Understanding and managing chemotherapy-induced diarrhea
Understanding and ManagingChemotherapy-Induced DiarrheaLeonard B. Saltz, MD
M anagement of chemotherapy-related Abstract Diarrhea is particularly problematic in patients receiving flu-
oropyrimidines and/or irinotecan. Careful patient monitoring, patient ed-
ucation, and good patient-provider communication are the primary tools
of prevention. The patient must be carefully evaluated on a regular basis
sential if optimal efficacy, safety, and patient satis-
early in treatment, so that mid-course corrections, dose adjustments, or
faction are to be achieved. Diarrhea is a potential
dose delays can be instituted early on if indicated. Diet need not be
complication of a number of antineoplastic agents.
modified as a preventive measure, but once diarrhea occurs, a number
It is particularly problematic with the fluoropyri-
of modifications must be made. Maintenance of fluid intake is critical
midines [1, 2] and with irinotecan (CPT-11,Camp-
and inability to maintain adequate hydration would be a primary indi-
tosar) [3], drugs that are central to the manage-
cation for parenteral fluid support. Oral intake of fluids should not be
ment of colorectal cancer and other malignancies
limited to plain water only, since electrolytes need to be replenished.
of the gastrointestinal tract. Other chemotherapy
Early recognition of diarrhea and early pharmacologic intervention can
agents used in other diseases are also prone to cause
greatly facilitate successful resolution of this treatment complication.
diarrhea, although to a lesser degree. This manu-script will focus primarily on the management ofdiarrhea in patients with gastrointestinal malignan-
cies, although the principles and practices outlined
on the change above baseline. Thus, for example, a
are potentially applicable to all oncology patients.
patient having six loose movements per day could
not be evaluated accurately unless the baseline
Defining the Problem
bowel-movement frequency was already known.
Surprisingly, there is no universal agreement on
If the patient’s baseline frequency, especially after
a definition of diarrhea. The most common crite-
cancer surgery, was determined to be four loose
ria for reporting of diarrhea in clinical trials are
movements per day, then the change from base-
the Common Toxicity Criteria of the National
line is modest and the toxicity is low-grade. If the
Cancer Institute (NCI-CTC) [4]. These criteria
baseline was one formed bowel movement per day,
define diarrhea on the basis of the number of bow-
then this would constitute a more severe treat-
el movements experienced per day above baseline.
The issue of baseline activity is a critical one,
Important Subtleties
and one which is prone to lead to misunderstand-ings and inaccurate reporting. Patients who have
These subtleties are of critical importance not
undergone intraabdominal and/or pelvic surgery,
only to the interpretation of the clinical trial data
or patients who have intraabdominal or pelvic pri-
on which we base our practice recommendations
mary or metastatic disease, or patients with non-
but also are central to the practical day-to-day
malignant gastrointestinal comorbidities often have
management of individual patients. If we do not
a baseline bowel function that includes multiple
accurately characterize the extent of the problem,
movements per day or movements that are soft,
we cannot develop the most appropriate response.
semiformed, or even liquid. It is imperative to note
We would thereby run the risk of either over or
that the grading and reporting of toxicity is based
underreacting to the problem, neither of whichwould permit the rendering of optimal care. Un-
Correspondence to: Leonard B. Saltz, MD, Gastrointestinal
fortunately, the careful characterization and quan-
Oncology Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-
titation of diarrhea is not routinely undertaken by
Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY
many oncology care providers. For example, one
10021; telephone: (212) 639-2501; fax: (212) 794-7186
study investigating this issue reported that a sub-
stantial number of oncology nurses simply note
diarrhea as being either present or absent, without
An Ounce of Prevention…
attempting to provide quantification [5].
A number of pharmacologic maneuvers, to be
practice to quantify diarrhea is a useful and
discussed below, can be employed in the treatment
constructive first step toward managing this
of chemotherapy-related diarrhea. However, care-
toxicity. First, such a practice encourages a
ful patient monitoring, patient education, and good
more detailed interview of the patient regard-
patient-provider communication are the primary
ing the toxicity. Second, since the studies on
tools of diarrhea prevention. Diarrhea often has
early warning signs, especially with weekly treat-
based report their toxicities using NCI-CTC,
ment regimens, and often presents as a mild-to-
the use of these criteria in practice facilitates
moderate problem before advancing to a more se-
the placing of the toxicities noted in the clinic
vere toxicity. Early recognition of the problem and
into appropriate context for the reported reg-
early intervention provide the best chance for a
favorable therapeutic outcome. The potential ad-
One important, but often overlooked, issue
vantages of a weekly treatment, be it 5-fluorou-
regarding the NCI-CTC criteria for diarrhea,
racil (5-FU), irinotecan, or a combination of the
however, is that the criteria changed slightly
two, can be lost if the patient is not carefully eval-
when they were updated in 1998 from CTC ver-
uated on a weekly basis early in the treatment
sion 1.0 to CTC version 2.0, and again, slightly,
course, so that midcourse corrections, dose adjust-
in 2003 with the introduction of CTC version
ments, or dose delays can be instituted early on if
3.0. It is necessary to bear this in mind when
reviewing the toxicities reported in older stud-
The first component of good communication
ies; for example, grade III or IV diarrhea report-
and toxicity assessment is a careful, directed, pa-
ed in older studies may not mean exactly the
tient interview. Many patients often have a desire
same thing as it does in more current trials. The
to please, to be “good patients,” as well as a desire
CTC criteria (versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0) are
to think positively and to deny setbacks or com-
plications. As such, there may be a predispositionnot to “complain” about side effects that are con-
Mechanisms of Diarrheal Toxicity
sidered tolerable. There may also be a general re-
sistance on the part of some patients to volunteer
duced diarrhea, as well as other chemotherapy-
a discussion of such usually private information as
related diarrheas, are not entirely understood.
the frequency and consistency of their bowel move-
Animal models and pathological analyses have
ments. The clinician must take a proactive pos-
suggested that cytotoxicity to the rapidly divid-
ture and specifically question the patient regard-
ing crypt cells of the intestinal epithelium may
ing changes in bowel habits. A simple “how are
lead to a relative loss of intestinal-absorptive
you feeling?” or “are you having any problems?”
capacity, as compared to secretory capacity
may not elicit the information desired.
[6,7,8]. Cytotoxic destruction or augmentationof the enzymes involved in digestion of both pro-
The Need to Be Specific
teins and carbohydrates may also alter osmotic
Specific questions, such as “have you experi-
gradients in the gut and thereby contribute to
enced any increase in the number of bowel move-
both decreased reabsorption and increased se-
ments, or had any soft or liquid bowel movements,
cretion of fluid and electrolytes in the stool [9].
or abdominal cramping, since the last treatment?”
Attempts to identify specific risk factors for
may be necessary. It is also important to specifical-
diarrhea have thus far been inconsistent at best,
ly ask if the patient has experienced any diarrhea
and management of diarrhea has superseded pre-
within the past 24 hours prior to the planned treat-
vention in the clinical arena. Strategies have fo-
ment dose. Patients with any diarrhea above their
cused on nonspecific maneuvers to modulate di-
pretreatment baseline should have their treatment
arrhea through slowing of gastrointestinal transit
delayed, usually for a week, but at least until the
time, plus some more specific, though perhaps
patient’s bowel-movement frequency has returned
somewhat less established, attempts to deal with
to the pretreatment baseline for a minimum of 24
drug-specific mechanisms of diarrhea.
hours. Patients who report “minor” or “some” di-
Comparison of NCI Common Toxicity Criteria for Reporting of Diarrhea
arrhea since the previous treatment need to be
ber of modifications must be made. Patients expe-
more thoroughly interviewed in order to better
riencing diarrhea should avoid greasy, spicy or fried
define the actual degree of toxicity that has been
foods. Patients should also avoid milk and milk
experienced, so that doses can be adjusted or de-
products during and for a week or more after diar-
rheal episodes, since the protracted diarrhea of
Many patients are reluctant to “admit to” tox-
chemotherapy can lead to a transient loss of lac-
icity because they are afraid that such events will
tase activity in the large bowel, resulting in tem-
lead to a reduction in their treatment doses, and
that this, in turn, will lead to less effective thera-
Initially, use of the so-called BRAT (bananas,
py. At the initiation of treatment, it is important
rice, apple sauce, toast) diet, along with clear liq-
to communicate to patients that side effects and
uids, is indicated, until the diarrhea begins to re-
dose modifications are common, and that accu-
solve. This diet can then be slowly expanded, add-
rate reporting of side effects will lead to the safest
ing pasta without sauce, white-meat chicken
and most effective therapy. It is important for pa-
without the skin, scrambled eggs, and other easily
tients to understand that failure to adjust doses
digestible foods, as tolerated. Vegetables, especial-
early enough may lead not only to severe and even
ly cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels
life-threatening toxicity but could also lead to sub-
sprouts, and broccoli, should be avoided as they
stantial treatment delays, and even deeper dose re-
may produce gas and lead to increased abdominal
ductions, which in the long run could further de-
crease the amount of medication that he or sheactually receives. Fluid Intake Is Critical
A key component to management of diarrhea is
maintenance of adequate hydration. It should be
Patients do not need to modify their diets in
emphasized to patients and their caregivers that food
anticipation of possible diarrhea. A patient on po-
intake is of minimal importance during acute diar-
tentially diarrheogenic chemotherapy who is not
rhea, but maintenance of fluid intake is critical. Pa-
experiencing symptoms can eat a full, unrestrict-
tients should be instructed to drink clear liquids in
ed diet. If diarrhea occurs, however, then a num-
adequate quantity to make up for the volume lost in
diarrhea, plus their usual daily maintenance intake.
imbibe adequate quantities of fluid due to nausea,
This will often necessitate the intake of 3–4 L or more
anorexia, stomatitis, or other causes, should be
of fluid per day. It is important to emphasize that this
treated with intravenous fluid resuscitation and
should not be all in the form of plain water, but rather
maintenance. Clinical judgment should be exer-
that fluids containing some salt and sugar, such as
cised regarding whether this requires inpatient
clear broth, gelatin desserts, Gatorade, soft drinks with
management or not. Often, early institution of
some of the carbonation removed, or similar fluids,
outpatient fluid resuscitation can obviate the need
should be consumed. Replacement of diarrheal loss-
es with free water alone can lead to hyponatremiaand hypokalemia due to lack of replacement of lost
Pharmacologic Management LOPERAMIDE
Patients who are unable to maintain adequate
hydration, as evidenced clinically by oral dryness
Loperamide (Imodium and others) is the ini-
and decreased urine production or by inability to
tial drug of choice for management of most che-
Commentary by Steven J. Cohen, MD, and
nal toxicity was experienced [5] led to a system-
atic review, resulting in specific recommenda-tions for the management of chemotherapy-in-
In the accompanying article, Dr. Leonard Saltz duced diarrhea [6].
presents a thorough overview of issues con-
fronting practitioners who treat patients
An independent panel reviewed the medical
As noted by Dr. Saltz, diarrhea is a common side
records of 44 individuals who died while receiv-
effect of chemotherapy. Although many chemo-
ing therapy with either IFL (29 patients), 5-FU +
therapy drugs cause diarrhea, those targeting gas-
leucovorin (5 patients), oxaliplatin with bolus and
trointestinal cancers are the most frequent offend-
infusional 5-FU (FOLFOX 4, five patients), or ox-
ers. Diarrhea can result in hospitalization, decreased
aliplatin plus irinotecan (5 patients) in two large
quality of life, and even death. Early studies evalu-
studies [6]. Of these deaths, 23 were considered
ating 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) modulated by leucovor-
to be caused by a gastrointestinal syndrome
in on a weekly schedule noted severe diarrhea in
characterized by diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, and
nearly one third of patients [1, 2]. Dose reductions
abdominal cramping. These deaths represented
and hospitalizations for intravenous hydration were
1% of all patients treated with the above regi-
required in half of these patients, with a 4% death
mens in these studies. The mechanism was like-
ly loss of integrity of gut mucosa, followed by
bacterial translocation and resulting sepsis. Sev-
ing either irinotecan (Camptosar) or oxaliplatin
eral important therapeutic and preventative rec-
(Eloxatin) with 5-FU have improved overall sur-
vival compared to 5-FU + leucovorin [3, 4]. These
upon below. Although established for a specific
regimens, however, also commonly cause severe
chemotherapy regimen (IFL), the general prin-
diarrhea. Saltz and colleagues compared a week-
ciples of these guidelines are applicable to oth-
ly bolus regimen of irinotecan, 5-FU, and leuco-
er regimens that result in diarrhea.
vorin (IFL) to a daily x 5 schedule of 5-FU + leu-
covorin [3]. They reported a 23% incidence ofgrade 3/4 diarrhea with IFL compared to 13% for
As highlighted in Dr. Saltz’s review, patients
5-FU + leucovorin. A randomized study evaluat-
at risk for chemotherapy-induced diarrhea
ing infusional 5-FU + leucovorin with or without
should be monitored weekly, as symptoms are
oxaliplatin noted a 12% incidence of grade 3/4
cumulative. Patients experiencing diarrhea with-
diarrhea in the oxaliplatin arm compared to 5%
in 24 hours of their office visit should not receive
for 5-FU/leucovorin [4]. Recent cooperative
therapy. Abdominal cramping may herald diar-
group experiences in which fatal gastrointesti-
rhea and should be similarly managed with treat-
motherapy-related diarrhea [10, 11]. It is oral
high-dose loperamide has been expanded to
and inexpensive, and it can be obtained with-
management of diarrhea in general, and 5-FU-
based diarrhea in particular [14]. Results sug-
gest that loperamide is useful for management
agent by slowing gastrointestinal peristalsis,
of mild-to-moderate diarrhea and may also be
thereby increasing gastrointestinal transit time
useful as an early intervention in terms of keep-
and promoting water reabsorption [12]. Studies
ing moderate diarrhea from escalating. Howev-
done early in the development of irinotecan in-
er, for severe diarrhea, the effectiveness of lop-
dicated that aggressive use of loperamide, start-
ing with 4 mg by mouth at the first episode ofdiarrhea, followed by 2 mg every 2 hours until
diarrhea abated, was successful in ameliorating
Diphenoxylate/atropine combinations (Lo-
irinotecan-induced diarrhea significantly [13].
motil, Lonox) have been used empirically as an
Subsequently, the approach of using frequent
alternative to loperamide, although there are few
ment delay. In addition, patients requiring antid-
As Dr. Saltz emphasizes, studies of octreotide
iarrheal therapy within 24 hours of treatment (eg,
in chemotherapy-induced diarrhea are plagued
loperamide) should not be treated, even if their
by small sample sizes and lack of control arms.
diarrhea has resolved. The requirement for an-
Taken in sum, however, most support the effec-
tidiarrheal therapy indicates incompletely re-
tiveness of octreotide in chemotherapy-induced
diarrhea. Two randomized studies enrolling atleast 40 patients demonstrated a benefit of oct-
reotide therapy over loperamide as initial che-
Appropriate use of prophylactic antibiotics is
motherapy-induced diarrhea therapy in patients
another important aspect of chemotherapy-in-
with grade 2/3 [7] or grade 3/4 diarrhea [8]. In
duced diarrhea management. In the panel’s review
addition, single-arm studies of octreotide dem-
above, toxic deaths related to gastrointestinal
onstrate benefit, albeit without comparative
symptoms were frequently attributed to sepsis,
arms [9,10]. Importantly, several studies demon-
sometimes with concurrent neutropenia. The panel
strate a dose response with octreotide in both
recommended institution of oral fluoroquinolone
the phase I and randomized settings [11,12].
therapy for patients with persistent diarrhea last-
In our practice, we routinely administer oct-
ing more than 24 hours and for patients with diar-
reotide to patients who require hospitalization
rhea who develop either fever or neutropenia while
for severe chemotherapy-induced diarrhea, giv-
on chemotherapy. This recommendation derived
en the significant morbidity associated with this
in part from the European experience with 5-FU +
condition. This is supported by the recommen-
leucovorin and irinotecan, in which antibiotics are
dations of another expert panel convened to
routinely prescribed with diarrhea onset, and toxic
consider the management of chemotherapy-in-
deaths are rare (Eric van Cutsem, personal commu-
duced diarrhea [13]. We agree that the current
nication). Caregivers who infrequently care for can-
data do not support prophylactic or early use of
cer patients (eg, rotating residents or nursing staff )
octreotide for mild to moderate diarrhea.
should be informed of the appropriate use of anti-
In addition to nonspecific chemotherapy-in-
duced diarrhea therapies discussed above, an in-
Dr. Saltz discusses several treatment options
creasing understanding of chemotherapy-in-
for chemotherapy-induced diarrhea, including
duced diarrhea physiology is promoting study
the controversial role of octreotide (Sandostatin).
of more targeted agents. For example, irinote-
We believe that the current evidence supports its
can administration has been demonstrated to in-
use in patients with severe diarrhea unresponsive
crease colon prostaglandin E and thromboxane
to loperamide or diphenoxylate/atropine. In gen-
A synthesis in rat models [14,15], prompting
eral, this applies to most patients hospitalized for
evaluation of COX-2 inhibition for chemothera-
py-induced diarrhea. In mouse xenograft mod-
published data on the effectiveness of this treat-
ment for chemotherapy-related diarrhea.
As with loperamide, the mechanism of action
Octreotide (Sandostatin) is an 8-amino-acid
is a slowing of gastrointestinal-transit time in
polypeptide that is a synthetically engineered an-
order to promote improved water reabsorption
alog of the natural 14-amino-acid polypeptide hor-
from the bowel, thereby desiccating the stool and
mone somatostatin [15]. Octreotide has been dem-
promoting solidity. The presence of atropine in
onstrated to be highly effective in the control of
the combination may limit the dose escalation
hormonal diarrheal syndromes due to serotonin
of this combination as compared to using loper-
production from carcinoid tumors or resulting from
stimulation by vasoactive intestinal peptide, gas-
Anecdotally, diphenoxylate/atropine appears
trin, or glucagon produced by certain pancreatic
to have similar efficacy to loperamide in mild-
islet-cell tumors [16, 17]. In these circumstances,
to-moderate diarrhea, and a similarly unsatis-
diarrhea is caused by overproduction of a specific
factory response in more severe cases.
bioactive substance; octreotide selectively binds
els derived from HT-29 and colon-26 cells, admin-
quired to clarify whether these agents will have
istration of the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib (Cele-
a role in the prevention or treatment of chemo-
brex) with irinotecan significantly reduced the
incidence of diarrhea, compared to treatment
Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea is a persis-
with irinotecan alone [16]. COX-2 inhibition is
tent source of morbidity and mortality. Recog-
also being explored clinically in the context of
nition of this problem has led to rational clinical
recommendations for supportive management. Further understanding of the pathophysiology
of intestinal injury will hopefully lead to more
As Dr. Saltz points out, loss of intestinal ab-
effective methods of prevention and treatment.
sorption is a proposed mechanism of chemo-
therapy-induced diarrhea. In pig models of diar-
rhea, supplementation with the amino acid
glutamine improves electrolyte absorption and
nutrient transport [18]. Clinically, glutamine mayreduce the duration of diarrhea and loperamide
requirement in patients treated with 5-FU + leu-
Director, Gastrointestinal Cancer Program
covorin [19]. As loss of intestinal absorption is
theorized to occur through chemotherapy-me-diated injury to gut epithelial cells, therapies
derived to stimulate intestinal epithelial cell pro-
1. Petrelli N, Herrera L, Rustum Y, et al. A prospective
liferation have been tested. Although primarily
randomized trial of 5-fluorouracil versus 5-fluorouracil
evaluated to reduce mucositis [20], keratinocyte
and high-dose leucovorin versus 5-fluorouracil and
growth factor (KGF) may inhibit chemotherapy-
methotrexate in previously untreated patients with
induced diarrhea. KGF stimulates growth of epi-
advanced colorectal carcinoma. J Clin Oncol1987;5:1559–1565.
thelial cells, with its effect analogous to the im-
2. Buroker TR, O’Connell MJ, Wieand HS. Random-
pact of hematopoietic growth factors on bone
ized comparison of two schedules of fluorouracil and
marrow recovery. KGF is protective against che-
leucovorin in the treatment of advanced colorectal
motherapy-induced diarrhea in mouse models,
cancer. J Clin Oncol 1994;12:14–20.
decreasing weight loss and improving survival
3. Saltz LB, Cox JV, Blanke C, et al. Irinotecan plus flu-
[21]. Although its mechanism of action is unclear,
orouracil and leucovorin for metastatic colorectal can-cer. Irinotecan Study Group. N Engl J Med
interleukin 15 has demonstrated a protective
effect in animal models against chemotherapy-
4. de Gramont A, Figer A, Seymour M, et al. Leucov-
induced diarrhea related to both irinotecan [22]
orin and fluorouracil with or without oxaliplatin as
and 5-FU [23]. Further clinical studies will be re-
first-line treatment in advanced colorectal cancer. J
to type II somatostatin receptors on the tumor cells
in, when given in conjunction with bowel rest and
and suppresses hormone production, thereby lim-
intravenous hydration [20]. However, it is diffi-
cult to distinguish the effect of the octreotide from
Octreotide has a number of properties that
the effects of bowel rest, intravenous fluids, oral
make it potentially active against nonspecific, non-
antidiarrheal medication, and the time that was
hormonally generated diarrhea as well [15, 17, 18,
allowed to transpire. Improvement in the setting
19]. Somatostatin has been shown to increase gas-
of octreotide appears to be largely a time-depen-
trointestinal transit time and cause a relative in-
dent process. Very few patients respond rapidly to
crease in intestinal water reabsorption and decrease
the first one or two doses. It is highly likely that
in intestinal secretions. These factors would tend
octreotide is contributing to the control of diar-
rhea in this setting; however, the extent of its con-
Octreotide, given as a continuous intravenous
tribution remains the subject of debate.
infusion, was noted to be effective in treatment of
A trial of octreotide at two different dose lev-
diarrhea caused by 5-FU plus high-dose leucovor-
els (100 and 500 µg three times a day) resulted in
intestine in rats. Jpn J Pharmacol 1997;75:399–405.
5. Sargent DJ, Niedzwiecki D, O’Connell MJ, et al.
15. Sakai H, Sato T, Hamada N, et al. Thromboxane
Recommendation for caution with irinotecan, fluo-
A , released by the anti-tumour drug irinotecan, is a
rouracil, and leucovorin for colorectal cancer. N Engl
novel stimulator of Cl– secretion in isolated rat colon.
6. Rothenberg ML, Meropol NJ, Poplin EA, et al.
16. Trifan OC, Durham WF, Salazar VS, et al. Cycloox-
Mortality associated with irinotecan plus bolus flu-
ygenase-2 inhibition with celecoxib enhances antitu-
orouracil/leucovorin: summary findings of an inde-
mor efficacy and reduces diarrhea side effect of CPT-
pendent panel. J Clin Oncol 2001;19:3801–3807.
7. Cascinu S, Fedeli A, Fedeli SL, et al. Octreotide
17. Lin EH, Morris J, Chau NK, et al. Celecoxib atten-
versus loperamide in the treatment of fluorouracil-
uated capecitabine induced hand-and-foot syndrome
induced diarrhea: a randomized trial. J Clin Oncol
(HFS) and diarrhea and improved time to tumor pro-
gression in metastatic colorectal cancer (MCRC). In:
8. Gebbia V, Carreca I, Testa A, et al. Subcutaneous
Program/Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of
octreotide versus oral loperamide in the treatment
the American Society of Clinical Oncology; May 18–
of diarrhea following chemotherapy. Anticancer
21, 2002; Orlando, Fla. Abstract No. 2364.
18. Rhoads JM, Keku EO, Quinn J, et al. L-glutamine
9. Cascinu S, Fedeli A, Fedeli SL, et al. Control of
stimulates jejunal sodium and chloride absorption in
chemotherapy-induced diarrhoea with octreotide in
pig rotavirus enteritis. Gastroenterology
patients receiving 5-fluorouracil. Eur J Cancer
19. Daniele B, Perrone F, Gallo C, et al. Oral glutamine
10. Petrelli NJ, Rodriguez-Bigas, M, Rustum Y, et al.
in the prevention of fluorouracil induced intestinal
Bowel rest, intravenous hydration, and continuous
toxicity: a double blind, placebo controlled, ran-
high-dose infusion of octreotide acetate for the
treatment of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea in pa-
20. Meropol NJ, Somer RA, Gutheil J, et al. Random-
ized phase I trial of recombinant human keratinocyte
growth factor plus chemotherapy: potential role as
11. Wadler S, Haynes H, Wiernik PH. Phase I trial of
mucosal protectant. J Clin Oncol 2003;21:1452–1458.
the somatostatin analog octreotide acetate in the
21. Farrell CL, Bready JV, Rex KL, et al. Keratinocyte
treatment of fluoropyrimidine-induced diarrhea. J
growth factor protects mice from chemotherapy and
radiation-induced gastrointestinal injury and mortal-
12. Goumas P, Nazakis S, Christopoulou A, et al. Oc-
treotide acetate in the treatment of fluorouracil-in-
22. Cao S, Black JD, Troutt AB, et al. Interleukin 15
duced diarrhea. Oncologist 1998;3:50–53.
offers selective protection from irinotecan-induced in-
13. Wadler S, Benson AB, Engelking C, et al. Rec-
testinal toxicity in a preclinical animal model. Cancer
ommended guidelines for the treatment of chemo-
23. Cao S, Troutt ABm Rustum YM. Interleukin 15 pro-
tects against toxicity and potentiates antitumor activ-
14. Kase Y, Hayakawa T, Togashi Y, et al. Relevance of
ity of 5-fluorouracil alone and in combination with leu-
irinotecan hydrochloride-induced diarrhea to the lev-
covorin in rats bearing colorectal cancer. Cancer Res
el of prostaglandin E and water absorption of large
a statistically superior outcome at the higher dose,
ed. The considerable expense of octreotide rela-
with 90% of 31 patients experiencing resolution
tive to that of available oral agents and the fact
of diarrhea within 5 days, versus 61% of 28 pa-
that it must be injected do bear consideration in
tients achieving resolution within 5 days at the
determining the appropriateness of its use.
100-µg dose [21]. Again, the small study size, lackof blinding, and lack of a control somewhat weak-
Pathophysiology as a Guide for
en the interpretability of the data. Targeted Antidiarrheal Therapy
A phase I trial by Wadler et al [9] explored oc-
The exact pathophysiology of chemotherapy-
treotide in a dose range of 50–2,500 µg in patients
related diarrhea has not been definitively identi-
with 5-FU-induced diarrhea. Allergic reactions and
fied, and it is undoubtedly multifactorial. It is likely
hypoglycemia were noted at the higher doses; how-
that some general mechanisms are consistent be-
ever, antidiarrheal efficacy also improved with
tween different drugs, while other mechanisms are
drug-specific. A detailed investigation of the eti-
A very small randomized trial of octreotide ver-
ology of irinotecan-induced diarrhea was under-
sus loperamide for treating 5-FU-induced diarrhea
taken and demonstrated the diarrhea to have a
also has been reported [22]. A total of 41 patients
secretory mechanism with an exudative compo-
with grade 2 or 3 diarrhea were randomized to ei-
nent [25]. Fecal electrolyte measurements dem-
ther octreotide 100 µg three times daily or lopera-
onstrated a negative or small osmotic gap in 9/9
mide at a starting dose of 4 mg, followed by 2 mg
patients studied, and an increased alpha-1-antit-
every 6 hours. Both the small study size and the
rypsin clearance in 6/6 patients. Blood levels of
relatively small doses of both octreotide and loper-
vasoactive intestinal peptide, glucagon, gastrin,
amide that were used cloud the interpretability of
somatostatin, prostaglandin E2, and carboxyl es-
this trial. We do not know, for example, what the
terase demonstrated no changes with the devel-
outcome would have been if loperamide had been
opment of diarrhea, nor were any changes in bac-
given every 2 hours, as is now frequently advocat-
ed. Conversely, a larger dose of octreotide might
In patients who have undergone colonoscopic
have shown better efficacy, although a small phase
evaluation while experiencing severe irinotecan-
II trial did report efficacy for the 100 µg dose of
related diarrhea, areas of inflammation or colitis
octreotide in this clinical setting [23]. What is also
have been noted. On the basis of identification of
notable is the lack of inclusion in this trial of any
inflammation in the ileocecal region in one such
patients who suffered from grade 4 diarrhea. An-
patient, one group initiated a trial of the oral, top-
ecdotally, octreotide may have better efficacy in
ically active steroid, budesonide, in patients with
moderate diarrhea, but has neither been reported
either irinotecan-based, or 5-FU–based diarrhea,
nor noted anecdotally to be rapidly effective in
with some resolution of symptoms [26]. While res-
olution of diarrhea was seen over time, it is diffi-
The use of octreotide as a preventive agent
cult to quantify what degree this reflected the nat-
has been explored in a modest-sized cohort of
ural history of the process. Randomized trials of
patients receiving 5-FU with high-dose leucov-
this approach will be needed to establish its rela-
orin but was not found to be useful in this pro-
Another group of investigators has postulated
In summary, while it is clear that octreotide has
that augmentation of glutamine metabolism could
some significant antidiarrheal activity in chemo-
be responsible for chemotherapy-related diarrhea
therapy-induced diarrhea, its role in the manage-
[27]. Glutamine is an amino acid that plays a key
ment of this complication remains unclear, with
role in whole-body nitrogen metabolism. It is a glu-
different investigators having differing levels of
coneogenic amino acid that serves as a primary
enthusiasm for the drug in this setting, but with
oxidative fuel for the enterocyte. As such,
studies failing to definitively answer the important
glutamine has a trophic effect on the bowel mu-
questions. While some investigators advocate its
cosa and is necessary for maintenance of the nor-
routine use [19], others feel that the case for rou-
mal intestinal structure. Patients with cancer have
tine use of octreotide has not been made in this
a tendency toward glutamine depletion. Animal
setting and that further investigations, preferably
studies have demonstrated that glutamine reple-
of a randomized, double-blind design, are warrant-
tion stimulates sodium and chloride absorption in
a porcine jejunum model [28, 29]. Other animal
ed patients are homozygous for an additional TA
studies have shown a glutamine-supplemented diet
in the TATAA box of the proximal promotor of
to decrease methotrexate-induced enterocolitis
the UGT1A1 gene [37]. The homozygous pres-
[30]. Savarese et al have reported promising re-
ence of this mutation, now called UGT1A1*28,
sults in five patients treated with a glutamine sup-
reduces transcription of this gene to approxi-
plement for irinotecan-induced diarrhea [27].
mately 20% of normal [37]. Classically, this syn-
Larger prospective trials are in progress to further
drome manifests itself as a mildly to moderately
evaluate the use of this dietary supplement for con-
elevated bilirubin level, and fractionation of this
trol of chemotherapy-related diarrhea.
value indicates a normal-to-low direct (conju-gated) bilirubin level but an elevated indirect
Special Cases
(unconjugated) level. Consequently, patients donot manifest symptoms of jaundice. Although
virtually all patients with Gilbert’s syndrome will
have elevated bilirubin levels under situations
Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is
of insufficient caloric intake, many will express
the rate-limiting enzyme in the catabolism of 5-
bilirubin levels within the normal range under
FU and other fluorinated pyrimidines [31].
normal caloric-intake conditions, making a pri-
Qualitative and quantitative variations in the
ori identification of these individuals difficult.
expression of this enzyme lead to wide variations
A patient may thus have a normal documented
in 5-FU metabolism among patients. It has been
bilirubin level on one day and a mild-to -
demonstrated that a small percentage of the
moderate elevation at a later or earlier time.
population has a clinically significant deficien-
SN-38, the active metabolite of irinotecan,
cy in DPD activity [32, 33]. This renders these
is normally conjugated by UGT1A1 and secret-
patients particularly sensitive to 5-FU, resulting
ed in the bile. Patients with Gilbert’s syndrome
in profound manifestations of multiple toxici-
have a markedly reduced ability to conjugate and
ties, including diarrhea, neutropenia, and mu-
therefore are unable to secrete SN-38. This leads
cositis. A patient experiencing early, severe, and
to potentially profound toxicity from exposure
prolonged multiple toxicities of 5-FU would be
to irinotecan, resulting in both neutropenia and
assumed on clinical grounds to have a relative
diarrhea. Once toxicity occurs, management is
DPD deficiency. Although some research labo-
supportive. For patients with chronic indirect bi-
ratories will perform DPD analyses on peripher-
lirubin elevations, irinotecan should not be rou-
al blood mononuclear cells, routine clinical lab-
tinely used. For patients who experience substan-
oratory tests for DPD are not available at present.
tial (grade 3 or greater) toxicity from their initial
However, DPD testing is not really useful in most
dose of irinotecan, Gilbert’s syndrome, or some
variant thereof, should be suspected, and irino-
If a patient experiences a toxicity profile con-
tecan doses should be either discontinued or
sistent with DPD deficiency, then that patient
should be regarded as having a clinical diagno-sis of relative DPD deficiency. Such a patient
will require cessation of fluoropyrimidine thera-
Somewhat analogous to the situation with
py or a very substantial and empiric dose reduc-
Gilbert’s syndrome, patients with biliary obstruc-
tion. Laboratory quantification of DPD levels
tion have severely impaired clearance of SN-38,
would not, at this time, provide useful guidance
the active metabolite of irinotecan. This leads
to substantial increases in diarrhea and othertoxicities associated with irinotecan. Patients
with elevated bilirubin levels on the basis of bil-
Gilbert’s syndrome is an inherited disorder
iary obstruction should not be routinely treated
characterized by an inability or a deficiency in
with irinotecan. No solid data have been pub-
the process of glucuronidation [34]. Studies in-
lished regarding dose attenuation recommenda-
dicate that Gilbert’s syndrome may be present
tions for irinotecan in patients with elevated
in as much as 5% to 16% of the Caucasian pop-
bilirubin levels, and treating such patients with
ulation [34–36]. Within this population, affect-
irinotecan usually is not recommended. PREEXISTING BOWEL CONDITIONS Conclusion
Patients with existing limitations in bowel func-
Diarrhea is a serious potential consequence
tion prior to initiation of chemotherapy may be
of chemotherapy. It has an undeniable, nega-
more prone to chemotherapy-induced diarrhea and
tive impact on patient satisfaction with treat-
may require especially close monitoring, or even
ment and quality of life, and can be dose limit-
consideration of attenuated starting doses. Patients
ing, or even life threatening, in some extreme
who have undergone extensive bowel resection and
cases. Proper management requires an appreci-
have short gut syndrome may have poorer toler-
ation of the potential causal mechanisms of di-
ance of diarrheogenic chemotherapy. Patients with
arrhea, as well as early and aggressive interven-
inflammatory bowel disease may be more prone to
tion, both with antidiarrheal therapy and with
exacerbation of diarrhea by chemotherapy, al-
dose attenuation or interruption of chemother-
though evidence suggests that some patients with
apy. Proper attention to communication with pa-
inflammatory bowel disease tolerate fluoropyrim-
tients regarding bowel symptoms during treat-
idines reasonably well [38]. The concurrent use
ment and rapid institution of appropriate
or history of radiation therapy to the bowel may
supportive and dietary interventions are key fac-
also exacerbate or predispose the patient to che-
tors in optimizing control of chemotherapy-in-
1. Grem, JL, Showmaker DD, Petrelli NJ, et al.
Severe life threatening toxicities observed in
13. Abigerges D. Armand J-P, Chabot GG, et al.
23. Zidan J, Haim N, Beny A, et al. Octreotide in
study using leucovorin with 5-fluorouracil. J Clin
Irinotecan (CPT-11): High-dose loperamide to con-
the treatment of severe chemotherapy-induced
trol diarrhea. J Natl Cancer Inst 1994;86:446–449.
diarrhea. Ann Oncol 2001;12:227–229.
2. Leichman CG, Fleming TR, Muggia FM, et al.
14. Cascinu S, Bichisao E, Amadori D, et al. High-
24. Meropol NJ, Blumenson LE, Creaven PJ .
Phase II study of fluorouracil and its modulation in
dose loperamide in the treatment of 5-fluorou-
Octreotide does not prevent diarrhea in patients
advanced colorectal cancer: A Southwest Oncolo-
racil-induced diarrhea in colorectal cancer pa-
treated with weekly 5-fluorouracil plus high-dose
gy Group study. J Clin Oncol 1995;13:1303–1311.
tients. Support Care Cancer 2000;8:65–67.
leucovorin. Am J Clin Oncol 1998;21:135–138.
3. Rothenberg ML. Efficacy and toxicity of
25. Saliba F, Hagipantelli R, Misset JL, et al .
irinotecan in patients with colorectal cancer.
Pathophysiology and therapy of irinotecan-in-
Semin Oncol 1998;25(suppl 11):39–46.
16. Kvols LK, Moertel CG, O’Connell MJ, et al.
duced delayed-onset diarrhea in patients with
Treatment of the malignant carcinoid syndrome:
advanced colorectal cancer: A prospective as-
5. Engelking C, Rutledge D. Cancer-related di-
Evaluation of a long-acting somatostatin ana-
sessment. J Clin Oncol 1998;16:2745–2751.
arrhea: Oncology nurse perceptions of neglect-
logue. N Engl J Med 1986;315:663–666.
26. Lenfers BH, Loeffler TM, Droege CM, et al.
ed symptoms and its management. Oncol Nurs
17. O’Dorisio TM, Mekhjian HS. Clinical experi-
Substantial activity of budesonide in patients
ence of somatostatin analog (compound 201-
with irinotecan(CPT-11) and 5-fluorouracil in-
6. Baskerville A, Batter-Hatton D. Intestinal le-
995, Sandostatin) as an antidiarrheal agent. Dig
duced diarrhea and failure of loperamide treat-
sions induced experimentally by methotrexate.
ment. Ann Oncol 1999;10:1251–1253.
18. Cello JP, Grendell JH, Basuk P, et al. Effect of
27. Savarese D, Al-Zoubi A, Boucher J.
7. De Roy van Zuidewijn DBW, Schillings PHM,
octreotide on refractory AIDS-associated diar-
Glutamine for irinotecan diarrhea (letter). J Clin
Wobbes TH, et al. Morphometric analysis of the
rhea: A prospective, multicenter clinical trial. Ann
effects of antineoplastic drugs on mucosa of
28. Rhoads JM, Keku EO, Bennett LE, et al . De-
normal ileum and ileal anastomoses in rats. Exp
19. Wadler S, Benson AB, Engelking C, et al. Rec-
velopment of L-glutamine-stimulated electro-
ommended guidelines for the treatment of che-
neural sodium absorption in piglet jejunum. Am
8. Milles SS, Muggia AL, Spiro HM. Colonic his-
tologic changes induced by 5-fluorouracil. Gas-
29. Rhoads JM, Keku EO, Quinn J, et al. L-
20. Petrelli NJ, Rodriguez-Bigas M, Rustum Y,
glutamine stimulates jejunal sodium and chlo-
9. Wadler S, Haynes H, Wiernik PH. Phase I trial
et al. Bowel rest, intravenous hydration, and con-
ride absorption in pig rotavirus enteritis. Gastro-
of the somatostatin analog octreotide acetate in
tinuous high-dose infusion of octreotide acetate
the treatment of fluoropyrimidine-induced diar-
for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced di-
30. Fox AD, Kripke SA, DePaula J, et al . Effect
rhea. J Clin Oncol 1995;12:222–226.
arrhea in patients with colorectal carcinoma.
of a glutamine-supplemental enteral diet on
10. Physician’s Desk Reference, 57th Ed, 2003.
methotrexate-induced enterocolitis. J Parenter
Thompson PDR, Montvale, NJ, pp. 1188–1189.
21. Goumas P, Naxakis S, Christopoulou A, et
11. Ericsson CD, Johnson PC. Safety and effi-
al. Octreotide acetate in the treatment of fluo-
31. Diasio RB. Clinical implications of dihydro-
cacy of loperamide. Am J Med 1990;20:10–14.
rouracil-induced diarrhea. The Oncologist
pyrimidine dehydrogenase on 5-fluorouracil
12. Sthal KS, van Bever W Janssen P, et al. Re-
pharmacology. In: Colorectal Cancer: Multimo-
ceptor activity and pharmacological potenten-
22. Cascinu S, Fedeli A, Fedeli SL, et al. Oct-
dality Management. Saltz LB (ed). Humana Press,
cy of a series of narcotic analgesic, antidiarrheal,
reotide versus loperamide in the treatment of
fluorouracil-induced diarrhea: A randomized tri-
with rates of 23%–33% of severe or life-threat-ening diarrhea.
C hemotherapy-induced diarrhea is the This problem came sharply into focus during
most common serious toxicity faced by the
the conduct of two National Cancer Institute
(NCI)–sponsored studies, NCCTG N9741, an inter-
cancer. The problem came sharply into focus 20
group trial comparing irinotecan-based therapy
years ago, when high-dose leucovorin was add-
with oxaliplatin (Eloxatin)-based therapy in pa-
ed to standard fluorouracil (5-FU) regimens for
tients with advanced colorectal cancer, and CAL-
advanced colorectal cancer, based on observa-
GB 89803, a trial of adjuvant therapy with 5-FU +
tions by Hakala that leucovorin potentiated the
leucovorin with or without irinotecan in patients
activity of fluorouracil by stabilizing the ternary
with surgically resectable colorectal cancer. Both
complex. In the first study of fluorouracil admin-
trials were halted because of excess deaths in the
istered in combination with high-dose leucov-
irinotecan-based therapy arms—more than 4%
orin by the Gastrointestinal Study Group, there
within 60 days of initiation of therapy in the ad-
were eight toxic deaths attributable to a syn-
vanced disease study and more than 2% in the
drome of watery diarrhea followed by sepsis and
vascular collapse. In large part, this resulted from
An analysis of the excess deaths by an out-
lack of experience with the regimen; investiga-
side panel determined that the majority result-
tors often continued to treat patients who pre-
ed from a gastrointestinal (GI) syndrome consist-
sented with diarrhea. With greater experience,
ing of watery diarrhea, cramps, vomiting, sepsis,
the toxicity of this regimen was reduced to ac-
and vascular collapse [2]. Following this analysis,
ceptable levels by appropriate dose modifica-
drug doses were lowered in the advanced-dis-
ease trial, and the adjuvant trial was suspended
pending final analysis of the data. Nevertheless,
py-induced diarrhea has remained problematic.
these lethal toxicities required a reassessment
The incidence of grade 3–5 diarrhea in patients
of the management of chemotherapy-induced
receiving 5-FU and high-dose leucovorin re-
mains at about 30%–40% [1], although among
In this month’s issue, Saltz’s thoughtful re-
patients receiving 5-FU on an infusional sched-
view of the ambiguities and uncertainties in
ule, the incidence is somewhat lower. The intro-
duction of oral fluoropyrimidine compounds,
therapy-induced diarrhea is a helpful contri-
such as capecitabine (Xeloda), has not reduced
bution to the literature on the subject. He cor-
the incidence of severe chemotherapy-induced
rectly focuses on the dilemma of defining,
diarrhea; it has remained nearly identical to that
quantifying, and grading the severity of che-
The introduction of irinotecan (Camptosar),
measurements of bowel dysfunction, includ-
a novel topoisomerase-I inhibitor, which has
ing parameters such as stool volumes over 24
demonstrated reproducible activity in ad-
hours, are the most quantitative measure,
these are not practical tools in clinical prac-
the problem. As a single agent, irinotecan
tice. Therefore, other, less-quantitative ap-
treatment results in prolonged survival com-
proaches have evolved to grade diarrhea. The
pared with either best supportive care or in-
sequential versions of the NCI Common Toxic-
fusional 5-FU in patients with advanced col-
ity Criteria have been problematic, making
comparison of diarrhea severity between stud-
first-line therapy with 5-FU + leucovorin. In the
ies difficult. Of equal import are the problems
first-line setting, combinations of irinotecan
associated with the criteria themselves. It is
with bolus 5-FU and leucovorin administered
not clear, for example, that removing cramps
on a weekly basis prolong survival, compared
from the overall assessment of diarrhea sever-
with 5-FU + leucovorin or irinotecan alone.
ity from version 1.0 to version 2.0 was an ad-
Nevertheless, the introduction of irinotecan
vance. Furthermore, subjective criteria, such as
into the clinical arena has accentuated the
“need for parenteral support,” and “mild” ver-
sus “moderate increases in colostomy output,”
while pragmatic, are less reproducible criteria
double-blind design, since half the patients could
than quantitative assessment of stool output.
receive up to 15 placebo injections as treatment
for diarrhea. Furthermore, an NCI-sponsored, ran-
rhea, synthetic opioids, such as loperamide, re-
domized, intergroup study of loperamide versus
main the mainstay of therapy for mild diarrhea,
octreotide received little support, in part because
as noted by Saltz. Unfortunately, synthetic opio-
of a randomization between enteral and parenter-
ids have limited utility in the treatment of mod-
al therapy. Despite the absence of definitive data,
erate, severe, or life-threatening diarrhea or in
multiple experts in the field, after reviewing the
the management of persistent diarrhea. This is a
available clinical literature, have endorsed routine
serious problem, and alternative therapies are of
treatment with octreotide in patients with mod-
great importance in reducing the high mortali-
erate to life-threatening chemotherapy-induced
ty rate associated with these syndromes.
In 1997, a panel of investigators devised
In summary, chemotherapy-induced diarrhea re-
guidelines to assist the community physician in
mains a serious clinical problem, which is routinely
the recognition and treatment of the GI syn-
undertreated by the community physician and
drome resulting from fluoropyrimidine and irino-
which has a high mortality rate. It is clear that
tecan treatment. The guidelines, published in the
prompt recognition of this syndrome and aggres-
Journal of Clinical Oncology in 1998, define an al-
sive early intervention, employing an algorithm
gorithm for the management of the GI syndrome
such as that previously published, can reduce the
[3], and have been recently updated (Benson et
mortality from this syndrome and improve the clin-
al, manuscript submitted for publication). Unfor-
ical outcome for patients. Octreotide remains a use-
tunately, Saltz dismisses these without defining
ful adjunct in reducing the duration and severity of
an alternative approach, leaving the practicing
chemotherapy-induced diarrhea. Newer agents,
clinician without a reproducible strategy for the
such as thalidomide (Thalomid) and cyclooxygen-
management of these lethal syndromes.
ase-2 inhibitors, are currently in clinical trials; prelim-
Equally unfortunate is his dismissal of the ther-
inary results have been promising, but they need to
apeutic worth of octreotide acetate (Sandostatin)
in the management of advanced chemotherapy-
induced diarrhea. Octreotide, a synthetic, stabilized
Richard T. Silver Distinguished Professor of
analog of the endogenous enzyme somatostatin,
has been shown to decrease fluid output from the
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
upper GI tract, increase transit time through the gut,
and increase fluid and electrolyte absorption in thelarge bowel. It remains a useful agent for reducing
vomiting in patients with bowel obstruction by de-
1. O’Dwyer P, Ryan L, Valone F, et al. Biochemical mod-
creasing fluid output. Repeated clinical trials, in-
ulation of fluorouracil: a randomized phase III trial of
cluding several randomized trials, have demon-
five regimens (ECOG study 2290). J Clin Oncol
strated the utility of this agent in the management
of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea and its superi-
2. Rothenberg ML, Meropol NJ, Poplin EA, et al.
ority over synthetic opioids for persistent diarrhea.
Deaths associated with irinotecan and bolus 5-fluorou-racil/leucovorin: report of an independent panel. J Clin
While Saltz’s call for a randomized, double-
blind study of octreotide versus standard thera-
3. Wadler S, Benson AB, Catalano R, et al. Recom-
py is commendable, investigators in a recent NCI-
mended guidelines for the treatment of chemothera-
sponsored trial rejected the feasibility of a
py-induced diarrhea. J Clin Oncol 1998;16:3169–3178. References Continued from page 44.
32. Lu Z, Zhang R, Carpenter JT, Diasio RB. De-
37. Bosma PJ, Chowdhury JR, Bakker C, et al . The
creased dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase ac-
34. Bosma PJ. Inherited disorders of bilirubin
genetic basis of the reduced expression of biliru-
tivity in a population of patients with breast can-
metabolism. J Hepatol 2003;38:107–117.
bin UDP–glucuronosyltransferase 1 in Gilbert’s
cer: Implications for 5-FU-based chemotherapy.
35. Owens D, Evans J. Population studies on Gil-
Syndrome. N Eng J Med 1995;333:1171–1175.
bert’s Syndrome. J Med Genet 1975;12:152–156.
38. Tiersten A, Saltz L. Influence of inflamma-
33. Diasio RB, Beavers TL, Carpenter JT. Famil-
36. Monaghan G, Ryan M, Seddon R, et al. Ge-
tory bowel disease on the ability of patients to
ial deficiency of dihydropyrimidine dehydroge-
netic variation in bilirubin UPD–glucuronosyl-
tolerate systemic fluorouracil–based chemo-
nase: Biochemical basis for familial pyrimidine-
transferase gene promotor and Gilbert’s syn-
therapy. J Clin Oncol 1996;14:2043–2046.
mia and severe 5–fluorouracil–induced toxicity.
CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT 1984 (SA) As at March 2013 Gaol terms are maximum and are in addition to any fine, court costs and levies Maximum Penalties General offences s 13-15 Manufacture, produce, package, sale, supply etc, unless MD or licensed s 17A(1) Manufacture, sell or supply a poison without permit from Minister (2) Possession of s17A precursor without a permit from the
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