Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKCHACephalalgia1468-2982Blackwell Science, 20032412936Original ArticlePhysiotherapy for tension-type headacheP Torelli et al.
Physiotherapy for tension-type headache: a controlled study
P Torelli, R Jensen1 & J Olesen1 Headache Centre, Unit of Neurology, Department of Neuroscience, University of Parma, Parma, Italy, and 1Danish Headache Research Centre, Department of Neurology, University of Copenhagen, Glostrup Hospital, Glostrup, Denmark
Torelli P, Jensen R & Olesen J. Physiotherapy for tension-type headache: a con-trolled study. Cephalalgia 2004; 24:29–36. London. ISSN 0333-1024
The role of non-pharmacological therapies in the preventive treatment of tension-type headache (TTH) is still an object of debate. The primary aim of this studywas therefore to investigate the therapeutic effect of physiotherapy in properlyclassified patients with TTH in a controlled trial. Fifty patients with TTH, 26 withepisodic, frequent (ETTH) and 24 with chronic TTH (CTTH) fulfilling the Inter-national Headache Society classification criteria were included in the study. Aftera 4-week run-in period, they were randomized to either an 8-week period ofstandardized physiotherapy (group 1) or to an 8-week observation period fol-lowed by an identical course of physiotherapy (group 2); after the physiotherapyall patients were followed for a 12-week follow-up period. We then evaluated thenumber of days with headache, severity and duration of the headache attacks,and drug consumption for symptomatic treatment before and after the course ofphysiotherapy. Forty-eight patients completed the study. The average number ofdays with headache per 4-week period was reduced from 16.3 days at baseline to12.3 days in the last 4 weeks of treatment [from 14.5 days to 10.5 days (P < 0.001)in group 1 and from 18.1 days to 14.1 days (P < 0.001) in group 2]. Severity andduration of headache as well as drug consumption were unchanged throughoutthe study. Analysing the response to treatment separately in the various sub-groups, we found that the number of responders was significantly higher amongpatients with CTTH vs. patients with ETTH (P < 0.002) and in females vs. males(P < 0.02). No differences were found between patients with and without disorderof pericranial muscles. We conclude that a standardized physiotherapy pro-gramme has a good therapeutic effect, albeit on a restricted group of patients.
ᮀChronic tension-type headache, episodic tension-type headache, headache,physiotherapy, preventive treatment, tension-type headache Paola Torelli, Centro Cefalee, Sezione di Neurologia, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Strada del Quartiere 4, 43100 Parma, Italy. Tel. + 39 0521 23 2866, fax + 39 0521 23 4010, e-mail Received 17 December 2002, accepted 22 May 2003Introduction
now been rejected. In 1988, the InternationalHeadache Society (IHS) applied the current term
Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most prevalent
‘tension-type headache’ and defined two subgroups
form of headache. In population-based studies in
associated and unassociated with disorder of peric-
developed countries, the estimated lifetime preva-
lence rates range from 35% to 78% of the adult
Physiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of
population (1, 2). TTH contributes a large burden
TTH, but scientific evidence of any possible benefi-
of disability, loss of workdays, diminished quality of
cial effects is quite limited. Most of the previous
life and considerable healthcare costs (3,4).
studies were conducted in improperly classified
The older terms ‘muscle contraction headache’,
headache groups. It is difficult to apply a placebo-
‘psychogenic headache’ or ‘tension headache’ have
controlled design to non-pharmacological treatment
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 29–36
studies and most case reports are uncontrolled and
unblinded (6) and do not fulfil present-day method-ological standards (7).
The primary aim of the present study was there-
fore to investigate the therapeutic effect of physio-therapy in properly classified patients with TTH in
a controlled trial. A secondary aim was to determine
whether physiotherapy has a different effect onpatients with episodic (ETTH) vs. chronic tension-
Figure 1 Study design.
type headache (CTTH), in males vs. females, and inpatients with TTH associated with (MUS) vs. not
They were subsequently randomized to either an
associated with disorders of pericranial muscles
8-week period of standardized physiotherapy
(non-MUS) according to the two- and three-digit
(group 1) or to an observation period of similar
diagnostic levels of the IHS classification (5). In par-
length with clinic visits to the neurologist (R.J.) at
ticular, we aimed to characterize those patients who
week 4 and week 8 (group 2, see Fig. 1). Thereafter,
benefited from physiotherapy by evaluating any
group 2 received the same course of physiotherapy
possible factors that might predict a good therapeu-
as group 1. At the end of the physiotherapy
tic response. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluate the
course, all patients were evaluated in a 12-week
long-term effect of physiotherapy during a 12-week
instructed to fill in the diary (10) at the end of eachday with headache and to record the mean sever-
Materials and methods
ity of pain on a 0–3 scale, where 0 was no pain and3 was severe, debilitating pain that required bed
rest. A standard dose of analgesics was defined asa dose equivalent to 1000 mg of acetylsalicylic acid
Fifty patients with frequent ETTH (arbitrarily
defined as ≥8 and <15 days with TTH per month)or CTTH fulfilling the IHS criteria (5) were
included in the study. The patients were recruitedfrom the out-patient Headache Clinic at the Gen-
Pericranial tenderness was evaluated prior to the
tofte University Hospital in consecutive order and
treatment or observation period by palpation of nine
were given a complete physical and neurological
pairs of pericranial muscles and of tendon insertions
examination. Inclusion criteria were: duration of
in group 1 and in group 2, respectively (11). The
TTH for at least 1 year, age between 18 and
manoeuvre was carried out by the same person – a
70 years, and no use of any preventive headache
trained technician – throughout the study, following
therapy. Exclusion criteria were: migraine attacks
a standardized procedure. The trained technician
more than once a month, other forms of primary
was kept uninformed about the subjects’ headache
headache or neuralgia, other neurological, systemic
history. Tenderness was scored in each location
or psychiatric disorders, and analgesic medication
according to an ordinal scale from 0 to 3, and scores
abuse (more than 100 tablets per month) or fre-
from all sites were summated. This Total Tenderness
quent use of ergotamine or triptans (more than two
Score (TTS) system has proved to be reliable (12). We
doses per month). Prior experience with physio-
had previously demonstrated that the ideal cut-off
therapy was not an exclusion criterion. Informed
value for separating TTH subjects from non-head-
consent was obtained from the patients and the
ache subjects with respect to muscle tenderness was
study was approved by the local Ethics Committee.
the 75% quartile of TTS obtained from a general
This study is part of a multifaceted study of TTH,
population (13). In the following studies, TTS was
other parts of which have been published previ-
used as the only criterion for further subdividing
patients according to the IHS criteria at the three-digit level. Those with TTS > 9 (equal to the 75%
quartile of TTS from healthy controls) were classifiedas having an association with muscular disorders
All patients had to keep a diagnostic headache
(MUS), whereas those with a TTS value of £9 were
diary (10) during the 4-week run-in period to
classified as unassociated with such disorders (non-
ensure that they fulfilled the inclusion criteria.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 29–36 Physiotherapy for tension-type headache
physiotherapy, the last 4 weeks of the observationperiod and the baseline in group 2. We have verified,
The course of physiotherapy was designed to give
in group 2, the modification in the same parameter
patients individual treatment twice a week for
between the baseline and the last 4 weeks on the
4 weeks and then physical exercise for another
observation period. Responders were defined as
4 weeks in small groups together with four to six
those patients with >50% reduction in headache
other patients. The patients followed both a fixed
days in the last 4 weeks of treatment compared with
standardized programme consisting of initial mas-
the run-in (baseline) period as indicated in the IHS
sage, basic relaxation techniques (autogenic training
guidelines for clinical trials in TTH (7). Secondary
and cognitive-behavioural therapy) and smooth
outcome parameters were the average duration and
stretching, and a daily programme to be done at home
severity of attacks and drug consumption for symp-
acting on shoulder, neck and pericranial muscles.
tomatic treatment. The analysis was first carried out
Self-responsibility and activity were emphasized and
in the whole sample and then repeated in ETTH vs.
any form of passive treatment, such as cryotherapy,
CTTH patients, in males vs. females and in MUS vs.
ultrasound and transcutaneous electrical nerve stim-
ulation (TENS) were to be avoided. The physiother-
The Wilcoxon signed rank sum test and the Mann–
apist tried to instruct the patients on how to identify
Whitney test were used to compare paired and
and avoid any possible muscular stress factors in
unpaired data between subjects, respectively. The
their daily life. One of the purposes of this treatment
Fisher’s exact test (two-sided) was used to compare
was to teach patients to be active and learn how to
the percentages of responders in ETTH vs. CTTH
handle, control and hopefully avoid their pain. The
patients, in males vs. females and in MUS vs. non-
procedures were performed by an expert physiother-
MUS patients. All data were analysed with SPSS
apist who was blinded to the subjects’ headache his-
software, version 10.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
tory and the presence of muscular disorders.
A 5% level of significance was used.
Results are presented as mean values and standard
Forty-eight patients completed the treatment period
deviations. For data analysis, the clinical parameters
and their demographic and clinical characteristics
were evaluated in the run-in period, in the last
4 weeks of physiotherapy and in the last 4 weeks of
Participant flow through the trial is displayed in
follow-up in both groups, and in the last 4 weeks of
Fig. 2. At baseline, group 1 and group 2 did not differ
the observation period for group 2. The primary effi-
significantly with respect to number of days with
cacy parameter was the number of days with head-
headache, severity and duration of headache, and
analgesic medication used (see Table 2). At the 8-
difference in the number of days with headache
week evaluation, the number of drop-outs did not
between the last 4 weeks of physiotherapy and the
differ between the two groups – one female patient
baseline in group 1, between the last 4 weeks of
did not complete the treatment period because of a
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the 48 patients studied
Data are presented as number with percentage within parentheses; age, headache duration, total tenderness score and number
of days with headache in the 4 weeks of run-in are presented as mean values with ranges within parentheses.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 29–36 Figure 2 Participant flow in the study. Table 2 Clinical characteristics in Groups 1 and 2 Figure 3 Effect of physiotherapy on headache frequency.
*P < 0.001; **P < 0.001.
Data are presented as number with percentage within
parentheses; number of days with headache, headache sever-ity and duration, drug consumption are presented as mean
of days with headache per 4-week period was
values with ranges within parentheses.
reduced from 16.3 days at baseline to 12.3 days in the
Days, number of days with headache/28 days; severity, 0–
last 4 weeks of treatment [from 14.5 days to 10.5 days
3 scale; duration, hours of headache/24 h; drugs, number of
(P < 0.001) in group 1 and from 18.1 days to 14.1 days
tablets per 28 days expressed in equivalent dose of 1000 mg
(P < 0.001) in group 2]. There was no difference
between the run-in period (18.1 days) and the obser-vation period (17.8 days), while the significant reduc-
poor response to treatment after 4 weeks (group 1),
tion in the average number of days with headache
while the other patient dropped out for personal
per 4-week period was confirmed between the obser-
reasons unrelated to the study (group 2).
vation period (17.8 days) and after the treatment
Furthermore, in the follow-up period, 11 patients
(14.2 days) in group 2 (P < 0.001). The effect was main-
(five males and six females) dropped out because
tained throughout the 12-week follow-up period,
they failed to show up regularly for the planned
with an average headache frequency of 8.6 and
follow-up visits. The clinical characteristics at baseline
14.2 days in group 1 and in group 2, respectively (see
of the 11 drop-out patients did not differ significantly.
The severity and duration of headache were
unchanged throughout the study periods in bothgroups. The severity was 1.6 at baseline and after
The number of days with headache was significantly
physiotherapy and 1.8 in the follow-up period in
decreased after physiotherapy. The average number
group 1; it was 1.7 at baseline and in the observation
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 29–36 Physiotherapy for tension-type headache
period, 1.6 in the last 4 weeks of treatment and 1.7
respectively). Analysing the response to treatment
during the follow-up period in group 2. The dura-
separately in the various subgroups, we found that
tion of headache varied from an average of 9.8 h at
the number of responders was significantly higher
baseline and 9.4 h in the follow-up in group 1 and
among patients with CTTH (13/24) vs. patients with
ETTH (1/24) (P < 0.002) and in females (12/33) vs.
Drug consumption, at doses equivalent to a 1000-
males (2/15) (P < 0.02). In the female population, the
mg dose of ASA, was significantly reduced only in
proportion of CTTH responders (11/14) was signifi-
the follow-up period vs. baseline for both groups
cantly higher than that of ETTH responders (1/19)
(P < 0.001): the average analgesic use was 19.7 tab-
(P < 0.002), while in the male population the propor-
lets per 28 days expressed in equivalent dose for
tion of responders did not differ significantly
group 1 and 23.6 for group 2 at baseline, and 14.8
between CTTH (2/10) and ETTH (0/5) (see Table 3).
for group 1 and 12.9 for group 2 during follow-up,
Of the 11 female responders with CTTH, nine (82%)
respectively. No significant differences were found
had TTH MUS and the remaining two had TTH non-
in medication use in both groups between baseline
MUS. Of the two male responders with CTTH, only
and the treatment period, the mean dose taken dur-
one (50%) had TTH MUS (P < 0.06). In the CTTH
ing physiotherapy being 18.5 for group 1 and 22.3
non-responder group, six of the eight men (75%) had
TTH MUS, compared with one of the three women(33%). In the ETTH non-responder group, 13 of the
18 women (72%) had TTH MUS, compared with twoof the five men (40%). The only responder among
The number of days with headache was reduced in
ETTH patients was a woman who had TTH non-
the last 4 weeks of physiotherapy in both groups, but
MUS. No significant difference was found between
significantly so only in CTTH patients (P < 0.001).
MUS patients (10/32), all of them with CTTH (nine
Among ETTH patients, the number of days with
female and one male), and non-MUS (4/16) patients
headache was reduced from 9.5 in the run-in period
(P = 0.69), three with CTTH (two female and one
to 8.1 in the treatment period and to 7.5 in the follow-
male) and one woman with ETTH. The duration of
up period in group 1, but the reduction was not
attacks (10.4 vs. 14.4 h, P < 0.01) and drug consump-
significant (P = 0.57); group 2 exhibited the same pat-
tion (10.7 vs. 25.4 standard doses, P < 0.01) at base-
tern as group 1. Among CTTH patients, the effectwas maintained throughout the 12-week follow-up
period, whereas the number of days with headache
was largely unchanged in ETTH patients (P = 0.36,
see Fig. 4). The other clinical parameters considered
in the study, i.e. headache severity and duration anddrug consumption, did not show any significant
variations within ETTH and CTTH patients.
The number of days with headache was significantly
reduced after physiotherapy in both groups to the
same extent (MUS, P < 0.002; non-MUS, P < 0.002)
and the effect was maintained throughout the 12-week follow-up period (see Fig. 5). The analysis of
the other clinical parameters did not show any dif-
ferences between the periods considered within
In 29% of the sample (14 patients out of 48), the
number of attacks was reduced by >50% (7). The
Figure 4 Effect of physiotherapy on headache frequency in
number of responders did not vary significantly
episodic and chronic tension-type headache patients. ,
between group 1 and group 2 (9/24 and 5/24,
Chronic TTH; , episodic TTH. *P < 0.001; **P < 0.001.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 29–36
line was significantly lower in responders vs. non-
Among non-responders, 21% (10/48) showed a
percentage reduction of attacks between 25% and50%, 25% (12/48) presented with an unchanged clin-
ical course, and the remaining 25% (12/48) exhibited
Use of complementary non-pharmacological thera-
pies in headache has increased considerably over the
last few years. A national population-based survey
conducted in the USA to determine the prevalence,
costs and pattern of use of unconventional therapieshas shown that about one-third of the subjects
investigated had followed some form of non-
pharmacological treatment in the year prior to the
survey and that the cost of such treatments was the
same as the annual cost of all hospitalizations in
the USA (14). In the field of preventive treatments
for headache, systematic reviews and meta-analyseshave been reported, but the interventions studied
Figure 5 Effect of physiotherapy on headache frequency in
were confined to pharmacological and cognitive/
tension-type headache with (MUS) and without (non-MUS) muscular disorder. , MUS+ , non-MUS. *P < 0.002;
behavioural therapies and mostly to the study of
migraine (15). Despite the high prevalence of TTH in
Table 3 Distribution of responders (defined as patients with >50% reduction in headache days) and non-responders
Data are presented as number with percentage within parentheses. *P < 0.02; **P < 0.002; ***P < 0.002. Table 4 Clinical features of responders (defined as patients with >50% reduction in headache days) and non-responders
Drug consumption – standard doses/4 weeks
Data are presented as mean values with ranges within parentheses. Data are presented as mean values at baseline. *P < 0.01; **P < 0.01.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 29–36 Physiotherapy for tension-type headache
average duration of attacks and analgesic use, both
assessed at baseline, were significantly lower in
responders vs. non-responders. In spite of the factthat pericranial muscular disorders were slightlymore frequent in responders, there was also some
response to treatment in patients without significant
tenderness in the pericranial muscles. Separate dataanalysis for males and females shows that CTTH
Figure 6 Percentage distribution of effect.
women with muscular disorders were thoseresponding better to treatment. CTTH males with
the general population, the utilization rates of non-
muscular disorders and ETTH patients, whether
pharmacological therapies in TTH sufferers remain
male or female, with or without muscular disorders,
poorly studied. Only a few studies have assessed
responded poorly to physiotherapy. These data need
the effectiveness of traditional physiotherapy tech-
to be confirmed by studies on larger samples that
niques of heat, massage, traction, specific exercise or
should consider the different parameters identified.
postural education on TTH (6). Using a controlled,
Although current knowledge of the mechanisms
randomized design, our study was able to demon-
of action of physiotherapy and the pathophysiolog-
strate a significant reduction in the number of days
ical processes underlying TTH are still unclear, we
with headache following physiotherapy, albeit in a
cannot rule out a priori the existence of a relation
small sample of patients. Our findings are in agree-
between the beneficial effect of physiotherapy and
ment with those of Carlsson et al. (16), who com-
the pathophysiology of TTH. The most prominent
pared physiotherapy treatment with acupuncture in
abnormal finding in TTH is a considerable increase
60 female CTTH patients defined according to the
in tenderness of the pericranial myofascial tissues
criteria set by the Ad Hoc Committee on Classifica-
(11, 19, 20). ETTH and CTTH may or may not share
tion of Headache (17). In that trial, ‘physiotherapy’
pathogenic mechanisms and it has been suggested
consisted of a variety of individualized patient-
that CNS sensitization may contribute significantly
initiated modalities, including relaxation techniques,
to increased tenderness and to chronification of TTH
stretching, TENS and ice therapy, as well as educa-
(19). Furthermore, a generalized hypersensitivity to
tion regarding muscle tension and how to control it
pain probably also contributes to chronic pain in
‘autogenically’. Both treatments resulted in benefits
these patients (21). The therapeutic efforts in phys-
for the patients’ mood state and overall health func-
iotherapy are primarily designed to produce muscle
tion, as well as for the number of days with head-
relaxation, but it may also activate central anti-
ache, even though no exact figures were provided
nociceptive processes. It seems therefore reasonable
for the latter. The decreased severity of headache
to assume that, at least in CTTH, there is some
assessed on the Visual Analogue Scale in those
convergence between the mechanisms activated by
patients who had been treated with physiotherapy
physiotherapy and the systems underlying TTH. In
is different from our study results, which demon-
CTTH central sensitization has been shown to play
strate rather stable severity and duration of attacks
a significant role. It is tempting to speculate that the
greater effect in CTTH than in ETTH could be due
By contrast, our observations confirm those
to reduced central sensitization and/or increased
reported by Hammill et al. (18), who assessed the
anti-nociceptive action. On the other hand, it is not
effectiveness of a treatment programme encompass-
possible to rule out that the effect of physiotherapy
ing ergonomic and postural education in an open
is also mediated by a peripheral mechanism that acts
uncontrolled study of 20 patients. A significant and
by relaxing the muscles and also increasing local
long-lasting decrease in headache frequency and
blood flow to the affected area that could reduce the
drug consumption was noted, although there was no
local concentration of pain mediators (22). Muscle
effect on headache severity and headache duration.
stretching is also reported to reduce the excitability
Given the poor efficacy and the numerable side-
of the motorneurone pool which may lead to
effects of preventive pharmacological TTH treat-
decreased muscle tone and pain (23).
ment, the clinical characterization of headache is
Our study results are not totally unbiased, as: (i)
certainly of great interest in those patients, predom-
it is apparent that it is difficult to apply a placebo-
inantly women, who reported >50% decrease in the
controlled, double-blind design methodology in
frequency of attacks following physiotherapy. Most
non-pharmacological treatments such as physiother-
of these responders were CTTH sufferers, and the
apy, and our study is controlled but not blinded; (ii)
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2004, 24, 29–36
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GroupNews ECKLER GROUPNEWS > JUNE 2013 > PAGE 1 Legal & Legislative Update Federal: Portions of the Helping Families in Need Act (Bill C-44) Effective June 9, 2013 The federal government has announced that certain sections of ook effect on June 9, 2013. These sections amend the Canada Labour Code to provide unpaid leave to an eligible federally regulated employee whose c The Network developingforensic applications of stableCopy of research articlepublished in September issueof the FIRMS Newsletter: (FIRMS Newsletter, 2004, A Preliminary Multi-Stable Isotopic Evaluation of Three 2(2): 8 – 9) Synthetic Pathways of Topiramate J. P. Jasper1 , L. E. Weaner2, and B. J. Duffy2 Molecular Is