Dr. Ernest Mario, PhDChairman and CEO
Rounding out our top three largest-selling
products was Concerta,™ an OROS® therapy for
It is a particular pleasure to present to you our 2000
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, designed to
annual report, reflecting the best year ever in the
have a 12-hour duration of effect, lasting from home
history of ALZA Corporation. Building upon 32 years
to homework. Concerta™ was approved by the U.S.
of technological innovation, our more recent focus on
Food & Drug Administration in the third quarter
strategic product commercialization has culminated in
of 2000 and launched within days of approval in
another year of record financial performance. And we
order to meet the need of the new school year.
head into 2001 with great confidence, buoyed by the
Our sales reached $68 million in just five months,
hard work and commitment of dedicated employees
presaging a far larger number when we complete
The primary rationale for launching ALZA’s
Our total revenue in 2000 reached a record
pharmaceutical sales and marketing effort seven
$988 million to which net sales contributed a record
years ago was our belief that doing so would signifi-
$607 million, 36 percent higher than in 1999. Much
cantly improve our overall profitability. And every year
of the credit for our net sales growth goes to our ALZA
since, our strategy has been revalidated by the steady
Pharmaceuticals sales and marketing team members,
and continuous improvement in our financials.
whose achievements exceeded our expectations.
A prime reflection of ALZA’s increased profitability
We continue to benefit enormously from leverag-
is our gross margin on net sales. In 2000 our gross
ing ALZA’s long-established technological capability to
margin hit a record 70 percent, up from a record
develop products for commercialization by our own
65 percent in 1999 and 57 percent in 1998. We
sales organization. Our three biggest-selling products
also saw a very direct indication of our increased
in 2000 all incorporate proprietary innovations in
profitability in our diluted earnings per share, which
advanced drug delivery from ALZA Technologies.
increased significantly this year over last.
ALZA’s most successful product for 2000 was
In 2000, investors recognized the success of our
clearly Ditropan XL,® our once-a-day treatment for
multi-year strategic plan by dramatically increasing
overactive bladder, which was launched in 1999, and
their valuation of ALZA stock. We appreciate this
incorporates our OROS® technology. Initially we set
recognition, which enabled a 2-for-1 split in ALZA
a target of $140 million in sales for Ditropan XL® in
common stock in November. Our increased valuation
2000; midway through the year we increased that
also gives us greater latitude in looking at potential
target to $170 million. Our final figures for 2000
acquisitions of additional products, technologies or
show $179 million in sales of Ditropan XL,® more
companies to bolster our future growth.
than double what we achieved in 1999.
In second place in product sales this past
ALZA enjoyed much good news in 2000, some of
year was Doxil,® the cancer therapeutic featuring
which has already been noted in describing our
our STEALTH® liposomal technology. Sales of this
product reached $82 million in 2000 and are likely
Our accomplishments began in March with the
to increase with continued strong demand. Growth is
approval of Viadur,™ a twelve-month implant for the
also expected to come from the product’s October
palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer
approval in the European Union for treatment of
and the first product to incorporate ALZA’s DUROS®
advanced ovarian cancer after first-line platinum-based
implant technology. In April we announced that Bayer
Corporation would market and sell Viadur™ in the U.S.,
would become the first oral pharmacologic product
with ALZA manufacturing the product and receiving
indicated for the treatment of rapid ejaculation. Given
milestone and royalty payments based on net sales,
that this condition is the most common form of male
and payments for supply of the product. Bayer expects
sexual dysfunction, we expect our development of
dapoxetine to result in a very significant addition
In May we announced two additional partnerships
with Bayer: the co-promotion of Ditropan XL® through
At the end of the year, Isaac Stein retired from
Bayer’s urology specialty sales force, and ALZA’s
the ALZA board after serving for 15 years. We offer
co-promotion of Bayer’s Avelox® and Cipro® products.
him best wishes and sincere thanks. Joining us on
Another partnership agreement that has proven
the board is Jerry T. Jackson, who most recently served
tremendously valuable is our Concerta™ co-promotion
as executive vice president of Merck & Co. His
agreement with McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a
pharmaceutical industry expertise is a great addition
division of Johnson & Johnson, which we announced
in April. McNeil’s years of experience and significant
sales force in the pediatric health care market have
Behind the scenes in 2000 we also enjoyed some
substantially supplemented ALZA’s own team and
quieter successes that bode well for our future.
helped ensure our early success with this product.
We entered the final phase III stage of clinical
In the third quarter of 2000 the FDA gave final
testing on E-TRANS® fentanyl, a pain management
approval to Concerta,™ enabling us to make this
product and the first application of our unique
product available to physicians, patients and parents
E-TRANS® technology platform. We intend to complete
at the start of a new school year. We are particularly
our clinical program in 2001 and anticipate submitting
proud of the focus and speed with which we devel-
a New Drug Application in the first half of 2002.
oped this product and conducted the clinical trials
Also in 2000, six new product development
necessary to gain approval. The development of
partnerships were signed, many of them involving our
Concerta™ also testifies to the capabilities of our
newer technologies. We anticipate that some of these
technology teams, who created a new, innovative
agreements will ultimately result in commercialization
tri-layer OROS® system specifically for Concerta.™
of exciting new products incorporating our proprietary
But most important, we are proud of Concerta™
technology. This increased R&D activity represents a
because of its positive impact on the lives of
separate product pipeline from which ALZA can expect
hundreds of thousands of patients and their families.
to see manufacturing revenues and royalties in the
In December we secured an exclusive license
future that rival the many partnerships that have sup-
Letter from the President & CEO Letter to Shareholders
to PPD GenuPro’s compound dapoxetine, for
ported and continue to support our long-term growth.
genitourinary therapies, including rapid ejaculation.
We also continued to leverage our core expertise
A member of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
and leadership position in drug delivery technology
(SSRI) class of compounds, upon approval, dapoxetine
in 2000 to create important new pharmaceutical
On the ALZA Technologies side, we expect to
products for marketing by ALZA. As noted earlier, it is
establish more development partnerships in 2001.
particularly rewarding that our three top-selling ALZA
In support for ex-U.S. sales by our partners and our
Pharmaceuticals products and a number of others in
overall expansion goals, we kicked off the year with
our portfolio use ALZA technology to achieve their
agreements for the purchase of land in Ireland for our
superior performance. We have demonstrated that
first manufacturing facility outside the United States.
taking established pharmacologic compounds and
This purchase will expand our transdermal pharmaceu-
significantly improving their interaction with the human
tical production capabilities. We also expect 2001 to
body is valuable to patients and valuable in the
be another year of 20 percent growth in our earnings
marketplace. And our innovative work with existing
compounds also enables us to develop new products
We also anticipate the crossing of a major
more quickly than other pharmaceutical companies.
milestone, with ALZA generating more than $1 billion
To maintain our leadership position in advanced
in annual revenues for the first time in 2001. We came
drug delivery and product development, we increased
very close to doing so in 2000, and given the steady
our investment in research and development in 2000
and substantial progression in our revenues in each
to nearly $200 million and plan to increase this
of the last five years we should easily pass this
investment by another 20 percent in 2001. Also,
as of the fourth quarter, ALZA acquired Crescendo
The credit for all of this goes to our employees.
Pharmaceuticals, which had for several years funded
During this time, our employees ensured that ALZA
the R&D from which our portfolio now benefits. The
enhanced its longstanding commitment to core
fact that ALZA is now funding increased research and
values including workplace diversity, investment in
development from its own product revenues — while
our community, and high regard for the environment
simultaneously delivering excellent growth in earnings
and our corporate citizenship. Given the uncertainty
per share for our stockholders — is perhaps the ultimate
they faced at the end of 1999, their enthusiasm
sign of our successful transition into a fully integrated
and dedication in 2000 is particularly noteworthy.
research-based pharmaceutical company.
The record results of ALZA’s best year ever are a
In 2001 we expect to see continued strong
real tribute to the strength of our organization and
growth in sales from ALZA Pharmaceuticals, with gross
margins continuing to increase. We have expanded
our specialty urology and primary care sales force by
50 percent, and have expanded our agreement with
UCB Pharma for the promotion of Ditropan XL.® Our
Canadian sales and marketing organization has been
strengthened, and European regulatory submissions
Chairman and Chief Executive OfficerMarch 15, 2001
HITOKTATÁS 2013. SZEPTEMBER HITTANKÖNYVEK, TANÁRI KÉZIKÖNYVEK Milyen vagy Istenem? Miklya Zsolt - Miklya L. MónikaMunkáltató füzet 9-12 éves gyerekeknek. Kézimunkacsomag melléklettel. Egy tanévre való hittankönyvjellegű munkafüzet Istenről, aki olyan mint az építész, a fazekas, a pásztor, a nap, a menedék. Segédanyag 5-7 éves gyerekek hitoktatásához. Óvodá
Biomedical Research 2011; 22 (2): 125-129 Banaba: The natural remedy as antidiabetic drug Cheolin Park1 and Jae-Sik Lee2 1Wellness banaba Co. Ltd. 864-1 Janghang-dong, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do KOREA 410-380 2Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Hyejeon College, San 16, Namjang-ri, Hongseong-eup, Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Korea 350-702 Abstract Banaba ( L