Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, National Yang-MingUniversity, Shih-Pai, Taipei, Taiwan (11221), Republic of China.
886-2-2826-7082 (Office), 886-2-2822-6263 (Home)
Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University,Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Department of Zoology, National Taiwan UniversityTaipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Department of Veterinary Biosciences, University ofIllinois at Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A.
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, AcademiaSinica, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, NationalYang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O. C.
Fogarty International Fellow, Department of Obstetrics andGynecology, The University of Texas Health Science Centerat Dallas, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Chairman, Department and Institute of Physiology, NationalYang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Professor, Department and Institute of Physiology, NationalYang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Professor, Department and Institute of Physiology, NationalYang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Vice-Dean, School of Medicine, NationalYang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
Director, Laboratory Animal Center, NationalYang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
EndocrinologyReproductive EndocrinologyNeuroendocrinology
The Chinese Physiological SocietyThe Chinese Biochemical SocietySociety of Adaptive Science in TaiwanThe International Society for Adaptive Medicine
International Research Fellowship (No.1F05TW03487-01) from theFogarty International Center of the National Institutes of Health, U.S.A.
Award by the Ministry of Education for Teaching Materials
Travel Award, International Society of Endocrinology
Research Chair Award from the Cjing-Ling Medical Foundation,R.O.C.
Excellent Research Award From the National Science Council, R.O.C.
Parke-Davis Award of Distinguished Paper, The Endocrine Society ofThe Republic of China.
Outstanding Research Award from the Chjing-Ling MedicalFoundation, R. O. C.
Outstanding Research Award from the National Science Council, R.O.C.
Executive Secretory, the Chinese Physiological Society
Editor-in-Chief, the Chinese Journal of Physiology
Executive Secretory, the Chinese Physiological Society
President, the Chinese Physiological Society
Treasurer, Federation of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies(FAOPS)
Editor-in-Chief, the Chinese Journal of Physiology
President, the International Society for Adaptive Medicine
Physiology (Teamwork)Experimental Physiology (Teamwork)Reproductive Physiology (Teamwork)EndocrinologyExperimental EndocrinologyRadioimmunoassay
Manila, Philippines, FAOBMB 25th Anniversary Symposium,Topic: Effects of aging on calcitonin secretion in rats.
San Francisco, USA, Experimental Biology, Symposium Chair:Molecular and Cellular Changes During Aging; Topic:Involvement of cAMP production in the regulation ofsteroidogenesis in rats during aging.
Dr. Shiow-Chwen Tsai (1997/8-1998/7)Dr. Shu-Fen Kan
Dr. Ching-Han Yu (2008/9-2010/2)Dr. Wei-Ju Huang (2009/9-2010/1)Dr. Yu-Min Cho (2010/8-2011/1)Dr. Kai-Lee Wang(2011/6-2011/8)
Dr. Tseng-Shing Chen (1995)Dr. Seng-Wong Huang (1996)Dr. Ray-Yau Wang (1996)Dr. Shin-Shan Lu (1997, Co-instruction with Dr. J. J. Chen)Dr. Shiow-Chwen Tsai (1997)Dr. Ming-Jae Lo (1998)Dr. Chien-Chen Lu (1998)Dr. Ming-Luen Doong (1998)Dr. Mei-Mei Kau (1999)Dr. Ho Lin (2000)Dr. William Ji-Sien Huang (2000)Dr. Yu-Chung Chiao
Dr. Jiann-Jong Chen (2002, Co-instruction with Dr. E. J. Chien)Dr. Chiu-Lung Wu (2003)Dr. Shu-Fen Kan (2004)Dr. Shih-Min Hsia (2006, Co-instruction with Dr. Wen Chang Chiang)Dr. Yung-Chiong Chow (2007)Dr. Ching-Han Yu (2008)Dr. Wei-Ju Huang (2009, Co-instruction with Dr. Ming-Luen Doong)Dr. Learn-Long Wu (2010)Dr. Yu-Min Cho (2010)Dr. Mei-Chih Chen (2010)Dr. Kai-Lee Wang (2011)
Mr. Guey-Shyang HwangYen-Jui Chang, M.D. Miss Cai-Yun JianChi-Hong Ho, M.D. Chia-Hung Sun, M.D. Mr. Po-Han LinMr. Chih-Chieh ChenMr. Chien-Wei Chen
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS I. Full-Sized Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles (
Wang, S.G., Do, Y.S., Li, E., Wu, J.A.C. and Wan, W.C.M.
ascorbic acid variation of gonadotropin-primed immature Wistar rats. Life
Science (National Taiwan University) 5:18-21, 1973.
Biological activity of luteinizing hormone in
adenohypophyses of ovariectomized-thyroidectomized rats. Bull. Inst. Zool.,
Wang, P.S., Liu, T.C. and Jackson, G.L.
therapy on biosynthesis and release of luteinizing hormone by rat anterior
pituitary glands in vitro. Biol. Reprod. 23:752-759, 1980.
Liu, T.C. and Jackson, G.L. Effects of estrogen and thyroxine in
vivo on the biosynthesis and release of luteinizing hormone by rat anterior
pituitary glands in vitro. Chinese J. Physiol. 23:39-50, 1980.
Wang, P.S. and Jackson, G.L. Effects of GnRH and drugs that affect
cAMP levels on LH synthesis and release. Am. J. Physiol. 241:E14-E21, 1981.
Yu, W.H., Yeh, B.T. and Ju, H.F. Effect of in vivo GnRH
immunoneutralization on the hypothalamic GnRH and pituitary and serum LH in
the ovariectomized rat. Chinese J. Physiol. 25:23-30, 1982.
Chen, Y.Y., Jea, A.H., Chiang, S.T., Ho, L.T. and Wan, W.C.M.
Effects of thyroidectomy on the responsiveness of the anterior pituitaries from
ovariectomized rats to gonadotropin- releasing hormone. Natl. Sci. Counc.
and Chen, Y.Y. Radioimmunoassay for gonadotropin-
releasing hormone: evaluation of method and applications. Chinese J. Physiol.
Wang, P.S., Lew, T.S., Hwu, C.M., Chiang, S.T. and Lin, Y.C.
depresses cardiac performance in male rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 28:35-43, 1985.
Chen, R.L., Chow, T.Y., Fong, J.C., Wang, P.S. and Chou, C.K.
Pharmacokinetics and effects of intravenous infusion of somatostatin in normal
subjects - a two-compartment open model. Clin. Physiol. Biochem. 4:257-267,
11. Tang, T.K., Wang, S.W., and Wang, P.S.
thyroxine replacement on the responsiveness of the anterior pituitaries from male
rats to thyrotropin-releasing hormone in vitro. Experientia 42:1031-1034, 1986.
Hormonal modulation of the quantity and in situ
activity of tyrosine hydroxylase in neurites of the median eminence. Proc. Natl.
13. Wang, S.W., Pu, H.F., Chiang S.T., Ho, L.T. and Wang, P.S.
thyroidectomy and thyroxine replacement on the release of luteinizing hormone
and gonadotropin-releasing hormone in vitro. Horm. Res. 25:215-222, 1987.
14. Pu, H.F., Yang, M.Y., Wang, S.W., Kao, Y.C., Jeng, F.S. and Wang, P.S.
of thyroidectomy on the metabolic clearance rate of prolactin and prolactin
release in the rat. Chinese J. Physiol. 30:15-24, 1987.
15. Sheu, W.J., Pu, H.F., Wang, S.W., Ho, L.T. and Wang, P.S.
rate and secretion rate of gastric inhibitory polypeptide in the rat. Chinese J.
Immunoreactive GnRH and TRH in the peripheral
blood of ovariectomized and ovariectomized-thyroidectomized rats: relation to
LH, TSH and PRL release. Chinese J. Physiol. 30:73-85, 1987.
17. Ho, L.T., Pu, H.F., Sheu, W.J., Wang, W.C. and Wang, P.S.
somatostatin on glucose induced release of gastric inhibitory polypeptide in rats.
Chinese J. Physiol. 30:103-111, 1987.
18. Wang, P.S., Chao, H.T. and Wang, S.W.
thyroxine on the release of luteinizing hormone and gonadotropin-releasing
hormone in vitro. J. Steroid Biochem. 28:691-696, 1987.
19. Wang, P.S., Gonzalez, H.A. and Porter, J.C.
situ molar activity of tyrosine hydroxylase in the median eminence and superior
cervical ganglion. Brain Res. 446:363-368, 1988.
A dose-dependent interaction between estradiol and thyroxine on
the release of luteinizing hormone. J. Biomed. Lab. Sci. 1:1-8, 1988.
Yang, F.J., Mu, S.C., Hsu, H.K., Wang, P.S. and Lue, S.Y.
Rejuvenation of sexual behavior of aging rats with neurotransmitters. Interdiscipl.
22. Tang, T.K., Pu, H.F., Jeng, F.S., Wang, S.W. and Wang, P.S.
pituitary prolactin response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone by thyroidectomy
in ovariectomized rats. J. Biomed. Lab. Sci. 1:108-114, 1988.
23. Yang, M.Y., Pu, H.F., Jeng, F.S., Wang, S.W., Ho, L.T. and Wang, P.S.
thyroidectomy on the release of prolactin in vitro in response to calcitonin.
Chinese J. Physiol. 31:105-112, 1988.
and Wang, P.S. Effect of transient dopamine antagonism on
serotonin-blocked, estrogen-treated ovariectomized rats. Neuroendocrinology
Liu, J.Y., Hwang, C.Y., Hwang, C., Day, C.H., Chang, C.H., Pu,
thyrotropin-releasing hormone-stimulated release of prolactin and thyrotropin in
ovariectomized rats. Neuroendocrinology 49:592-596, 1989.
26. Wang, P.S., Gonzalez, H.A., Reymond, M.J. and Porter, J.C.
activity of tyrosine hydroxylase in the median eminence: Effect of thyroidectomy
and thyroid hormone replacement. Neuroendocrinology 49:659-663, 1989.
Wang, P.S., Chuang, J., Fan, L.J. and Won, S.J. Cold stress or a
pyrogenic substance elevates thyrotropin-releasing hormone levels in the rat
28. Chang, S.F., Liu, J.Y., Yang, B.T.C., Hwang, C., Hwang, C.Y., Day, C.H. and
In vivo and in vitro studies on the release of thyrotropin in aging
rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 32:13-20, 1989.
concentration and in vitro release of thyrotropin-releasing hormone in
ovariectomized rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 33:79-87, 1990.
30. Hwang, C., Pu, H.F., Hwang, C.Y., Liu, J.Y., Yao, H.C., Tung, Y.F. and Wang,
Age-related differences in the release of luteinizing hormone and
gonadotropin-releasing hormone in ovariectomized rats. Neuroendocrinology
Wan, W.C.M. and Wang, P.S. Existence of a gonadotropin-
releasing hormone-like factor in the grass shrimp (black tiger prawn, Penaeus
monodon). Chinese J. Physiol. 33:169-178, 1990.
Fann, M.C., Wan, W.C.M. and Wang, P.S. The presence of a
thyrotropin-releasing hormone-like factor in the grass shrimp. (black tiger prawn,
Penaeus monodon). Chinese J. Physiol. 33:179-190, 1990.
33. Lin, C.Y., Yeh, G.H., Hsu, F.C., Tsai, S.C., Lau, C.P., Pu, H.F., Yu, H.L., Tung,
Gastric acid secretion in streptozotocin-diabetic female
rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 34:179-186, 1991.
34. Tsai, C.L., Wong, T.Y., Tsai, S.C., Lau, C.P., Chen, Y.Z., Hwang, G.S. and Wang,
Age-related differences in the hypocalcemic effect of calcitonin and
calcium excretion in female rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 34:455-462, 1991.
Pu, H.F., Wang, P.S. and Liu, T.K. Concentration of plasma calcium
in response to human calcitonin in female rats during aging. J. Gerontol. 47:
Pu, H.F., Lau, C.P., Wang, P.S. and Liu, T.K. Age-related
differences in the basal and calcium-stimulated plasma calcitonin levels in
female rats. Am. J. Physiol. 262:E557-E560, 1992.
37. Tsai, C.L., Wong, T.Y., Lau, C.P., Tsai, S.C. and Wang, P.S.
estradiol and progesterone on the secretion of calcitonin in ovariectomized rats.
38. Tsai, S.C., Tang, T.K. and Wang, P.S.
thyroxine on the release of thyrotropin and prolactin in ovariectomized-
thyroidectomized rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 35:55-65, 1992.
39. Doong, M.L., Wang, W.F., Yu, Y.L., Tung, Y.F., Lee, H.Y., Tsai, S.C., Jea, E.A.H.,
Effects of thyroidectomy on the hematocrit and
blood viscosity in ovariectomized rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 35:161-167, 1992.
Lee, S.D., Yeh, G.H. and Wang, P.S. The motor actions of natural
neurokinins and their specific agonists on the gastrointestinal tract of the rat.
Chinese J. Physiol. 35:337-348, 1992.
41. Hwu, C.M., Lau, C.P., Tsai, S.C., Hwang, C.Y., Chiang, S.T. and Wang, P.S.
Effects of hypothyroidism on the in vitro release of atrial natriuretic peptide in
response to sodium challenge in rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 36:65-69, 1993.
42. Hwu, C.M., Tsai, S.C., Lau, C.P., Pu, H.F., Wang, T.L., Chiang, S.T. and Wang,
Increased concentrations of atrial and plasma atrial natriuretic peptide in
castrated male rats. Life Sci. 52:205-212, 1993.
Pu, H.F. and Wang, P.S. Unimpaired postreceptor regulation of
luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion by gonadotropin-releasing hormone and
estrogen in aged rat anterior pituitary cells. Endocrinology 132:1189-1194, 1993.
44. Chung, S.C., Chen, T.S., Wang, J.W.C., Liu, J.Y., Hwang, C.Y., Hwang, C., Day,
C.H., Tsai, S.C., Tung, Y.F., Liu, Y.F., Ho, L.T., Young, T.K. and Wang, P.S.
Age-related differences in gastric acid secretion and response of gastic inhibitory
polypeptide after oral glucose in male rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 36:219-223, 1993.
Huang, S.W., Tung, Y.F., Pu, H.F., Tsai, S.C., Lau, C.P., Chien, E.J.
and Chien, C.H. Interrelationship between thyroxine and estradiol on the
secretion of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and dopamine into hypophysial portal
blood in ovariectomized-thyroidectomized rats. Neuroendocrinology 59:202-207,
Lee, S.D., Yeh, G.H. and Wang, P.S. Comparison of two
orogastric feeding markers for measuring gastrointestinal motor functions in rats.
47. Chen, J.J., Tsai, S.C., Lu, C.C., Lee, K.Y., Chien, C.H., Tsai, C.L., Wang, P.S.
Effect of human calcitonin on the secretion of luteinizing
hormone in orchiectomized rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 37:161-163, 1994.
Tsai, S.C., Hwang, G.S., Wang, S.W., Lu, C.C., Chen, J.J., Liu,
S.R., Lee, K.Y., Chien, E.J., Chien, C.H., Lee, H.Y., Lau, C.P. and Tsai, C.L.
Calcitonin inhibits testosterone and luteinizing hormone secretion through a
mechanism involving an increase in cAMP production in rats. J. Bone Miner.
49. Wang, R.Y., Tsai, S.C. and Wang, P.S.
response of erythropoietin to triiodothyronine in male rats. Chinese J. Physiol.
50. Chen, T.S., Doong, M.L., Chang, F.Y., Lee, S.D. and Wang, P.S.
steroid hormones on gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit in rats. Am. J.
51. Chen, T.S., Yeh, G.H., Pu, H.F., Doong, M.L., Lu, C.C., Liu, S.R., Young, T.K.,
Ho, L.T., Chang, F.Y. and Wang, P.S.
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide and gastric
acid secretion in pregnant rats. Placenta 16:85-92, 1995.
52. Wang, R.Y., Tung, Y.F. and Wang, P.S.
of plasma erythropoietin to hemorrhage in ovariectomized rats. Gerontology
53. Huang, S.W., Tsai, S.C., Tung, Y.F. and Wang, P.S.
regulating the effect of estradiol on the secretion of thyrotropin-releasing
hormone and dopamine into hypophysial portal blood in ovariectomized rats.
Neuroendocrinology 61:536-541, 1995.
54. Tsai, S.C., Lau, C.P., Lee, H.Y., Hwang, G.S. and Wang, P.S.
model of TSH regulation: Disappearance of triiodothyronine inhibition on the
response of plasma thyrotropin to thyrotropin-releasing hormone in aged male
Lee, S.D., Yeh, G.H. and Wang, P.S. Influence of pregnancy and
uterine weight on rat gastrointestinal transit. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.
Lee, S.D., Yeh, G.H. and Wang, P.S. Hyperglycaemia is
responsible for the inhibited gastrointestinal transit in the early diabetic rat. Acta
57. Hwu, C.M., Hwang, C.Y., Lau, C.P., Tsai, S.C., Lee, K.Y., Wang, T.L., Young,
T.K., Fang, V.S., Ho, L.T. and Wang, P.S.
T3-stimulated release of atrial natriuretic peptide and its effect on water and
sodium metabolism in the rat. Mech. Ageing Dev. 85:161-170, 1995.
58. Wang, R.Y., Doong, M.L., Wang, W.F., Tung, Y.F., and Wang, P.S.
testosterone in regulating the hematocrit, heart rate, and blood pressure in rats.
Lee, S.D., Yeh, G.H. and Wang, P.S. Influence of blood glucose
levels on rat liquid gastric emptying. Digest. Dis. Sci. 41:528-532, 1996.
60. Tsai, S.C., Chiao, Y.C., Lu, C.C., Doong, M.L., Chen, Y.H., Shih, H.C., Liaw, C.,
Inhibition by amphetamine of testosterone
secretion through a mechanism involving an increase of cyclic AMP production
in rat testes. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 118:984-988, 1996.
61. Wang, R.Y., Tsai, S.C., Lu, C.C., Shih, H.C., Chen, Y.H., Tung, Y.F., Wang, W.F.,
Effect of aging on erythropoietin secretion in male
rats. J. Gerontol. 51A:B434-B438, 1996.
62. Lu, S.S., Lau, C.P., Tung, Y.F., Huang, S.W., Chen, Y.H., Shih, H.C., Tsai, S.C.,
Lu, C.C., Wang, S.W., Chen, J.J., Chien, E.J., Chien, C.H., and Wang, P.S.
Lactate stimulates progesterone secretion via an increase in cAMP production in
exercised female rats. Am. J. Physiol. 271:E910-E915, 1996.
63. Tsai, S.C., Lu, C.C., Lau, C.P., Hwang, G.S., Lee, H.Y., Chen, S.L., Huang, S.W.,
Shih, H.C., Chen, Y.H., Chiao, Y.C., Wang, S.W. and Wang, P.S.
stimulates in vitro release of prolactin and thyrotropin involving cAMP
production in rat pituitary. Chinese J. Physiol. 39:245-251, 1996.
Chao, C.F., Lee, F.Y., Tsai, Y.T., Hwu, C.M., Chien, C.H., Wang,
P.S., Yu, K.W. and Lee, S.D. Comparison of different ascitic fluid collection
methods for the diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhotic rats.
Gastroenterol. J. Taiwan 13:321-328, 1996.
65. Chen, Y.H., Lo, M.J., Kau, M.M., Tsai, S.C., Chiao, Y.C., Chen, J.J., Liaw, C., Lu,
C.C., Lee, B.P., Chen, S.C., Fang, V.S., Ho, L.T. and Wang, P.S.
corticosterone secretion by thyroxine in male rats. Chinese J. Physiol. 40:25-30,
Doong, M.L., Chen, T.S., Lee, S.D. and Wang, P.S. Altered
intestinal transit is independent on gastroparesis in the early diabetic rats.
67. Doong, M.L., Wang, J.W.C., Chung, S.C., Liu, J.Y., Hwang, C., Hwang, C.Y.,
Day, C.H., Liu, Y.F., Young, T.K., Ho, L.T. and Wang, P.S.
thyroid hormones in the secretion of insulin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide in
male rats. Metabolism 46:154-158, 1997.
68. Chen, T.S., Doong, M.L., Wang, S.W., Tsai, S.C., Lu, C.C., Shih, H.C., Chen,
Y.H., Chang, F.Y., Lee, S.D. and Wang, P.S.
gastrointestinal transit during lactation in rats. Am. J. Physiol. 272:G626-G631,
69. Lu, S.S., Lau, C.P., Tung, Y.F., Huang, S.W., Chen, Y.H., Shih, H.C., Tsai, S.C.,
Lu, C.C., Wang, S.W., Chen, J.J., Chien, E.J., Chien, C.H. and Wang, P.S.
Lactate and the effects of exercise on testosterone secretion: Evidence for the
involvement of a cAMP-mediated mechanism. Med. Sci. Sports. Exerc.
Lee, F.Y., Wu, S.L., Hwu, C.M., Chien, C.H., Lee, S.D., Tsai, Y.T.,
Chao, Y., Chen, C.C., and Wang, P.S. Effects of long-term administration of
octreotide on sodium retention and atrial natriuretic peptide in carbon
tetrachloride-induced cirrhotic rats. J. Hepatol. 26:1128-1134, 1997.
Lo, M.J. and Kau, M.M. Glucocorticoids and aging. J. Formos.
72. Tsai, S.C., Chen, J.J., Chiao, Y.C., Lu, C.C., Lin, H., Yeh, J.Y., Lo, M.J., Kau,
The role of cyclic AMP production, calcium
channel activation and enzyme activities in the inhibition of testosterone
secretion by amphetamine. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 122:949-955, 1997.
Chiao, Y.C., Tsai, S.C., Lu, C.C., Chen, J.J., Shih, H.C., Chen,
Y.H., Lin, H., Hwu, C.M. and Wang, P.S. Inhibition of bufalin on pituitary and
testicular function in rats. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 283:528-532, 1997.
74. Liu, S.R., Tsai, S.C., Lu, C.C., Lee, K.Y., Liu, T.C., Pu, H.F. and Wang, P.S.
Interaction between triiodothyronine and ovarian steroid hormones on the
regulation of the release of thyrotropin and thyrotropin-releasing hormone in
vitro. Chinese J. Physiol. 40:221-226, 1997.
Lee, S.D., Yeh, G.H., Wang, P.S. and Wang, S.W. Disturbed small
intestinal motility in the late rat pregnancy. Gynecol. Obstet. Invest. 45:221-224,
76. Lo, M.J., Kau, M.M., Chen, Y.H., Tsai, S.C., Chiao, Y.C., Chen, J.J., Liaw, C., Lu,
C.C., Lee, B.P., Chen, S.C., Fang, V.S., Ho, L.T. and Wang, P.S.
of thyroid hormones on the production of adrenal cAMP and corticosterone in
male rats. Am. J. Physiol. 274:E238-E245, 1998.
77. Lu, C.C., Tsai, S.C., Wang, S.W., Tsai, C.L., Lau, C.P., Shih, H.C., Chen, Y.H.,
Chiao, Y.C., Liaw, C. and Wang, P.S.
78. Wang, R.Y., Tsai, S.C., Lu, C.C., Tung, Y.F., Wang, S.W. and Wang, P.S.
Effects of aging on erythropoietin secretion in female rats. Mech. Ageing Dev.
79. Doong, M.L., Lu, C.C., Kau, M.M., Tsai, S.C., Chiao, Y.C., Chen, J.J., Yeh, J.Y.,
Lin, H., Huang, S.W., Chen, T.S., Chang, F.Y. and Wang, P.S.
gastric emptying and intestinal transit by amphetamine through a mechanism
involving increased secretion of CCK in male rats. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 124:1123-
80. Wang, S.W., Lin, H., Tsai, S.C., Hwu, C.M., Chiao, Y.C., Lu, C.C., Chen, J.J.,
Wang, G.J., Chou, C.J., Lin, L.C., Chen, C.F. and Wang, P.S.
methanol extract of Chansu on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testis functions in rats.
81. Lu, C.C., Tasi, S.C., Wang, S.W., Huang, W.J.S. and Wang, P.S.
differences in the secretion of calcitonin in female rats. Am. J. Physiol. 275:
82. Lu, C.C., Chen, J.J., Tsai, S.C., Chien, E.J., Chien., C.H. and Wang, P.S.
Increase of thyrotropin response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and
TRH release in rats during pregnancy. Chinese J. Physiol. 41:211-216, 1998.
83. Lin, H., Wang, S.W., Tasi, S.C., Chen, J.J., Chiao, Y.C., Lu, C.C., Huang, W.J.S.,
Wang, G.J., Chen, C.F. and Wang, P.S.
testosterone secretion through mechanisms involving decreases of cyclic AMP
production and cytochrome P450scc activity in rat testicular interstitial cells.
84. Lo, M.J., Wang, S.W., Kau, M.M., Chen, J.J., Chen, Y.H., Fang, V.S., Ho, L.T.
Pharmacological effects of PTU on corticosterone secretion in
male rats. J. Invest. Med. 46:444-452, 1998.
Lee, S.D., Yeh, G.H. and Wang, P.S. Rat gastrointestinal motor
respones mediated via activation of neurokinin receptors. J. Gastroenterol.
86. Lu, C.C., Tasi, S.C., Huang, W.J.S., Tasi, C.L. and Wang, P.S.
hyperprolactinemia on calcitonin secretion in male rats. Metabolism. 48:221-226,
87. Kau, M.M., Lo, M.J., Tsai, S.C., Chen, J.J., Pu, H.F., Chien, E.J., Chang, L.L.
Effects of prolactin on aldosterone secretion in rat zona
glomerulosa cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 72:286-293, 1999.
88. Kau, M.M., Lo, M.J., Tsai, S.C., Chen, J.J., Lu, C.C., Lin, H., Wang, S.W. and
Effects of estradiol on aldosterone secretion in ovariectomized rats.
89. Chang, F.Y., Chen, C.Y., Chen, T.S., Lee, S.D., Doong, M.L.and Wang, P.S.
Variation of capsaicin-sensitive motor activities along the rat gastrointestinal
tract. Chinese J. Physiol. 42:41-45, 1999.
Chen, T.S., Lee, S.D., Doong, M.L. and Wang, P.S.
Misoprostol-inhibited rat gastric emptying is independent on gastric inhibitory
polypeptied release. Pharmacology 58:265-269, 1999.
91. Lo, M.J., Kau, M.M., Chen, J.J., Yeh, J.Y., Lin, H., Wang, S.W. and Wang, P.S.
Age-related differences in the corticosterone secretion in female rats.
92. Chiao, Y.C., Lee, H.Y., Wang, S.W., Hwang, J.J., Chien, C.H., Huang, S.W., Lu,
C.C., Chen, J.J., Tsai, S.C. and Wang, P.S.
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Highland Support Project Serving Mayan Communities of Guatemala Health and Safety Information Inoculations and First Aid The standard tetanus and hepatitis vaccinations are suggested. Vaccinations for tropical diseases are NOT required because we are operating in the temperate highlands region. We always bring a first aid kit to treat minor medical needs. Every team is accompanied by
movimentos descontrolados, tais como movimentos irregulares dos olhos, postura ao sorbitol e intolerância hereditária à frutose (incapacidade de tolerar a frutose que pode administração oral, com pico de concentração plasmática em 30 a 60 minutos. A • Náuseas e vômitos de origem funcional, orgânica, infecciosa ou alimentar ou induzidas anormal, como torção do pescoço, tremor e