Risk Management Efforts
The Physician Insurers Association of America (PIAA), a trade association of
et al.; “To Err is Human: Building a Safer
Medication Prescribing Errors
physician-owned malpractice carriers, states that failure-to-diagnose represents
one-fifth of all negligence and malpractice claims.
diagnosis as the reason for litigation.
4. Tokarski, C; “Medical Error- Prevention
Strategies Face Barriers to Acceptance”;
5. Tokarski, C; “Reporting Requirements
analysis of why physicians get sued.
9. Kostreski, F ;”Pediatricians Remain at
Role of Autopsy
Physicians in Massachusetts: 1975-1993”;
Neoplasms”; JAMA 1998 280; (14): 1245-8
Pre-mortem Clinical Diagnosis in Critically
This newsletter has been sent to you as
autopsy results of critically ill patients
a courtesy. If you would not like to continue receiving complimentary copies, please call (503) 465-9796 or 877-700-9796 or e-mail us at mjones@centuryconsulting.net Challenges Winter 2001 Current Legislation t was shocking to many to read the 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System” and learn that tens of thousands of Americans die each year as a result of medical errors.
largely due to advances in technology.
technology are now the eighth major cause
In this issue:
errors will be expensive to build, upgrade
•Medical Errors
passed onto the insurers and health plans
•Common Medical Errors
errors are either not recorded (by intent or
inadvertent omission) in the medical record. New Strategies to Reduce Medical
Second, outpatient injuries are excluded,
made mistakes in caring for patients. Maureen Jones, FNP, LNC
regulations and peer review, errors may be
Coalition on Health Care, states that the
Owner, Century Consulting Future Trends
findings, even if a physician objects.
that $30 million to be spent creating a new
decreasing coverage and poor quality.
including extended practice as aFamily Nurse Practitioner. She is
National Patient Safety Center. This center
If you would like more information about these or other topics, please call our
research to learn about prevention. It would
offices at (503) 465-9796 or
also serve as a clearinghouse on the latest
policies into benefit contracts (3).
reporting medical errors is very controversial.
Two types of medical reporting systems are
identified: voluntary reporting of errors that
wireless devices are just a few of the ways
result in minimal or no harm; and mandatory
reporting of errors resulting in death or serious
playing a positive role in the reduction of
permanent injury. Many fear that reporting
egregious events will dramatically increase
malpractice liability. The IOM believes that
Meeting Planners:
liability may lend itself to a more conducive
Maureen Jones is available to conventions and groups regarding
critics of the IOM state that while the report
medication errors over a five-year period
Legal/Medical issues. For further information please
hospitals are doing very little about the
contact Century Consulting, LLC at
problems of safety, the opposite is true. (503) 465-9796.
substandard care have decreased andmortality from both common andsophisticated procedures has declined,
HERD HEALTH Johne’s Disease From The Veterinarian’s Perspective Johne’s Disease ( pronounced yo-nees ) is Johne’s in veterinary school. It was a case lowed a number of Angus cows with clini- cal Johne’s to slaughter, to collect tissuesusually fatal intestinal disease of rumi-with Johne’s. Also, I selected Johne’s as aand used the meat to feed the family. Albert Johne, f
da Immuno-analyse & Biologie spécialisée Quand penser au diagnostic de vipome? A. Szymanowicz1,*, P.Y. Eyraud2, M.J. Neyrona11 Laboratoire de biochimie, centre hospitalier de Roanne, France 2 Service de gastro-entérologie, centre hospitalier de Roanne, France Le vipome est une tumeur digestive rarissime (incidence: trois à cinq cas annuels, en France). Il RÉSUMÉ entre dans