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From today the Montepaschi Group’s ATM network can be used to pay the taxes
and fines due to Rome City Council

In the Bank’s branch at Via del Corso 232 in the center of Rome, Montepaschi Group, Rome
City Council
and TSP (a SIA-SSB Group company) presented a new service that will enable
people to pay taxes and fines at the ATMs of the Montepaschi Group.
This project, a collaboration between the Montepaschi Group and Rome City Council, was
created by TSP, a company in the SIA-SSB Group specializing in systems and services for
businesses and public administration bodies.
All citizens who hold a Pagobancomat card of any kind can go directly to the ATMs of the
Montepaschi Group (GMPS) as they would do for any normal cash withdrawal, and from the
payments menu select Rome City Council and then choose between:
In the medium term further services will be introduced allowing for payment of: COSAP (charge for occupancy of public areas); By entering a univocal payment code quoted in the letter sent by the city council, users will be able to confirm details relating to the tax, which will be displayed, and then make the payment by Pagobancomat, subject to the maximum daily and monthly limits of their card. The cost of the service to the user is only €1.48. The new service is already available at 200 ATMs of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena and Banca Toscana throughout the region of Lazio which have already been upgraded to microchip technology (representing, to date, 95% of the total installed in the region) as of 19 November and, by year’s end, it will be available at all 2,240 ATMs already migrated and installed nationwide (to date approximately 92% of the total installed). Over 2009 the service will be extended to the remaining Monte dei Paschi di Siena and Banca Toscana machines, at the same time as they are upgraded, and later gradually extended also to the ATMs of Banca Antonveneta. “The new service is part of the GMPS multi-channel development strategy which aims to introduce new ATM functions available to customers and non-customers alike, for various types of payments”, explained Ferdinando Quattrucci, head of Montepaschi Group’s Central Italy and Sardinia area, “further reinforcing our presence on the territory and creating added value for customers”.
“So we are delighted to be able to start up this new service, offering it in the City of Rome as a
result of the excellent relationship built up over time, with a fruitful collaboration which already in
2007 saw the release of a new payment method (RIDonline) for payment of fines and ICI local
property tax via web”, concluded Quattrucci.
The initiative, developed with Rome City Council, at the forefront in this field, can in the future
be replicated in other local administrations with specific new projects.
“TSP, in its role as technology partner, has enabled the IT systems of Rome City Council to
create a direct dialogue with the Bank and vice versa. Thanks to this new initiative –
commented Francesco Orlandini, General Manager of TSP - Tecnologie e Servizi per il
(SIA-SSB Group) – we can further expand the offering of our multi-channel, multi-
service Gateway platform, thus enabling Local Administrations to make it easier for their citizens
to access their services”.
At national level the modernization of the ATM network goes to join the recent Speaking ATM
project for the sight-impaired, developed in conjunction with the Italian Society for the Blind and
Partially Sighted and presented over the summer.

Gruppo Montepaschi
is the world’s oldest bank and one of the national leaders in all the main
product segments with operations ranging from traditional banking activities to asset
management, from insurance services and investment banking to innovative finance, with a
particular focus on the retail sector for families and small and medium-sized companies.
Historically concerned about social issues, the Bank has always supported major charity
projects and in recent years has paid increasing attention to the protection and wellbeing of
SIA-SSB, European leader in Information & Communication Technology, provides services and
solutions to the international financial community in the areas of credit and debit card
processing, payment systems, capital markets and network services for connectivity and
Created from the merger between SIA (Società Interbancaria per l’Automazione) and SSB
(Società per i Servizi Bancari), SIA-SSB Group currently operates in 27 countries and has
subsidiaries in Belgium, Hungary and South Africa.
With 6.4 billion transactions annually – relating to cards, collections and payments – over 60
million cards managed and 73 million deals processed on financial markets, SIA-SSB carries
more than 10 thousand billion bytes of data on the network.

SIA-SSB Group is made up of seven companies: the parent company SIA-SSB, the Italian subsidiaries Kedrios (back-office and reporting services), RA Computer (solutions and applications for banks, businesses and P.A.) and TSP (systems and services for companies and P.A.), SiNSYS (card processing) in Belgium, Perago (infrastructures for central banks) in Switzerland and South Africa and GBC (card processing and ATM/POS terminal management) in Hungary. For more information, go to: Contacts: Gruppo Montepaschi


Microsoft word - newsletter_statins_engl.doc

newsletter Statins The first patents for some of the group of drugs known as statins (cholesterol- lowering drugs) will shortly be expiring. This will set a market segment in motion that is important both from an economic and insurance perspective. Avoidable causes High cholesterol ranks number seven of death; on the list of avoidable causes of death (see table). 4.

Biomedical research 2011; 22 (2):

Biomedical Research 2011; 22 (2): 125-129 Banaba: The natural remedy as antidiabetic drug Cheolin Park1 and Jae-Sik Lee2 1Wellness banaba Co. Ltd. 864-1 Janghang-dong, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do KOREA 410-380 2Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Hyejeon College, San 16, Namjang-ri, Hongseong-eup, Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Korea 350-702 Abstract Banaba ( L

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