New Horizons in Managing Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Children
LOWER urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) is a com-
stimulation schedules are used. This well designed,
mon condition in childhood with a prevalence rate of
placebo controlled study should encourage us to use
this patient friendly treatment modality more often,
nonneurogenic aetiologies but mainly subdivides
although further prospective, controlled studies in
into filling phase dysfunctions, ie overactive bladder,
large patient groups are needed. This treatment mo-
and voiding phase dysfunctions, ie dysfunctional
dality should even be considered before using anticho-
linergics since side effects are rare and mild.
Most LUTD is initially treated with re-education
Sacral nerve stimulation is effective for nonneu-
pharmacological and nonpharmacological treat-
more, it was the first approach to have a specific
ments must be added to urotherapy. For these sup-
Food and Drug Administration approved device
portive and more invasive treatments most often the
widely marketed. In this issue of The Journal
end organ is the target, including the detrusor
Haddad et al (page 696) present the results of a
smooth muscle cells, the urethral striated muscle
French multicenter study of neurogenic LUTD in
cells and the pelvic floor muscles. Antispasmodics
children. This study is exceptional since children
such as oxybutynin targeting smooth muscle cells,
with neurogenic LUTD are included. The strong in-
anticholinergics such as tolterodine targeting mus-
terrelation between bladder and bowel is apparent
carinic receptor, biofeedback targeting the striated
in this study since good bowel and bladder results
sphincter and pelvic floor re-education have been
are reported. The only objectively measured effect
the cornerstones of LUTD treatment in children,
was an increase in cystometric bladder capacity. It is
expected that this technique will gain interest for
With the new treatment modalities used and es-
LUTD treatment in children but it should be consid-
tablished in adults today we also observe in children
ered in those with therapy resistance in whom irre-
a shift of the treatment target to the afferent and
versible surgery would be the next step.
efferent peripheral nerve systems. Treatments such
Finally, in this issue of The Journal the results of
as botulinum toxin, which blocks acetylcholine se-
the study by Peters et al (page 702) are the first to
cretion at the presynaptic junction, all kinds of neu-
challenge the excellent, previously published results
romodulation, such as transcutaneous nerve stimu-
of nerve rerouting that showed up to 85%
lation (TENS) and sacral nerve stimulation, and
Despite proof that nerve rerouting can create a novel
more recently nerve rerouting have the peripheral
reflex arc generating a detrusor contraction, this
nerve system as a target and are promising for neu-
group learned that after 1 year no patient became
continent and only 2 of 9 were able to stop catheter-
In this issue of The Journal 3 studies in children
ization. Effects on bladder compliance and cystomet-
report 1 each of these new treatment modalities.
ric bladder capacity were remarkable despite stop-
The study of TENS by Lordêlo et al (page 683)
ping antimuscarinic treatment. Persistent foot drop
from Brazil in this issue of The Journal is one of the
cannot be considered a minor complication in chil-
first prospective, randomized, controlled studies of
dren who are already motor disabled. Although
this child friendly treatment modality for overactive
promising, this study cautions us that further con-
bladder. Recently another controlled trial showed a
trolled studies are needed before this nerve rerout-
benefit on overactivity symptoms without a differ-
ing procedure can be used more routinely.
Unfortunately the voiding phase was not evalu-
significant increase in maximum and average voided
ated in any of these studies. In the nerve rerouting
volume. The problem with studies of TENS is that
study the issue is addressed but it is mentioned that
they are hard to compare since different settings and
sphincter electromyography could not be evaluated
due to interference with stimulation of the der-
central nervous system and future research with
functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
It is unclear what happens to detrusor dyssyner-
should guide us to the possible targets of full bladder
gia after nerve rerouting. However, correcting
sphincter dyssynergia is the real key to success.
control involves the periaqueductal gray and the
Treatment should aim to restore the central inhibi-
pontine micturition center. Most probably the final
tion of detrusor overactivity and most new treat-
horizons in LUTD management are located at the
ment modalities demonstrate some effect on the de-
trusor. However, at the same time the final aimshould be to restore pontine coordination of the blad-
Piet Hoebeke
der sphincter unit. This is not achieved or even
addressed in the current studies. Probably the fu-
ture horizon of LUTD management lies closer to the
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