Microsoft word - publicationlistjuly2008ovds.doc

International refereed journals (first author)
van der Stelt, O., Gunning, W. B., Snel, J., Zeef, E., & Kok, A. (1994). Children of alcoholics: Attention, information processing and event-related brain potentials. Acta Paediatrica, 404 (Suppl.), 4-6. ISSN 0803-5326. van der Stelt, O. (1994). Caffeine and attention. Pharmacopsychoecologia, 7(2), 221-227. van der Stelt, O., Gunning, W. B., Snel, J., & Kok, A. (1997). No electrocortical evidence of automatic mismatch dysfunction in children of alcoholics. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 21, 569-575. ISSN 0145-6008. van der Stelt, O., Kok, A., Smulders, F. Y. T., Gunning, W. B., & Snel, J. (1998). Cerebral event-related potentials associated with selective attention to color: Developmental changes from childhood to adulthood. Psychophysiology, 35, 227-239. ISSN 0048-5772. van der Stelt, O., Geesken, R., Gunning, W. B., Snel, J., & Kok, A. (1998). P3 scalp topography to target and novel visual stimuli in children of alcoholics. Alcohol, 15 119-136. van der Stelt, O. (1998). The P3 component of the human event-related potential as a vulnerability marker of alcoholism. Alcohol Research, 3, 6-9 (Invited review). ISSN 1384- van der Stelt, O., Gunning, W. B., Snel, J., & Kok, A. (1998). Event-related potentials during visual selective attention in children of alcoholics. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental van der Stelt, O. (1999). Visual P3 as a potential vulnerability marker of alcoholism: Evidence from the Amsterdam study of children of alcoholics. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 34, 267-282 (Invited article, ESBRA-Nordmann 1998 Award Lecture). ISSN 0735-0414. van der Stelt, O., van der Molen, M., Gunning, W. B., & Kok, A. (2001). Neuroelectrical signs of selective attention to color in boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Brain Research Cognitive Brain Research, 12 245-264. van der Stelt, O., Frye, J., Lieberman, J. A., & Belger, A. (2004). Impaired P3 generation reflects high-level and progressive neurocognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Archives of van der Stelt, O., Belger, A., & Lieberman, J. A. (2004). Macroscopic fast neuronal oscillations and synchrony in schizophrenia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101, 17567-17568. van der Stelt, O., Lieberman, J. A., & Belger, A. (2005). Auditory P300 in high-risk, recent- onset and chronic schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 77, 309-320. van der Stelt, O., Lieberman, J. A., & Belger, A. (2006). Attentional modulation of early-stage visual processing in schizophrenia. Brain Research, 1125, 194-198. van der Stelt, O., & Belger, A. (2007). Application of electroencephalography to the study of cognitive and brain functions in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 33, 955-970. Open Access article. Advance Access published on March 15, 2007. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbm016. van der Stelt, O. (2008). Development of human EEG posterior alpha rhythms. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119, 1701-1702. (Editorial). doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2008.04.001 van der Stelt, O., & van Boxtel, G.J.M. (in press, 2008). Auditory P300 and mismatch negativity in comatose states. Clinical Neurophysiology. (Editorial) International refereed journals (co-author)
Gunning, W. B., Pattiselanno, S. E., van der Stelt, O., & Wiers, R. W. (1994). Children of alcoholics: Predictors for psychopathology and addiction. Acta Paediatrica, 404 (Suppl.), 7-8. Ridderinkhof, K. J., & van der Stelt, O. (2000). Attention and selection in the growing child: Views derived from developmental psychophysiology. Biological Psychology, 54 55-106. Ratsma, J. E., van der Stelt, O., Schoffelmeer, A. N. M., Westerveld, A., & Gunning, W. B. (2001). Sensation seeking behavior, event-related potential P3 and dopamine D2 receptor A1 allele in adult children of alcoholics. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 25 Ratsma, J. E., van der Stelt, O., & Gunning, W. B. (2002). Neurochemical markers of alcoholism vulnerability in humans. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 37, 522-533. Dichter, G. S., van der Stelt, O., Laube, J., & Belger, A. (2006). Relations among intelligence, executive function, and P300 event-related potentials in schizophrenia. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 194, 179-187. National refereed journals (first author)
van der Stelt, O. (1994). Is de P300 hersenpotentiaal een kwetsbaarheidsmarker voor alcoholisme? Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en andere Psychotrope Stoffen, 20(4), 215-225 (with summary in English). ISSN 0378-2778. van der Stelt, O. (1998). Event-related potentials bij neuropsychiatrische aandoeningen en verslaving. Neuropraxis, 1, 16-23. ISSN 1387-5817.
Book chapters (first author)
van der Stelt, O. & Snel, J. (1993). Effects of caffeine on human information processing: A cognitive-energetic approach. In: S. Garattini (Ed.), Caffeine, Coffee and Health (Chapter 11, pp. 291-316). New York: Raven Press. ISBN 0-88167-961-5. van der Stelt, O. & Snel, J. (1998). Caffeine and human performance. In: J. Snel & M. Lorist (Eds.), Nicotine, Caffeine and Social Drinking. Behaviour and Brain Function (Chapter 7, pp. 167-184). Reading, UK: Harwood Academic Publishers. ISBN 90-5702-218-4. van der Stelt, O. (1999). Caffeine and attention. In: B. S. Gupta & U. Gupta (Eds.), Caffeine and Behavior: Current Views and Research Trends (Chapter 14, pp. 231-240). London: CRC
Book chapters (co-author)
Kok, A., Kenemans, J.L., Zeef, E.J., Lorist, M, Ridderinkhof, K.R., & van der Stelt, O. (1996). Selective processes in development and aging: Event-related potential studies. In: C. Ogura, Y. Koga, & M. Shimokochi (Eds.), Recent Advances in Event-Related Brain Potential Research (pp. 721-732). Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN 0-444-82280-1.
Book chapters issued in Dutch (first author)
van der Stelt, O. & Snel, J. (1996). Neurofysiologische aspekten. Het gebruik van metingen van opgeroepen hersenpotentialen in onderzoek naar kwetsbaarheid voor alcoholisme. In: M. J. A. J. M. Hoes en P. J. Geerlings (Eds.), Informatorium Alcoholisme (Chapter 10, pp. 1-5). Leusden: NZP Medical Publishing. ISBN 90-9009-239-0.


West joint prescribing formulary

Chapter 4 – DRUGS ACTING ON CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Category Drug name Strength / dose / form BCU Comments 4.1 – Hypnotics and anxiolytics 4.1.1 Hypnotics Benzodiazepine mazepam 4.1.2 Anxiolytics Benzodiazepine Beta blockers 4.2 – Drugs used in psychoses and related disorders 4.2.1 Antipsychotic Restricted to specialist psychiatric use only

Eligibility worker ledger and details

ELIGIBILITY WORKER LEDGER AND DETAILS Revised 9-12-07 Revised 7-21-08 *If there are questions not answered by this manual, please contact the FACSES Help Desk at 1-800-251-8685 or email at The Eligibility Worker Ledger shows basic data for transactions, which can be used to verify child support payments. This data is shown in a format designed to be easy to read and

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