Winter Newsletter~ February 21, 2010
Here is a brief synopsis of what’s been happening in classes with the students of OMJS….
From Morah Ilona’s class…
The K/1 (Gun/Kita Aleph) class was very busy in the last months. We continued learning the Hebrew alphabet, introducing two new letters each week. Right now, we are learning the letters Kuf and Resh. All letters and themes are reinforced through hands on media; matching games; and, interesting worksheets. With introducing fundamental vocabulary we are going through basic questions: Who, What, Where; the weather, household items and family members.
In the tradition/Culture section of the class we learned and enjoyed the studying up to and holiday of Chanukah. Coming back after the winter break, we quickly we into the holiday of Tu B’Shvat. We discussed the significance of trees to the world, created a tree craft and had an opportunity to plant parsley and taste some of the fruits that grow in Israel. The fol owing months wil be dedicated to the rest of the holidays of the calendar year: Purim, Pesach, Shavuot, as wel as continuing learning new letters and building vocabulary. Whenever we can, we listen to Jewish music in the class. We have been listening to the “Shirlala” CD which includes really funky songs that the children really enjoy. ~Morah Ilona From Morah Yehudis’ class.
This winter, thus far, has been an exciting one for Kitah Bet/Gimmel (Grades 2/3)! While continuing to solidify and build on our growing Hebrew reading and conversational skil s, we have also entered into the wondrous world of Hebrew cursive writing! We have continued studying the story the Hebrew people from the Torah; and are currently in “Mitzrayim/Egypt” helping to understand the upcoming story of Pasach/Passover! Learning about the relevant holidays, traditions, prayers, and songs through activities crafts and games has rounded off our studies. Looking forward to a fabulous spring of Jewish learning! ~Morah Yehudis From Morah Kami’s class (History)…
In grade 4/5(Kita Daled/ Hay), students have been studying the history of the Israel from the division of the land amongst the tribes of Israel; to the Judges; The three kings of Israel; and, the divided kingdoms of Israel. Since the end of December, students have been working on their Jewish history portfolio that showcases their work as wel as their time travel brochure that explains certain time periods and whether the students would wish to live in that time period. Students wil be starting the period after the In grade 6/7 (Kita Vav/Zion), students have completed a unit on the history of the Middle Ages in Ashkenaz Europe. Students learned about the Crusades; Blood libels; Black Death; the “wandering Jews” ;and, the popularization Jewish mysticism. The grade 6/7’s also started working on their Jewish history portfolio that houses all their history work as wel as started their time travel brochure which examines Ashkenaz Europe during the Middle Ages and whether the students would like to live in Ashkenaz Europe during that time period. Students wil be starting the Middle Ages in Sephardi Europe, particularly Jewish live under Muslim Europe (Iberian Peninsula) and the Spanish Inquisition. ~ Morah Kami From Morah Miriam’s class (Hebrew). Kita Gimmel/Daled/Hay/Vav
Continuing the deepening understanding of the traditions and customs of the Calendar year, we have enjoued learning about the holiday of Chanuka; and after the winter break –Tu B’Shevat. We learned about the importance of trees in Judaism - from the Torah to the modern day; works of the JNF, and the environmental connection. We learned songs and pertinent vocabulary for both Holidays. We are now gearing up for the holidays of Purim and Pasach. In the regular program, we continue to enrich and enhance the students’ reading and comprehension skil s working with the Modern Hebrew1/2 Text. We studied the traditions and customs of Tu-Bi-Shevat and Purim. We have learned the blessings;songs; and, pertinent vocabulary for the past Holidays and wil continue to practice for our upcoming Purim and Passover Seder. In our Yiddishkeit section: we have learned a Yiddish song and
have enjoyed the learning about the ambient culture. ~ Morah Miriam From the Desk of Principal Miri.
Next week we wil be joining with Talmud Torah Supplementary School in the Gym from 10:00 onwards to celebrate the wonderful
holiday of Purim. There wil be fun activities; crafts; yummy snacks; and the Magil ah reading. There wil be a ful Magil ah reading
in the Chapel as wel (As it is the holiday – it is a Mitzvah to hear the whole Magil ah!). Please join us!!! As well, please do
remember! The children will need comfortable shoes!

~Principal Miri


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