communications Procedure
Changes. Massive programming changes are required to the pack sets. Gordon stated that this should
satisfy the County’s requirements. Chief Stanley will need to see that the TAC 9 Repeater is working
prior to approaching the County. Gordon stated he has already tested the dark areas. Administrative
action that is required is to ensure that the equipment performs as stated by manufacturer and to ensure
that any issues the County may have are addressed and resolved. Chief Stanley will take the results to
the ES Council on the 4th Tuesday of August.
Station Security: Items, supplies and food are missing. Snacks in the Fire trucks were also gone.
Volunteers stated they ate some. Cabinets need padlocks and possibly entrance door locks need
changing. Donavon Johnson provided a cost quote for programmable card reader locks and cards for
all three stations. This would identify who is entering and at what time. Also, strangers were noted
using the bathroom in Fire Station #1. If anyone is aware who may be giving out the code to the door
Administration should be notified in order that these individuals could be spoken with and asked to
discontinue. There was also discussion of possible surveillance video. Sam Calanni stated we should
get a cost comparison between Surveillance System and Programmable Card System. Also, it was
suggested that the code to the station door be changed. Chief Stanley also questioned some long
distance calls. Chairman Calanni will ask Anita Long to do a trend study of long distance calls and to
look into unlimited long distance service.
Dumpster: The dumpster is for the Fire Department first. If there is room left then it is open to others.
Chief Stanley is requesting that individuals come to Gene or Don for key.
CSFS Surplus Truck Update: Chief Stanley is still working on it.
Pagers: Gene quoted price on two pagers at $59.95 each, $10 each to activate and $15/Mo service fee.
Chief Stanley mentioned that Pueblo Dispatch had called and wanted to request an Engine to go up to
the fire Chief Stanley was at, however, apparently no response to phone call. SPCFPD lost approx
$8000 to $10,000 of potential income. Chief Stanley stated that if Pueblo Dispatch has a pager they
may be more inclined to use. Chairman Calanni noted that Chief Stanley needs to bring up this issue at
the budget planning meeting.
Wind Sock: Wind Sock was installed on Station #1. Station #2 and #3 will follow when volunteers
are available.
Auxiliary Report: Dave reported food was supplied to the wild fire crews. A good time was had by
all at the “Steak Fry”. A pancake breakfast is in the planning to be held in September. Snacks in
trucks were reloaded by Joan LePage after volunteers had found there were no snacks left. There will
be an auxiliary meeting toward the end of August. Harry Gintzer was commended for doing a good
job at the July 4th yard sale.
7) Old Business:
TAC Repeater Site status: Report given by Gordon Scott. Please see Chief’s Report.
Capital Asset Management Plan: Please see Capital Improvements Report which was distributed.
Section 2: Approved Capital Assets Purchases. Purchase Station #2 Land. This item was not
accomplished due to difficulties in coordinating with the absentee landowners. The Capital Reserve
held was $18,000 but will be increased to $25,000 because of added expenses associated with
“Condemnation” proceedings. The building addition has been moved into the future.
Volunteer Signs: There was one sign purchased per each station. Chief Stanley will put up.
Wind Socks: Please see Chief’s Report.
8) New Business:
Public Hearing-Inclusions: Public Hearing opened at 8:06PM. There are 10 properties for inclusion
into the Fire District. Chairman Calanni asked if there was any objection to the inclusion of these 10
properties. No objection noted. Chairman Calanni stated that hearing no objections the Public
Hearing be adjourned. Public Hearing adjourned at 8:08PM.
Amy Mason motioned and Harry Gintzer seconded that the Inclusion
Resolution be passed. Vote is unanimous. Inclusion Resolution signed by Chairman Calanni.
Budget Preparation Status:
Anita Long has distributed a preliminary draft of the 2012 Annual
Budget. Budget planning meeting members will need to prepare for meetings in early September.

9) Public Input: None
10) Adjourn Public Meeting: Meeting adjourned by Chairman Calanni at 8:10PM
11) Executive Session (if needed):
No Executive Session held.

Respectfully Submitted by Roberta Smith, Secretary to the Board


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REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PARASITIC DISEASES Vice Chair: J. Mathews Pound, Kerrville, TX Bob H. Bokma, MD; Corrie C. Brown, GA; Leroy M. Coffman, Fl; A. A. Cuthbertson, NV; J. Kieth Flanagan, FL; John E. George, TX; Chester A. Gipson, MD; Larry L. Hawkins, MO; Thomas J. Holt, FL; Lee C. Jan, TX; Ralph C. Knowles, FL; Ulysses J. Lane, NC; Linda L. Logan, APO; Terry F. McElwain, WA; Daniel G.

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