Microsoft word - board announcement 04-08-2010.docx

Board of Trustees appoints Mike Allegra as UTA General Manager. John Inglish assumes new role as Chief Executive Officer and Bruce Jones assumes expanded role as General Counsel and President of Government Resources. The Boa rd of Trus tees of the Utah Transit Authori ty (UTA) is pleased to announce that Michael Allegra will succeed John Inglish as general manager of UTA. Effecti ve toda y, April 8, 2010, Mike Allegra will assume all management responsibilities of UTA, including operations, projects and programs, and s taff. As general manager, Mike will report directl y to the Boa rd. John Inglish, who has served as general manager for the past 13 years , is transitioning into a new role as Chief Executi ve Offi cer. In this new role, John is cha rged by the Board of Trustees to focus on the national and interna tional transit industry, to influence the role of transit in national transportation policy, and to seek new federal and other innovati ve funding opportunities for UTA. In addition, the Boa rd is designating Bruce Jones as General Counsel & President of Government Resources to reflect his expanded duties in coordinating UTA’s government relations and resources at a local, s tate and federal level. This is an exciting and na tural transition in UTA’s leadership tha t is designed to propel UTA forwa rd at a uniquely dynami c and pi votal time in the industry. Here at home, UTA is at a cri tical crossroads, as we fa ce the mos t signifi cant economi c challenges in our history while simultaneousl y embarking on ma jor expansion of our programs and servi ces. The national transit industry is also at an histori c crossroads, wi th changes in administration, pending transportation reauthorization, and new federal funding programs emerging. This change reflects a transition that has been in the works for some time. In the past few years, the Board has directed John to sta rt increasing his parti cipation in na tional policy and funding initiati ves. At the same time, Mike Allegra was designated as assistant general manager. One of UTA’s greatest strengths is looking beyond the current year, or even next year, but looking ahead ten or twenty yea rs. The Board believes that making this transition now puts the leadership in place for UTA to weather these dynamic times and be uniquely positioned to shape national transportation policy and consequentl y benefi t UTA. The Boa rd of Trus tees expresses its deepest admi ration for the visionary leadership and contribution John has made to UTA, to the s tate of Utah and to the transit industry. In his 32 years at UTA, John has cul tiva ted valuable relationships with agencies and policymakers at the national, and even international, level. These relationships have brought significant federal funding to Utah, influenced transit funding programs and operations policies, and made UTA one of the most innovati ve and successful transit agencies in the country. The Boa rd believes John is uniquely qualified to best serve UTA in a new role tha t capitalizes on his experience and reputation in the transit industry, allowing him to focus on national transportation poli cy and bring increased funding opportuni ties to the agency. Li kewise, the Board recognizes the tremendous contribution Mike Allegra has made to UTA and to the development of transit along the Wasatch Front. His nationally-recognized experience a t delivering major capital projects – ahead of schedule and under budget – and na vigating the federal process is unri valed in the industry. Addi tional y, Mike’s philosophy of creating partnerships and building relationships both internally and externally is trul y one of the unsung keys to UTA’s success. In his previous roles as manager of planning and research, manager of engineering and construction, and his current role as assistant general manager and chief capital development offi cer, Mike Allegra is well prepared to assume the role of general manager and carry on the legacy that both he and John s tarted at UTA three decades ago. Bruce Jones joined UTA as general counsel approximately four yea rs ago. Since that time, Bruce has made a significant contribution to the agency related not onl y to his distinguished ca reer in the legal community, but also his extensive political and government relations experience. In addition to previousl y serving as president of the Salt Lake County Ba r Association, Bruce’s professional ca reer includes licensure as a CPA, chair of the Salt Lake County Planning Commission and member of the Cottonwood Heights Ci ty Council. Bruce’s legal, financial and real esta te experience ha ve been invaluable to UTA in the development of our rail and other transit projects. The Boa rd of Trus tees recognizes tha t UTA is facing one of the most financially challenging times in its history, and at the same time i t is also the most exci ting. As a Boa rd we look to the hori zon and see the completion of an additional 70 miles of rail in the next few yea rs. We see innova ti ve improvements in bus and rail integra tion. We see improvements in land use and increased livability a round transit s tations. We see a continued effort to become a more sustainable organization. All of these efforts will help UTA weather the s torm for a brighter future. These leadership changes wil usher in a new chapte r in the history of an agency that has an ever increasing role to play both in our community and in na tional transportation policy. The role UTA plays begins with visionary leaders like John and Mike, but is ca rried out every da y by the dedi cated employees whose contributions ha ve made UTA one of the mos t successful and respected transit agencies in the country. It is this UTA family that will continue to build a better transit s ystem in the future. We thank each employee for their dedication and hard work and ask for your continued support for John, Mike and Bruce as they assume their new roles at UTA.


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