MPSMA—MEDICAL RELEASE/INFORMATION FORM TODAY’S DATE:______________________________ Participant’s Name: _________________________________________ Date of Birth:____________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________________ State:______________ Zip Code_________________________ Emergency Contact #1_________________________________________________________________________
Relationship Phone (please designate if cell, work or home) Emergency Contact #2_______________________________________________________________________________
Relationship Phone (please designate if cell, work or home) Pertinent Past Medical History (including past hospitalizations & surgeries). (Use reverse side if needed).: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Currently under the care of a physician for: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I give my permission for my son/daughter to take or be given the following over the counter medication (OTC): (Please circle all that apply) Advil/Motrin Pepto Bismol Imodium A-D Benadryl Cough Drops
Other over the counter medication and/or Herbal Medication: Please List:________________________________________________ Food & Drug Allergies (if more space is needed, please use reverse side):
Medications my son/daughter is currently taking. Include all over the counter & Prescription medication taken regularly (use reverse side if needed). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My son/daughter has my permission to carry his/her own Inhalers or Epi-Pen (please check if you approve) PRIMARY INSURANCE: Policy #: ________________ Group #:_________________________ ID#: ________________ Name & Address of Insurance Company: ___________________________________________________________________ dental insurer, please put Phone # :___________________________________Policy Holder (Employer):_____________________________________ and include copies of the Employee’s Name:____________________________Relationship to student: ______________________________________
In the event of an emergency or non-emergency requiring medical treatment, I _________________________________________________, hereby grant permission for any and all medical and/or dental attention to be administered to my child,________________________________ in the event of an accidental injury or illness, until such time as I can be contacted. This permission includes, but is not limited to, the administration of first aid, the use of an ambulance, and the administration of anesthesia and/or surgery, under the recommendation of qualified medical personnel. Parent/Guardian’s Name (SIGNATURE): ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name (PRINT): _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone numbers: Cell_____________________________; Home;_____________________________; Work: __________________________
LA PLATA, 27 de Julio de 2011 VISTO que esta Agencia Platense de Recaudación (APR) tiene entre sus funciones diseñar y ejecutar la política en materia de habilitaciones y permisos en aplicación de la normativa vigente en la materia, mejorando las condiciones objetivas de seguridad en la Ciudad a través del cumplimiento voluntario de la normativa vigente, la participación acti
Advances in Urinary Catheter Technology Introduction stances adhere to the surface of the catheter.3 ItThe first recorded use of a urethral catheter washas been the focus of considerable study. in ancient Egypt, when papyrus reeds wereEncrustation may happen whether the urineused to artificially drain the bladder. present is infected or sterile, and is thought toSubsequently, a variet