C a r d i o v a s c u l a r a n d M e t a b o l i c R i s k O R I G I N A L Prediction of Mortality Using Measures of Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction in the Diabetic and Nondiabetic Population The MONICA/KORA Augsburg Cohort Study AN ZIEGLER, MD, FRCPE BURKHARD HAASTERT, PHD HRISTIAN P. ZENTAI, MD ANGELA D ¨ORING, MD Cardiovascular autonomic neuropa- IEGFRIED PERZ, MSC CHRISTA MEISINGER, MD OLFGANG RATHMANN, MD, MSPH FOR THE KORA STUDY GROUP
postural hypotension, exercise intoler-ance, enhanced intraoperative instability,and, presumably, increased incidence of
OBJECTIVES — To evaluate whether reduced heart rate variability (HRV), prolonged cor-
silent myocardial infarction and ischemia
rected QT (QTc) interval, or increased QT dispersion (QTD) are predictors of mortality in the
(1). A number of prospective studies have
general diabetic and nondiabetic population. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS — Nondiabetic (n ϭ 1,560) and diabetic (n ϭ
160) subjects aged 55–74 years were assessed to determine whether reduced HRV, prolonged
reduced heart rate variability (HRV) (2).
QTc interval, and increased QTD may predict all-cause mortality. Lowest quartiles for the
maximum-minimum R-R interval difference (max-min, as measured at baseline from a 20-s
pooled relative risk of mortality in studies
standard 12-lead resting electrocardiogram without controlling for depth and rate of respira-
tion), QTc Ͼ440 ms and QTD Ͼ60 ms, were used as cutpoints.
or more abnormalities was 3.45 (95% CI2.66 – 4.47) and, in studies that used
RESULTS — During a 9-year follow-up, 10.5% of the nondiabetic and 30.6% of the diabetic
more than one measure, 1.20 (1.02–1.41)
population deceased. In the nondiabetic individuals, multivariate Cox proportional hazard
models adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors and demographic variables showed that pro-longed QTc interval (hazard ratio 2.02 [95% CI 1.29 –3.17]; P ϭ 0.002) but not low max-min
studies (3,4) and, hence, subject to refer-
(0.93 [0.65–1.34]; P ϭ 0.700), and increased QTD (0.98 [0.60 –1.60]; P ϭ 0.939) were asso-
ciated with increased mortality. In the diabetic subjects, prolonged QTc was also a predictor of
studies no appropriate adjustment for im-
mortality (3.00 [1.34 – 6.71]; P ϭ 0.007), while a trend for an increased risk was noted in those
with low max-min (1.74 [0.95–3.18]; P ϭ 0.075), whereas increased QTD did not predict
mortality (0.42 [0.06 –3.16]; P ϭ 0.402).
be found in the absence of diabetes as aconsequence of cardiac diseases and is an
CONCLUSIONS — Prolonged QTc interval, but not increased QTD, is an independent
predictor of a twofold and threefold increased risk of mortality in the nondiabetic and diabetic
elderly general population, respectively. Low HRV during spontaneous breathing tends to beassociated with excess mortality in the diabetic but not nondiabetic population.
lead to increased mortality remain a mat-
Diabetes Care 31:556–561, 2008
ter of debate. A meta-analysis revealed a2.3-fold increased risk of CAN in diabeticpatients showing a prolonged QT interval(6), leading to the speculation that CANmight also predispose to malignant ven-tricular arrhythmias and sudden death (7).
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
From the 1Institute for Clinical Diabetes Research, German Diabetes Center, Leibniz Institute at the Heinrich
Heine University, Du¨sseldorf, Germany; the 2Institute of Medical Informatics, Helmholtz ZentrumMu¨nchen - German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany; the 3Institute of
the longest and shortest QT intervals on a
Biometrics and Epidemiology, German Diabetes Center, Leibniz Institute at the Heinrich Heine University,
Du¨sseldorf, Germany; and the 4Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum Mu¨nchen - German Research
Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany.
variation in ventricular recovery times.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Dan Ziegler, FRCPE, Institut fu¨r Klinische Diabe-
tologie, Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum, Leibniz-Zentrum an der Heinrich-Heine-Universita¨t Du¨sseldorf,
This spatial dispersion of repolarization
Auf’m Hennekamp 65, 40225 Du¨sseldorf, Germany. E-mail: dan.ziegler@ddz.uni-duesseldorf.de.
Received for publication 15 August 2007 and accepted in revised form 11 December 2007.
strate for malignant ventricular arrhyth-
Published ahead of print at http://care.diabetesjournals.org on 17 December 2007. DOI: 10.2337/dc07-
Abbreviations: ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; CAN, cardiovascular autonomic neuropa-
thy; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; HRV, heart rate variability; KORA, Cooperative
Health Research in the Region of Augsburg; max-min, maximum-minimum R-R interval difference;
MONICA, Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease; SDNN, SD of R-R intervals.
2008 by the American Diabetes Association. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be herebymarked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
tion level. Therefore, these indexes of car-
Ziegler and Associates Table 1—MONICA Survey 1989 –1990 (S2): baseline characteristics
ECG-based variablesECG examination was performed in astandardized manner as described previ-
ously (14,15). In brief, a 12-lead resting
cient of variation (CV) of R-R intervals,
proach was limited by not controlling for
respiration and not using an index of HRV
determined from the 12-lead ECG strips.
resentative QT interval for further analy-
sis. Measurable QT intervals in eight leads
Data are means Ϯ SD or percentages unless otherwise indcated. *P Ͻ 0.05; †P ϭ 0.072. CAD, coronary
for this definition. QTc interval correction
artery disease; MI, myocardial infarction.
formulas for heart rate included the ap-proaches by Bazett (17), the Framingham
by the local authorities, and all partici-
Heart Study (18), and Fridericia (19).
pants gave written informed consent.
scribed elsewhere in detail (11–13).
graphic variables, smoking habits, physi-
to atrial fibrillation or flutter (n ϭ 37), left
subject who regularly smoked at least one
(n ϭ 38) and right (n ϭ 63) bundle-
atrioventricular or sinoatrial block (n ϭ
12), treatment with antiarrhythmic agents,
aged 25–74 years (n ϭ 4,940) was se-
lected from an original population of n ϭ
long the QT interval (n ϭ 48) (multiple
sidered physically active if he or she par-
tional 47/8 nondiabetic/diabetic subjects
55–74 years were included in the present
analysis, of whom n ϭ 160 were classified
spectively, and 64/9 nondiabetic/diabetic
as having diabetes if they reported a diag-
disease (CVD) was defined as the need for
val analyses because of multiple supraven-
antidiabetes medication, while n ϭ 1,560
tion or stroke (13). Obesity was defined as
they did not meet these criteria. All par-
subjects were included in the multiple lo-
lipidemia was defined as a total–to–HDL
Cardiac autonomic dysfunction and mortality
nondiabetic and 140 diabetic subjects as aresulut of incomplete 12 leads.
Statistical methodsAll continuous variables were describedas means Ϯ SD, and differences betweengroups were evaluated by t tests. Categor-ical variables were described by frequencytables and compared between groups us-ing Fisher’s exact test. All tests were per-formed two sided, and the level ofsignificance was set at ␣ ϭ 0.05. Survivalcurves were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. The log-rank test was usedto compare different survival curves. Mul-tiple Cox regression models were fitted toanalyze risk factors of mortality and po-tential confounders. Different models us-ing fixed sets of independent variableswere estimated and stratified for diabeticand nondiabetic subjects. The SAS statis-tical software package (version 8.2)TS2M0 was used for statistical analyses.
Figure 1—Kaplan-Meier survival probability for the max-min R-R interval difference (1st quar-tile [broken line] vs. 2nd– 4th quartiles [continuous line]) in the diabetic (A) and nondiabetic (C)cohorts and QTc interval (Ͼ440 ms [broken line] vs. Յ440 ms [continuous line]) in the diabetic
diabetic subjects were significantly older,
(B) and nondiabetic (D) cohorts.
had a higher BMI, faster resting heart rate,higher systolic blood pressure, lower
0.4227)(Fig. 1C). The corresponding
mortality rates were 30 of 79 (38.0%) vs.
19 of 80 (23.8%) in diabetic subjects and
levels as well as significantly higher pro-
interval, male sex, age, regular smoking,
infarction or stroke (all P Ͻ 0.05) (Table
spectively. In subjects who had a QTc in-
(all P Ͻ 0.05) were significant predictors
terval Ͼ440 vs. those with a QTc interval
of mortality, while CVD tended to predict
Յ440 ms, survival probability was signif- mortality (P ϭ 0.076) (Table 2). Among
icantly lower in both the diabetic (P Ͻ
0.0001) (Fig. 1B) and nondiabetic (P ϭ
terval, male sex, age, and low physical ac-
nificantly lower in the diabetic compared
mortality (all P Ͻ 0.05), while a trend to
with the nondiabetic group (all P Ͻ 0.05).
The use of -blocking agents tended to be
smoking and dislipidemia (P ϭ 0.087, to
higher in diabetic subjects (P ϭ 0.072). P ϭ 0.081). The increase in relative risk of
and hypertension (all P Ͻ 0.05), but not
cholesterol, or the percentage of regular
spectively. The results were similar when
tended to predict mortality (P ϭ 0.06)(Table 2). Among diabetic individuals,
only low physical activity and dyslipide-
In the diabetic group, survival probability
mia were significant predictors of mortal-
ity (both P Ͻ 0.05), while low max-min
the max-min R-R interval difference “as
age, high alcohol intake, regular smoking,
smoking tended to predict mortality (P ϭ
0.067 to P ϭ 0.089). The increase in rel-
(all P Ͻ 0.05), but not increased QTD,
rate of respiration” (see RESEARCH DESIGN
ative risk of mortality for the 1st quartile
AND METHODS) at the 1st quartile vs. 2nd–
of max-min was 73% in diabetic persons.
(Table 2C). In the diabetic group, age and
4th quartiles (P ϭ 0.0447)(Fig. 1A),
low physical activity (both P Ͻ 0.05), but
noted in the nondiabetic group (P ϭ
Ziegler and Associates Table 2—Relative risk (RR) (95% CI) for the associations of reduced HRV (max-min), prolonged QTc interval, QTD, cardiovascular risk factors, and demographic variables with 9-year all-cause mortality in nondiabetic and diabetic individuals
*HRV: nondiabetic group, n ϭ 1,513; nondiabetic group, n ϭ 152. †Prolonged QTc interval: nondiabetic group, n ϭ 1,496; diabetic group, n ϭ 151. ‡QTD:nondiabetic group, n ϭ 1,433; diabetic group, n ϭ 140.
tality over 9 years in the nondiabetic and
difference and QTc interval and their pos-
sible interaction into the model, QTc in-
vascular mortality in the entire cohort and
terval prolongation remained a significant
2.14 –7.14]) P Ͻ 0.001, and 4.47 [2.44 –
increased risk of mortality. In contrast,
risk ratio 2.23 (95% CI 1.32–3.75), P ϭ
9.22], P Ͻ 0.001, respectively) but not in
mortality in nondiabetic or diabetic sub-
(1.80 –27.94), P ϭ 0.005, in the diabetic
P ϭ 0.698). The max-min difference and
group, respectively. In contrast, low max-
increased risk of mortality by 73% in the
tality in either of the groups studied, pos-
1.42]; P ϭ 0.829) but tended to in the
diabetic group (1.96 [0.99 –3.89]; P ϭ
prognostic index independent of the pres-
CONCLUSIONS — The results of
these two variables in predicting mortality
this study suggest that prolonged QTc in-
be a more specific marker only in the con-
terval is an independent predictor of mor-
Cardiac autonomic dysfunction and mortality
middle-aged men and 1.4 (0.9 –2.2) in el-
Program (35) or 15–30 s in the Zutphen-
predicts the risk of mortality in the elderly
does not necessarily contradict ours, since
tic value of low HRV may therefore differ
mortality at the population level (22,23).
activity, hypertension, obesity, dyslipide-
and, to a lesser degree, without control-
creased QTD in diabetic patients have re-
ling for respiration as a result of the re-
tion Multinational Study of Vascular Dis-
population aged 50 –75 years over 9 years
pendent predictors of 9-year mortality in
ease in Diabetes, QTc was associated with
similar to our cohort aged 55–74 years.
the diabetic elderly general population. In
long-term mortality in subjects with type
contrast, increased QT dispersion did not
diabetes (24). In contrast, in the Strong
strating that diminished HRV is a predic-
tor of mortality in the diabetic as opposed
trend of borderline significance toward an
increased risk of mortality by 73% in the
cause mortality after a mean follow-up of
trast, in the ARIC study (32), low HRV did
diabetic population but was not a predic-
not predict fatal coronary artery disease or
tor of mortality in the nondiabetic elderly
of the UK Prospective Diabetes Study, in-
non– coronary artery disease mortality in
cohort the age range of 45– 64 years was
associated with a high risk of excess mor-
considerably lower than in our cohort.
tality particularly in diabetic subjects. Re-
identified as an independent predictor for
c e n t s t u d i e s i n d i c a t e t h a t s o m e
total cardiovascular events and for cardiac
ours indicate that after adjustment for the
deaths among type 2 diabetic patients with
various confounding factors, the value of
low HRV in predicting excess mortality is
only moderate. In line with the borderline
was an independent predictor of all-cause
independent effect of low max-min differ-
nosis in selected patient populations.
and cardiovascular mortality in type 2 di-
abetic patients (28). However, these were
clinic-based studies and, hence, not rep-
resentative of any certain population. We
confirm at the population level that pro-
measured (31). This risk level may be un-
are being used for risk stratification in
sion is a predictor of all-cause mortality in
majority of the clinic-based studies. In-
given that it is simple to do and may rep-
analysis that the pooled relative risk of
mortality in clinic-based studies that used
study results are difficulties in determin-
Acknowledgments — The KORA and the
ing the end of the T-wave, the absence of
higher than that observed in studies that
MONICA Augsburg studies were initiated and
financed by the Helmholtz Zentrum Mu¨nchen -
rhythm, and the lack of normative data.
atively short period (20 s) of ECG record-
Health, which is funded by the German Fed-
ing without control for respiration.
eral Ministry of Education, Science, Research
and Technology and by the state of Bavaria.
2002–2003 were also supported by grants
tality in the nondiabetic population. This
dexes from these recordings is relatively
from the Federal Ministry of Education, Sci-
ence, Research and Technology (01 ER9701/4) and the German Research Founda-
study (31) and the Atherosclerosis Risk in
ECG leads have been reliably used in sev-
tion (DFG) (TH 784/2-1), respectively.
eral other epidemiological studies, e.g.,
We thank all members of the GSF Institute
other hand, in the Zutphen study (33) the
of Epidemiology and the field staff in Augs-
5-year age-adjusted relative rate of total
burg involved in the planning and conduct of
Ziegler and Associates
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Datum: 06-08-2009 Onderwerp: Informatie over de Nieuwe Influenza A (h1n1) voor scholen Ons kenmerk : Geachte Directie, In Nederland krijgen steeds meer mensen de Nieuwe Influenza A (H1N1), ook wel ‘Mexicaanse griep’ en ‘nieuwe griep‘ genoemd. Kinderen kunnen door hun intensieve onderlinge contact makkelijk griep onder elkaar verspreiden. Met deze brief willen wij u, aan het beg