pressure (BP) was reduced to below 140/90mm Hg in Nigerians with diabetes (DM), datawere collected using structured questionnaire,standard sphygmomanometer, and measure-ment of fasting blood glucose (FBG).
males) aged 17–84 years with a mean duration of patient’s attendance at the clinic and of DM of 7.9 years and who regularly attended the clinic for diabetes at least monthly for no rated using patient’s appointment hand- less than 6 months were involved. Eleven per- cent, 13 of the 115 treated hypertensives, had card entries and their medical records.
BP controlled to levels below 140/90 mm Hg.
Nifedipine was the most frequently prescribed strongly suggest.1–5 In Nigeria, practical antihypertensive (44.30%), followed by ␣- difficulties are often associated with an methyldopa (15.7%) and then the angiotensin- individual’s efforts to maintain glucose converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) captopril and lisinopril (11.3%). Thiazides (9.7%) or thi- azide-based fixed combination tablets were prescribed in about 25% of the patients. Eigh- teen percent were on more than one antihy- viduals from the patient’s hospital re- pertensive concurrently and dosages were of- factors related to the provision of health ten at threshold. The majority of the hyperten- thiazide-based medications. In 152 partici- pants, the presence of hypertension did not af- the next clinic visit for identification.
fect glycemic control (␹2ϭ4.41, dfϭ2, Pϭ.1) observed and 60% of the entire populationhad FBG Յ7.9 mmol/L.
these findings and suggests an area for im- provement. Fortunately, the data also show nometer after a 5-minute rest in the sit- that thiazides were associated with better con- Location and Patients
trol of BP at a cost that was affordable without As described elsewhere,8–9 the site for jeopardizing diabetic control. (Ethn Dis. 2004; facility which serves as a tertiary referral Key Words:
center for 6 adjoining states. The facility pital. The federal government provideshealth-care services to the public at a ly for consultation, laboratory tests, pre- of Ն90 mm Hg who were not aware oftheir hypertensive status, were also in- (EOO) and Department of Statistics (BAO), University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
ined using t statistics. The distribution about date of diagnosis of diabetes, uti- Medicine; University of Ilorin; PMB 1515;Ilorin, Nigeria; 031-227153; eookoro@ Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 14, Winter 2004 CONTROL OF BLOOD PRESSURE IN NIGERIANS WITH DIABETES - Okoro and Oyejola
hypertensives (Nϭ115), the mean du- (Nϭ7) prescribed. The 13 hypertensive were similar (Pϭ.69), equating to 8.7 ing chi-square analysis. Differences were considered significant when PϽ.05, ex- effect (␹2ϭ4.4, dfϭ2, Pϭ.1) on the de- (extract of Nuclea lati folia tree) (1).
teen of the 115 treated hypertensives (ie, for the variation in the sample size rep- resented as indicated in the Results sec- that the unit cost of purchase was lowest (Pϭ.3) from a mean of 8.3 years for the body mass index (BMI) of 25.6 kg/m2.
of all prescriptions. Ten percent of treat- latter category, 23 had mild elevation of Lente. Subjects receiving Lente were sig- BP, 9 fell into the category of moderate, Table 1. Distribution of selected variables by blood pressure classification
95% Confidence
Interval for
t value
P value
Number in parentheses indicates sample size.
DOMϭdifference of means; SEDϭstandard error of difference of means.
* Statistical significance at P value of means.
Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 14, Winter 2004 CONTROL OF BLOOD PRESSURE IN NIGERIANS WITH DIABETES - Okoro and Oyejola
Table 2. Frequency of individual antihypertensive medications prescribed as at the time of evaluation
Most Frequent
Maximum Daily
Dose Prescribed
*Unit Price of Purchase
(50 mg chlorthalidone ϩ 0.25 mg reserpine) (5 mg clopamide ϩ 0.1 mg reserpine ϩ0.5 mg dihydroergo cristine) (0.5 mg prazosin HCL ϩ 0.25 mg polythiazide) (5 mg amiloride HCL ϩ 50 mghydrochlorothiazide) (extract of Nuclea lati folia tree) * Quoted prices as at April 4, 2000 at the Teaching Hospital Pharmacy.
† Upper limit of dose in hypertension.
NϭNaira (unit of Nigerian currency). Exchange rate US $1 approximately N110. Approved (May 1, 2000) National Minimum wage for public servants. FederalϭN7,500 Average family sizeϭ6.
Cost of taxi rideϭN10–N20 per drop.
sive (Table 2). This prescription pattern used higher cut-off points or did not de- DISCUSSION
thiazides could adversely affect diabetic dividuals with diabetes also had elevated BP. These findings are similar to a recent finding is reassuring and reinforces data and elsewhere4,5,18 which are affirmative from 2 earlier studies,6,7 which reported about the efficacy and safety of low-dose diabetes. Since thiazides are the least ex- are relatively resistant to the antihyper- Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 14, Winter 2004 CONTROL OF BLOOD PRESSURE IN NIGERIANS WITH DIABETES - Okoro and Oyejola
tensive effects of ACEIs, ␣-blockers and rin, for helping in the collation of results and 14. Ducorps M, et al. Prevalence of hypertension ␤-blockers,19–23 it follows that thiazides data entry. The secretarial assistance of Mrs in a Black African diabetic population. Arch Funke Adeyemi is gratefully acknowledged.
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Ethnicity & Disease, Volume 14, Winter 2004


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