Final frontiers of chemistry portfolio booklet 2010-201

Frontiers of Chemistry 2010-2011
NAME :______________________________ STUDENT No. :________________________ Use the following table to keep a record of the assignments that have completed; * MSci-4 Placement Talks will actually run on weeks 3, 4 and 5 and details of the placement student talks should appear on the 4th Year notice board beforehand. If there is a company that you would be particularly interested in working with then, you may wish to be selective about which session you attend. You are welcome to attend all three sessions (weeks 3, 4 and 5) but for attendance purposes at the MSci Frontiers of Chemistry course, you are only required to attend one of weeks 3 or 4. * *To be completed by Teaching Office Introduction
You will be required to submit a short piece of coursework for each of the timetabled supplementary sessions. The completed coursework will consist of this portfolio, a Each section of the portfolio should be completed and submitted to the Chemistry Teaching Office (A4-04) before 4pm on the Friday following each Frontiers of Chemistry session that you attend. This will allow time for your portfolio to be checked and returned to you before the next Frontiers of Chemistry session. For example, if you attend the MSci placement talks session (S2a) on Friday of week 3, then your completed portfolio work should be submitted to the Chemistry Teaching Office (A4-04) before 4pm on the Attendance and Assessment :
Attendance at the Frontiers of Chemistry sessions is compulsory and will be monitored. The Frontiers of Chemistry course is worth 20 credits and each piece of submitted portfolio work, the presentation and an essay will contribute towards your final grade as *participation in preparation and presentation required.
Apart from the MSci essay, full marks will be awarded for participation in each Frontiers of Chemistry session and timely submission of the associated portfolio work. Late submission of portfolio work will be subject to a marking penalty as outlined in the During week 17 (S5) you will be given an introduction on essay writing and also, you will be provided with details of the essay assignment. By week 19, you must choose a supervisor and a subject on which to write an essay of about 4,000-6,000 words. You should feel free to discuss your choice with the staff members involved and/or the Class Head. In any case you must discuss your final choice with the lecturer(s) whose topic you have chosen before you start writing. You do not have to select the lecturer who has taught the Frontiers of Chemistry topic that you are interested in (each member of staff will have a maximum of two students). You can select any member of staff with teaching and research interests in that area. The essay should be started by week 19 at the latest and submitted to Dr Daniel Price at the Frontiers of Chemistry session (S6) on the Friday of week 23. Your essay will be returned to you after the Easter break after being independently marked by two staff 1. Before this Frontiers of Chemistry session, did you already have a CV 2a. If your answer to Q1 was “yes”, are there any changes that you will now make to your CV based upon the information provided in this presentation? List these changes. 2b. If your answer to Q1 was “no”, what are the main points that you will 3. Did you find this Frontiers of Chemistry session informative? 4a. If your answer to Q3 was “yes”, state which aspects you found most useful. 4b. If your answer to Q3 was “no”, state which information would have been more 5. In addition, to those noted in Q4, are there any aspects of this Frontiers of Chemistry session that you would like to change? (You can include suggestions of points that you would like to have included in the session). 1. From this Frontiers of Chemistry session, list the action points and deadlines that you must meet. (Include any additional important information that you may need in the future). 2. Are there any aspects of this Frontiers of Chemistry session that you would like to change? (You can include suggestions of points that you would like to have included in the session). 1. From this Frontiers of Chemistry session, list the main points identified. 2. Which point(s) do you think will be most useful to you when preparing for 2. Are there any aspects of this Frontiers of Chemistry session that you would like to change? (You can include suggestions of points that you would like to have included in the session). 1. Choose one placement talk and complete the following details; • Summary of Project (100 - 200 words, to include details of the aims, main responsibilities, findings, final conclusions, future work): 2. Write a short reflective piece note (approximately 100 words) on your impression of the student’s placement experience. 1. Write a short summary (approximately 100 words) describing the interrelationship between ownership of research results/intellectual property and how they can be legally protected and commercially exploited. 2. Having attended this Frontiers of Chemistry session, do you feel that you would know how to take advantage of potentially commercially valuable results? 3a. If your answer to Q2 was “no”, please suggest topics that you would like to 3b. If your answer to Q2 was “yes”, briefly summarise the main steps that you would follow to take advantage of potentially commercially valuable results. 4. Are there any aspects of this Frontiers of Chemistry session that you would like to change? (You can include suggestions of points that you would like to have included in the session). 1. List three examples considered by your group to be unethical practice. 2. Summarise one example (different from those mentioned in Q1) of ethical malpractice discussed during this Frontiers of Chemistry session. (Include the name of the person(s) involved and why you consider their behaviour unethical). 3. List the reasons why e.g. scientists demonstrate unethical behaviour. 4. Which aspects, if any, did you find most helpful about this Frontiers of 5. Are there any aspects of this Frontiers of Chemistry session that you would like to change? (You can include suggestions of points that you would like to have included in the session). 1. Write a short summary (approximately 100 words) describing what an 2. List the different families of enzymes discussed during of this Frontiers of 3. Describe (approximately 100 words) the different type of transformations that 4. Are there any aspects of this Frontiers of Chemistry session that you would like to change? (You can include suggestions of points that you would like to have included in the session). 1. List the main points that were discussed during this Frontiers of Chemistry session relating to good practice in the writing of essays. 2. From this Frontiers of Chemistry session, list the action points and deadlines that you must meet to prepare your MSci essay. 1. List the main points that were discussed during this Frontiers of Chemistry session relating to good practice in preparing and giving presentations. 2. From this Frontiers of Chemistry session, list the action points and deadlines that you must meet to prepare for your Inorganic presentation session in weeks 27. 3. What is the title of your Inorganic presentation topic and the name of the staff 1. Describe briefly (approximately 150 words) with examples how structural studies have informed our understanding of biological macromolecules. 2. Explain (approximately 150 words) how x-ray crystallography has helped in 3. What are TamiFlu and Relenza? Describe briefly their mode of action and 4. Are there any aspects of this Frontiers of Chemistry session that you would like to change? (You can include suggestions of points that you would like to have included in the session). • Name of other group members involved in preparing this • Provide details of your contribution to your groups presentation : 2. Are there any aspects of this Frontiers of Chemistry session that you would like to change? (You can include suggestions of points that you would like to have included in the session).


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