lATeST INNovATIoNS – FIT AND FUNcTIoN Are sbunter spotter if the clips are heated in any old oven for a short while.
can they help your skiing. Get the right Salomon Falcon
pair of ski boots and you’ll have control CS Pro, £325
the wrong pair and you’ll be in a whole U-shape underneath the bal s of the feet, fully flexes so walking from coffee shop While it may seem that manufacturers to cable car is comfy, then click into selecting
still considered pretty revolutionary. It foot, so if the ball of your foot bends, Profeet,
boot technicians lips, and are coming to Head I-Type 12,
1 This season Salomon, with its Falcon in a pair of ski boots. Now imagine jumping in normal footwear, and that’s heat mouldable thermo-plastic in specific how it should feel in a pair of Hawx too. problem areas, such as the forefoot of Atomic Hawx 110, £300
Fischer Soma X 100, £280
Lange Banshee, £270
If you’re a fan of hitting big lines and taking the park ethic to the whole mountain, you’ll be looking for specific selecting
whole boot world has continued to advance in design, custom mouldable 4 Stand in a relaxed pose and most adjustments. What may only be specialists
of us will find our feet naturally splay Profeet,
pressure on the outside of your forefoot. That is until Fischer introduced the Soma stance into its Tech boots, which brings and advise on the best fit for your foot, joints and you’ll have better steering fitness level. At the end of the run, it’s all about the fit, not the features.


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35 – Jahr – Feier IKN Berlin e.V. Im Rahmen einer Feierstunde wurde das 35-jährige Bestehen der Interessengemeinschaft Künstlich Niere im Haus des Al gemeinen Blindenvereins Berlin, Auerbacher Str. 7, festlich begangen. Eingeleitet wurde die Veranstaltung mit einem Solo-Klavierstück von Claude Debussy, gespielt von Frau Peggy Voigt. Die Begrüßungsrede hielt unsere 1. Vorsitzend

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