Microsoft word - particularities pj75sp2 and ipf.doc
PosterJet 7.5 SP2 and the Canon iPF-series Particularities when using PosterJet 7.5 SP2 with the new Canon imagePROGRAF printers of the iPF-series
The Canon imagePROGRAF iPF9000 can print
While creating a PosterJet media profile for the Canon
borderless only up to 42-inch width. PosterJet 7.5 SP2
imagePROGRAF iPF5000 Proof or the iPF9000 Proof,
currently allows creating a print job for borderless
the starting value for black in the separation settings
printing with a printing width greater than 42 inch. In
should be set to 0%. This results in the usage of al gray
case such the job is send to the printer, an error
inks and therefore prevents a composition of gray
message appears on the printer frontpanel, stating that
borderless printing for this job is not supported. The job
can now be canceled or printed with a border.
New parameters were introduced to the PosterJet
MediaManager for profiling and printing on speciality
media. They are available for al the new Canon
imagePROGRAF printers of the iPF-series:
With these new parameters even ‘unusual’ media can
be perfectly printed on these new printers. A separate
support document for profiling with PosterJet is
available. Borderless printing is available only for roll media.
However, not every type of media supports borderless
printing (e.g. plain paper or coated paper). This is true
On the Canon imagePROGRAF iPF500, iPF600 and
also for the imagePROGRAF printers of the W-series
iPF5000 some media types can not be printed from the
cassette sheet feeder (example: Waterresistant
As the PosterJet PlugIns for the iPF-Series may be up-
SemiGloss). However, these types of media can always
dated, please check regulary the Media Update for
be printed by using the manual sheet feeder. For further
new PlugIns and media profiles!
information, please read the printer manual or see the
notes given in the PosterJet MediaManager.
Especially download the new PlugIn for the iPF9000 before downloading profiles for this printer!!!
The PosterJet printer plug-ins called »Canon image-
PROGRAF iPF5000« and »Canon imagePROGRAF
iPF9000« make use of the maximum number of
available colors for printing (11 colors simultaneously,
as matte black and photo black are not used at the
same time). These plug-ins are optimized for photo,
banner, fine art and other applications, where a large
gamut is required. The PosterJet printer plug-ins called »Canon image-
PROGRAF iPF5000 Proof« and the »Canon image-
PROGRAF iPF9000 Proof« do not use the red, green
and blue inks (therefore they just print with eight of the
eleven available inks). These plug-ins are optimized for
proofing applications. The PosterJet printer plug-ins for the Canon image-
PROGRAF iPF500, iPF600 and iPF700 recognize
automatical y, what kind of black ink (mat e black or
photo black) needs to be used for the paper loaded in
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