Microsoft word - dermal fillers pre and post.doc

Redwood Family Dermatology
Jeffrey Sugarman, MD, PhD Albert Peng, MD Judith Hong, MD Ligaya Park, DO 2725 Mendocino Avenue – Santa Rosa, CA 95403 – (707) 545-4537 – (707) 545-6726fax DERMAL FILLERS
Pre-treatment instructions
A few simple guidelines before your treatment can make a difference between a good result and a fantastic result. If you have a history of cold sores (herpes) you must be treated 1-2 days prior and 7 days after treatment with Valtrex 500mg BID (twice a day) or Zovirax 400 mg TID (three times a day). If you develop a cold sore, blemish or rash, etc prior to your appointment you must reschedule. If you have a special event or vacation coming up schedule your treatment at least 2 to 3 weeks in advance. Avoid Aspirin, Motrin, Ginkgo Biloba, flax oil, Cod liver oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other essential fatty acids at least 1 week before and after treatment. Discontinue Retin-A two days before and two days after treatment. Avoid alcohol, Niacin supplements, high sodium foods and cigarettes 24-48 hours before and after your treatment. Redwood Family Dermatology
Jeffrey Sugarman, MD, PhD Albert Peng, MD Judith Hong, MD Ligaya Park, DO 2725 Mendocino Avenue – Santa Rosa, CA 95403 – (707) 545-4537 – (707) 545-6726fax DERMAL FILLERS
Post-treatment instructions
Do NOT touch, press, rub or manipulate the implanted areas for 6 hours after treatment. You can cause irritation, sores and/or problems, and possible scarring if you do. Cold compresses (ice pack) may be used immediately after treatment to reduce swel ing. May apply make up after adequate icing and al pinpoint bleeding has stopped. Until there is no redness or swel ing, avoid exposure of the treated area to intense heat (sun bathing, excessive UV exposure). Avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, St John’s Wort and high doses of Vitamin E or any other essential fatty acid supplements for one week after treatment. These agents may increase bruising and bleeding at the injection site. It is okay to take Tylenol (acetaminophen) for mild tenderness if not otherwise contraindicated. Avoid vigorous exercise for 3 days. Discontinue Retin-A for 2 days after treatment. One side may heal faster than the other side. Wait a minimum of 6 weeks before receiving any laser treatment and 1 week before skin care treatment. You may feel firmness in the treated areas for the first week. Over time the area/s wil soften and settle. Tenderness in areas treated can last a few hours to days to a week. Swel ing is common after treatment. Immediately report any worsening, persistent symptoms or other side effects,
including redness, itching or blisters.
Redwood Family Dermatology
Jeffrey Sugarman, MD, PhD Albert Peng, MD Judith Hong, MD Ligaya Park, DO 2725 Mendocino Avenue – Santa Rosa, CA 95403 – (707) 545-4537 – (707) 545-6726fax Post Neurotoxin instructions (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin)
The guidelines to fol ow post treatment have been fol owed for years, and are stil employed
today to prevent the possible side effect of ptosis (drooping of brow). These measures
should minimize the possibility of ptosis almost 98%.
No straining, heavy lifting, vigorous exercise for 24 hours fol owing treatment. It is
known that it takes toxin approximately 2 hours to bind itself to the nerve to start its work, and
because we do not want to increase circulation to that area to wash away the neurotoxin from
where it was injected. This waiting period continues to be recommended by most
Avoid manipulation to the area for 3 to 4 hours fol owing treatment, avoid any massage or
pressure to treatment areas as it may alter the placement of the drug.
You can use makeup - apply gently over the treatment area/s.
Do not wear a hat or visor for 4 hours post treatment if the forehead was treated.
Facial exercises in the injected areas are recommended. Contract and release the treated
muscles every few minutes over the next hour only.
It can take 2-10 days to take ful effect. It is recommended that the patient contact the office
no later than 3 weeks after treatment if desired effect was not achieved and no sooner than 2
weeks to give the drug time to work.


GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER 5 g Macrogol 4000 in 10 ml Wasser Lösung zum Einnehmen Geschmacksneutral Liebe Patientin, lieber Patient, Kinder von 4 bis 7 Jahren: bitte lesen Sie die folgende Gebrauchsanleitung sorgfältig Die Anwendung bei Kindern bis 8 Jahre sollte nur auf ärztliche durch, denn sie enthält wichtige Informationen darübe

Entre 1932 y 1946, el dramaturgo español Miguel Mihura (1905-1977) intenta irrumpir en el mundo del teatro madrileño con obras vanguardistas como Tres sombreros de Copa (1932). Frente al sucesivo fracaso económico de este tipo de pieza experimental, sin embargo, se ve forzado a producir comedias de índole comercial que le permitan el fácil acceso a los escenarios, el éxito y la renta

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