Heart failure - diastolic
Physician Orders
Adult Pneumonia, Community Acquired Admission Height:_________ Admission Weight:_________
Amission Status
Admit to inpatient to Dr. _______________________service.
IV Fluids
Assign to observation status to Dr. ________________ service
Dextrose 5% with 0.9% NaCl @ __________mL/hr
Admit Location
Dextrose 5% with 0.45% NaCl @ _________mL/hr
□ Medical floor □ Telemetry monitor □ ICU
Sodium Chloride 0.9% @ ____________mL/hr
Additives _________________________________ Saline lock flush per protocol
Code Status
Beta-Lactam (3rd-Generation Cephalosporin,
Partial Code (□ Intubation □ Defibril ation □ ACLS Meds
Penicillin) + Macrolide
Cephalosporins, 3rd-Generation
Do Not Resuscitate (allow natural death)
cefTRIAXone / ROCEPHIN 1 gram intravenously every
Nursing Orders
Vital Signs
azithromycin / ZITHROMAX 500 milligrams intravenously
every 24 hours times 2 days, then 500 milligrams orally
azithromycin / ZITHROMAX 500 milligrams intravenously
Ambulate with Assistance TID with O2 walker Bed rest □ BRP □ BSC
azithromycin / ZITHROMAX 500 milligrams orally daily
clarithromycin / BIAXIN 500 milligrams orally two times daily
levofloxacin / LEVAQUIN 750 milligrams orally every 24 hours
Glucose: finger stick q___________________________
levofloxacin / LEVAQUIN 750 milligrams intravenously
Assess smoking status & provide smoking education
Notify physician for Temp >101 F, HR < 60 or > 120,
RR < 8 or >30, SBP < 90 or >180,
acetaminophen / TYLENOL 650 milligrams orally
Urine Output < 120 ml for 4 hrs, Pulse Ox <90%
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for fever >100.4
Interventions: GI/ GU
acetaminophen / TYLENOL 650 milligrams rectally
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for fever >100.4
Mild Pain (1- 3)
Oxygen and Oximetry
ace minophen / TYLENOL 650 milligrams orally
Oxygen via _______________________ at _____________
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for pain
maintain O2 sat at______% via pulse Oximetry or per O2 protocol
ace minophen / TYLENOL 650 milligrams rectally
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for pain
ibuprofen / MOTRIN 400 milligrams orally
Blood Gases
Arterial Blood Gas _______________________
Moderate Pain (4- 6)
□ 5/500 □ 7.5/500 □ 10/500 tablet orally
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for pain
Cardiac _____________________________
□ 5/325 □ 7.5/325 □ 10/325 tablet orally
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for pain
Regular _________________________________
Other __________________________________
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for pain
Physician Orders Adult Pneumonia, Community Acquired Admission Height:_________ Admission Weight:_________
VTE: Prophylaxis – General Measures
Severe Pain (7 - 10)
Ambulate – TID with assistance with O2 walker start today
Graded compression stockings -TED Hose
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for pain
□ knee high □ thigh high (call measurements to pharmacy)
HYDROmorphone / DILAUDID 1 milligram subcutaneously
□ every 4 hours □ every 6 hours as needed for pain
morphine _____ milligram intravenously
VTE: Unfractionated Heparin
heparin 5,000 units subcutaneously every 8 hours
Antidotes and Rescue Agents
heparin 5,000 units subcutaneously every 12 hours
naloxone / NARCAN _____ (0.2-2) mil igram
VTE: Low -Molecular-Weight Heparin
intravenously every ______min. (2-3) as needed for
for opiate reversal. May repeat times one. Give if decreased
enoxaparin / LOVENOX 40 milligrams subcutaneously daily
mentation and/or RR < 10 and notify physician STAT
enoxaparin / LOVENOX 30 milligrams subcutaneously daily
(dose for patients with CrCl < 30 mL/min)
LORazepam / ATIVAN 1 milligram intravenously
CBC now and every other day while on Heparin or Lovenox
LORazepam / ATIVAN 1 milligram orally 2 times a day
CBC with auto diff Now and _________________
zolpidem / AMBIEN 5 milligrams orally daily, at bedtime
Culture, blood now two separate sites
zolpidem /AMBIEN 10 milligrams orally daily, at bedtime
albuterol / PROVENTIL MDI ______puffs (use spacer)
every ______hours as needed for wheezing
albuterol 2.5 mg/0.5 mL neb solution /PROVENTIL via
nebulizer every _______hours as needed for wheezing
Levalbuterol / XOPENEX 0.63 mg neb solution via
Physician Consults
nebulizer every _____ hours as needed for wheezing
Reason _________________________________
Smoking Cessation Medications
nicotine 7 mg/24 hr transdermal film, extended
Reason__________ ____________________________
Other Consults
nicotine 14 mg/24 hr transdermal film, extended
nicotine 21 mg/24 hr transdermal film, extended
magnesium hydroxide / MILK OF MAGNESIA
30 milliliters orally daily as needed for constipation
Other Orders:
docusate sodium / COLACE 100 milligrams orally 2 times daily
bisacodyl / DULCOLAX 5 milligrams orally daily
bisacodyl / DULCOLAX 10 milligrams suppository
rectally daily as needed for constipation
□TO/VO Read Back & Verified________________________________________ Date/Time: _________________________
Physician _____________________________________________ Date/Time: _____________________ Version 11/11/2010
Source: http://kentucky.prod2.bonsecours.com/includes/modules/portal/Adult_Pneumonia_Community_Acquired_11-11-10_OLBH.pdf
24 hr Advance Forecast: High 80 Low 72. 02/15-02/21 (Week) Races Wire 1Call 2Call Rail 1-3 4-7 8+02/15-02/21 (Week) Races Wire 1Call 2Call Rail 1-3 4-7 8+02/15-02/21 (Week) Races Wire 1Call 2Call Rail 1-3 4-7 8+Dirt 1m. 4&up, F & M. Clm $30,000. (12:45)/11:45/10:45/ 9:45Dirt 7f. 3yo, F. Mdn $42,000. ( 3:05)/ 2:05/ 1:05/12:05Dirt 1ˆm. 3yo. Grd2 $400,000. ( 5:35)/ 4:35/ 3:35/ 2:35$
SECONDARY STROKE PREVENTION AND SMOKING Information for Patients and Families Authors: Sabrina Godbout; Jessica Goldberger; Genevieve Dupont; Sabrina Mansour; What is secondary stroke prevention? After a first stroke, the likelihood of experiencing a second stroke increases. There are certain changes an individual can make to his/her lifestyle, to reduce the possibility of
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