www.scaany.org Thomas Hilliard, Senior Policy Associate, Schuyler Center for which enables one person to vest another person with authority to sign fi nancial documents on his or her behalf, is one of the most commonly used legal devices in the United
Elaine faced a dilemma. At age 71, she had been hospitalized
with kidney failure and might be seriously ill for some time
to come. But unless she paid rent and utilities regularly, she
States. Convenient and fl exible at its best, power of attorney
would lose her rental apartment. Elaine’s younger sister Anne
came to the rescue, agreeing to handle Elaine’s fi nancial affairs
during the hospitalization. Anne suggested a common legal
device called “power of attorney” to facilitate the arrangement.1
Using power of attorney, Anne could legally sign documents on
State’s 62 District Attorneys found that cases of egregious
Elaine pulled through her illness. Upon visiting the bank, she
discovered that Anne had used her banking account to pay
more than bills. Armed with power of attorney authority, her
sister had withdrawn most of her life savings – nearly $50,000
– and gambled much of it away at casinos in Atlantic City.
believe that they do not have the tools they need to detect,
Fortunately, the New York County District Attorney decided to
intervene. Anne entered a guilty plea and made restitution to
The kind of fi nancial exploitation experienced by Elaine is by no means unusual in the United States, particularly among senior citizens. Financial exploitation of the elderly has become a booming criminal business in America. A 2004 study found that one in fi ve elder abuse complaints to state Adult Protective
Schuyler Center for Analysis
Services agencies related to fi nancial exploitation – more than
and Advocacy 150 State Street, 4th Fl.
52,000 incidents in the 19 reporting states alone.2 Such data can
Albany, NY 12207
dramatically understate the incidence of fi nancial exploitation,
(518) 463-1896
however, since it excludes complaints made directly to law
enforcement. In addition, many experts believe that the
perpetuated upon vulnerable adults,” states former
majority of fi nancial exploitation incidents are never
United States Attorney John E. Lamp.4 The potential
reported. The U.S. Senate Committee on Aging projects
for exploitation springs from two factors: the broad
that 84% of all elder abuse cases go unreported, or up to
authority vested in the agent and the vulnerability of
fi ve million such cases each year.3 That would mean as
the principal.5 Power of attorney authority enables the
many as one million fi nancial exploitation cases going
agent to buy or sell real estate, pay contractors, change
unreported. Professional scam artists prey constantly on the benefi ciaries of insurance policies, transfer money at the elderly, using techniques such as identity theft and
will, and much more. In theory, the agent is accountable
to the senior citizen who signed the power of attorney form. In practice, mental and physical deterioration
Elaine’s exploitation was facilitated by a legal device
often prevents the principal from making decisions and
called “durable power of attorney.” As a seriously ill
reviewing the agent’s transactions. Indeed, the point of
hospital patient, Elaine was in no condition to manage
making the power of attorney “durable” is to ensure
“Financial Durable Powers of Attorney continue to be fi nancial affairs can
the favorite vehicle for large-scale criminal fi nancial
sell property, deal with exploitation perpetuated upon vulnerable adults,” physical incapacity.
states former United States Attorney John E. Lamp.
other fi nancial transactions. So Elaine signed a form
the last to learn that he or she has been the victim of
allowing her sister to conduct all these transactions in
her name – the durable power of attorney.
Some states have created safeguards in law to protect
Power of attorney authority is used thousands of
seniors who sign over their power of attorney, but
times each year, and elder law attorneys will typically
New York is not one of them. In New York, the agent
recommend power of attorney to any client of a certain
wields immense fi nancial power without clear fi scal
age who wants assistance keeping fi nancial affairs
in order. The person who gives another authority to sign offi cial documents using the power of attorney is
Many cases of fi nancial exploitation related to power
known as the principal, while the person who receives
of attorney in New York State have been documented
that authority – typically a family member or close
in the past few years, but no concrete data exists on the
friend – is the agent. The power of attorney is easy to
nature or extent of this phenomenon. In theory, it would
execute and adapt to specifi c needs. The relevant form
be possible for the State of New York to collect such
can be obtained at any stationery store, downloaded
data through the court system or through the Offi ce of
from the internet or simply typed out, printed and
Children and Family Services. But the absence of model
signed by the parties. The principal’s signature
systems in other states suggests that such a reform
must then be notarized in the presence of witnesses.
would be hard to implement. Furthermore, parties to a
Additional clauses can be drafted and initialed by the
power of attorney do not report their transaction to any
parties without the involvement of an attorney.
central registry, which reduces even basic estimates of the number and kinds of powers of attorney currently
The very features of simplicity and convenience that
in circulation to the level of guesswork.
make power of attorney so commonly used by senior citizens also render it vulnerable to abuse. “Financial
The Albany Guardian Society commissioned SCAA
Durable Powers of Attorney continue to be the favorite
to examine the only aspect of power of attorney abuse
vehicle for large-scale criminal fi nancial exploitation
that seemed readily quantifi able: criminal prosecution by New York State’s 62 county District Attorneys. We
distributed a survey to each District Attorney’s offi ce
utilities and insurance companies that they can rely on
and conducted follow-up interviews with a number of
the agent’s authority. The types of fi nancial authority
respondents. The overall pattern is as unmistakable as it conveyed to the agent are at the discretion of the is troubling.
principal, ranging from narrowly drawn authority to conduct a fi nancial transaction (e.g., to sign documents
on a house sale) to broad authority in managing the principal’s fi nancial affairs.
• Only a small fraction of fi nancial exploitation cases involving power of attorney appear to be
There are three types of power of attorney in New
referred to District Attorneys. The 16 responding
York: non-durable, durable and springing durable. A
counties reported 163 referrals over two years,
non-durable power of attorney lapses if the principal
an annual rate of 9.5 referrals per 100,000 seniors.
becomes incapacitated. A durable power of attorney
Projected statewide, this would represent 231
does not lapse. The offi cial form states: “The powers
referrals, or 115 referrals annually.
you grant below continue to be effective should you
• The referral rate varies dramatically from one
become disabled or incompetent.” A springing durable county to another. The referral rate varied from a
power of attorney only becomes effective when
high of 34.8 referrals per 100,000 seniors to a low
triggered (or “sprung”) by an event designated by the
of 1.8. If all counties reported at the rate of the
fi ve counties with the highest rates (16.5), total
Senior citizens typically execute the durable power of
statewide referrals would have been 403, 74%
attorney in order to provide for fi nancial continuity
higher than the imputed rate of 231. The large
should they suffer mental or physical disabilities that
intra-county gap may hint at the existence of “lost
render them unable to conduct fi nancial transactions.
cases” in some counties that should have been
Durable power of attorney provides an attractive
referred for criminal prosecution but were not.
alternative to guardianship, which costs money,
However, variations in reporting may account for
consumes time and effort, and infringes on the senior’s
• Only one in seven power of attorney-related cases were prosecuted. Of 163 referrals, 23 were
Power of attorney authority is simple to execute
prosecuted (14%), while 13 remain open (8%)
and use. The principal can fi ll out the form, which is
and could be prosecuted in the future. The low
available at stationery stores, and designate an agent
prosecution rate suggests signifi cant diffi culties in
(also known as the attorney-in-fact) without resort to a
building a case for criminal prosecution. However,
lawyer. The form must simply be notarized to become
22 out of the 23 prosecuted cases resulted in
effective. New York has a standard durable power of
attorney form. However, the principal can use any form desired. Once signed, the agent can act without
• The suspect in more than half of all referrals was
the principal’s knowledge and continue to act without
a family member. Fewer than one in fi ve (18%)
regard for the principal’s mental and physical capacity.
of referrals involved a home care worker as the suspect. Over half of all referrals (56%) identifi ed
The convenience of the durable power of attorney
family members as suspects, and another quarter
is precisely the quality that makes it an attractive
(24%) identifi ed a friend of the alleged victim.
vehicle for fi nancial exploitation. Once a senior citizen has become incapacitated, the agent faces
little accountability for his or her stewardship of the
Power of attorney is a legal device that gives one person principal’s fi nancial affairs. Unless explicitly stated – the “agent” – authority to represent another person
in the power of attorney, no one else is authorized to
– the “principal” – and act on that person’s behalf.
supervise the agent or review fi nancial records.
The purpose is to assure third parties such as banks,
As a result, many power of attorney relationships
relationship, deters wrongdoing, and makes prosecution
have ended in fi nancial exploitation. “Unscrupulous
attorneys in fact (agents) can wipe out a vulnerable person’s lifetime savings in a matter of days,” notes
In New York, however, fi duciary duty is anything but
simple. The New York General Obligations Law sets
6 Home care aides have been known to befriend a
senior, win their trust, and obtain the power of attorney,
forth 14 different categories of fi nancial transactions the
specifi cally for the purpose of defrauding them. Family
agent can conduct on behalf of a principal, ranging from
members are also frequent offenders, although the road
running a business to selling a house to fi ling a lawsuit to
to exploitation is usually much longer. “When a family
paying for the children’s dental care. Only one category,
member is involved, conduct that began in the elder’s
gift-giving, imposes any duty on the agent to act in the
best interest may become abusive over time,” notes elder
principal’s best interest. A provision added in 1996 states
law attorney Kim Boyer. “After several years, when
that the agent can “make gifts…only for purposes which
they see how much work is involved, often they begin
the agent reasonably deems to be in the best interests
to feel an ‘entitlement’ to the funds.”
of the principal…”9 This provision establishes a form
who has been handling a senior’s fi nances for some time
of fi duciary duty, but in an ambiguous and cloudy
faces greater temptation and fewer checks on fraudulent
form. In fact, the provision’s relevance to cases of clear
activity. Such instances are likely to increase as the baby
impropriety was not even fi rmly established until a June
boomer generation retires, given this generation’s higher
2006 ruling by the New York State Court of Appeals, In
asset levels, greater longevity, and wider geographic
dispersal from family members who might observe
The facts of the Ferrara case provide a cold reminder of
the agent’s sweeping authority. In June 1999, a retired
Any legal device that turns over the fi nancial affairs of
stockbroker named George Ferrara willed his life
a vulnerable senior citizen to someone else is bound to
savings to the Salvation Army. In late January 2000,
be misused occasionally. The diffi culty with power of
frail and suffering from multiple chronic conditions,
attorney in New York is its near-total lack of regulatory
Ferrara signed a power of attorney form designating
or accountability safeguards, which invites and facilitates his nephew Dominick as the agent. The form included fraud.
a typewritten amendment stating that the agent could “make gifts without limitation in amount to John Ferrara
New York Law and the “Best Interest” Gap
and/or Dominick Ferrara.” George Ferrara had no legal representation, and a witness recounted that she
The New York General Obligations Law sets forth the
did not “recall the word ‘gift’ having been mentioned”
proper language for a durable power of attorney form
to Mr. Ferrara before he signed the power of attorney.
and enumerates various categories of authority held
On February 12, George Ferrara passed away. Only
by the agent, such as real estate transactions and bank
three weeks had passed since the signing, but in that
withdrawals.8 General Obligations Law discusses the
time Dominick Ferrara had transferred “about $820,000
agent’s powers in elaborate detail, but is mostly silent on
of decedent’s assets to himself…and about $300,000
in cash,” a sum representing virtually all of George
One serious and oft-noted gap is the law’s ambiguity of
language on fi duciary duty, a standard concept in agency The question posed by Ferrara was this: Could an agent
law which holds the agent accountable for acting in the
use power of attorney authority to empty the principal’s
best interest of the principal. For example, a corporate
life savings in the dwindling few days before death, even
board of directors has a clearly stated fi duciary duty to
though the principal had recently willed the money to
its shareholders. In some states, including California and
go elsewhere? At fi rst, the answer appeared to be “yes.”
Wisconsin, the agent holding power of attorney authority The case went to the Rockland County Surrogate’s Court,
has a clearly stated fi duciary duty. This clarifi es the
which ruled for Dominick Ferrara, and then to the
Appellate Division, which affi rmed the Surrogate’s
transactions. Or the agent may simply exercise poor
decision, concluding that “Dominick Ferrara had
judgment in handling the principal’s fi nancial affairs.
overcome the [presumption of impropriety] solely by
Power of attorney is a civil document, and occasional
problems unrelated to fi nancial exploitation are typically solved with civil remedies. A principal who is
But Dominick Ferrara’s luck ran out at the Court
mentally competent can revoke the power of attorney
of Appeals. The Court of Appeals overturned the
and give it to someone else. If the principal no longer
lower court decisions, ruling that the agent must
has mental capacity, the family must go to court to
“exercise gift-giving authority in the best interest of the
request the appointment of a guardian. This option is
principal.”13 That so much effort should be required to
expensive and may appear demeaning to the senior
deliver such a common-sense verdict testifi es to the lack
citizen. For seniors who suffer dementia, however, there
of protection afforded New York’s senior citizens by the
Fraudulent use of power of attorney is much more
Ferrara established an overdue protection for senior
serious. Revocation or guardianship are still the key
citizens who sign power of attorney, but a court verdict
civil remedies, but now criminal prosecution must
serves different functions from a law. Laws establish
also be considered. For the sake of convenience, this
rules; verdicts interpret them and set precedents for
process can be viewed as having four stages: detection,
future interpretation. Ferrara confi ned itself to the
investigation, referral, and disposition.
issue at hand, which was gift-giving. Agents continue to work without clear statutory guidance on their
Detection: A family member may become suspicious
fi duciary duty in any other aspect of power of attorney.
if the agent shows signs of new wealth while the
Worse, General Obligations Law still does not defi ne
principal’s needs are not being properly met. A fi nancial
the agent’s duty or include any provision to warn
institution may note a pattern of suspicious account
agents that they have one. Prosecuting attorneys want
statutory direction that they can take before a court, and no such direction presently exists.
Investigation: Next, an investigation commences. The person who detected a potential case of fraud may
There are other issues with General Obligations Law,
contact the county offi ce of Adult Protective Services,
most of which have been identifi ed by the New York
which investigates cases of neglect and abuse involving
State Law Revision Commission in its 2003 study
impaired and vulnerable adults, including the mentally
on power of attorney.14 For example, the General
ill, the disabled and the frail elderly. Other investigators
Obligations Law does not require the agent to keep
include private attorneys and the local police
records of fi nancial transactions or to show existing
department. Families will often contact their county
records to state agencies that might be called in to
Rules and procedures differ depending on which agency is conducting the investigation. Generally
II. Procedures in Handling Power of Attorney Abuse The great majority of agents holding power of attorney
speaking, however, the investigator will typically check
discharge their duties honestly and competently. Yet
to see if the principal’s utilities have been turned off for
problems can arise, even when agents act in what
non-payment, and will request transaction records from
they believe to be the principal’s best interest. For
fi nancial institutions. If warning signs merit further
example, the agent may be busy with personal affairs
exploration, the investigator may seek to freeze the
and neglect the principal’s needs. The agent may be
principal’s assets. Freezing assets requires that some
a family member feuding with other family members
sort of legal action be pending, such as a petition for
and fail to take their concerns seriously. The agent may
guardianship. A common maxim among experienced
fl out the principal’s desire to be consulted on important
lawyers and caseworkers is “Stop the bleeding.”
A senior’s lifetime savings can be emptied in a
Adjusted for population, this represents a rate of
matter of days. Facing clear evidence of fraud, the
9.5 referrals per 100,000 seniors. The average rate
investigator will typically move quickly to freeze assets
across counties was 15.3, due to higher rates in
and, if possible, revoke the agent’s power of attorney
counties with lower senior populations. This is a
low rate, especially compared to national estimates of more than a million cases of fi nancial exploitation
Referral: When a case is referred to the county District
annually. Many such cases may simply not be
Attorney, a prosecutor is tasked with determining
reported, either because they were not detected or
whether it meets the standard for larceny under the
state Penal Law, and can therefore be criminally prosecuted. The standard is much more diffi cult to meet
• Rate variation due to reporting and
when the suspect has power of attorney authority, since
referral defi ciencies: The referral rate varied
all transactions are presumed to have the consent of the
dramatically from county to county, from a
high of 34.8 to a low of 1.8. One upstate county with a population of 33,000 senior citizens
Disposition: The prosecutor determines whether to move
reported more referrals than a downstate
forward with criminal prosecution. The prosecutor
county with 280,000 senior citizens. The
may determine, upon investigation, that the case is not
disparity results from at least three factors.
appropriate for prosecution, and that relief should be sought through the civil court system.
prosecution option: Referral volume depends largely on the extent to which law
enforcement offi cers and other potential
SCAA sent out a survey to all 62 county district
referrers understand that some instances
attorneys. In the survey, we asked a series of questions
of power of attorney abuse rise to the level
about referrals for fi nancial exploitation of the elderly:
of a criminal offense, which may vary from
the nature of the referrals, the parties involved, the
county to county. “I also experience the
decision to seek or not seek criminal prosecution, and
local police department failing to take cases
the fi nal disposition of each case prosecuted.
involving POA abuse because they feel it is civil,” notes Donna Planty, a prosecutor
19 out of 62 county district attorneys responded, a
in the offi ce of the Suffolk County District
response rate of 31%. Three of those counties were
Attorney. “In spite of efforts by my offi ce
excluded – two small counties because they reported
to educate the police department, this still
no power of attorney referrals, and a larger one that
reported referrals but was unable to quantify them.
¾ DA willingness to accept and encourage
The remaining 16 counties represent 1.7 million of New
York State’s 2.4 million senior citizens, or 71% of all
on the extent to which prosecutors believe
that referrals of power of attorney related cases can be prosecuted as criminal acts.
Historically, power of attorney cases have
A. Criminal Prosecution Rates
been handled in civil court. For example, one county was excluded from the study
Summary of responses: The 16 counties reported
because a court precedent set an extremely
a total of 163 referrals for misuse of Power of
Attorney authority during a two-year period.
result, prosecutors in that county do not accept power of attorney referrals.
¾ Reporting: DA offi ces for the most part
than half of counties (9 out of 16) reported
appear to have no recordkeeping category
for power of attorney cases, so responses
institutions. While those institutions may be
to the survey were informal. For example,
cooperating with law enforcement or Adult
Protective Services, it is nonetheless a red
referral data in the form of an estimated
fl ag for potential inconsistent policies among
• Statewide total: Chart 1: Sources of Power of Attorney Criminal Referrals
counties, total referrals over two years would
have been 231, for an average of 115 referrals
• Statewide total adjusted for reporting and referral defi ciencies: If all counties statewide
reported at the rate of the 5 counties with the
highest referral rates (16.5), total statewide
referrals over two years would have been 403, for an average of 201 referrals annually – 74% higher than the projected statewide total of
115.15 The large gap between the median rate
and the highest reported rates may represent
“lost cases” that should have been referred
to District Attorneys but were not. However, disparities in reporting may also account for
• Suspect/victim relationship: Over half of all
referrals (56%) identifi ed family members as suspects, and another quarter (24%) identifi ed
B. Nature of Referrals
a friend of the alleged victim. While cases of
• Referral sources: power of attorney referrals
came from a variety of sources. Just under
seniors have received media coverage, fewer
half of all referrals (46%) were submitted
than one in fi ve (18%) of referrals reported by
respondents involved home care workers. Chart
Adult Protective Services, and 14% by law
2 on the next page shows the full breakout. The
enforcement offi cers. Chart 1 shows the
dominance of the family/family relationship
full breakout. However, rates varied. Two
in this indicator was consistent across counties,
although one county reported that half of its
Adult Protective Services, while another
received one-third of referrals from fi nancial institutions.
• Referrals from Financial Institutions:
Financial institutions represent an important fi rst line of defense against fi nancial exploitation of the elderly. Several counties reported receiving multiple referrals from fi nancial institutions. However, more
Chart 2: Relationship Between Victim
• Prosecutors repeatedly cited the absence of a
and Suspect in Referrals
statutory “fi duciary duty” standard as a major obstacle to criminal prosecution. “District
Attorneys will say that there is a lack of clarity
in General Obligations Law,” says Elizabeth
Loewy, an Assistant District Attorney in New
York County. “It makes prosecution much more diffi cult. You can put the case together from case law, but that’s harder.”
• The principal is often not helpful to prosecutors
due to mental incapacity. “Most of the cases I have seen involving a POA, the document was either executed at a time when the principal lacked the capacity to understand what they were doing, or
if executed prior to an incapacity, the POA was
not used until the principal subsequently became
C. Criminal Prosecution
incapacitated,” states Suffolk County prosecutor
• Prosecution: power of attorney cases appear
to be diffi cult to prosecute. Of 163 referrals,
• Some prosecutors noted the importance of
23 were prosecuted (14%), while 13 remain
fi nancial institutions in bringing fi nancial
exploitation cases to their attention. Other
the future. Of the 23 prosecuted cases, 21
prosecutors, however, did not report the existence
resulted in conviction by plea, one resulted
of a strong partnership. Adult Protective Services
in conviction by trial, and one in dismissal.
staff also noted a signifi cant disparity between
Prosecution rates varied sharply. One county
fi nancial institutions that provide willing
reported prosecuting all of its four referrals,
assistance to fi nancial exploitation investigations
and those that provide only reluctant and minimal support.
• Some gray areas may be diffi cult to remedy. For
SCAA followed up by interviewing selected prosecutors
example, agents sometimes state that the principal
in District Attorney’s offi ces, as well as experts in
verbally authorized a suspicious transaction, and
Protective Services for Adults agencies and non-profi t
a principal with memory lapses may actually have
service organizations that work with elderly victims of
done so and then forgotten the conversation.
• Given the obstacles prosecutors face in power
of attorney cases, the surprise is that any are
Those who fi nancially exploit the elderly should
prosecuted. Prosecutors stress the diffi culty and
be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Such
uncertainty of cases involving power of attorney.
prosecution is essential to deter future offenders, to
Some of the root causes should be amenable to
assist in fi nancial recovery, and to maintain a just and
statutory/regulatory reform and collaborative
Yet criminal prosecution is hard to conduct. Many obstacles are thrown in the way of prosecutors. Some are inherent to the muddiness of cases that tend to involve forgetful seniors and embarrassed families.
Other obstacles are externally imposed, and those
3. Establish a collaborative task force charged
obstacles can be overcome through statutory and
with strengthening the role of fi nancial
regulatory reforms. Most important is to provide
institutions in detecting and reporting possible
ongoing focus to helping seniors who may be
fi nancial exploitation of the elderly. Financial
victimized by fi nancial exploitation of all kinds. No one
institutions may represent the most important
policy remedy will solve the problem. Only a regular
front line of defense, and some respondents
process of policy innovation, strong implementation
reported excellent relationships with fi nancial
and careful evaluation will work. Everyone involved in
institutions in their county. But the majority
protecting senior citizens must work in concert. If they
of respondents did not. The unevenness of
fail, many seniors will lose their life savings without
fi nancial institution cooperation suggests
anyone the wiser. If they succeed, those same seniors
that real leadership is needed to develop the
can live out their fi nal years in dignity.
nuanced regulations and best practices that protect the needs of fi nancial institutions,
ethical agents and investigators of potential fi nancial exploitation. In addition, education
Financial exploitation through power of attorney
of fi nancial institution staff needs to be more
is diffi cult to confront, since many standard anti-
fraud measures in other fi elds (e.g., fi ngerprinting of agents) would badly damage a fi nancial device that
thousands of New Yorkers depend on to conduct
4. Give Adult Protective Services agencies
their fi nancial affairs. “A lot of things you can do have
enhanced powers to obtain an agent’s relevant
serious negative impacts on people who use power of
fi nancial transactions in the course of an
attorney,” notes Lori Stiegel, associate staff director for
the Commission on Law and Aging at the American Bar Association. SCAA offers the following options that
5. Give Adult Protective Services agencies the
may serve as a basis for reform. While the authors have
power to petition a civil court in cooperation
benefi ted from discussions with many prosecutors,
with fi nancial institutions to prevent the agent
Adult Protective Services staff, advocates and others,
from exercising control over assets during the
SCAA alone is responsible for these proposals.
term of an investigation. An unscrupulous agent can drain and squander the principal’s
lifetime assets with astonishing speed. Duly
1. Draft clear and mandatory language in the
constituted agencies need the power to “stop
power of attorney form directed to the agent,
explaining the agent’s fi duciary duty to the
principal. Such language exists in the Uniform Power of Attorney Act: “You must…do what
6. Establish a common referral standard for
you know the principal reasonably expects you
fi nancial exploitation cases among District
to do with the principal’s property or, if you do
Attorneys so that trends can be tracked and
not know the principal’s expectations, act in the
monitored. The standard should be developed
with the participation and support of District
7. Report data to the state Division of Criminal
2. Mandate in the state General Obligations Law
Justice Statistics on power of attorney-related
that agents must maintain fi nancial records of
8. Educate law enforcement offi cers about
standards for prosecuting power of attorney
cases. Police offi cers are often reluctant to
pursue fraud cases involving power of attorney due to the common belief that any transaction
2 Pamela Teaster et al, The 2004 Survey of State Adult Protective Services: Abuse of Adults 60 Years of
is effectively authorized, no matter how
Age and Older, The National Center on Elder Abuse,
outlandish, if the perpetrator has power of
attorney. Continuing education can provide
3 U.S. Senate Committee on Aging, as cited by
accurate information that will guide law
Joanne Otto, “Background Paper on Financial Ex-
enforcement in handling power of attorney-
ploitation of the Elderly, 2005 White House Confer-
ence on Aging,” National Adult Protective Services Association, Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled,
John E. Lamp, “Durable power of attorney reform
and streamlining investigations of vulnerable adult
General Obligation Law. Other states have
fi nancial exploitation crimes: an outsider looking in,”
clear and detailed standards spelling out
Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled, June 2004.
the fi duciary duty owed by the agent to
5 Any adult can execute a durable power of attorney,
the principal. New York’s statute, on the
other hand, is vague and diffi cult to enforce.
Clarifying that statute should be a high priority.
7 Kim Boyer, “Elder Exploitation Litigation in Nevada:
10. Establish fi nancial exploitation through power
A Model for Effective Recovery of Assets,” Accessed
of attorney authority as a theory of Grand
from http://www.rlbolick.com/articles-10.htm.
Larceny in the New York State Penal Law.
9 New York General Obligations Law Section 5-1501 (m).
10 Matter of Ferrara (N.Y., No. 92, June 29, 2006).
14 New York State Law Revision Commission, Report on Proposed Revisions to the General Obligations Law in Relation to Powers of Attorney, 2003
15 Counties with a senior population of less than 30,000 were excluded from this calculation.
16 Uniform Power of Attorney Act, drafted by the Na-tional Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws, 2006. This act is intended as a model for states to adopt in statute.
Boletín Oficial de la Facultad de Ciencias Inútiles BULITÓN OFICIAL DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS INÚTILES Dirección en la web: www.mensa.es/carrollia La revista BOFCI , abreviada en [ B ], es el órgano de comunicación de la FCI (Facultad de Ciencias Inútiles) de Mensa España. Su frecuencia de aparición es ya trimestral, ya irracional. Se entrega con CARROLLIA, el boletín d
Brystkræft, prostata og tyktarmskræft (Kan vi minimere disse sygdomme ved at udelukke mælk fra kosten?) Bryst cancer, prostata cancer og cancer i fordøjelses systemet: Hvad er der sker inden for vores sundheds væsen og hvem kontrollerer hvem ? Disse spørgsmål har længe trængt sig på og nu vil de ud. I den sidste uge har jeg beskæftiget mig med en artikel, som Carsten Vagn-Hansen h