Microsoft word - sparkle vol 622 - eu dimethyl fumarate _dmf_ ban becomes permanent
EU Dimethyl Fumarate (DMF) Ban Becomes Permanent Regional Contacts
Further to Sparkle Volumeng temporary ban on products
containing dimethyl fumarate (DMF) now becomes permanent through a further amendment
Asia Pacific
to REACH Annex XVII by Regulation (EU) No 412/2012.
2/F, Garment Centre, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2173 8888
The maximum limit for DMF remains at 0.1 mg/kg of the weight of the product or part of the
North America 2107 Swift Dr., Ste 200
Oak Brook, IL 60523 Tel: +1 630 481 3111 Fax: +1 630 481 3101
The Challenge:
Latin America 8300 N.W. 53rd Street,
Dimethyl fumarate (CAS No 624-49-7, EC No 210-849-0) has been used as a fungicide to
Suite 400, Miami, FL 33166 Tel: +1 305 513 3000
prevent mould-growth on leather goods, such as furniture, footwear and leather accessories;
typically added in small pouches from which DMF evaporates and impregnates the leather.
Europe, Africa, Middle East
However DMF can also penetrate through clothing onto consumers’ skin where it may cause
sensitization and painful skin contact dermatitis. The symptoms of which can include itching,
27400, Heudebouville, France Tel: +33 2 32 09 36 36
irritation, redness, burns and in severe cases acute respiratory difficulties have been
reported. The sensitization is permanent and this type of dermatitis has been particularly
difficult to treat. Injuries involving furniture and footwear have been reported in France,
Poland, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Hence the presence of DMF was considered to pose a serious risk and products containing it
were banned from being placed on the EU market by an emergency rolling temporary ban,
initiated by Decision 2009/251/EC. This followed national restrictions in Belgium, Spain and
France along with reported incidents linked to DMF in many other EU Member States. The
original restrictions were taken under the fast-track provisions in Article 13 of the General
Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC, which remained valid for a maximum of 12 months and
have been continually renewed until these permanent restrictions.
Our Solution:
Intertek has developed precise analytical methods to verify the concentration of DMF in
leather. By leveraging our local services and global network, we enable our customers to
dedicate their primary energies to their core business activities. We offer comprehensive
Disclaimer Intertek made all reasonable efforts
programs and services which draw on our industry specific knowledge and technical
to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, the
expertise. Please contact your local Intertek laboratory for further details of this and our other
relied upon as legal advice or regarded as a substitute for legal advice. The reader should exercise
Should you have any queries on the above information, please contact: Richard Smith, tel:
his own care and judgment before relying on this information in any
+44 (0)116 263 9620 / fax: +44 (0)116 282 4586 / e-mail:
important matter. Copyright 2012 Intertek Group. All Rights Reserved.
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