Industrial Health 2003, 41, 320–326 Original Article Plasma Cortisol Levels and Workers Exposed to Urban Pollutants Francesco TOMEI1*, Maria Valeria ROSATI1, Manuela CIARROCCA1, Tiziana Paola BACCOLO1, Monica GABALLO1, Tiziana CACIARI1 and Enrico TOMAO2
1 University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Department of Occupational Medicine, Viale Regina Elena 336, 00161
2 Center for Aeromedical Evaluation and Occupational Medicine IML, ITAF, Rome, Italy
Received January 28, 2003 and accepted August 4, 2003Abstract: Studies on animals and human subjects have proposed that urban pollutants may cause alterations of cortisol levels. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether police officers exposed to urban pollutants and possible psycho-social stressors could be at risk for alterations on plasma cortisol levels compared to a control group. Plasma cortisol levels were determined in 302 police officers with outdoor activity and administrative workers with indoor activity. The subjects were subdivided into three groups: “A” (non-smokers and non-drinkers), “B” (smokers), and “C” group (drinkers). In male and female subjects of “A” and “C” groups and in female subjects of “B” group the mean cortisol values were significantly higher in police officers compared to controls. The authors hypothesise an effect on plasma cortisol levels in police officers exposed to chemical, physical and possible psycho-social stressors. Key words: Cortisol, Urban pollutants, Police officers, Stressors, Outdoor activity Introduction
unleaded petrol had been introduced, a mixed regime existed
in Italy at the time of this study (use of leaded and unleaded
Studies on animals and human subjects have suggested
petrol). Moreover, it is probable that anti-detonation additives
that urban pollutants may cause an increase of cortisol levels:
containing manganese are present in fuels. The use of
benzene and toluene1), carbon monoxide2–4), and manganese5).
unleaded petrol is the cause for the increase of benzene in
On the contrary, lead6) and zinc7) may cause a decrease of
this hormone. Beside these physical agents such as noise8–11),
In the period March–April 2001, the Municipality of the
vibrations12) and psycho-social stressors13–15) could modify
city in question monitored concentrations of PM10
(particulate matter 10 micrometers in diameter and smaller),
The class of workers examined in this study were employees
considered inhalable, in fixed stations located in districts
of the Municipal Police of a big Italian city, for whom we
with different intensities of traffic, registering mean monthly
have already studied the environmental and biological levels
values respectively of 60 µg/m3, 45 µg/m3 and 30 µg/m3 in
of some urban pollutants16–19). Exposure dosage to benzene
a Municipal park (
was (mean 7 hours) 10.7 µg/m3 for police officers but about
The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether police
three times lower (3.6 µg/m3) in controls16, 18). Though
officers exposed to urban pollutants and possible psycho-
social stressors could be at risk for alterations on cortisol
*Correspondence: Prof. Francesco Tomei, Via Monte delle Gioie no. 13,
levels compared with a control group.
00199 Rome, ITALYPhone: +39-0686203350, +39-0649912541Fax: +39-0686203178, +39-0649912554
Materials and Methods Table 1. Main characteristics of police officers and controls of both sexes belonging to “A” (non smokers-non drinkers), “B” (smokers), and “C” groups (drinkers)
The research was carried out on a working population of
1000 Municipal Police employees. For admission to the
study, all workers completed a questionnaire in the presence
of a physician to identify non-occupational confounding
factors, which contained the following points: sex, age,
working life, duties performed and daily working time, recent
use (and for six months previous to the taking of blood
samples) of medicines, extra occupational exposure to paints,
solvents, and pesticides, cigarette smoking habit (mean
number of cigarettes smoked, years of subjection to the habit)
and daily intake of alcohol (wine, beer, spirits).
In order to avoid the influence of confounding factors,
subjects who regularly made use of oral contraceptives20, 21),
subjects who referred continual exposure to solvents, paints
and pesticides22, 23) and subjects that referred drinking and
smoking habit at the same time were excluded from the study.
Subjects who referred to habitual consumption of spirits were
Thus, 210 police officers (mean age 45.3 years, SD 7.5,
min 32–max 62; mean working life 12.5 years, SD 7.1, min
2–max 33) and 183 controls (mean age 45.4 years, SD 7.2,
min 31–max 62; mean working life 7.8 years, SD 4.7, min
2–max 26) were excluded from the study.
We divided all the remaining subjects (n° 607) into police
officers and control subjects. The police officers exposed
to urban pollutants worked on parking control, control of
passages, and control of crossroads or roads with heavy
traffic. The subjects doing indoor activities of an
of glasses of wine or beer drunk daily (mean, SD,
administrative and bureaucratic nature, at lesser level of
exposure, were used as control group.
In “A” group including in the study 69 police officers
All the police officers and controls worked for seven hours
(37 men, 32 women) and 69 controls (37 men, 32 women)
a day (daily working time from 8.30 AM to 3.30 PM) at
least five days a week. No differences in working schedules
In “B” group including in the study 23 police officers (11
(such as start time of work), no shift workers and/or night
men, 12 women) and 23 controls (11 men, 12 women) (Table
Smoking habit and drinking habit were evaluated separately
In “C” group including 59 police officers (41 men, 18
to evaluate hormonal effects of tobacco smoke24, 25) and
women) and 59 controls (41 men, 18 women) (Table 1).
alcohol consumption25) on plasma cortisol levels.
A 10 ml sample of venous blood was taken from each
We subdivided the police officers and the control subjects
worker at 8 in the morning, before they had eaten. Samples
into three groups as follows: the “A” group included non-
were kept in the workplace in a refrigerator at –4°C until
smokers and non-drinkers; the “B” group included smokers;
they were transferred (by means of a container and at the
the “C” group included drinkers.
same temperature) to the laboratory, where they were
Police officers belonging to the “A”, “B” and “C” groups
immediately centrifuged and the serum was stored at –20°C
were matched with control subjects by sex, age and working
life (mean, SD, distribution) (Table1); the police officers in
All the workers included in the study underwent RIA
groups “B” and “C” were matched with controls respectively
(radioimmunoassay) dosage of cortisol on the venous blood:
also by the number of cigarettes smoked daily and the number
the normal values of the test were the ones applied in our
Table 2. Mean (SD) plasma cortisol values and number of police officers and controls of both sexes belonging to “A” (non smokers-non drinkers), “B” (smokers), and “C” groups (drinkers)
*P<0.05= with respect to controls. **P>0.05=with respect to controls.
laboratory, 50–250 ng/ml for both sexes (cortisol values at
The laboratory did not know which samples came from
In “A” group mean cortisol values were significantly higher
the group of police officers and which from the control group,
in police officers compared with the control group both in
although both the physicians and the technicians knew how
men and in women (respectively P=0.004, P=0.034) (Table
2). Into this group police officers and control subjects of
All of the subjects consented to their personal details being
both sexes with cortisol values outside the lower normal
available, declaring that they had been made aware that this
limit of our laboratory were not present. The number of
data is ranked as “sensitive information”, and consented that
male police officers with cortisol values outside the higher
the data arising from the research protocol should be treated
normal limit of our laboratory was not significant compared
in an anonymous and collective way, with scientific methods
to controls (respectively 3 police officers and 1 control).
and for scientific purposes in accordance with the principles
The number of female police officers with cortisol values
outside the higher normal limit of our laboratory were not
significant compared to control subjects (respectively 1 police
officers and 0 controls). The distributions of the cortisol
Statistical analysis of the data was based on the calculation
values in male and female police officers and control subjects
of the mean, standard deviation, distribution, range and
belonging to “A” group are shown respectively in Fig. 1
frequency according to the nature of the single variables.
The differences between the means were compared using
In male police officers belonging to “B” group mean
Student’s t Test for the unpaired data. Analyses of the variance
cortisol values were not significant compared to controls
(ANOVA) were done to compare the means between three
(Table 2); in female subjects of the same group mean cortisol
groups. The frequencies of the single variables were
values were significantly higher in police officers compared
compared using the chi-square test with Yates’ correction.
with control group (P=0.012) (Table 2). The number of
The differences were considered significant when the P values
male and female police officers and control subjects with
were <0.05. The statistical analysis was done using the
cortisol values outside the lower and higher normal limit of
statistical program Solo-BMDP™ Statistical Software.
our laboratory were not present. The distribution of thecortisol values in female police officers and control subjects
belonging to “B” group was significant (P=0.027). On the
Industrial Health 2003, 41, 320–326 Fig. 1. Distribution of cortisol values (ng/ml) in police officers and Fig. 2. Distribution of cortisol values (ng/ml) in police officers and controls of male sex belonging to “A” group. controls of female sex belonging to “A” group.
contrary the distribution of the cortisol values in male police
officers and control subjects belonging to “B” group was
In this study, to avoid the influence of diurnal rhythms of
In the “C” group mean cortisol values were significantly
the cortisol venous blood samples of all subjects
higher in police officers compared to controls both in male
included in the study were taken at 8 AM. In fact we
and female subjects (respectively P=0.000; P=0.024) (Table
considered the normal range of cortisol at 8 AM (50-250
2). The number of male and female police officers and
controls with cortisol values outside the lower normal limit
all the police officers and controls worked for seven
of our laboratory were not present. The number of male
hours a day (daily working time from 8.30 AM to 3.30 PM)
police officers with cortisol values outside the higher normal
at least five days a week. No differences in working schedules
limit of our laboratory was not significant compared to
(such as start time of work), no shift workers and/or night
controls (respectively 6 police officers and 0 controls). The
number of female police officers with cortisol values outside
The fact that the differences between the means for exposed
the higher normal limit of our laboratory was not significant
workers and controls is significant suggests they may be of
compared to controls (respectively 4 police officers and 0
some clinical relevance even when the mean is “numerically”
controls). The distribution of the cortisol values in male
and female police officers and control subjects belonging
Non significant results achieved for mean and distribution
to “C” group was significant (respectively P=0.005, P=0.024).
of cortisol values in male subjects belonging “B” group could
No significant differences were from the analyses of the
be due to the low number of subjects observed (Table 1).
variance (ANOVA) between mean cortisol values in police
Our results confirm that the cigarette smoking habit can
increase significantly plasma cortisol concentrations as
happens in police officers of female sex belonging to the
smokers group (“B”). Tobacco smoke contains at least 3800xenobiotics, including nicotine which is considered a
Considering that the subjects with the main confounding
psychoactive compound. These effects are probably mediated
factors were excluded from the study, and that the subjects
via activation of central cholinergic receptors24). Clinical
investigated were matched by sex, age and working life,
studies, using a cigarette smoking as the source of nicotine,
the data suggest the possibility that occupational exposure
have shown the release of large but variable amounts of
to urban pollutants in police officers could have an influence
Data resulting from group “C” (drinker subjects) shown
a significant increase of plasma cortisol levels in police
Lead remains still an important urban pollutant despite
officers compared to controls of both sexes. Studies on
the gradual abolition in Italy of fuels containing lead the
animals and human subjects have found that alcohol ingestion
principal emission source of that metal in urban areas.
activates the autonomic nervous system and the
Exposure to lead determined in workers, compared to control
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis with increase of cortisol
groups, a decrease in plasmatic cortisol levels6).
In human subjects Brandao-Neto et al. (1990) detected
The action mechanisms of chemical and physical agents,
an acute inhibitory effect of zinc on cortisol secretion during
present also as urban pollutants and able to modify cortisol
levels, are still uncertain. Studies on animals and human
One can suppose that besides agents of chemical nature,
subjects have led to the hypothesis that exposure to chemical
noise and vibration also could cause alterations in plasma
and physical agents could increase1–5) or decrease6, 7, 12) cortisol
cortisol. In subjects exposed to noise plasma cortisol levels
levels probably in relation to the doses, modality and time
showed a brief significant increase during the exposure
period8). Our previous researches revealed that exposure of
Benzene and toluene possess neurotoxic and immunotoxic
about 15 minutes to noise of intensity between 105 and 108
effects. Studies on laboratory animals exposed to benzene
dBA, with maximum intensity of frequencies between 2000
and toluene reported an increase of plasma cortisol levels
and 4000 Hz is able to provoke a significant increase in
probably through an excitatory effect on hypothalamic-
plasma levels of cortisol compared with values measured
pituitary-adrenocortical axis (HPA-axis)1). It is well known
before and after acoustic stimulation10). In workers exposed
that personal exposure to benzene, toluene and other aromatic
to the low frequency of noise were found increased cortisol
hydrocarbons from direct exposure to traffic fumes, as
salivary levels11). On the contrary, Fruhstorfer and co-workers
experienced by some categories of outdoor workers, such
(1988) have evaluated industrial noise exposure effects on
as police officers, may be considered higher than personal
the release of pituitary hormones in human subjects: it has
exposure of indoor workers (particularly in our cities)26).
been impossible to ascertain a noise stress influence on
For this reason in our previous researches we have studied
cortisol secreting models27). In subjects exposed to vibrations
exposure dosage to benzene, toluene and other aromatic
has been showed a reduction in plasma cortisol levels12).
hydrocarbons in Municipal Police employees of the city in
It has been demonstrated that psycho-social stressors alter
question. Time weighted average (TWA) exposure to benzene
cortisol levels13, 14). It is well know that police officers are a
(mean 10.7 and 3.6 µg/m3, respectively) and to toluene (mean
working population exposed to stress28). The constant
40.7 and 13.5 µg/m3, respectively) was significantly higher
attention required of police officers in a noisy, polluted, badly
among police officers than among indoor workers16–19). Since
lit and at times chaotic environment such as the street, requires
previous studies have already measured the environmental
constant application. Contact with the public, difficult
and biological levels in our working population and it is
conditions (illegality, tickets, arguments, accidents, injuries)
well known that police officers’s exposure dosage is
certainly doesn’t make the job easy or healthy. Therefore,
significantly higher than controls, we didn’t repeat the
stress for Municipal Police constables may be due to relations
with citizens, exposure to criminal events or to the necessity
From studies carried out on laboratory animals exposed
to maintain high levels of performance in various contexts.
to carbon monoxide (CO), plasma levels of cortisol and
In a previous study we have analysed subjective stress in
adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) hormone were increased
Municipal Police employees. To this end, we administered
probably through a direct stimulation of central nervous
the Rapid Stress Assessment scale (RSA): total RSA score
system by hypoxia of tissues2, 3). In human CO exposure
were found to be significantly higher in police officers
produced significant activation of the HPA axis, as measured
compared to controls29). These data induce to suppose that
with plasma cortisol4). Our current research have revealed
a cumulative effect may exist for different stressors able to
an increase in plasma ACTH in police officers exposed to
determine high or low plasma cortisol concentrations.
urban pollutants compared with control subjects.
Moreover, the result obtained in smokers (B group) and
Alessio et al. (1989) found cortisol and prolactin (PRL)
drinkers (C group) police officers compared with controls,
levels significantly higher in workers exposed to low doses
make one hypothesise an interactive effect of the diverse
of manganese5). Our current research have showed an
environmental and psycho-social stressors for the diverse
increase in plasma PRL in police officers exposed to urban
life-styles (such as smoking habit and drinking habit).
Industrial Health 2003, 41, 320–326
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