‘Bio Piracy’ — A Discussion of Some Important Cases
The article discusses the issue of large pharmaceutical companies patenting bio-resources that have been traditionally used by the indigenous people of a land.
piracy are examined in this article. Controversial Cases Involving
patents or plant breeders’ rights) over
Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources
Neem (‘Azadirachta indica’) is a tree
loquendi in international conventions
Turmeric (‘Curcuma longa’) is a plant
found primarily in India and other parts
derivation arising from cases concerning
commercial exploitation of bio-diversity
appropriation of resources and knowledge
soap, is believed to offer low cost relief
University of Mississippi Medical Centre4
interests of the indigenous communities.
(administered both orally and topically)
(‘EPO’) granted a process patent8 to the
Quite understandably, the indigenous communities are piqued to find that the
Department of Agriculture (‘USDA’) over
a method for controlling fungi on plants
Industrial Research (‘CSIR’) requested
by the aid of ‘a hydrophobic extract of
and rashes and, therefore, its medicinal
(‘NGOs’) in India and the European Union
use was not novel. Novelty is as such, an
in 1995.10 They submitted evidence to the
essential requirement for any patentable
effect that the fungicidal effects of Neem
countries wait for intellectual property
laws to catch up on providing protection
Indian agriculturists for centuries and the
the Hoodia cactus (‘Hoodia Gordonii’)
morality because of the sacred nature of the
region.14 Extensive and relatively recent
Hoodia cactus is, however, not restricted
‘prior art’ was presented by CIEL, and in
to treat allergic reactions in the eyes,
treatment did not represent an inventive
step and the patent was revoked by the EPO in 2000, six years after its grant.
US patent law prohibits, inter alia, the
Ayahuasca tree (‘Banisteriopsis caapi or B.caapi’) to produce a ceremonial drink
known as ‘ayahuasca’. The shamans use
the date of patent application. Thus, the
soul’) in religious and healing ceremonies
historical use of the Ayahuasca tree was
this traditional use of the Hoodia cactus
and significant is that at least 72 different
Due to this legal technicality, the patentee
its beneficial constituents.19 In 1995,
2001, the USPTO went against its earlier
decision and decided that the patent for
valid, since at the time when the patent
acquired the rights to develop and market
law did not permit third party challenges
to patent claims.16 The US law has since
and cure for obesity (a market reportedly
an alleged variety of B.caapi that he called
‘Da Vine’. The patent description stated
rules on inter partes re-examination of
that the ‘plant was discovered growing in
a domestic garden in the Amazon rain-forest of South America’.12 The patentee
exploitation of the Hoodia, the normally
new and distinct variety of B.caapi,
the tribes of the Amazon basin and various
piracy. They claimed that their traditional
the Centre for International Environment
Law (‘CIEL’) subsequently filed a re-
fact that the existing prior art included
Kalahari Desert in southern Africa are one
the Da Vine specie of the B.caapi plant
of the world’s oldest and most primitive
and that the granting of the patent would
tribes. The San have traditionally eaten
An initial challenge was mounted against
on novelty, inventiveness and usability,
is not sufficiently sensitised to deal with
India’s Agricultural and Processed Food
Pursuant to this agreement, the San will
receive a percentage of the future royalties
of traditional use of genetic resources.
the lawyers for RiceTec by deleting four
Hoodia cactus.22 As for the San, although
patent claims that dealt with the novelty
In some cases of bio piracy, patents have
almost swindled, they can’t help but be
novelty is not as important an issue as to
address the identity of the inventor(s).
RiceTec’s remaining patent claims were
after deleting the term ‘Basmati’ from
grown in South Asia, particularly in the
countries of India and Pakistan. Farmers
resources as it offers protection to new
perfected the art of selection and farming
were described as having ‘characteristics
of basmati rice grain. Basmati rice exports
period. It is highly speculative to assume
form an important part of the revenues of
these agriculture dependent economies.
ready to disclose their best kept secrets in exchange for the 20 odd years of
The Basmati saga is not an isolated incident
of patenting of the rice grain. The US has
been able to maintain a stronghold on the
international rice business through effective
use of its patent laws. By September 2000,
patent law, efforts are being made at an
obtained by ‘crossing a selected basmati
international level to create appropriate
grain American rice’.24 RiceTec claimed
lion’s share of these patents, holding 45%
in these efforts with the use of national
India and Pakistan. It also claimed that
rice plants thus bred were of semi-dwarf
The above cases are illustrative of today’s
indigenous communities. It is hoped that
reality that the pharmaceutical industry
royalties from the licensing of such national
insensitive and high-yielding.25 RiceTec’s
is looking towards natural bio-resources
communities, in the field of medicine and
breeding the new strain of the hybridised
rice grain and the rice line itself. The
granted to inventions based on traditional
Abhinav Bhatt
and marketing the Texan rice, calling it
International patent law, which is based
20 See, the website of the international
Patent Office’ at http://www.twnside.
11 Schultes and Raffauf, The Healing Forest and also see, http://www.
26 An excerpt from the RiceTec’s patent
Source – AskDrJones.com Part Six - Medication and Weight Control In general, when we are aroused, vigilant, or alert and especially when in a “fight or flight” mode our appetite is suppressed. The brain transmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and histamine decrease appetite, and being in a relaxed vegetative state increases appetite and low blood sugar causing carbohydrate