Overview of Presentation: What’s it al
Goals- Differentiate between programs Eligibility Rules Coverage Basic Rights and Responsibilities
Keeping Eligibility Appealing Adverse Decisions
1965 Federal matching dollars for state dollars Entitlement Program- You’re eligible, you apply,
States have authority to administer, increase
eligibility to additional groups, rates of payments,
September 2008: packets mailed regarding
October 1, 2008: chose plan February 1, 2009: services received through
Q-ExA: What is it? (cont.)In Hawai’i Medicaid is only for the verifiably:
QUEST: What is it? 1994 State Waiver Program from Medicaid Limit to number of Enrollees (125,000) Managed Care Plan
Pick a plan and a Primary Care Physician Currently: Kaiser, HMSA, Aloha Care,
Same Income and Asset Eligibility as
Covers those who are not aged, blind,
QUEST: Basic Health Hawaii In August of 2009, the State announced
This includes the Republic of Palau,
citizens had been eligible since August of
QUEST: Basic Health Hawaii Lawyers for Equal Justice (www.lejhawaii.org)
filed a temporary injunction to stop the
implementation of BHH. The matter is currently
At the time of this writing, COFA citizens eligible
for QUEST have been returned to their applicable
QUEST program pending the outcome of the
A hearing on new BHH rules will be held on
January 25 at 1:30 PM at 1390 Miller St.
QUEST: Basic Health Hawaii COFA citizens are to be eligible only for
COFA adults already in long term care
services under QExA or part of the State
QUEST: Basic Health Hawaii Non-financial
Income: Less than 100% Federal Poverty Line
$2000: Single adult $3000: Couple +$250: Additional household member
10 days of medically necessary inpatient
12 outpatient visits 6 mental health visits 3 medically necessary ambulatory
Bonafide emergency room procedures Coverage of 4 generic prescriptions per
QUEST: Basic Health Hawaii Diabetic supplies Family planning services to include drugs and
Maternal care (1 routine visit to confirm
pregnancy and additional visits for certain
Interpreter services Emergency dental
Relief of pain Eliminate infection Treatment of injuries
Federal program, tax taken out of income Not Financially Need Based
Different Parts (A, B, C, D, etc.) Eligibility:
Disability: After receiving Social Security Disability
Can you think of some of the differences
What are the eligibility differences?
Which programs might a 75yr old get? What about a disabled person? Someone with a lot of money?
Which one limits the number of people that can be on
First, Aged, Blind or Disabled?
AGED: 65 years or older BLIND: <20/200 vision DISABLED: Impairment that would cause an inability to
engage in significant gainful activity (SGA) for at least
Social Security definition of disabled
For example: Birth Certificate, Social Security
Citizenship & ID must be verified for all applicants
Second, Financial Eligibility:
Must be below 100% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
Includes any money received in a particular month
Add an extra $250 for additional household members
Anything which is legally available, with exceptions
The home the person lives in Household goods and belongings All Motor Vehicles (includes yachts, mopeds, etc.) One burial plot per person Certain burial plans
There are new transfer of asset rules for long- term care.
Disposal of assets for less than fair market
Disposal of assets into irrevocable trust:
Disposal of asset less than fair market value:
Disposal of asset into irrevocable trust: 60
Disposal of asset: 60 month look back period
Quest: Eligibility Requirements Hawai’i Resident US Citizen or qualified immigrant
Must provide a valid SSN Proof of Citizenship & identity
Not Aged, Blind or Disabled as defined by
Not institutionalized or eligible for
Cap must not be in place, or be exempt Financially eligible
Pregnant women Lost coverage due to loss of job w/in 45 days Children under age 19
Up to age 21 if under care of Child Welfare Services
Generally, single individuals with incomes under $450 a
month (GA & TANF recipients). (Income does not
Must be under 100% of FPL (same as Quest-
Children under age 19: under 300% of FPL
Pregnant Women: (incl. unborn child), under 185%
All sources of income except: Some earnings of
minor children, federal Earned Income Tax Credit,
subtract certain business expenses from self-
employment income. Other deductions available.
Quest: Financial Eligibility, Asset Limits
Equivalent to SSI program (same as Quest-
$2,000 for individual $3,000 for two people $250 for each additional SAME EXEMPT ASSETS as Quest-ExA
No asset limit for pregnant women or children under age 19
Disabled, for at least 24 months (Social Security
End Stage Renal Disease or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s
Automatically receive a card on your 65
birthday if you are qualified for Social Security
Worked at total of 40 quarters! (about ten years).
Can enroll at age 65, if US Citizen or Legal
Permanent Resident with at least five years
Will have to pay premiums (may qualify for
25th month of being eligible to receive SSDI/RSDI
All individuals with End Stage Renal disease (ESRD)
or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS/Lou Gehrig’s
What is one major difference between
Who can get Quest when the cap is in
Who would be eligible for Medicare? Can you get Medicare and Quest-ExA?
Quest-ExA Benefits Switch fee-for-service Medicaid to HMO
Home and community-based services (long term care):
adult day care, personal attendants, residential care
Disease management programs (i.e. diabetes)
Currently: Kaiser, HMSA, Aloha Care, Summerlin
Need to see Primary Care Physician (PCP) Use In-Network Doctors, etc.
Provide “comprehensive health services”
Doctors, specialists, medications (unless Medicare),
EPSDT (Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and
Quest Benefits: Dental In August of 2009, adult dental benefits under
QUEST were limited to emergency services.
Emergency services cover incidents of dental
pain, elimination of infection, and treatment of
acute injuries. Preventative and restorative
procedures like dentures are no longer covered.
Individuals under 21 years of age still receive
Medicare Benefits Medicare: What part do you have?
Also, Medigap plans, which cost money to
restructure your benefits and add new benefits
Inpatient hospital visits, skilled nursing
No premium with sufficient work history (40
$461 per month if less than 30 quarters
Deductibles and co-payments for services
Physician services, outpatient hospital care,
ambulance, durable medical equipment, lab,
Income related increase starting in 2007 Penalty for joining late
$155 annual deductible 20% co-payment after deductible
QMB (Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries)
Income less than 100% of federal poverty
Assets less than $4000 (single) or $6000
Premiums, deductibles, and copayments
Income less than 120% of the Federal Poverty
Assets less than $4000 (single) or $6000
Income less than 200% of the Federal Poverty
Assets less than $4000 (single) or $6000
Kaiser Senior Advantage HMSA 65C Plus Aloha Advantage
Must provide all A & B services Many have extra options or additional
Some are optional, most are mandatory
Can change the cost structure (co-pays, deductibles) Can charge a separate premium
The Newest Member…Part D Prescription drug benefits started 1/1/06
First open enrollment from 11/15/05-5/15/06 Annual open enrollment will be from 11/15-12/31
Available with either Part A, B, or C Bizarre Cost structure for most:
$310 annual deductible, 25% cost share up to $2,830 worth of drugs, 100% cost share until $4,550 out-of-pocket (doughnut
After that, 5% cost share (non-formulary drugs not
PLUS, average premium is $30 per month
Example of Medicare Part D Spending Sarah takes two expensive brand name
medications to treat her chronic leukemia and
$310 for the deductible 25% for drugs until coverage limit of $2830 ($2405 in
actual drug costs: not out of pocket expenses)
100% for drug costs after $2830 limit until paid $4550
Source: Understanding the Medicare Part D Donut Hole by Michael Bihari,
M.D. (http://drugs.about.com/od/medicarepartd/a/Donut_Hole.htm)
How do Quest-ExA and Quest differ from
What are the various types of Medicare?
Responsibilities for Quest-ExA & Quest
Must report all income & assets of all household
Must report SSN just for APPLICANTS and verify
Must provide sufficient proof of citizenship & a photo ID Cooperate with Child Support Enforcement Agency,
Cooperate with third party liability, unless good cause Must report all household changes within ten days Give permission to DHS to contact fed, state, local gov’t
offices, as well as financial institutions to verify info.
Otherwise, will get sent to collection agency
Need to keep part A or B or C to retain the
Must notify plans of change of address Must notify of any additional drug coverage
Interpreter and translation services, as well as
Large print, accessible parking, telephone interviews,
Confidentiality, except where consent is given Non-discrimination based on race, color, age,
sex, national origin, disability or religious or
Within 45 days (presumptive eligibility on 46th day)
90 days for Quest-ExA (presumptive eligibility on 91st
day for Quest-ExA. This is expanded from 60 days in
Proper & Timely Notice of Denial (10 days prior to
Proper and timely notice to any adverse
changes to benefits (10 days prior to action)
90 days to request a fair hearing from DHS
Can bring legal counsel or anyone as a representative
Can continue to receive benefits if a hearing is
requested within ten days of the adverse action
Can challenge almost ANY change, including denial of
To receive accurate information Receive ER services Translation services & accommodations File complaints Non-discrimination Confidentiality, except when consented Participate in treatment decisions
Receive a “Medicare Summary Notice (MSN)”
A written, signed request within 120 days of the
Must be filed with the office indicated on the MSN,
180 days to file a reconsideration with a Qualified
Independent Contractor (QIC), like Maximus
Same Asset Limits ($2,000/$3,000 plus $250)
Sometimes referred to as the “medically needy”
Must meet all other eligibility requirements
Must spend down to the “Standard of Need” Amount
So, an individual with $2469 a month gross income
must spend $2000 a month on medical expenses to
100%-300% - about $70 per month premium
Asset limit: $5,000 individual, $7,000 couple
Cost share similar to spend-down, but not
supposed to exceed amount of capitated cost
Scope- limited medical and behavioral health
Cannot qualify for QUEST because of cap (125,000) Limited coverage
10 days of inpatient hospital care related to medical care,
surgery, psychiatric care, and substance abuse.
3 medically necessary ambulatory surgical care procedures
All employees over 20hrs a week need
Vitamine D Fysiologie De term ‘Vitamine D’ is een verzamelnaam voor verschillende vitamine D-moleculen. In de praktijk treedt vaak verwarring op doordat niet wordt vermeld of men het heeft over vitamine D2, vitamine D3 of metabolieten daarvan. Wanneer een vitamine D spiegel wordt vermeld, wordt normaliter de calcidiolspiegel (25OHD3 = 25-hydroxycolecalciferol) bedoeld. Colecalciferol
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