Correlation of the electrical and intrinsic optical signals in the
N.L.V. Peixotoa,*, V.M. Fernandes de Limab, W. Hankec
aMicroelectronics Laboratory, University of SaÄo Paulo-USP, Esc. Politecnica, Avenue Professor Luciano Gualberto, 158, Trav.3,
bDepartment of Neuroscience, FUNREI, SaÄo JoaÄo del Rey, MG, Brazil
cInstitute of Zoophysiology, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany
Received 11 October 2000; received in revised form 14 December 2000; accepted 18 December 2000
This paper presents some results on the correlation between the electrophysiological and intrinsic optical signals (IOS)
of spreading depression waves in chicken retinae. We ®rst show that the peak of the time derivative of the electrophy-
siological wave occurs precisely when the optical signal reaches the electrode tip. Second, by comparing bath applica-
tions of propranolol and glycerol it can be shown that the slow potential shift is not directly correlated to the intrinsic
optical signal. Propranolol depresses the amplitude of the electrical wave, although the intrinsic optical signal continues
being visible. On the other hand, we observe total absence of the IOS under glycerol, while the electrical wave is always
present. Correlations of this kind are relevant for a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the spreading
depression phenomenon. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Retina; Spreading depression; Chicken retinae; Propranolol; Glycerol; Intrinsic optical signals
The spreading depression (SD) phenomenon was discov-
Analysis of IOS and electrophysiological pro®les was
ered by A. LeaÄo in 1944 [8]. Since then, SD waves have
performed by treating retinae with propranolol and glycerol.
been investigated and successfully elicited in all regions of
These drugs are found to in¯uence the behavior of SD
the gray matter, including the retina, which constitutes its
waves in different ways [12,13], but their form of action
most accessible part. Intrinsic optical signal (IOS) percept-
and consequences to the retinal tissue are still subject of
ibility of SD is made possible due to transient changes
mainly in the extracellular osmolarity, which is a side effect
Experiments are carried out on 6±12-day-old chickens
of the massive motion of ions between extra and intracel-
[5]. Immediately after the chick being decapitated, the
lular spaces. Translocation of ions also yields an electrical
eyeball is dissected, cut at the equatorial plane, and the
pro®le, which is present in all retinal layers during SD
vitreous humour is removed. The eyecup is immersed in a
waves [2,3]. Despite the fact that they may share the trigger-
Petri dish perfused at a rate of 4 ml/min with Ringer solution
ing event, IOS and electrophysiological signals may be
(pH 7.4), containing 0.1 M NaCl, 6 mM KCl, 1 mM MgCl2,
separately accessed and individually in¯uenced, as we
1 mM NaH2PO4, 1 mM CaCl2, 30 mM NaHCO3, 30 mM
glucose and 5 mM Tris. In experiments with propranolol
We have simultaneously measured optical (re¯ected
(0.5 mM) and glycerol (5%), drugs are added to the Ringer
light) and electrophysiological signals of SD waves, and
solution. Temperature is maintained at 298C (^18C). Waves
their synchronism has been investigated in control experi-
are elicited chemically with 0.1 M KCl (approx. 50 ml
ments as well as under bath application of drugs. The begin-
applied by means of a micropipette) at the eyecup border
every 15 min. Electrophysiological measurements are
concomitant with the peak of the time derivative of the
performed using glass electrodes ®lled with 1 M KCl (10
mm tip diameter) positioned in the inner plexiform layer.
The reference electrode is a silver chloride pellet electrode,
* Corresponding author. Tel: 155-11-3765-1378; fax. 155-11-
positioned in the bath surrounding the eyecup. Electrical
signals are low-pass ®ltered at 10 Hz, and digitally recorded.
E-mail address: (N.L.V. Peixoto).
0304-3940/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.L.V. Peixoto et al. / Neuroscience Letters xx (2001) xxx±xxx
Optical signals are recorded in video. Electrical and optical
recording systems are synchronized by an audio signal (one
pulse) common to both acquisition systems. The microelec-
trode becomes negative in respect to the reference electrode
Concerning electrical signals, the derivative of the func-
tion with respect to time is computed. At particular instants
of time, selected from the electrical wave, snapshots are
taken from the optical images, and a 30±40 pixels (corre-
sponding to 0.20±0.27 mm of retinal tissue) wide strip
oriented normally to the wavefront is cut. Its brightness
pro®le is then obtained by computing the densitometry in
each column [1]. Optical wave onset is considered as a 10%
change in brightness as compared to the maximum attained
brightness of the wave. Electrical wave duration is
measured from the onset (5% as compared to the maximum)
of the potential shift until the returning of the signal to the
baseline as considered after the wave has propagated [11].
Amplitude of the electrical signal was found to be directly
correlated to the speed of the optical wave, as measured
from the IOS (that is, wavefront speed). In control experi-
ments (n 51), while speed varied from 1 to 5 mm/min,
amplitudes varied from 10 to 25 mV, showing a correlation
coef®cient of 0.8. Moreover, derivative and amplitude have
Fig. 2. Strips taken from the optical wave from Fig. 1, moving
shown a correlation coef®cient of 0.85. The mean value of
downward. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (75 pixels). Numbers in seconds.
the amplitude was found to be 19 ^ 1 mV (P , 0:05) and
the mean speed was 3.4 ^ 0.2 mm/min (P , 0:05). Both
of drugs. Fig. 3 shows brightness pro®les of two waves (one
measures agree with already known values, namely, 20
of them is the wave from Fig. 2), both evaluated at the
mV and 3 mm/min [10]. We found the peak of the derivative
instant of time where the derivative reaches its maximum
to be 17 ^ 8 mV/s (P , 0:05), occurring always before the
value. In addition, brightness pro®les taken at 0 s are
presented in order to exhibit the electrode tip position rela-
Figs. 1 and 2 show electrical and optical concomitants
tive to the waves. Note that background brightness is
from a wave with bath application of propranolol. Time 0 is
distorted by the pipette. It is clear from this ®gure that the
arbitrarily chosen, before the wave onset. The optical wave
spreads in the direction of the electrode tip, which is reached
at 15.7 s. This is exactly the instant of time of the derivative
peak, as taken from the electrical wave. This fact is noticed
in all analyzed waves, either in controls or under the effect
Fig. 3. IOS brightness pro®les (a) of a control spreading depres-
Fig. 1. Slow potential shift of a wave under the effect of propra-
sion wave and (b) of a wave with bath perfusion of propranolol.
nolol (amplitude 2 mV). Numbers in seconds (see Fig. 2). Polar-
Pipette position is indicated on the picture. Both waves are
moving to the right. Numbers near the curves in seconds.
N.L.V. Peixoto et al. / Neuroscience Letters xx (2001) xxx±xxx
beginning of brightness change coincides with the pipette
obtain two waves under the effect of propranolol. Never-
position. This analysis has been performed in 51 control
theless, the recovery of the retinal tissue is usually obtained
waves and 30 waves under the effect of drugs. With a preci-
by perfusing them with standard Ringer. Status of the retina
sion of 0.05 s and 0.02 mm as set by the experimental
is then judged from the optical composition of its back-
apparatus, IOS onset happens simultaneously to the electri-
Propranolol is commonly considered to be an anti-
The optical wave recovers faster under the effect of
migraine drug, besides many other possible uses. It is also
propranolol. In Fig. 3a, a pro®le taken from a control
known as a non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor-blocking
wave at 11.1 s occupies most of the retinal area (in this
agent [7]. Although its mechanisms of action are not well
case, approx. 300 pixels, or 2 mm). On the other hand,
established [4], due to the fact that its effect on the electrical
under perfusion with propranolol, even during the same
pro®le is much more pronounced than on the IOS, we
experiment, the complete optical pro®le can be visualized
conjecture that the main in¯uence of propranolol occurs at
inside the screen area, as shown by Fig. 3b at 0 s and at 15.7
the early phase of ionic translocation, that is, during intense
s. Moreover, the end of the electrical wave is, in this case,
concomitant with the restoration of the background bright-
Changes of IOS associated with neural stimulation have
usually been attributed to cell volume and extracellular
Under the effect of propranolol, amplitude of the electro-
space alterations [9]. Because of its high viscosity, glycerol
physiological signal is depressed to 48% and the derivative
obstructs the water movement between the intra and extra-
peak to 38% (n 10) of the control waves, whereas the
cellular media, and we conjecture that during the occurrence
speed is dampened to 83%. Inside the same group of
of the SD this is the main cause for the depression of the
waves (i.e., those under the effect of the drug) the correla-
IOS. Also the higher osmolality of the perfusion solution
tion coef®cient between amplitude and derivative is 0.96
can be an explanation for that, and for the form alterations
(n 10). There is no alteration on the electrophysiological
observed on the electrical pro®les. We would like to point
waveform by comparing waves in the same experiment.
out that other optical waves can be devised [6]. Because the
Bath application of glycerol completely depresses the
electrical concomitant is still present, one can show the
IOS. Although the electrical signal remains, speed cannot
existence of ionic reorganization during wave propagation.
be measured by the previously described method. In roughly
Our results show that both propranolol and glycerol
half of the 22 waves analyzed in our experiments, the elec-
decreased the excitability of the retinal tissue. Amplitudes
trical pro®le showed an alteration in form, which is the case
of the electrophysiological concomitant were lowered to 45
in Fig. 4 (notice the plateau and the second peak of the
and 48% in the case of glycerol and propranolol, respec-
wave). In these pro®les we consider the ®rst peak with the
tively. Derivative peak dropped to 67 and 38%, respectively.
purpose of evaluating amplitude. Amplitude is lowered to
Based on the electrical waveforms in control waves and
45% (n 11) of the control values, while the derivative
under drug application we hypothesize that the processes
peak drops to 67%. Duration is lowered to 88% (n 11)
taking place at the cellular level (ionic changes and depo-
of the control waves, despite the presence of the two peaks.
larization) do happen on a much faster time scale for the
Retinae are very sensitive to the application of proprano-
spreading of the excitation than for the reorganization of the
lol, which is not the case with some other drugs [12]. This
ionic composition of the extra and intracellular spaces.
implies that in the same experiment it is very dif®cult to
Concomitant recording of optical and electrophysiologi-
cal signals during retinal SD waves suggests the existence of
separated physical processes underlying macroscopic vari-
ables. Field potential appears to be an important modulator
of propagation velocity. By contrast, the IOS seems to be the
result of volume alterations at the cellular level.
Concerning form alteration in the case of the electrophy-
siological signal with glycerol, such an alteration has not
been observed in any of the control waves, or in the waves
under the effect of propranolol. It remains to be investigated
whether it can be a function of concentration, of the relative
alteration in osmolality or of other experimental parameters
such as temperature, perfusion rate or composition of the
Simultaneous recording of electrophysiological and opti-
cal parameters of retinal SD waves permits a demonstration
of the spatio-temporal relationship between the part of the
Fig. 4. Electrophysiological pro®les of a control wave (amplitude
24 mV) and of a wave under the effect of glycerol (amplitude 10
ionic ¯ux responsible for the electrical concomitant of SD
waves and the intrinsic optical changes associated with
N.L.V. Peixoto et al. / Neuroscience Letters xx (2001) xxx±xxx
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