Learning Outcomes
During this classroom visit, an elder will encour-
age students to reflect upon their field trip to the Living Prairie Museum and Assiniboine Forest.
Using personal examples and by sharing teach-
ings, the elder will help to advance students
ent contexts by connecting new ex-periences and information to prior
thoughts as well as assist students to consider
their own perceptions of the Earth. Students will
then have the opportunity to ask questions about
4-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of habi-
traditional relationships with the land, perspec-
tives on natural resource use and ways to show
Elders are held in high regard as they contribute
to the community by sharing traditional knowl-
edge, maintaining an important link between the
past, present and future generations. Knowl-
edge, skills, values, beliefs, customs and tradi-
tions can be learned by listening to and watching
traditional knowledge contributes to our understanding of plant and animal
Elders. During this classroom visit, students will
have the opportunity to interview an Elder to ask
Social Studies
questions about habitats and traditional relation-
The purpose is for students to use the interview
as an opportunity to seek out and document lo-
peoples’ traditionalrelationships with the land.
cal knowledge to improve understanding of habi-
tats and ways to respect the earth and its habi-
KI-009A Understand the teachings of Elders about their culture and iden-
tats, while generating ideas for further class in-
vestigations. Students will be learning how to lis-
ten and demonstrating proper etiquette while in-
Aboriginal Languages and Instructions Cultures
3.3.2: E-4 suggest ways in which the local environment is or can be re-
1. Ask students to remember their field trip to the
Assiniboine Forest and Living Prairie Museum.
sustained (e.g., recycling, renova-tions, road repair, respect for private
2. Tell students that the program interpreters will
be coming to the class for an afternoon to do
some additional activities. Tell students that dur-
ing this in-class activity, they will have a chance
to interview a local Aboriginal Elder, and ask
ral resources, resources are to be shared)
questions to help them understand habitats and
ways to respect the earth and its habitats.
4.2.3: C-4 discuss how knowledge of plant and animal populations and
3. Remind students that they will be expected to
demonstrate proper listening behaviors and eti-
4. As a class, brainstorm, compile and record a
serve plant and animal populations and their habitats (e.g., clean up a
list of questions to ask the Elder during
4.1.2: A-4 demonstrate understanding of appropriate protocols and behav-
Sample Questions
1. How did knowledge of plant and animal popu-
Aboriginal cultures that illustrate respect for the land (e.g., planning an
2. Aboriginal peoples to survive in the past? How can we use this knowledge today? 3. What is the traditional perspective on natural resource use? 4. How can the local environment be respected, maintained, and sustained? 5. What are some of the traditional uses of plants and animals for food, medicine, spiritual or cultural purposes? How did you learn this? Finally, as a class brainstorm a gift that they can be made/found to give the Elder after the inter-view as a gesture of thanks and sign of respect.
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