Mecklenburg County ARES
72 Hour Emergency Kit
After hurricane Hugo rolled through Charlotte, many of us realized that we were not prepared adequately for disasters. Everyone would be better prepared if you have a 72 hour emergency kit. Some folks have an emergency kit packed and ready to go in case they need to evacuate their home, others assemble their kit with the intention of sheltering in place. The following list of recommendations is applicable to both scenarios:  Water—at least a 3-day supply; one gallon per person per day  Food—at least a 3-day supply of non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food. If canned food is included be sure to include a can opener.  Mess kit or light weight cook pot  A sturdy sharp Knife  paper cups, plates, paper towels and plastic utensils  At least a half tank of gas at all times   Flashlight + Extra batteries (hand crank flashlight)  HT, battery packs and charger  Cell phone + chargers  Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (with NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)  Whistle to signal for help  Paper and pencil – (rite in rain)  Extra batteries for everything you bring.   First Aid kit – (Imodium) (Potassium Iodide)  Medications (7-day supply) and medical items (hearing aids with extra batteries, extra  Insect repellent and sunscreen  Sanitation and personal hygiene items including hand sanitizer  List of allergies to any foods or drugs.   Portable shelter - Tent or large tarp - include a ground cloth, rope / paracord.  Warm blankets, bedding or sleeping bags for each person.  Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants, underwear, socks and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if it is cold. Include a hat.  Jacket or coat for each person.  Rain gear for each person.  Socks (5 to 6 pairs for 3 days)  Sewing kit   Special items for infants, elderly, or disabled family members.  Special items for pet care (collar, leash, ID, food, carrier, bowl)  Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children   Maps of your area including locality and state.  Compass / GPS – (compass never has dead batteries)  Multi-purpose tool or tool kit  Heavy work gloves  Duct Tape  Extra set of car keys and house keys  Extra cash  Camera for taking photos of any damage  Pictures of all family members   Matches in a waterproof container  A Lighter or other fire starter such as a ferrocerium rods  Fresnel lens – (wallet size)   Important family documents such as copies of medication list and pertinent medical information deed/lease to home, birth certificates, health insurance, Home insurance policies and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container.  Family and emergency contact information.  Thumb drive copies of all of the above documentation.  Evacuation Routes.  Directions to the closest evacuation shelter or alternately a rally point where you will meet absent members of your Household. Your Rally Point may be a friend’s home, a motel or a Park, just be sure all of your family members know this is where you will meet during emergencies.  Emergency reference material such as a first aid book and a survival handbook.   Unscented Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – (add 8 drops (1/8 teaspoon) of  Portable Water filter - My favorite filter is an Aquamira Frontier pro it is light weight, good for Additional Items for sheltering in place  Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape.  Moist towelettes, garbage bags a five gallon bucket and plastic ties for personal sanitation  Wrench or pliers t Axe  Shovel  Pry bar  Camp stove – (Propane, butane, alcohol or fuel tablet).  Fuel for your stove.  Hurricane / oil lamps Always be sure to rotate the items in your emergency kit. Some items like prescription, food and batteries have a shelf life. Copyright 2013 Mecklenburg County ARES



Child Care Fact Sheet Reading Labels for Food Al ergens Ingredients of food products are listed in descending order by weight. The ingredient list canFood labels identify food al ergens in one of three ways: 1. The name of the food source is listed in parentheses after the common name of the2. The label may say “contains” which is fol owed by the name of the food source fromwhich

Tassone P, Tagliaferri P, Rossi M, Calimeri T, Bulotta A, Abbruzzese A, Caraglia M, Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2009 Nov;9(7):854-70. Marra M, Abbruzzese A, Addeo R, Del Prete S, Tassone P, Tonini G, Tagliaferri P, Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2009 Nov;9(7):791-800. Tagliaferri P, Ventura M, Baudi F, Cucinotto I, Arbitrio M, Di Martino MT, Tassone P. Blotta S, Tassone P, Prabhala RH, Tagliaferri P

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